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GW2 not a full game?



  • KenaoshiKenaoshi Member UncommonPosts: 1,022
    Originally posted by Grrar87


    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.

    1) Weird yes. But thats because all ascended jewellery is obtained through laurels aand fractal drops. lack of foresight of Arena Net yeah.

    2) Well here its personal, they are going to introduce new legendaries in the expansion. I only have 2 because the rest is ugly ;x

    3) Well, here is threads of threads of lots of flaming and trolling. I could suggest try checking the official forums (Dungeons/Fractals) and stickies and try to understand what are these things. the TL;DR verson is:

    - Dungeons are 3yrs and veterans need little to no defensive stats.

    - GW2 combat enforce Active Defence(buff sharing, aegis, dodging) rather then 1 person support.

    - Buff range is very short

    - melee dps > ranged

    - Pugs dont really think, they just follow the mindless strategies that worked and stick to it. After Friery Greatsword Nerf (Elementalist Elite skill) there is no more need to stack in certain corners. Veteran guilds/Players usually fight bosses on the spots, but PuGs are very relutant on undestanding the "why" of things.

    4) That anet response to gold selling bots and control inflation.

    5) Servers Technical Limitations :x


    Hope that was usefull.

    I would suggest checking the official forums, where you are more likely to find experienced players.

    now: GW2 (11 80s).
    Dark Souls 2.
    future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
    "Bro, do your even fractal?"
    Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

  • mazutmazut Member UncommonPosts: 988

    hahaha ........ /facepalm

    which MMO is full MMO... only the dead one ;D

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    GW2 not a full game, anyone who thinks that obviously hasn't played Destiny, now there, is an incomplete game. GW2 on the other hand, has a lot of content, and while i do have a few issues with the game, being incomplete is not one of them image
  • simpliussimplius Member UncommonPosts: 1,134
    Originally posted by ReallyNow10

    Definitely something missing from GW2.  It is the most empty feeling MMO I've ever been in.  I think they put too much emphasis on solo play and that silly personal storyline (so, my character grew up wanting to be in the circus?  Really?  I think the devs wanted to be in a circus?)

    Now, plusses are combat is very smooth and action bars/keys well-placed.

    But, like OP said, the game is missing something.  I think maybe the themepark feel and over-marked map takes away from any world feel.

    then, you havent tried many mmos

    even a solo player on an empty map will have a real effect on the World( if he actually plays the game)

    go to an empty zone in any other mmo, (wow,swtor), THEN you can talk about "feeling empty"

  • GrailerGrailer Member UncommonPosts: 893

    A full game I think you would need a sandbox game to do that.


    I thought ArcheAge was going to be that game but it ended up just being another levelling grind with sandbox elements.


    Actually come to think of it , I don't actually know any True sandbox games which don't have a levelling grind that end at level ( insert level number here )



  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    The reason I stopped playing is because I got to level cap.  There were SOME things to work towards....but not much.  The game is designed to get a box price and if you stick around longer then cool, if not they've made their share of what they need to make.  Retention is clearly not a priority based on the gameplay.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by Grrar87

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  

    1. They upgraded most crafting disciplines but jeweler and cook havn't got the upgrade yet.

    2. More are comming with the expansion.

    3. Most dungeons have been nerfed due to constant whining from noobs (like in most other MMO). Focus on fractals instead if you want more challenge. The point with ranged Vs melee is that most classes need to swap between ranged and melee during combat for optimal effect.

    4. It was implemented to hurt gold sellers. You can still mail stuff and money to others though but the AH is safe. In the original GW did certain players scam others with selling ecto that actually was a similar looking trash loot.

    5. Just click on a group member and travel there, usually you can fit a bunch more players in that way. In certain cases your frinds might have to go to you though because there is a maximum numbers on each server but it actually is pretty rare unless there is something special with a world boss like qith teq just afer they remade him.

    I wouldn't say it isn't a full game, it have more zones than most vanilla games and plenty of other stuff to do. The balance is always hard but I usually beat opponents of any class about as good even though I have to take some in melee while others at range.

    The group dynamics take some time to really get into though and the difficulty nerfs just suck. They had the difficulty perfect at the first beta weekend. Hopefully will the expansion be harder, rumours from people who tried it say so at least.

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771

    1. I did still doesnt reason why all skills dont go up to the same lvl

    Why should they?


    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
      Never felt like a fully fleshed out MMORPG to me .... lvled an Engi to 80 WvW till my fingers bled .. crafted quite a bit .. But game just has no soul.. fail as an MMO for me in every conceivable way IMO ...
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Originally posted by Loke666
    Originally posted by Grrar87

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  

    1. They upgraded most crafting disciplines but jeweler and cook havn't got the upgrade yet.

    2. More are comming with the expansion.

    3. Most dungeons have been nerfed due to constant whining from noobs (like in most other MMO). Focus on fractals instead if you want more challenge. The point with ranged Vs melee is that most classes need to swap between ranged and melee during combat for optimal effect.

    4. It was implemented to hurt gold sellers. You can still mail stuff and money to others though but the AH is safe. In the original GW did certain players scam others with selling ecto that actually was a similar looking trash loot.

    5. Just click on a group member and travel there, usually you can fit a bunch more players in that way. In certain cases your frinds might have to go to you though because there is a maximum numbers on each server but it actually is pretty rare unless there is something special with a world boss like qith teq just afer they remade him.

    I wouldn't say it isn't a full game, it have more zones than most vanilla games and plenty of other stuff to do. The balance is always hard but I usually beat opponents of any class about as good even though I have to take some in melee while others at range.

    The group dynamics take some time to really get into though and the difficulty nerfs just suck. They had the difficulty perfect at the first beta weekend. Hopefully will the expansion be harder, rumours from people who tried it say so at least.

    None of your responses fix the fact that all of his initial complaints make the game shit.

  • KalmporosKalmporos Member UncommonPosts: 293
    edited August 2015
    OP you are right. GW2 is half a game but not for the ridiculous reasons you list.
    GW2 is simply missing the latter half of the game. 
  • ridd13ridd13 Member CommonPosts: 1
    21 gig download lol
  • ellobo29ellobo29 Member UncommonPosts: 423
    Grrar87 said:

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  
    Of all the issues this game has..... these are the ones he has issues with.... LOL.

    How about the fact that this game has no real progression... or the fact that everytime some challenging content comes out and the hillbilly's complain that its not casual friendly enough they nerf it into the ground.... or the fact that PVP gets stale and old after 1 hour of playing it... or the fact they keep fk'ing with the economy so people cant make gold so in turn 90% of loot drops are non-tradeable garbage....
  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Grrar87 said:
    Originally posted by DMKano
    The conclusions that folks come up with never cease to amaze me.

    It's not a conclusion, I am asking not stating. Why if it is a full game are  ranged classes not ranged,  there is not three legendary weapons for each weapon type, and why are not all crafting skills able to go to 400? These are things I would see in beta's of most other games, but this game has been out for 3+ years. 


    I'm not trolling I really want to know. If a game came out today that had these issues people who bought the game would be in an up roar, but with this game being out for years and about to drop an expansion it has still yet to fix things that IMO should be done before the game is even released.

    Because originally crafting only went to 300. Then they introduced a new tier 1-2 years later but did so in stages so not all professions are able to go to 400 yet. 

    Ranged classes are ranged. Legendaries get introduced in patches and don't give me the crap that it should be equal. I can mention quite a few games where legendaries are not equal for each weapon type.

    none of that needs fixing, now go play something else. Game is very feature complete and has tons of content added after launch. So please save us the nowadays games are bla bla stuff.

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    carotid said:
    Originally posted by DMKano


    Originally posted by carotid
    Originally posted by DMKano
    The conclusions that folks come up with never cease to amaze me.

    WOW! That's really deep. I bet you have a headache after that one.



    No my headache comes from someone actually making a post that GW2 is not a full game.

    I think I missed the rulebook that outlines what constitutes a "full game".

    You shouldn't let people affect you so much.

    He's right though. The OP is very deep. But you know deep what right?

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Grrar87 said:
    Originally posted by Leon1e
    Originally posted by Grrar87

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  

    1. Do watch videos on how to craft in Gw2. 

    2. Greatswords are the most used weapons in game, as such they have 3 variations

    3. That's player's choice. The game certainly does not enforce stacking or meta building. I've been doing dungeons with all sorts of crazy builds. You just need to find like minded people. I don't think the game should enforce a gamestyle. Currently, tricking the AI and stacking with maximum dps gets the job the fastest. Doesn't mean this is the only way.

    4. Not game limitation but a design choice. This way, actually having gold matters. Plus they get to control the gold flow. Taxing each transaction at the AH and whatnot. 

    5. Technical limitations. 

    1. I did still doesnt reason why all skills dont go up to the same lvl

    2. No they are not if you cant count one handed swords are used more

    3. it's players choice to pick what weapon you want to use. But I'd love to see you not get kicked in a 5man if you dont stack. 

    4. Ok this one is a good point and so I take it off the list.(thanks for making it and not trolling like most)

    5. That is a BS reason for an MMO if you are in a group you should go to the same map.

    Grrar87 said:
    Originally posted by rojoArcueid
    OP, it´s just you. But dont worry, since you said you are new then im not surprised. Many people like to jump to conclusions without first acquiring enough knowledge about the things in question.

    That is why I came here to ask not cuz I was jumping to conclusions, but cuz I wanted to know if there was something I was missing. You will never know if you dont ask, and before you say something smart ass like "google it" I did.  

    You have already been given the answer to your questions but looking at your reaction it feels like you never were answers in the first place, you just want to insult the game as being unfinished. 

    Its unfinished, you happy? Will you be able to sleep at night now?

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    fivoroth said:
    Grrar87 said:
    Originally posted by Leon1e
    Originally posted by Grrar87

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  

    1. Do watch videos on how to craft in Gw2. 

    2. Greatswords are the most used weapons in game, as such they have 3 variations

    3. That's player's choice. The game certainly does not enforce stacking or meta building. I've been doing dungeons with all sorts of crazy builds. You just need to find like minded people. I don't think the game should enforce a gamestyle. Currently, tricking the AI and stacking with maximum dps gets the job the fastest. Doesn't mean this is the only way.

    4. Not game limitation but a design choice. This way, actually having gold matters. Plus they get to control the gold flow. Taxing each transaction at the AH and whatnot. 

    5. Technical limitations. 

    1. I did still doesnt reason why all skills dont go up to the same lvl

    2. No they are not if you cant count one handed swords are used more

    3. it's players choice to pick what weapon you want to use. But I'd love to see you not get kicked in a 5man if you dont stack. 

    4. Ok this one is a good point and so I take it off the list.(thanks for making it and not trolling like most)

    5. That is a BS reason for an MMO if you are in a group you should go to the same map.

    Grrar87 said:
    Originally posted by rojoArcueid
    OP, it´s just you. But dont worry, since you said you are new then im not surprised. Many people like to jump to conclusions without first acquiring enough knowledge about the things in question.

    That is why I came here to ask not cuz I was jumping to conclusions, but cuz I wanted to know if there was something I was missing. You will never know if you dont ask, and before you say something smart ass like "google it" I did.  

    You have already been given the answer to your questions but looking at your reaction it feels like you never were answers in the first place, you just want to insult the game as being unfinished. 

    Its unfinished, you happy? Will you be able to sleep at night now?
  • iGumballStariGumballStar Member UncommonPosts: 106
    Nice click-bait 8)
    The purpose of your thread is obviously not to get any answers but to purely start drama.

    If you don't enjoy a game, leave it behind and go forward. Wether you think it is a full game or not, GW2 has been one of the most successful western MMOs. One of the main reasons that I left GW2 is because Anet listens to the community. GW2 isn't the same anylonger because Anet wasted too much time adjusting to what people want and, in my opinion, what people wanted totally screwed the game over and destroyed its' original direction.

    I would have loved to see what would have happened with GW2 and Anet's passion. Sadly though, Anet decided to follow the players' suggestions instead of their own ideas and the game turned into a mess of unfinished ideas because you know what... I have been playing MMOs for a long time, and I have never seen a single MMO community that knew what they wanted. It is just constant complaints and the search for a better tommorrow. Little do they know that the tomorrow they are waiting for will never come. Because it is a tomorrow that only could be found in lala land.
  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Grrar87 said:

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  
    1.  I agree with this.  Anet has had years to raise it to 600, but they don't do it because they want people to actually run Fractals for the jewelry.  It's still no excuse though.

    2.  This isn't a big issue.  Not all weapon types should be even.

    3.  They changed this a long time ago.  Stacking isn't needed, but people still do it out of habit.

    4.  This is a design decision, not because they can't do it.

    5.  World bosses are open-world, not instanced.  That's like complaining that your friends on another server can't join you.

    To be honest, your points don't really address your complaint, except for 1, 2, and 4.
  • JemcrystalJemcrystal Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Grrar87 said:

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    It's a full game with room to grow.  It has more than most mmo's.  It has the biggest map of any mmo I've ever played. 

    (1)  I don't think they want Jeweler and Cooking to go all the way up.  I just buy my high level jewelry from the WvW npc with laurels.  (2)  I don't need a legendary to do most of what is of interest to me so idk about it.  (3)  This is not a trinity game for that you might want FFXIV.  (4)  By design on purpose.  (5)  You have to work for it by exploring the zones on the character in advance.

    That said, I hate the dungeons, jumping puzzles, and fractals.  My biggest bitch about this game is that our characters cannot jump higher or double jump.  If you have any lag issues by playing on an older PC you can't do anything that involves jumping.  But I love the layer maps, underwater worlds, caves, and EotM. 

  • Cybersig211Cybersig211 Member UncommonPosts: 174

    I think you could make a jump to conclusion argument that the game is sort of half baked.  The reasons the OP suggested, ill be honest, seem like hes really trying here to come up with stuff.  Most of the stuff mentioned....doesn't even matter, doesn't have an effect on gameplay, are cited as negatives like its sort of game breaking.

    For whatever reason they chose to do the AH/Trading as they did, it doesn't matter, you can trade, just not person to person.  I'm not sure the reasoning behind a few craft professions not going to 500...but can max those professions out and craft useful stuff for endgame, so it doesn't really matter.

    As far as the classes go...its weapon based. Saying ranged classes are not really ranged?  Equip a ranged I don't think you can say a class is suppose to be ranged or not honestly, it gives you options.

    Look an argument that the game is made for people who don't like RPG games, that can be made, the character progression is lite to the point that it doesn't feel rewarding to level up, even if its casually entertaining and any game mode will get you to 80 in no time.  You could argue that at lv80 the game feels just like it did at lv5.  However, if this is a game made for all those mmorpg'ers who don't like RPG games yet still play mmorpgs...then that's a mission accomplished.

    I stopped playing mmoprgs a while ago, with my recent attempts never lasting more than a few weeks.  I don't have the time, I don't have the energy to clear quest hubs, I don't want to have to try hard to be relevant.  Oddly enough the reasons I ignored this game all these years is the same reason I'm enjoying it now.  It doesn't feel half done, it feels like a game where I can make significant progress in 30min or an hour then log off.  The pve is relaxing and fun, the pvp I can hop into with nothing more than a build and be relevant.  Theres a bunch of stuff I haven't done in game that I want to, but not having the time to do those things, I still feel I'm getting worth out of playing.  I don't have the near immediate burnout feeling I get approaching a quest hub seeing a sea of question marks.  I just log in, run around, do some stuff, maybe pvp, maybe pve, maybe explore...doesn't matter it all adds up...or I can hop on the 80 that took me a week or really casual play to obtain and work on crafting and getting high end deco skins.

    It really is an awful game if your looking for meaningful progression, deep character building, or well defined roles and classes for "try hard" pve.  But the combat is fun, the game world is large and beautiful, the classes are very interesting and come with multiple flavors via different weapons...everything is easy to access and your pretty much relevant by default.

    So its pretty much what you are looking for in a game.  Ill tell you right away it does not feel like an unfinished game by any stretch.  I could see the argument weighed in that it is if you are looking for super defined roles within classes, hardcore pve content that requires tons of "skill" pvp heavily gated by time invested to be relevant, and progression that makes you feel like you climbed a mountain to hit endgame.

    Biggest weakness is endgame though, for sure.  Not a whole lot changes when you hit 80.  That they should fix.

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066

     I'm not sure the reasoning behind a few craft professions not going to 500...but can max those professions out and craft useful stuff for endgame, so it doesn't really matter.

    All the crafting professions started at 400.
    A few months after release they decided they were going to add ascended items to try to appease those players that wanted more gear progression (as if).
    The first items added were rings, amulets and accessories, for obvious reasons - only icon artwork required instead of full 3D model and clipping testing.
    But rather than adding those items via jewelry Anet added them via other methods.

    Ascended weapons and ascended armor were added much later and they were added via crafting. First weapons and with them new crafting materials and the weapon crafting disciplines were boosted to 500. Then later the armor crafting disciplines.

    There are even some space in the storage for xunlai electrum ingots, crystalline ore and crystalline ingots, that could have been (might be?) intended for upping the jewelry to 500.

    Cooking of course is not involved in crafting equipment.

    So the reason not all of the professions go to 500 is because it wasn't intended for crafting to go to 500. Coupled with the hasty release of ascended jewelry items, you have the reason cooking and jewelry are at 400.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,824
    Originally posted by Loke666
    Originally posted by Grrar87

    Ok is it just me or does this game feel like it's not a full finished game? Granted I am new but here are things I noticed as a new player that has me wonder why an expansion is coming out when the game out now doesn't feel done. 

    1. Jeweler doesn't go up to full level like all other crafting 
    2. Legendary weapons, two handed sword has three, but all others only have one when two handed swords arnt even the most used.
    3. Most 5 mans are not skill based but just gear checks its all stack on each other and hope not to die. Whats the point of being ranged if in every 5 man being ranged is pointless? 
    4. No trading you can only use AH or mail
    5. When doing world bosses you must get there  at the same time as your guild or you wont be in the same map. Whats the point of it being a mmo if you can be locked out of a map that your friends are in for being one or two minutes late.
    Like I said I am new, but I have played almost  all the MMO's out there and I have to say after all the hype I find the game to be kind of a let down end game. There is a big lacking in most parts outside of it's story. They do the story very well, but SWTOR did it FAR better IMO.
    So what is it I am missing that makes this game ready for an expansion, it hardly feels fully done to me. It seems like the lack of damage meter is just to hid the  lack of balance in classes to me.  

    1. They upgraded most crafting disciplines but jeweler and cook havn't got the upgrade yet.

    2. More are comming with the expansion.

    3. Most dungeons have been nerfed due to constant whining from noobs (like in most other MMO). Focus on fractals instead if you want more challenge. The point with ranged Vs melee is that most classes need to swap between ranged and melee during combat for optimal effect.

    4. It was implemented to hurt gold sellers. You can still mail stuff and money to others though but the AH is safe. In the original GW did certain players scam others with selling ecto that actually was a similar looking trash loot.

    5. Just click on a group member and travel there, usually you can fit a bunch more players in that way. In certain cases your frinds might have to go to you though because there is a maximum numbers on each server but it actually is pretty rare unless there is something special with a world boss like qith teq just afer they remade him.

    I wouldn't say it isn't a full game, it have more zones than most vanilla games and plenty of other stuff to do. The balance is always hard but I usually beat opponents of any class about as good even though I have to take some in melee while others at range.

    The group dynamics take some time to really get into though and the difficulty nerfs just suck. They had the difficulty perfect at the first beta weekend. Hopefully will the expansion be harder, rumours from people who tried it say so at least.

    None of your responses fix the fact that all of his initial complaints make the game shit.

    Hint his complaints are a perfect example of him whining countering the whiners who wanted easier content. @Loke666 presented logical points compared to just saying the game SHIT!

    As soon as folks got into beta folks squealed about how difficult the game was. In came the Nerfs just to accommodate these folks.
    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    DMKano said:

    I think I missed the rulebook that outlines what constitutes a "full game".

    You didnt miss it, I found it for you.  It was sitting beside your "I Love Trion" pillow. 

    I think what you are trying to say is that no online game is ever finished so there will always be things that need fixing or parts that are in the middle of a re-work.  Pound for pound, GW2 has more content than most other games out there.  The OP can jump into most other games and find they are working on balance issues and implement things as they go.  That is standard operating procedure for most developers. 
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Some of that content does not belong inside the games theme/lore and is just there to say "we have content".

    "XP" what they give xp for is one of my biggest peeves from mmorpg's.

    Marioland themes,jump zones are all just silly ideas that do not belong within the context of the game.

    The reason Arena net does any of their PR or media bragging is because the game as released "vanilla"was severely lacking.I will point out one but there are MANY others.
    The bragging about their art team was a smokescreen to cover up the fact they were too cheap to make 3d video movie/cutscenes.They seem to fool a LOT of people with their bs media talk but were questioned on this at release by the smarter media people who were not paid to advertise hype up their game.

    There is a LOT more as to why i never liked the game but it should not be about weather i like it or not,you should play games on your own account.Personally i just do not like i feel they are a very misleading outfit that likes to cover up their inefficiencies with bs reasons.They also like to brag a LOT especially with ideas that other devs are doing but don't feel the need to brag about it,example "Living Story".FFXI has that ongoing right now and the game is nearing it's end and is in maintenance mode but never felt the need to brag about it or tell everyone "look at all the free content we are giving you".

    Sorry but when  your game is lacking from the start,nothing afterwards can be considered FREE.Just my two cents because i don't like smokescreen developers.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

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