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Guild Wars 2: Livestream To Focus On Skills & Balance Changes

ShelassaShelassa MMORPG.COM Staff UncommonPosts: 616

ArenaNet is hosting an ongoing special Guild Wars 2 livestream event today through 5 p.m. Pacific / 8 p.m. Eastern. The team will be showing off a preview to skills and balance changes. 

Head to the Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel to check it out!



  • KenaoshiKenaoshi Member UncommonPosts: 1,022
    Originally posted by threefeet
    this will be interesting. i dont care about the game any more, i just wanna see how they dodge the angry players about the xpac price ROFL.

    Not on this stream. This one is mostly for the balance changes of skills and traits. 

    now: GW2 (11 80s).
    Dark Souls 2.
    future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
    "Bro, do your even fractal?"
    Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

  • YubeiYubei Member UncommonPosts: 5
    also its not about price but its about what they give for this price. Learn the difference
  • dustyfellowdustyfellow Member UncommonPosts: 54
    Originally posted by threefeet

    that IS the price. trying to make people pay for something they already have is the problem, einstein.


    stop trying to flame people.

    you do realise collin has stated that you get gw2 for free with pre ordering so new people can get in easier. the expansion it self is 50$ your not paying for gw2 core game.

  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917

    I predict that this will be another stunt talking solely about classes that most people don't play or focusing on classes that already don't need balance help particularly in PVE. GW2 the game where a 2 handed sword somehow does more damage than any bomb, grenade, or even flame throwers. smh

  • exile01exile01 Member RarePosts: 1,089
    changing number doesnt make a 3 y old game better. The game needs alot more skills to be in my list again. Since i bought it- played for 2 months- and never went back.
  • AsboAsbo Member UncommonPosts: 812
    Originally posted by exile01
    changing number doesnt make a 3 y old game better. The game needs alot more skills to be in my list again. Since i bought it- played for 2 months- and never went back.

    +1 I left the game for the same reasons and sadly it's left a bad taste in my mouth and I will not be falling for all their hype. This could of been such a good game had they listened and evolved rather than just pissing about with it a little and working on making a better game experience.


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    Originally posted by Asbo
    Originally posted by exile01
    changing number doesnt make a 3 y old game better. The game needs alot more skills to be in my list again. Since i bought it- played for 2 months- and never went back.

    +1 I left the game for the same reasons and sadly it's left a bad taste in my mouth and I will not be falling for all their hype. This could of been such a good game had they listened and evolved rather than just pissing about with it a little and working on making a better game experience.

    I do agree with most of the issues with skills.  I don't find it fair that some classes have access to a whole bunch more skills than others -- and that weapon skills are so restricting in general.  Also some builds are truly pointless in most cases... such as most signet builds, I don't even know why the elixir gun exists, mantras sound great in practice but they don't mesh well and you rarely see a mesmer use them... I mean pretty much every class has skills that nobody in their right mind would ever choose because they literally do not appeal to any playstyle.


    I am excited about the new class changes.  I think the streamline of the trait lines coming up tomorrow will be a good step in the right direction, and when the new "classes" and weapon skills show up, I like diversity -- but I still think that BRAND new weapons should be a MUST HAVE every 6 months.  At least 1 brand new weapon created, or 1 new weapon repurposed for each class.  Its gotten so tiresome to see a class with a weapon and already know what build they're playing.  

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