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PVE 2nd class citizens?



  • SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
    Originally posted by shawn01

    I agree with pretty much everything the above poster said. I started playing Daoc in 2001 about 2 weeks after release. I played for about 10 years with a break here and there to play other releases for a few months.

    I knew absolutely everyone in my realm by the time i was 50. Even the people i never grouped with. Those elite guilds you could never get a grp with, you knew who they were.

    We had realm pride because we all knew each other. We fought together in war as we had previously fought together against mobs.

    You really had to group if you wanted to progress at a reasonable rate in daoc. I still remember going to the bog of cullen at level 42 on my firby hero with cm gear and trying to solo blue swamp frogs. It took a good hour at least to get a single bubble of exp out of 10 with a sword and shield hero in crappy gear with no RA's and a single unfortunate death would wipe it out.

    I think a game should make grouping MUCH more important if it wishes to build a community. When you have lots of friends and are part of a community you log on not just for the gameplay which may at times become stale, but for the people who almost never do.

    The game at times becomes something to do while you chat with your friends.

    Daoc had so many opportunities for community building too, like powerleveling. You could go grab a bunch of low level players and help them level and pretty soon you had friends.

    Ive made friends in daoc that i still have to this day.

    No other game had pve like doac imo. Why people claim WoW had better pve than daoc i dont get. The epic dungeons were the most fun places to go and experiment with ways of slaying mobs with small numbers of people. ToA while containing game breaking abilities was a masterpiece of landscapes and epic encounters.

    Daoc was a perfectly designed game imo. You could PVE in safety on most servers and when it was time for pvp you went where people were ready for it. Not a lot of ganking unexpected lower level and undergeared players, although  there were frontier mobs with double xp.

    Of course I agree that the game should be released as it was intended and then hopefully it takes off and they can design realms like daoc had.

    PvE does not equal "community".  There are plenty of heavily focused PvE MMOs out there that have 0 community since pretty much everybody is soloing.  People seriously need to open their minds.  You don't HAVE to have PvE in the game in order to develop community.  That's what RvR is all about.  It's about teaming up with those in your realm to defeat the other 2 realms.  That's why RvR is so much more successful as a PvP model than anything out there.

    If there's anything in PvP that destroys community and "realm pride", it's those small "leet" bands of players who prefer to think of their selfish needs over the advancement of their realm.  That's why I think they should avoid putting in strong CC that encourages that sort of play since you'll only end up with nothing but that.

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    Why can't the moderators handle these troll posts? If someone posted something like this from the other side of the topic it would be deleted immediately. Talk about bias, jesus.
  • fanglofanglo Member UncommonPosts: 314

    As Jenesee mentioned this isn't a PvP game but rather an RvR game. RvR is more global and long term with objectives. PvP is a bite sized encounter with very little meaning.

    As to the OP don't count crafters out. Your wife won't be able to max out all crafting skills quickly. A hardcore dedicated crafter might spend months and barely scratch the surface of all they can do. Gathering, refining, making, repair/upgrading as well as the RvR stuff, building, sieging and deconstructing. There will also be logistical planning when it comes to moving supplies around to where they are needed through the use of caravans.

    the sheer amount of things crafters can do in this game is similar in scale to maybe EvE and UO. 

    As for raids, the depths will have huge monsters for you to kill, only they won't be controlled by AI but other players. Honestly that alone should entice raiders bored of lame mechanics that once figured out turn any encounter in to farm mode.

    I healed Mistwraith and all I got was this stupid tee-shirt!

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