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Why all of the new mmorpgs made to be single player games?



  • mrneurosismrneurosis Member UncommonPosts: 316
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Look it at this way OP. You work, you only have maybe 1-2 hours to spare per day, you want to have fun, in real life you come to game and you sit 1 hour in city LFG, I am going to give you an example SWTOR trying to do content that is no class related (class content gives you 12.2x experience points) you will flag yourself for  the mission, 2 hour later remove LFG no one single hit. That is one of the reason many players rather have a single mode style of MMORPG gaming. Only group when you get into an active guild.

    this +1

    I dont know why people feign surprise that more and more games are being made keeping casual players in mind. Majority of gamers today are adults with jobs and families. When i was a teenager i had all the time in the world but not anymore. I get 2 hours at most during weekdays.

    For majority of people gaming is a hobby not life. Not that niche MMOS are not being made to appease basement dwellers where even a  simple task can take upto 4 to 5 hours but we know how they turn out in the end.

  • mrneurosismrneurosis Member UncommonPosts: 316
    Originally posted by Vardahoth
    Originally posted by Scorchien
    Its because the Developers today follow the dollar , (you cant blame them ,for wanting to make money) But there development is driven by the Hotpocket devouring , Redbull chugging , X-box generation of pisspoor attitude  stoolheads , from a soccer genertaion where everyone wins ..weeeee.. And everyone has to be the same ... leading to the terrible sorry arse excuses for MMos we get now...........

    Finally, someone gets it.

    No he doesn't. He just threw ever cliche he could think off into one post. This is what happens when you make post from emotions rather than being rational and logical.

  • WarmakerWarmaker Member UncommonPosts: 2,246

    There are Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG).

    Then there are such solo-friendly "MMOs" that they're essentially Single Player Online Role Playing Games (SPORPG) that require a constant internet connection (DRM) for you to play.  Yes, the basic core elements are there from an MMORPG.  Chat, Auction House, etc.  But when you get into the game and play, and at the end of the day you realize you never did anything with anyone and the game has given you plenty of tools to replace players altogether.  A "Party By Yourself" if you will in an "MMORPG."  Well, you're in fact playing one of these SPORPGs.

    "I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)

  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    Originally posted by DMKano

    Old MMORPGs were also played as solo games by a large percentage of players.

    in my vanilla EQ1 guild there was a good 30% of players who played solo pretty much 99% of the time.

    The difference was some classes soloed better than groups, and some classes HAD to group to do anything (warriors were terrible at soloing in vanilla eq1).

    Problem is new MMORPGs have harder requirement for party than old game , it become more complex at same time being easier.

    In old game , you party when you want , find group pretty much easier , only problem is the group always full because it easy to get in.

    Now about new MMORPGs , party/group become harder because more requirement needed .

    You have to be same quests , and quest in new MMORPGs mostly onetime , then even if you have same quest , if the quest require player to "pick" instead of "kill" then most likely people will do it alone .

    Then after group create by same quests , problem rise after finish it , next quest not same.

    Then even if player manage to get perfect requirement , but it don't last long.

    Next time same player log in , his friend now do difference quests , the group relationship get cut off here.


    Then when he get enough level to instance dungeon , he get drop behind those get the gears first and have to stuck with many difference one time group.

    The design use quest to give exp is too personal , quests themselves is personal and a singleplayer element. You can have same quests with other but the quest itself if your personal story.


    I can understand the developer want to catch those have less time to play , but what they did just wrong.

    They add more requirement for group and make the game more complex instead of casual , then fix it by make the contents easier.


    Being easy don't mean casual , people want casual but not easy.

    That's why MOBA is king of hill now , they casual but not easy. MMORPG need to become more casual , not easy.


    I see the rise of casual online game since 2006 , and the casual win. MMORPGs also want to win , but instead of casual , they make the game easy.

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by DMKano

    Old MMORPGs were also played as solo games by a large percentage of players.

    in my vanilla EQ1 guild there was a good 30% of players who played solo pretty much 99% of the time.

    The difference was some classes soloed better than groups, and some classes HAD to group to do anything (warriors were terrible at soloing in vanilla eq1).

    I had 2 favourites in EQ1, Beastmaster, or Beastlord i think which was essentially a monk/pet class hybrid, and, Monk, a lot of the time i did solo, grouping up only really for guild related stuff.  MMO's these days are increasingly catering to the solo player, because from the sound of it, thats what most players are, that so many players have real world commitments families etc, so there are lots of time constraints, kind of encourages that kind of play style. WoW kind of exemplifies player trends i guess, and SW;TOR's success is probably largely derived from it. image

  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    People want to relax and not feel obligated. Soloing a game is easy mentally to deal with if that makes sense. Big guilds and niche groups often bring politics and drama.
  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    Its because instead of appealing to both groups they try to appeal and cater to casuals more then anything, there is no appealing to the masses when they keep making it simpler and simpler and holding your hands, they now casuals spend more money to have things done quicker via item shops.
  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    Originally posted by mrneurosis
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Look it at this way OP. You work, you only have maybe 1-2 hours to spare per day, you want to have fun, in real life you come to game and you sit 1 hour in city LFG, I am going to give you an example SWTOR trying to do content that is no class related (class content gives you 12.2x experience points) you will flag yourself for  the mission, 2 hour later remove LFG no one single hit. That is one of the reason many players rather have a single mode style of MMORPG gaming. Only group when you get into an active guild.

    this +1

    I dont know why people feign surprise that more and more games are being made keeping casual players in mind. Majority of gamers today are adults with jobs and families. When i was a teenager i had all the time in the world but not anymore. I get 2 hours at most during weekdays.

    For majority of people gaming is a hobby not life. Not that niche MMOS are not being made to appease basement dwellers where even a  simple task can take upto 4 to 5 hours but we know how they turn out in the end.

    I do not understand why anyone would want to pay for an mmorpg they can only play an hour a day, and im sure you get days off to play to, anyways I can think of far better games to play for an hour a day from single player, to diablo like games like marvel heroes or path of exile.

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    i could understand why a teenager may think this way...

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • SunscourSunscour Member UncommonPosts: 186
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko

    Because the majority of players:

    • Don't want to be forced to group to complete content
    • Don't want solo game play to give less XP than grouped


    Once grouping becomes optional, the majority will avoid it, because progressing on your own is always more efficient if the rewards are equal.


    Playing solo is also a far more enjoyable way of playing for a great many people, because the group they land in will quite often play either faster or slower than they themselves would like to. I play very slowly, because in ESO, I like to look behind every tree and rock to see what's there. I like to try climbing every ridge or cliff just to see what I can see from the top of it.


    I enjoy being in a game world filled with other people and watching what they get up to. Sometimes there's even people that like to chat or RP a bit. But I would hate it if I couldn't wander around aimlessly just picking flowers for potions and admiring the view...

    I agree with you 100% I play waaaay to slow and I know I often frustrate strangers when I random group. I do tend to random group when a healer is needed, I just heal away, feel good about myself, then I go about my daisy picking ways.

    Life is Short, Read a Book.

  • time007time007 Member UncommonPosts: 1,062
    because MMO's have gone mainstream and ppl want to just casually coast through stuff without having to spend time LFG.  and they want to end that group within 5 minutes if needed and not group with anyone.

    IMPORTANT:  Please keep all replies to my posts about GAMING.  Please no negative or backhanded comments directed at me personally.  If you are going to post a reply that includes how you feel about me, please don't bother replying & just ignore my post instead.  I'm on this forum to talk about GAMING.  Thank you.
  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    Originally posted by time007
    because MMO's have gone mainstream and ppl want to just casually coast through stuff without having to spend time LFG.  and they want to end that group within 5 minutes if needed and not group with anyone.

    So what? I do not watch mainstream entertainment because its mainstream, I watch whatever I want to watch, its no ones fault but the person who expects to play long and deep mmorpg to play casually, no one is forcing them to not make the better decision as to what to spend there money on for entertainment.

  • BaghoolBaghool Member CommonPosts: 118

    I like the concept of a single player environment within a MMO.


    AoC, did it well in the main quest chains, and it added a degree of self testing outside of the boss hunting, grinding, battling, and crafting.


    I want to have more PvP epic battles with hundreds or thousands of NPC combatants to flay with one stroke of a sword on your way to an epic PvP clash. ;)

    "Investment firms do not have that outlook on life. They need to know there is not only a return on their investment but also a solid profit at the end of it." tawess-

  • theAsnatheAsna Member UncommonPosts: 324


    An MMORPG needs activities that players can also do on their own (e.g. when their guild/in-game aquaintances are mostly offline). To find the suitable balance between solo and group content is hard.


    But still:  CRPGs >>> single player MMORPGs


  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    People have lives....The main thing that is said in regards to why many people dont pay for subs is because "I don't think I'll have even time to play to make it worth it." Last thing you want if you can get enough time to play is to be blocked by stuff that can only get done by a guild or w/e. So they make it more accessable to play to accommodate. Most of us aren't teenagers like we once were when we started playing mmos. So, some of us have responsibilities that take priorities. That's the way it is. Hardcore gamers are only a small percent of the MMO community so companies will continue to cater to casuals.
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    Originally posted by Albatroes
    People have lives....The main thing that is said in regards to why many people dont pay for subs is because "I don't think I'll have even time to play to make it worth it." Last thing you want if you can get enough time to play is to be blocked by stuff that can only get done by a guild or w/e. So they make it more accessable to play to accommodate. Most of us aren't teenagers like we once were when we started playing mmos. So, some of us have responsibilities that take priorities. That's the way it is. Hardcore gamers are only a small percent of the MMO community so companies will continue to cater to casuals.

    yes people have lives..  lots of them still find the time to play a couple of hours most or even every day. those who cant even find the time to spend 20 mins in game should probably go find themselves another hobby.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534

    uh and just for the record, WoW was playable COMPLETELY alone too while leveling.

    so wtf is your point?


    i could level daoc alone too, neocron the same, so actually, it's like this since 2k.

    so, what's your point here?


    that you have friends who you wanna wait for, so your leveling takes twice as long? :)

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by mrneurosis
    Originally posted by mayito7777

    I do not understand why anyone would want to pay for an mmorpg they can only play an hour a day, and im sure you get days off to play to, anyways I can think of far better games to play for an hour a day from single player, to diablo like games like marvel heroes or path of exile.

    Why not?  If you play every day comes out to 50 cents, only 15 days a month, $1.00 a day, a pittance, cost really isn't a factor, unless you play only a few days a month.

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by time007
    because MMO's have gone mainstream and ppl want to just casually coast through stuff without having to spend time LFG.  and they want to end that group within 5 minutes if needed and not group with anyone.

    So what? I do not watch mainstream entertainment because its mainstream, I watch whatever I want to watch, its no ones fault but the person who expects to play long and deep mmorpg to play casually, no one is forcing them to not make the better decision as to what to spend there money on for entertainment.

    You are missing the point, they will only play games which permit them to play casually, and developers want their money as they are the "masses" after all, so they make the games to their tastes, not yours.

    Originally posted by hallucigenocide

    Originally posted by Albatroes
    People have lives....The main thing that is said in regards to why many people dont pay for subs is because "I don't think I'll have even time to play to make it worth it." Last thing you want if you can get enough time to play is to be blocked by stuff that can only get done by a guild or w/e. So they make it more accessable to play to accommodate. Most of us aren't teenagers like we once were when we started playing mmos. So, some of us have responsibilities that take priorities. That's the way it is. Hardcore gamers are only a small percent of the MMO community so companies will continue to cater to casuals.

    yes people have lives..  lots of them still find the time to play a couple of hours most or even every day. those who cant even find the time to spend 20 mins in game should probably go find themselves another hobby.

    The only people who claim they have lives now, and no time for MMORPG's are those who started playing them at a point in their life when they had a lot of free time. In my case, I was in my 40's, had a job, family, 3 children, and never had the long play times others did.  So I learned to find the fun in MMORPG's with my 1-3 hours a day, and still can, they could learn to do the same.

    Single player content has always been available in almost any MMORPG, in times past it may have been an unimaginable bore to solo grind through it, but you could do it, I did so in DAOC, Lineage 1, 2, WOW and Shadowbane.

    I also grouped in all of those titles for various reasons, and I have to say the main reason I no longer group with anyone outside of my friends is the player base really has become far too hostile for me to deal with, so I avoid it intentionally and not because the game doesn't offer it

    The biggest different I see is most titles today don't significantly reward group play vs solo, it's been leveled some in order to please the solo player more, but otherwise, you can and sometimes must group in almost all game today, at least at some point if not during leveling.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Originally posted by mrneurosis
    Originally posted by Vardahoth
    Originally posted by Scorchien
    Its because the Developers today follow the dollar , (you cant blame them ,for wanting to make money) But there development is driven by the Hotpocket devouring , Redbull chugging , X-box generation of pisspoor attitude  stoolheads , from a soccer genertaion where everyone wins ..weeeee.. And everyone has to be the same ... leading to the terrible sorry arse excuses for MMos we get now...........

    Finally, someone gets it.

    No he doesn't. He just threw ever cliche he could think off into one post. This is what happens when you make post from emotions rather than being rational and logical.

    erhhhmmm no.. that is rational, logical and my opinion on partlty why games are developed they way they are these days , now you can dis agree with it , but at the end of the day imo again you would be wrong all day ...

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    why? cause its LIT thats why.
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • BaghoolBaghool Member CommonPosts: 118
    Originally posted by Thane

    uh and just for the record, WoW was playable COMPLETELY alone too while wtf is your point? i could level daoc alone too, neocron the same, so actually, it's like this since, what's your point here? that you have friends who you wanna wait for, so your leveling takes twice as long? :)



    "Investment firms do not have that outlook on life. They need to know there is not only a return on their investment but also a solid profit at the end of it." tawess-

  • BaghoolBaghool Member CommonPosts: 118
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by mrneurosis
    Originally posted by mayito7777

    I do not understand why anyone would want to pay for an mmorpg they can only play an hour a day, and im sure you get days off to play to, anyways I can think of far better games to play for an hour a day from single player, to diablo like games like marvel heroes or path of exile.

    Why not?  If you play every day comes out to 50 cents, only 15 days a month, $1.00 a day, a pittance, cost really isn't a factor, unless you play only a few days a month.

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by time007
    because MMO's have gone mainstream and ppl want to just casually coast through stuff without having to spend time LFG.  and they want to end that group within 5 minutes if needed and not group with anyone.

    So what? I do not watch mainstream entertainment because its mainstream, I watch whatever I want to watch, its no ones fault but the person who expects to play long and deep mmorpg to play casually, no one is forcing them to not make the better decision as to what to spend there money on for entertainment.

    You are missing the point, they will only play games which permit them to play casually, and developers want their money as they are the "masses" after all, so they make the games to their tastes, not yours.

    Originally posted by hallucigenocide

    Originally posted by Albatroes
    People have lives....The main thing that is said in regards to why many people dont pay for subs is because "I don't think I'll have even time to play to make it worth it." Last thing you want if you can get enough time to play is to be blocked by stuff that can only get done by a guild or w/e. So they make it more accessable to play to accommodate. Most of us aren't teenagers like we once were when we started playing mmos. So, some of us have responsibilities that take priorities. That's the way it is. Hardcore gamers are only a small percent of the MMO community so companies will continue to cater to casuals.

    yes people have lives..  lots of them still find the time to play a couple of hours most or even every day. those who cant even find the time to spend 20 mins in game should probably go find themselves another hobby.

    The only people who claim they have lives now, and no time for MMORPG's are those who started playing them at a point in their life when they had a lot of free time. In my case, I was in my 40's, had a job, family, 3 children, and never had the long play times others did.  So I learned to find the fun in MMORPG's with my 1-3 hours a day, and still can, they could learn to do the same.

    Single player content has always been available in almost any MMORPG, in times past it may have been an unimaginable bore to solo grind through it, but you could do it, I did so in DAOC, Lineage 1, 2, WOW and Shadowbane.

    I also grouped in all of those titles for various reasons, and I have to say the main reason I no longer group with anyone outside of my friends is the player base really has become far too hostile for me to deal with, so I avoid it intentionally and not because the game doesn't offer it

    The biggest different I see is most titles today don't significantly reward group play vs solo, it's been leveled some in order to please the solo player more, but otherwise, you can and sometimes must group in almost all game today, at least at some point if not during leveling.



    "In my day MMORPG's were sooooo hard we fought our way through dungeons in the snow....uphill both ways. Still currently "subscribed" to EVE, and only EVE!!! "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon"


    No point, just laughing at this! :)


    "Investment firms do not have that outlook on life. They need to know there is not only a return on their investment but also a solid profit at the end of it." tawess-

  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by mrneurosis
    Originally posted by mayito7777

    I do not understand why anyone would want to pay for an mmorpg they can only play an hour a day, and im sure you get days off to play to, anyways I can think of far better games to play for an hour a day from single player, to diablo like games like marvel heroes or path of exile.

    Why not?  If you play every day comes out to 50 cents, only 15 days a month, $1.00 a day, a pittance, cost really isn't a factor, unless you play only a few days a month.  That is there choice of course, but again this adds up, especially if your already paying for cable or netflix/hulu/amazon and etc.

    Originally posted by moonbound

    Originally posted by time007
    because MMO's have gone mainstream and ppl want to just casually coast through stuff without having to spend time LFG.  and they want to end that group within 5 minutes if needed and not group with anyone.

    So what? I do not watch mainstream entertainment because its mainstream, I watch whatever I want to watch, its no ones fault but the person who expects to play long and deep mmorpg to play casually, no one is forcing them to not make the better decision as to what to spend there money on for entertainment.

    You are missing the point, they will only play games which permit them to play casually, and developers want their money as they are the "masses" after all, so they make the games to their tastes, not yours. I never said it did, but there are mmorpgs that do not only appeal to casuals and many want such non casual mmorpgs so it doesnt only appeal to theres or your tastes either.

    Originally posted by hallucigenocide

    Originally posted by Albatroes
    People have lives....The main thing that is said in regards to why many people dont pay for subs is because "I don't think I'll have even time to play to make it worth it." Last thing you want if you can get enough time to play is to be blocked by stuff that can only get done by a guild or w/e. So they make it more accessable to play to accommodate. Most of us aren't teenagers like we once were when we started playing mmos. So, some of us have responsibilities that take priorities. That's the way it is. Hardcore gamers are only a small percent of the MMO community so companies will continue to cater to casuals.

    yes people have lives..  lots of them still find the time to play a couple of hours most or even every day. those who cant even find the time to spend 20 mins in game should probably go find themselves another hobby.

    The only people who claim they have lives now, and no time for MMORPG's are those who started playing them at a point in their life when they had a lot of free time. In my case, I was in my 40's, had a job, family, 3 children, and never had the long play times others did.  So I learned to find the fun in MMORPG's with my 1-3 hours a day, and still can, they could learn to do the same.

    Single player content has always been available in almost any MMORPG, in times past it may have been an unimaginable bore to solo grind through it, but you could do it, I did so in DAOC, Lineage 1, 2, WOW and Shadowbane.

    I also grouped in all of those titles for various reasons, and I have to say the main reason I no longer group with anyone outside of my friends is the player base really has become far too hostile for me to deal with, so I avoid it intentionally and not because the game doesn't offer it

    The biggest different I see is most titles today don't significantly reward group play vs solo, it's been leveled some in order to please the solo player more, but otherwise, you can and sometimes must group in almost all game today, at least at some point if not during leveling.


     True but I think that can be partly the type of mmorpg it is and what kind of people it attracts.


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Because they appeal to a mass audiance and make good money.

    That's no excuse for labeling your game a MMO if it doesn't play like a mmo.The appeal is obvious but quit labeling games as such,just sell it as a game nothing more.Developers simply go for every gimmick they can think of to attract sales,doesn't mean we should go around pat them on the back for lame marketing tactics.

    There are likely 10,000+ offline single player games to choose from,so WHY choose an online game to play by yourself,there is no logic in that appeal.MOST of these online games offer NOTHING different or better and fact is i have read MANY posts of gamer's stating single player games are in most cases BETTER.

    It is like advertising an 8 cylinder car for sale but only 4 cylinders actually work.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • LucioonLucioon Member UncommonPosts: 819
    Originally posted by Wizardry
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Because they appeal to a mass audiance and make good money.

    That's no excuse for labeling your game a MMO if it doesn't play like a mmo.The appeal is obvious but quit labeling games as such,just sell it as a game nothing more.Developers simply go for every gimmick they can think of to attract sales,doesn't mean we should go around pat them on the back for lame marketing tactics.

    There are likely 10,000+ offline single player games to choose from,so WHY choose an online game to play by yourself,there is no logic in that appeal.MOST of these online games offer NOTHING different or better and fact is i have read MANY posts of gamer's stating single player games are in most cases BETTER.

    It is like advertising an 8 cylinder car for sale but only 4 cylinders actually work.

    But that is marketing, I can sell you 8 cylinders with only 4 working, but My marketing is to show you 8 cylinders it isn't to sell you 8 working cylinders. Its misleading but its still the truth. 

    Same with MMO, its Massive Multiplayer Online, Its true in all three fronts, but It doesn't say that You have to play with all those Multiplayers. Its just states that those players you see running around is an actual human being. Its online and its massive. 

    When you said get rid of Single player, all you are trying to do is getting rid of an preference. I have played MMO long enough to know that if there is a Main Story quest and it requires others to play with you, you will be waiting for a long time for it. Due to the fact that you are limited also to the trinity. 

    And unless you have a static Healer, Tank or DPS depending what you play you will always be waiting on other players. And people's time is precious 

    Life is a Maze, so make sure you bring your GPS incase you get lost in it.

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