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[Column] Elder Scrolls Online: Enough With the Veteran Rank Ping Pong



  • ChadiwickerChadiwicker Member UncommonPosts: 80
    Blah. <Decided it would be better to stay out of this argument.>
  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Alomar

    The only type of player that I can imagine would even accept still playing this game is a casual pve'er or a brand new console player. For everyone else, except very small minorities, this company has turned what could of been a great AAA mmo into another "almost good" game. The reasoning behind this can be seen in every false response, poor patch, removal of content, lack of content, no pvp content, unnecessary nerfs, rampant cheating, broken content not fixed for months on end, months of no work on the PC platform to push for an already year late console launch, etc, etc.


    As someone who's been in and out of this game since 1.5 years before it released Beta I'm in a unique position to clearly see it's downward progression and very poor handling by ZOS. Console launch will keep them alive sure, perhaps even bring in a significant revenue that leads to more positive changes. Yet, they've proven over a very long period of time including their decision making post console launch they simply do not have the player's best interests at heart.

    Yeah man, your like wrong. Competitive mmorpg pvp'rs are playing ESO as well as millions of others. 


    Comments like yours look more and more out of place everyday. 


  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Originally posted by CrittRockets
    I haven't even been playing this game long and it's pretty obvious that PvP is all gear/champ level based.

    Untrue.  Seige weapons are the great equalizer.  A level 10 can be quite effective on a keep wall with Seige with 0 champion points and doing so naked.

  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by mmoluva
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by cronius77
    actually iselin i have been playing since beta and have multiple vet rank toons and can say i mostly have agreed with you up to what you are saying now. This game does NOT require skill at all except maybe in the lower game levels where you do not have optimal builds. Each weapon has a few good cookie cutter builds to go with from each class and thats it. Its no different than guild wars 2 or neverwinter etc.  The game is about champion points vet ranks and the gear that comes by it. It IS a gear progression game no different than wow going from ilevel to ilevel. This decision to add more grind and even more vet ranks is making this game go the way of warhammer and why it failed in the end. People like myself got about sick of grinding crap and to add more vet ranks just gives me even more reason not to bother with these idiot decisions and move on as the pvp involves hardly any skill at all unlike DAOC had.

    Given roughly equal gear, VR and CPs some people are just plain better than others. Sypher for example. Pick whichever class you know best and watch one of his game play videos:


    For me, it's the Magicka Sorcerer:


    The dude has skill image


    I've seen your skillful friend get hit for 25,000 damage and die instantly.  I've heard him in his stream complain afterward for 10 minutes how this will ruin the game.  If you were right about skill tell me what happened when he was hit for 25,000 damage with 21,000 life?  Did he all of a sudden lose all of his skill and die to the 25,000 damage? 


    Lol. So dying when he gets hit with Hardened Ward down and he has 21K instead of the nearly 40k health + shield means something to you? He knows the risk he's taking stacking magicka and relying on triple shield stacking: when your shields are down and you get hit hard you're just shit out luck... it happens.


    BTW... how is the gimp harassment going for you HOGGs these days anyway?  

    The Devil's Advocate: Darkfall’s Disgusting HOGGs



    You're quickly becoming the DMKano of ESO.

    Damn near all MMO's with pvp make this mistake eventually, they create a baby-eating machine. ESO is no different. Bring on the youngins to get chewed up by the geared/ranked up veterans who can one shot them and call it skill. Happens all the time, this is just history repeating itself. It will continue until no new blood comes into the game, vets get bored, population dies, game dies.

    And meanwhile people like you defend it to the bitter end. Good luck.

    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Viper482
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by mmoluva
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by cronius77
    actually iselin i have been playing since beta and have multiple vet rank toons and can say i mostly have agreed with you up to what you are saying now. This game does NOT require skill at all except maybe in the lower game levels where you do not have optimal builds. Each weapon has a few good cookie cutter builds to go with from each class and thats it. Its no different than guild wars 2 or neverwinter etc.  The game is about champion points vet ranks and the gear that comes by it. It IS a gear progression game no different than wow going from ilevel to ilevel. This decision to add more grind and even more vet ranks is making this game go the way of warhammer and why it failed in the end. People like myself got about sick of grinding crap and to add more vet ranks just gives me even more reason not to bother with these idiot decisions and move on as the pvp involves hardly any skill at all unlike DAOC had.

    Given roughly equal gear, VR and CPs some people are just plain better than others. Sypher for example. Pick whichever class you know best and watch one of his game play videos:


    For me, it's the Magicka Sorcerer:


    The dude has skill image


    I've seen your skillful friend get hit for 25,000 damage and die instantly.  I've heard him in his stream complain afterward for 10 minutes how this will ruin the game.  If you were right about skill tell me what happened when he was hit for 25,000 damage with 21,000 life?  Did he all of a sudden lose all of his skill and die to the 25,000 damage? 


    Lol. So dying when he gets hit with Hardened Ward down and he has 21K instead of the nearly 40k health + shield means something to you? He knows the risk he's taking stacking magicka and relying on triple shield stacking: when your shields are down and you get hit hard you're just shit out luck... it happens.


    BTW... how is the gimp harassment going for you HOGGs these days anyway?  

    The Devil's Advocate: Darkfall’s Disgusting HOGGs



    You're quickly becoming the DMKano of ESO.

    Damn near all MMO's with pvp make this mistake eventually, they create a baby-eating machine. ESO is no different. Bring on the youngins to get chewed up by the geared/ranked up veterans who can one shot them and call it skill. Happens all the time, this is just history repeating itself. It will continue until no new blood comes into the game, vets get bored, population dies, game dies.

    And meanwhile people like you defend it to the bitter end. Good luck.

    Lol. And when those bored vets find something better to play or the game dies (something that typically takes many years to happen in even mediocre MMOs) we'll be playing that other thing and you'll tell yourself once again that the reason you're getting creamed in PVP is because of gear or some other convenient excuse because people like Sypher, Ali or Bull really aren't better players than you... it's a myth.


    You hear that Bull? You just have the 3rd best gear... that's all it is image

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • WolfsheadWolfshead Member UncommonPosts: 224
    Originally posted by perrin82
    I am sure I am in the minority here, but unlike many recent games, when I get to the next level in ESO I feel like I have earned it. I like the fact that it takes a long time to get to the highest rank.  

    Sure it do feel like you earned lvl for sure but speed in VR zone on get exp is slow it is really slow i dont think mean was that you should almost complete a hold zone without get a new lvl im VR 10 atm and know the just add 2 more VR lvl just want me to stop play my VR char all together know the speed on exp is theway it is.

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977

    Awesome, so instead of removing VRs they are adding MOAR. rofl. It really seems like either bad joke or just retards working on the game.

    But then, theres no new content on horizon, so i guess their answer is moar grind, moar gear grind. Not very bright future if you want to base your game on just that. Also it seems CP didnt really made the difference but, ironically,  introduced ton more balance problems.

    Moar VRs/gear = "OH SHIT" plan.

    One you put in when theres no content and people start quitting en masse.

  • TimesplitTimesplit Member UncommonPosts: 191

    Honestly, it seems like they never intended to remove the VR's at all. It's a lot more work to consider doing as well, because you have to reitemize everything, not to mention what do you give people losing those VR's? What about Attribute/Skill Points?


    And then they come up with some terrible changes, such as the tank destroyer not allowing you to regen while blocking. That is, if they're too shortsighted to let that decision make it into the game.



  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Timesplit

    Honestly, it seems like they never intended to remove the VR's at all. It's a lot more work to consider doing as well, because you have to reitemize everything, not to mention what do you give people losing those VR's? What about Attribute/Skill Points?


    And then they come up with some terrible changes, such as the tank destroyer not allowing you to regen while blocking. That is, if they're too shortsighted to let that decision make it into the game.



    For me the jury is out on this one. It might just separate the good tanks from the bad. Have to know when to block vs just holding block might be a good thing. 

  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Timesplit

    Honestly, it seems like they never intended to remove the VR's at all. It's a lot more work to consider doing as well, because you have to reitemize everything, not to mention what do you give people losing those VR's? What about Attribute/Skill Points?


    And then they come up with some terrible changes, such as the tank destroyer not allowing you to regen while blocking. That is, if they're too shortsighted to let that decision make it into the game.



    For me the jury is out on this one. It might just separate the good tanks from the bad. Have to know when to block vs just holding block might be a good thing. 

    Agreed. I'm already looking at real tanking gear (as I'm wearing non tanking sets typically) to help mitigate the changes. This should be totally doable. And more reactive and strategic. 

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    What i have never understood and perhaps shows the shallow mind of gamer's is HOW or WHY do devs think giving free or bonus xp makes anything more FUN?

    The whole purpose of gaming is mainly FUN,then yes we like a sprinkle of challenging and the feeling of satisfaction and earning our way in the game.

    Changing your whole design to make things easier and faster is more an indication your game is not fun.I would tend to agree this was an indication and thought process aimed at the console release.I still frown upon the fact they were lying to people about going free and just hiding it all from the players.SO in the first sentence of congratulating them on listening,i disagree,they were lying to people not listening.

    I guess the bottom line is so far after watching MMORPG's evolve for 15 years,NOBODY has ever put enough thought into end game or what happens after players reach the end of the present day content.EVERY single developer instead tries to add some longer form of grind to make up for lack of content.


    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

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