Originally posted by Kien The title of this thread ("Eve, make me like it") attracted my interest... as a new Eve player, I've found myself thinking along similar lines. I like a lot of what Eve has done. It's certainly very different from the other MMO*s I've tried. For one thing, it's really more of a sim than an RPG. I know a lot of thought went into the development of the game, and I appreciate that. I submitted one petition and got a quick and helpful reply, which was good. The volunteers that monitor the newbie channel and patiently answer questions are awesome. The graphics are nice. The problem I have with Eve is I just don't have fun playing it. I want to have fun, but I can't find anything interesting to do. I think the real problem is that I haven't run across anything I regard as a challenge. Mining isn't a challenge. Courier missions aren't a challenge. Buying low and selling high isn't a challenge. The security missions are ok a first, but when you've done one security mission you've done them all, and they certainly aren't a challenge (disclaimer: my character was designed to be a fighter, not a trader). I haven't joined a corporation yet, although I plan to do that in the future. I'll admit that I'm skeptical that joining a corp will flip the fun switch, but we'll see.
Play in a team you will see a big difference. The game is slow because its a pvp game, in pvp the game feels fast.
yawn .... is this worth agrueing ? let's start from the Title of the topic "EVE, make me like it" just like a child who ask you to buy a candy that's favorite of his friends but he cant like it and crying, "make me like it" ~ same , or vice vesa.
and now back to the guy who told this and that about EVE, I actually seeing you blaming in very great manner that at last in 1 topic you was rarely called troll, so keep doing that in great manner and it will be perdictable somedays, it's you who start flaming war about EVE this and that, not us who're EVE fanboys who started it - and why ? you stop playing EVE and not like it right ? why bother being here flaming this game, saying it's like this and like that because you "accidently" go in every topic around EVE section and write it on and on ? I dont want to start label you as "troll" but from what you did so far ...
Your all a wonderful pack of animals who jump to conclusions and then flame and fight amongst yourselves, either way Ill get more specific.
Ok, so we have gameplay that is - deny it if you will but you can't change the fact getting from place to place can take over an hour while you do nothing - slow. Mining is slow, corporation managment, while time consuming, is slow. There is a very little actual skill in doing MOST things in the game. No matter how much better of a player you are you can never get ahead of someone who started five minutes before (don't even mention learning skills here I know all about them).
On the other hand there is a great community and absolute freedom. Fighting is intense and fun, but lacks you actually doing much of anything once engaged in a battle. Running a corp even though slow was fun. These are the good things, but they really don't outweigh the bad for me, is this is where I wanted someone to step and and "make me like it" by pointing out what Im missing.
No, as some of you have suggested I did't get scared off early on by not understanding newbie things etc. In fact I have screen shots of my SUCCESSFUL corp mining and hunting with 10+ people in the group in cruisers and above (scoff if you will but for the first month I think thats pretty good).
Slightly related, I quickly found out this game isn't all that deep. Theres a lot of skills but nothing complex about any of them. I wouldn't say this is so much an ocean VS a puddle but more so a puddle with athe suface area of an ocean VS a normal puddle.
Originally posted by NakorTheWise No matter how much better of a player you are you can never get ahead of someone who started five minutes before (don't even mention learning skills here I know all about them).
That's just total BS. Read next comment.
Originally posted by NakorTheSlow Slightly related, I quickly found out this game isn't all that deep. Theres a lot of skills but nothing complex about any of them. I wouldn't say this is so much an ocean VS a puddle but more so a puddle with athe suface area of an ocean VS a normal puddle.
If the game isn't that deap, then why can a Frigate take out a battlecruiser? It's possible, some of my corp/alliance mates do it all the time. They've been playing since beta and know the game very well and enjoy handing out ass whoopings to pirate gate campers in tiny little frigates.
And once you know anything that seemed really hard to learn at first and took alot of time, it all seems shallow. That goes w/ anything even outside of games: programming, technical skills, artisan skills, pretty much any high end job you can think of. But the fact of the matter is, you can learn WoW in a week, it can take months - years to learn EVE. And you're a proven case, you've been playing for over 2 months and you still seem to think that just because someone has better skills than you and can have better equipment, they are going to win.
Eve isn't for morons. Morons can't play Eve, they feel the need to post whines about how you can never beat other people because you have less SP. When told to pvp in groups they exclaim "AHA! You are forcing me to group!"
It takes hours to travel to enable trade to work, thats why you can buy in one place, sell in another, and make a profit, because travel is a timesink and time is money, and smart people will pay %50 more just to have the item NOW instead of travel 10 jumps.
The game is slow because its meant to be a pvp game. If you pvp, the slowness becomes your friend, gives you time to think, time to look at the map, time to use your scanner.
If you sit in empire, time is your enemy, there is no danger, you just pound rocks for hours and boredom is your only real threat.
PvP is it. PvP is what this game is all about. Because of the PvP this game is a 1,000,000 times better than WoW and is not for Morons. etc etc etc.
That's great if you've been playing for over a year & know what you're doing. But pause to concider if you're been playing for a short time. You've done the tutorial, a few courior missions, maybe a bit of mining, and nothing too exciting has happens so far, but the skill's system leads to great character development & you can see the potential of the game. You know that fantastic fleet battles are happening out in zero zero, but you're also concious of how little you know, and don't want to bite off more than you can chew. Perhaps you've read a few forum posts online from intemperate assholes who are obviously out there in zero zero, and would like to get a firmer footing in the game before you get involved in the hard core.
Well what is there to do? Mining is mining (not for everyone). You can do a bit of trading or some missions to pay the bills while you build up SP's, but even the L1 combat missions are absurdly easy, and don't give you allot of fun.
You'd really like to get deeper into a promising game so you can get to the good stuff, but you find yourself in fairly tedious activity, and turn to a forum for advice.
Picture yourself in that role (where you would probably be if you hadn't started playing several years ago before the game matured), and perhaps you can give this guy, and other new players who make these posts some helpful advice instead of something with a strong undercurrent of 'you're a moron, stop playing / PvP is the shit, don't do anything else.'
There's always allot of talk about how good the comunity is in Eve. Live up to it.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
Originally posted by CardinalSin PvP is it. PvP is what this game is all about. Because of the PvP this game is a 1,000,000 times better than WoW and is not for Morons. etc etc etc. That's great if you've been playing for over a year & know what you're doing. But pause to concider if you're been playing for a short time. You've done the tutorial, a few courior missions, maybe a bit of mining, and nothing too exciting has happens so far, but the skill's system leads to great character development & you can see the potential of the game. You know that fantastic fleet battles are happening out in zero zero, but you're also concious of how little you know, and don't want to bite off more than you can chew. Perhaps you've read a few forum posts online from intemperate assholes who are obviously out there in zero zero, and would like to get a firmer footing in the game before you get involved in the hard core. Well what is there to do? Mining is mining (not for everyone). You can do a bit of trading or some missions to pay the bills while you build up SP's, but even the L1 combat missions are absurdly easy, and don't give you allot of fun. You'd really like to get deeper into a promising game so you can get to the good stuff, but you find yourself in fairly tedious activity, and turn to a forum for advice. Picture yourself in that role (where you would probably be if you hadn't started playing several years ago before the game matured), and perhaps you can give this guy, and other new players who make these posts some helpful advice instead of something with a strong undercurrent of 'you're a moron, stop playing / PvP is the shit, don't do anything else.' There's always allot of talk about how good the comunity is in Eve. Live up to it. Nick
All you need to know about pvp is : fly only what you can comfortably afford to lose.
If you have a few mil, fly a t1 frigate, play tackler, even if you die its no big loss. The more you do it, the more you learn.
Make money with missions, fly a BC or BS and do level 3's and level 4's for money, but don't take your mission boat into lowsec, keep it in highsec to make money, take only cheap frigates and learn the ropes for a few months, when you are more confident you can use cruisers and so forth.
I've been playing for a year and a half, I won't fly anything more expensive than a cruiser into lowsec, cost me 10 mil max with ship+fittings, and its insured platinum, so I lose like 4 mil.
Don't wait till later to pvp. Do it now. Rookies have the advantage, your clone costs you nothing, don't wait till it costs you 15 mil before you start, because then it gets painful. Go out into lowsec, attack somebody, lose your ship, lose your clone, try it now, don't wait, it costs nothing now, it costs a ton later.
You can't be afraid of losing ships, they are made to be destroyed, don't buy expensive fittings, and don't use expensive ships, they have to be disposable, so you lose lots of them.
The only time you should use an implant, is that assuming you have a monthlong training to do, and you have a few hundred mil in the bank, then you can pop a +3 into your head JUST for that 1 training, because even if you lose your clone, you keep the +3 bonus till the end of the training.
That's the way to use implants, think of them as a 1-shot vitamin that you swallow that helps you with training something you want.
If you dont die, you get to use the implant for something else with the same primary. You should NOT have a head full of implants, thats a waste.
I give advice all the time, but nobody wants to hear it, they just like to moan about how unfair everything is. The game isn't about being fair, its about risk management. You dont count on not getting destroyed, you count on being able to afford it. Everybody gets destroyed. The 3 year old players get destroyed.
So fly what you can afford to lose, and go lose it.
Id have to disagree on one part, Fizzle, it does cost for a rookie to die. Im not talking about the clone, im talking about the ship and fitting. I lost my ship twice to rats, and 2nd time i lost it i was bumped back pretty bad, almost to the point of canceling becuase even with the insurance, I couldnt afford to buy a fully fit replacement ship. I had to go back to using my rookie ship.
Right now i have 2 ships, badger 2 and Osprey. If i lose either one, im toast becuase i wouldnt have any cash to buy a new one and I doubt id like to go back to using my rookie ship to get back on my feet. The only reason I had those 2 ships is becuase few generous people donated me about 5 mil ISK in total. If i did not have that, id still be flying merlin and would run away from rats in 0.5 systems. Right now im owning rats in 0.5 and im getting cash and completing missions much faster then if i were to use a merlin.
I dont even dare get into PvP becuase im certain to lose the battle, i have no idea how to fight a PC becuase there are so many things that PCs can use against me. On the contrast with NPCs, which are predictable and have a limited arsenal, PCs have cunning of a human and wide arsenal of tools to use. I dont know what they will use against me, i dont know what to expect. Untill im solid set financialy, i dont dare risk jumping into PvP.
There are a lot of things that I can do in Eve form the start, but I dont think PvPing is one of those things, nor was it supposed to be. PvP is the end game of Eve. I hope to reach that far some time in the future. For now, its rat killing, mission taking, exploring, faction building, manufacturing and mining. Luckily i have 2 ships so i can alternate between any of those if i get too bored doing one thing over and over.... cant wait for mining barge !!! WOOOOO...
Work up your faction to be able to do 3's and 4's, even doing a level 3 courier mission will net you a few hundred thou, more than enough for a fully fitted tackler.
You dont even have to use a rifter, go for the slasher, with modules its like 100k, thats 3 or 4 slashers just for doing one level 3 courier mission.
Slasher, Condor, Navitas, and Executioner, they were all made to be throw-away tacklers that you can use to learn how to fight, cost you about 100k each fully fitted.
I realize alot of people don't enjoy mining, but its pretty much risk free riches. You can find one of those public stations in 0.0, even just using your rookieship you can mine valuable stuff, melt it down, and sell to the locals.
Always always always, have a plan C.
Plan C is what happens when all your other plans fail. Your corp goes under, your alliances crumbles, everybody and their grandmother wants you dead, your wallet is empty, and all you have left is your rookieship.
What would you do?
I have a cruiser and a hauler, fully fitted, sitting in a highsec system that I know spawns Omber and Jaspet.
Alliance fails? Corp detches itself.
Corp fails? I detach myself.
Hunted? Highsec, no corp.
No money? Jump in cruiser, mine, haul, sell, recover.
Plan C.
I also have a plan D but let's not get into that.
Your job as a noob is to establish a solid economic base for yourself, that means everybody should KNOW how to mine. Even if you're in a rookieship, you should be able to recover with just that 1 mining laser.
I hate mining, very rarely do I do it, but I have mining 4 just in case. Never had to use it, but its there if I ever need it.
All you need to know about pvp is : fly only what you can comfortably afford to lose.
If you have a few mil, fly a t1 frigate, play tackler, even if you die its no big loss. The more you do it, the more you learn.
Make money with missions, fly a BC or BS and do level 3's and level 4's for money, but don't take your mission boat into lowsec, keep it in highsec to make money, take only cheap frigates and learn the ropes for a few months, when you are more confident you can use cruisers and so forth.
I've been playing for a year and a half, I won't fly anything more expensive than a cruiser into lowsec, cost me 10 mil max with ship+fittings, and its insured platinum, so I lose like 4 mil.
Don't wait till later to pvp. Do it now. Rookies have the advantage, your clone costs you nothing, don't wait till it costs you 15 mil before you start, because then it gets painful. Go out into lowsec, attack somebody, lose your ship, lose your clone, try it now, don't wait, it costs nothing now, it costs a ton later.
You can't be afraid of losing ships, they are made to be destroyed, don't buy expensive fittings, and don't use expensive ships, they have to be disposable, so you lose lots of them.
The only time you should use an implant, is that assuming you have a monthlong training to do, and you have a few hundred mil in the bank, then you can pop a +3 into your head JUST for that 1 training, because even if you lose your clone, you keep the +3 bonus till the end of the training.
That's the way to use implants, think of them as a 1-shot vitamin that you swallow that helps you with training something you want.
If you dont die, you get to use the implant for something else with the same primary. You should NOT have a head full of implants, thats a waste.
I give advice all the time, but nobody wants to hear it, they just like to moan about how unfair everything is. The game isn't about being fair, its about risk management. You dont count on not getting destroyed, you count on being able to afford it. Everybody gets destroyed. The 3 year old players get destroyed.
So fly what you can afford to lose, and go lose it.
Thanks Fizzle, that sounds like some pretty good advice. It was a perspective I hadn't really got my head around. In most games you build up from using a spear to running around with a plasma cannon, it's a bit of a step to the left to think about PvPing with the spear. Eve uni runs tackling courses, so I'll have to join one of those and start learning the ropes. I can keep a cruiser decked out for missions to pay the bills as you say.
Cheers man.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
The points you make are great ones, but they are pretty much hidden from the rookies. I found the hard way (I tried Eve 5 times but never lasted longer then 2 weeks, 2 times i lasted not longer then just a few hours) that options that ANYONE has are there, just need to find them. Its hard to find all my options if im very limited in skills, money, knowledge and time. This time, however, i think i found enough PLAN Xs to carry me over the routine of grinding ore or rats or whathave you. I have around 5 to 6 pathways I can take in order to entertain myself in the Eve universe: Rat hunting, trade routes (setting up good bookmarks is half the work for a good trade route), occasional mining (id rather wait for mining barge before i get too deep into this), missions and manufacturing. Combining with chronic lack of time to play, i have my hands full for a long time.
Advice for all rookies, if you feel like u r lost, like u dont know what to do next and u r tired of mining or hunting, then you MUST find something else to do! Ask around the help channel or you will fall into the routine and get bored to tears like i did several times in the past. Start exploring the market, try to find a way to earn quick buck, find and map (with bookmarks) your trade runs because without BMs, traderuns are HORRIBLE. Eve is very open ended, you can do pretty much anything u do, if u like to risk but not sure u can survive PvP, how about hauling illegal cargo for that extra profit??? Just be carefull, they dont call it illegal just to add a fancy word to a generic item
[quote]Originally posted by CardinalSinIt was a perspective I hadn't really got my head around. In most games you build up from using a spear to running around with a plasma cannon, it's a bit of a step to the left to think about PvPing with the spear.[/b][/quote]
I've know to use cheap ships for PvP since I started EVE (not too long ago) even though I really havent had the skills to do any PvP yet, even in atackling role and there is always the EVE slogan to remember: Don't undock ANYTHING you cant afford to lose (including yourself, dont neglect the clones).
That being said, you summed EVE up in the simplest, most amazingly useful way i've ever heard: PvP with the spear...years of playing traditional RPGs, FPSes, and RTSes leave you with the impression that death is best avoided by packing more firepower or armor than the other guy and hoping you're standing at elast a few seconds longer than he is. Until you're in your own WTF solo-pwnmobile you can do very well with a pair of newbs in cheap frigates and cruisers.
edit: Of course remember that your WTF solo-pwnmobile can also be taken out by 2-3 <1mil ISK frigates.
its realy like any other mmorpg but in a big nasty ship u start as a noob end a hero lol thats a gd saying any way if u like planes and flight this is very fun for u cus its just like flighing but with F@#C£ off weapons but u need to be weary.U dont go too wild its easy but do lots of missons first!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
Originally posted by ColinS its realy like any other mmorpg but in a big nasty ship u start as a noob end a hero lol thats a gd saying any way if u like planes and flight this is very fun for u cus its just like flighing but with F@#C£ off weapons but u need to be weary.U dont go too wild its easy but do lots of missons first!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like: Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
I don't think anyone who understands basic english could understand that without reading it 5-6 times.... I got the last bit on the third read but the start, wow. I never knew something could be ripped apart and uttelry shat upon such as that child's English skills. (goes and checks the country the child is in)
Well he is from Great Britain.... What are you guys teaching kids over there!? Or is this just a once off. Cause I hope it is Nah you guys own the name to the language....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Originally posted by ColinS its realy like any other mmorpg but in a big nasty ship u start as a noob end a hero lol thats a gd saying any way if u like planes and flight this is very fun for u cus its just like flighing but with F@#C£ off weapons but u need to be weary.U dont go too wild its easy but do lots of missons first!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like: Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
I wouldn't be too critical of him his heart is in the right place, and english may be a second language for him.
Originally posted by Aetius73 Originally posted by -daikatana-
Originally posted by ColinS its realy like any other mmorpg but in a big nasty ship u start as a noob end a hero lol thats a gd saying any way if u like planes and flight this is very fun for u cus its just like flighing but with F@#C£ off weapons but u need to be weary.U dont go too wild its easy but do lots of missons first!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like: Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
HIlarious post -daikatana-, absolutely hilarious.
I don't think english is a second language for him. The spelling is mainly correct and he or she (most likely a he) uses colloquial english too. So I think this person either doesn't care or needs to do some grinding in his English grammer MMO called phonix or whatever the hell it is. Either way he's far from being 1337. LMAO. You know you're insane when you start cackling at your own jokes.
Hookt on fonix shure werked fer me.
Catch me streaming at twitch.tv/cryomatrix You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Play in a team you will see a big difference. The game is slow because its a pvp game, in pvp the game feels fast.
The solo/PVE game is just boring.
yawn .... is this worth agrueing ? let's start from the Title of the topic "EVE, make me like it" just like a child who ask you to buy a candy that's favorite of his friends but he cant like it and crying, "make me like it" ~ same , or vice vesa.
and now back to the guy who told this and that about EVE, I actually seeing you blaming in very great manner that at last in 1 topic you was rarely called troll, so keep doing that in great manner and it will be perdictable somedays, it's you who start flaming war about EVE this and that, not us who're EVE fanboys who started it - and why ? you stop playing EVE and not like it right ? why bother being here flaming this game, saying it's like this and like that because you "accidently" go in every topic around EVE section and write it on and on ? I dont want to start label you as "troll" but from what you did so far ...
Your all a wonderful pack of animals who jump to conclusions and then flame and fight amongst yourselves, either way Ill get more specific.
Ok, so we have gameplay that is - deny it if you will but you can't change the fact getting from place to place can take over an hour while you do nothing - slow. Mining is slow, corporation managment, while time consuming, is slow. There is a very little actual skill in doing MOST things in the game. No matter how much better of a player you are you can never get ahead of someone who started five minutes before (don't even mention learning skills here I know all about them).
On the other hand there is a great community and absolute freedom. Fighting is intense and fun, but lacks you actually doing much of anything once engaged in a battle. Running a corp even though slow was fun. These are the good things, but they really don't outweigh the bad for me, is this is where I wanted someone to step and and "make me like it" by pointing out what Im missing.
No, as some of you have suggested I did't get scared off early on by not understanding newbie things etc. In fact I have screen shots of my SUCCESSFUL corp mining and hunting with 10+ people in the group in cruisers and above (scoff if you will but for the first month I think thats pretty good).
Slightly related, I quickly found out this game isn't all that deep. Theres a lot of skills but nothing complex about any of them. I wouldn't say this is so much an ocean VS a puddle but more so a puddle with athe suface area of an ocean VS a normal puddle.
If the game isn't that deap, then why can a Frigate take out a battlecruiser? It's possible, some of my corp/alliance mates do it all the time. They've been playing since beta and know the game very well and enjoy handing out ass whoopings to pirate gate campers in tiny little frigates.And once you know anything that seemed really hard to learn at first and took alot of time, it all seems shallow. That goes w/ anything even outside of games: programming, technical skills, artisan skills, pretty much any high end job you can think of. But the fact of the matter is, you can learn WoW in a week, it can take months - years to learn EVE. And you're a proven case, you've been playing for over 2 months and you still seem to think that just because someone has better skills than you and can have better equipment, they are going to win.
A Work in Progress.
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Way to necro the thread.
Here lemme help you out. Let's recap :
Eve isn't for morons. Morons can't play Eve, they feel the need to post whines about how you can never beat other people because you have less SP. When told to pvp in groups they exclaim "AHA! You are forcing me to group!"
It takes hours to travel to enable trade to work, thats why you can buy in one place, sell in another, and make a profit, because travel is a timesink and time is money, and smart people will pay %50 more just to have the item NOW instead of travel 10 jumps.
The game is slow because its meant to be a pvp game. If you pvp, the slowness becomes your friend, gives you time to think, time to look at the map, time to use your scanner.
If you sit in empire, time is your enemy, there is no danger, you just pound rocks for hours and boredom is your only real threat.
Well since EVE-online.com is down I can't direct you too the movies section so you can see some of the cooler things about this game.
PvP is it. PvP is what this game is all about. Because of the PvP this game is a 1,000,000 times better than WoW and is not for Morons. etc etc etc.
That's great if you've been playing for over a year & know what you're doing. But pause to concider if you're been playing for a short time. You've done the tutorial, a few courior missions, maybe a bit of mining, and nothing too exciting has happens so far, but the skill's system leads to great character development & you can see the potential of the game. You know that fantastic fleet battles are happening out in zero zero, but you're also concious of how little you know, and don't want to bite off more than you can chew. Perhaps you've read a few forum posts online from intemperate assholes who are obviously out there in zero zero, and would like to get a firmer footing in the game before you get involved in the hard core.
Well what is there to do? Mining is mining (not for everyone). You can do a bit of trading or some missions to pay the bills while you build up SP's, but even the L1 combat missions are absurdly easy, and don't give you allot of fun.
You'd really like to get deeper into a promising game so you can get to the good stuff, but you find yourself in fairly tedious activity, and turn to a forum for advice.
Picture yourself in that role (where you would probably be if you hadn't started playing several years ago before the game matured), and perhaps you can give this guy, and other new players who make these posts some helpful advice instead of something with a strong undercurrent of 'you're a moron, stop playing / PvP is the shit, don't do anything else.'
There's always allot of talk about how good the comunity is in Eve. Live up to it.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
All you need to know about pvp is : fly only what you can comfortably afford to lose.
If you have a few mil, fly a t1 frigate, play tackler, even if you die its no big loss. The more you do it, the more you learn.
Make money with missions, fly a BC or BS and do level 3's and level 4's for money, but don't take your mission boat into lowsec, keep it in highsec to make money, take only cheap frigates and learn the ropes for a few months, when you are more confident you can use cruisers and so forth.
I've been playing for a year and a half, I won't fly anything more expensive than a cruiser into lowsec, cost me 10 mil max with ship+fittings, and its insured platinum, so I lose like 4 mil.
Don't wait till later to pvp. Do it now. Rookies have the advantage, your clone costs you nothing, don't wait till it costs you 15 mil before you start, because then it gets painful. Go out into lowsec, attack somebody, lose your ship, lose your clone, try it now, don't wait, it costs nothing now, it costs a ton later.
You can't be afraid of losing ships, they are made to be destroyed, don't buy expensive fittings, and don't use expensive ships, they have to be disposable, so you lose lots of them.
The only time you should use an implant, is that assuming you have a monthlong training to do, and you have a few hundred mil in the bank, then you can pop a +3 into your head JUST for that 1 training, because even if you lose your clone, you keep the +3 bonus till the end of the training.
That's the way to use implants, think of them as a 1-shot vitamin that you swallow that helps you with training something you want.
If you dont die, you get to use the implant for something else with the same primary. You should NOT have a head full of implants, thats a waste.
I give advice all the time, but nobody wants to hear it, they just like to moan about how unfair everything is. The game isn't about being fair, its about risk management. You dont count on not getting destroyed, you count on being able to afford it. Everybody gets destroyed. The 3 year old players get destroyed.
So fly what you can afford to lose, and go lose it.
Id have to disagree on one part, Fizzle, it does cost for a rookie to die. Im not talking about the clone, im talking about the ship and fitting. I lost my ship twice to rats, and 2nd time i lost it i was bumped back pretty bad, almost to the point of canceling becuase even with the insurance, I couldnt afford to buy a fully fit replacement ship. I had to go back to using my rookie ship.
Right now i have 2 ships, badger 2 and Osprey. If i lose either one, im toast becuase i wouldnt have any cash to buy a new one and I doubt id like to go back to using my rookie ship to get back on my feet.
The only reason I had those 2 ships is becuase few generous people donated me about 5 mil ISK in total. If i did not have that, id still be flying merlin and would run away from rats in 0.5 systems. Right now im owning rats in 0.5 and im getting cash and completing missions much faster then if i were to use a merlin.
I dont even dare get into PvP becuase im certain to lose the battle, i have no idea how to fight a PC becuase there are so many things that PCs can use against me. On the contrast with NPCs, which are predictable and have a limited arsenal, PCs have cunning of a human and wide arsenal of tools to use. I dont know what they will use against me, i dont know what to expect. Untill im solid set financialy, i dont dare risk jumping into PvP.
There are a lot of things that I can do in Eve form the start, but I dont think PvPing is one of those things, nor was it supposed to be. PvP is the end game of Eve. I hope to reach that far some time in the future. For now, its rat killing, mission taking, exploring, faction building, manufacturing and mining. Luckily i have 2 ships so i can alternate between any of those if i get too bored doing one thing over and over.... cant wait for mining barge !!! WOOOOO...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Yeah I realize it can be rough in the beginning.
Work up your faction to be able to do 3's and 4's, even doing a level 3 courier mission will net you a few hundred thou, more than enough for a fully fitted tackler.
You dont even have to use a rifter, go for the slasher, with modules its like 100k, thats 3 or 4 slashers just for doing one level 3 courier mission.
Slasher, Condor, Navitas, and Executioner, they were all made to be throw-away tacklers that you can use to learn how to fight, cost you about 100k each fully fitted.
I realize alot of people don't enjoy mining, but its pretty much risk free riches. You can find one of those public stations in 0.0, even just using your rookieship you can mine valuable stuff, melt it down, and sell to the locals.
Always always always, have a plan C.
Plan C is what happens when all your other plans fail. Your corp goes under, your alliances crumbles, everybody and their grandmother wants you dead, your wallet is empty, and all you have left is your rookieship.
What would you do?
I have a cruiser and a hauler, fully fitted, sitting in a highsec system that I know spawns Omber and Jaspet.
Alliance fails? Corp detches itself.
Corp fails? I detach myself.
Hunted? Highsec, no corp.
No money? Jump in cruiser, mine, haul, sell, recover.
Plan C.
I also have a plan D but let's not get into that.
Your job as a noob is to establish a solid economic base for yourself, that means everybody should KNOW how to mine. Even if you're in a rookieship, you should be able to recover with just that 1 mining laser.
I hate mining, very rarely do I do it, but I have mining 4 just in case. Never had to use it, but its there if I ever need it.
If you have a few mil, fly a t1 frigate, play tackler, even if you die its no big loss. The more you do it, the more you learn.
Make money with missions, fly a BC or BS and do level 3's and level 4's for money, but don't take your mission boat into lowsec, keep it in highsec to make money, take only cheap frigates and learn the ropes for a few months, when you are more confident you can use cruisers and so forth.
I've been playing for a year and a half, I won't fly anything more expensive than a cruiser into lowsec, cost me 10 mil max with ship+fittings, and its insured platinum, so I lose like 4 mil.
Don't wait till later to pvp. Do it now. Rookies have the advantage, your clone costs you nothing, don't wait till it costs you 15 mil before you start, because then it gets painful. Go out into lowsec, attack somebody, lose your ship, lose your clone, try it now, don't wait, it costs nothing now, it costs a ton later.
You can't be afraid of losing ships, they are made to be destroyed, don't buy expensive fittings, and don't use expensive ships, they have to be disposable, so you lose lots of them.
The only time you should use an implant, is that assuming you have a monthlong training to do, and you have a few hundred mil in the bank, then you can pop a +3 into your head JUST for that 1 training, because even if you lose your clone, you keep the +3 bonus till the end of the training.
That's the way to use implants, think of them as a 1-shot vitamin that you swallow that helps you with training something you want.
If you dont die, you get to use the implant for something else with the same primary. You should NOT have a head full of implants, thats a waste.
I give advice all the time, but nobody wants to hear it, they just like to moan about how unfair everything is. The game isn't about being fair, its about risk management. You dont count on not getting destroyed, you count on being able to afford it. Everybody gets destroyed. The 3 year old players get destroyed.
So fly what you can afford to lose, and go lose it.
Thanks Fizzle, that sounds like some pretty good advice. It was a perspective I hadn't really got my head around. In most games you build up from using a spear to running around with a plasma cannon, it's a bit of a step to the left to think about PvPing with the spear. Eve uni runs tackling courses, so I'll have to join one of those and start learning the ropes. I can keep a cruiser decked out for missions to pay the bills as you say.
Cheers man.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
Great advice Fizzle.
The points you make are great ones, but they are pretty much hidden from the rookies. I found the hard way (I tried Eve 5 times but never lasted longer then 2 weeks, 2 times i lasted not longer then just a few hours) that options that ANYONE has are there, just need to find them. Its hard to find all my options if im very limited in skills, money, knowledge and time. This time, however, i think i found enough PLAN Xs to carry me over the routine of grinding ore or rats or whathave you. I have around 5 to 6 pathways I can take in order to entertain myself in the Eve universe: Rat hunting, trade routes (setting up good bookmarks is half the work for a good trade route), occasional mining (id rather wait for mining barge before i get too deep into this), missions and manufacturing. Combining with chronic lack of time to play, i have my hands full for a long time.
Advice for all rookies, if you feel like u r lost, like u dont know what to do next and u r tired of mining or hunting, then you MUST find something else to do! Ask around the help channel or you will fall into the routine and get bored to tears like i did several times in the past. Start exploring the market, try to find a way to earn quick buck, find and map (with bookmarks) your trade runs because without BMs, traderuns are HORRIBLE. Eve is very open ended, you can do pretty much anything u do, if u like to risk but not sure u can survive PvP, how about hauling illegal cargo for that extra profit??? Just be carefull, they dont call it illegal just to add a fancy word to a generic item
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
[quote]Originally posted by CardinalSinIt was a perspective I hadn't really got my head around. In most games you build up from using a spear to running around with a plasma cannon, it's a bit of a step to the left to think about PvPing with the spear.[/b][/quote]
I've know to use cheap ships for PvP since I started EVE (not too long ago) even though I really havent had the skills to do any PvP yet, even in atackling role and there is always the EVE slogan to remember: Don't undock ANYTHING you cant afford to lose (including yourself, dont neglect the clones).
That being said, you summed EVE up in the simplest, most amazingly useful way i've ever heard: PvP with the spear...years of playing traditional RPGs, FPSes, and RTSes leave you with the impression that death is best avoided by packing more firepower or armor than the other guy and hoping you're standing at elast a few seconds longer than he is. Until you're in your own WTF solo-pwnmobile you can do very well with a pair of newbs in cheap frigates and cruisers.
edit: Of course remember that your WTF solo-pwnmobile can also be taken out by 2-3 <1mil ISK frigates.
its realy like any other mmorpg but in a big nasty ship u start as a noob end a hero
lol thats a gd saying any way if u like planes and flight this is very fun for u cus its just like flighing
but with F@#C£ off weapons but u need to be weary.U dont go too wild its easy but do lots
of missons first!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like:
Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
The, what..... He typed... Huh.....?
I don't think anyone who understands basic english could understand that without reading it 5-6 times.... I got the last bit on the third read but the start, wow. I never knew something could be ripped apart and uttelry shat upon such as that child's English skills. (goes and checks the country the child is in)
Well he is from Great Britain.... What are you guys teaching kids over there!? Or is this just a once off. Cause I hope it is
Nah you guys own the name to the language....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
"I LOVE the freedom offered by EVE but nothing happens."
Many share your view.
Lol yeah really at what point does he stop and start doing something useful with his life?
<ahref="http://profile.xfire.com/aetiuslonginus"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/2/aetiuslonginus.png" width="450" height="34" /></a>
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like:
Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
I wouldn't be too critical of him his heart is in the right place, and english may be a second language for him.
<ahref="http://profile.xfire.com/aetiuslonginus"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/2/aetiuslonginus.png" width="450" height="34" /></a>
I don't intend this to turn into a flame but thats one of the most utterly useless and most difficult to read posts I've ever seen on any forum....with that said, I think it had some potential to communicate useful information. I think it says something like:
Its really like any other MMORPG but rather than just building levels to progress in classes, you build skills to pilot larger, more effective ships and equip those with better weapons and defenses. If you prefer planes and dogfights more than the general sword-and-sorcery combat prevailing in most RPGs then this may be the game for you. Be sure not to go too wild in the beginning though, as you will not be able to compete 1-on-1 with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. I would recommend doing NPC missions as a way of easing into the game and building your money supply early on.
HIlarious post -daikatana-, absolutely hilarious.
I don't think english is a second language for him. The spelling is mainly correct and he or she (most likely a he) uses colloquial english too. So I think this person either doesn't care or needs to do some grinding in his English grammer MMO called phonix or whatever the hell it is. Either way he's far from being 1337. LMAO. You know you're insane when you start cackling at your own jokes.
Hookt on fonix shure werked fer me.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Instead, make goals such as running enough agent missions to use level 2 agents or mining enough minerals to build a cruiser.
What else can someone do besides these and PvP in Eve?