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[Column] Guild Wars 2: Pre-Order Mayhem

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

It seemed like an eternity as we all sat and waited for the announcement of an expansion to Guild Wars 2, and when it came it was like a breath of fresh air.  That is until the next day when we began our wait to pre-order the expansion Heart of Thorns.  That has come, and rather than cheers, you will mostly hear an outrage from players all over the forums. Are players feeling too entitled, or has ArenaNet marred what should have been a good day? 

Read more of David North's Guild Wars 2: Pre-order Mayhem.


An expansion typically expands on every part of the game, including character slots.




  • rastapastorrastapastor Member UncommonPosts: 188

    I pulled out my walled and pre-purchased this expansion. Not because of the amount of content, but i want to support ArenaNet. It is a second time in GW2 history, when ArenaNet asks for our money. I completly understand the price tag, since it is a b2p game, they really depend on box(digital) sales. All that money from gem store probably goes on developers salaries and servers upkeep and maintanence, so i guess they only in plus revenue is from box sales. 

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066

    GW2 is the MMORPG I want to play, none of the others give me what I personally get from GW2, so unless they go crazy ($50 is on the high end but not unreasonable for an expansion for a quality game) I will pay what they ask and so I've bought the expansion.

    Rarely will expansions give a better bang per buck then the original game.

    Also the ultimate expansion is not a bad value - 4000 gems is a minimum of $46, a character slot is another $10 so one is actually buying the expansion with some shinnies for $45.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • jl0p3z1jl0p3z1 Member UncommonPosts: 2

    Not sure why this is surprising to people anymore. This is the world of  gaming we live in today. These companies know they have a core base that will support them no matter what is offered and they take advantage of them.

    The rest of us have learned to be patient and wait. By simply waiting three to six months after release not only will all of these editions be discounted, many of the launch day issues will be gone. If you wait 9 months to a year, you will even get the over inflated season pass  or some other advantage thrown in. There is simply no reward for being a loyal customer in the video game market right now. 

  • ThupliThupli Member RarePosts: 1,318
    For expansions that I am used to (wow, FF), this simply doesn't have the content or features to warrant the price, especially having been in development for so long, according to Anet.

    Because the value is low, I will pass.
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I enjoy this game so I have no problem and have already bought the expansion.  I'm looking forward to leveling a new class and to all the much needed additions to the current classes.  This will keep me engaged for some time. 

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    1. 4000 Gems
    2. Additional Character Slot
    3. Miniature Revenant Rytlock
    4. Revenant Finisher
    5. Mordremoth's Bane Guild Hall Decoration
    6. Heart of Thorns Glider Skin
    The Ultimate Edition (99$) offers the above things, and it's the same as the Deluxe Edition ($74.99).  The only difference is the $50 value on 4000 Gems.   The Standard Edition ($49.99) offers nothing.
    It's kind of pathetic really.  These are probably the worst expansion packages i've seen in a long time.  The original GW2 Collector's Edition at least offered physical items and in-game items, and actually felt worthy of the price tag.
  • GreteldaGretelda Member UncommonPosts: 359
    gonna enjoy SWTOR or FF14 till they change their mind or the expansion goes on sale. they are basically telling people to wait and buy it on sales. or just wait and get it free with the next expansion so why not. enjoy.

    my top MMOs: UO,DAOC,WoW,GW2

    most of my posts are just my opinions they are not facts,it is the same for you too.

  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    I think the biggest issue isn't the news users/old users (though it does kind of bug me), but rather than we still don't know a lot about the content within.

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  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582

    I don't think the prices are too unreasonable, just really underwhelming considering what other MMOs give out for their expansions.  If they added one or 2 more goodies to the basic edition at least, like an extra character slot, then no one would have a leg to stand on if they complained about the price. 


    TLDR, not overpriced, just underwhelming.


    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • samurai225samurai225 Member UncommonPosts: 51
    I don't even own the game and I think that the price point is a little bit too much for those who already own the game. I was going to buy it during there sale but now it seems like it was a good thing I didn't.  They should have down to at least  $20-30 price point  for those who already own the game since it is buy to play type game.
  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    I think the biggest issue isn't the news users/old users (though it does kind of bug me), but rather than we still don't know a lot about the content within.

    Well,  its not like avid GW2 fans aren't going to pass on buying an expansion to their favourite MMO.  If this is the MMO you play everyday, then you're buying it regardless of whether or not they add more content.  For the rest of us, more content might push some people into buying just as no more content might push people into not buying.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • DarLorkarDarLorkar Member UncommonPosts: 1,082

    Seems they are writing off former players that have stopped playing. And shooting for people that have never bought or played before.


    Some incentive for people that had bought original game and stopped playing for whatever reason would of been the way i would of gone.


    Meh... not my game to make those a pass for me as a former player that was thinking of trying it out again. 

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by Ginaz

    I don't think the prices are too unreasonable, just really underwhelming considering what other MMOs give out for their expansions.  If they added one or 2 more goodies to the basic edition at least, like an extra character slot, then no one would have a leg to stand on if they complained about the price. 


    TLDR, not overpriced, just underwhelming.


    Well, overpriced for what they are offering.  GW2 is an online game that I don't have the desire to be the first to play (unlike other MMOs where experience at launch can be vastly different than waiting a month or so with population changes).  It's B2P so there is no driving force to get the most out of your subscription for that particular month.

    I hopped into GW2 on launch day (or early access) and honestly I didn't find much difference in playing it back then to what it is now (population wise).  Of course, there was rampant botting (any new MMO experiences this), but aside from that really not much of a difference.  In retrospect, it would have probably been better for me to hold off on the initial game and waited for it to come down in price.

    However, for P2P MMOs, I do feel an urge to get in there on day one, primarily because that is typically the most populated time for that game.

    TLDR: going to wait for price drop as I don't really see a compelling reason to be there on day one.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    I think the biggest issue isn't the news users/old users (though it does kind of bug me), but rather than we still don't know a lot about the content within.

    Did you guys run a column, or didn't you comment in a thread saying that Anet said "We are not hiding anything we have shown all the features..."?

  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    I think the biggest issue isn't the news users/old users (though it does kind of bug me), but rather than we still don't know a lot about the content within.

    Did you guys run a column, or didn't you comment in a thread saying that Anet said "We are not hiding anything we have shown all the features..."?

    I thought the same thing. I remember reading that they have already released all the information regarding expansion features. However, this is the second time I have seen Bill make that same comment. Maybe he knows something we don't?

  • KenaoshiKenaoshi Member UncommonPosts: 1,022

    No enougth info on the content, no release date yet we already have a pre-order. Thats too weird.

    I will be holding my money until there are news of more content AND if its interesting to me.

    now: GW2 (11 80s).
    Dark Souls 2.
    future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
    "Bro, do your even fractal?"
    Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

  • CyberNigmaCyberNigma Member UncommonPosts: 29

    I pretty much skipped EverQuest (played UO then went on to other games), but for the people that didn't - was there much of an outcry by existing players when SOE included the base game + all previous expansions with each new expansion?


    As I recall (and trying to look it up more recently), if you were a veteran player, you paid for each expansion as they came out.  If you were a new player, you could pick up the game at any point by just buying the latest expansion (which gave you everything that came before it).


    What was THAT community like? 


    The reason I ask is because there are so many models that MMOs follow that it seems EQ (sans the sub) was the closest to what they are doing here expansion-wise.  For WoW, new players always pay less overall because they package the core game and all but the last expansion into one package and put it and the last expansion on sale while selling the newest expansion at full price so that's not a good comparison either..


    Are there very many MMOs out there that do give a financial benefit to loyal players?  It seems almost as if those that way (new players) almost always pay less than veteran players at the cost of not having been able to play the game as long as veteran players.


    I'm just asking about that aspect..  The amount of content, and the price itself are outside the scope of this comment/question - whether it's 50 dollars, 10 dollars, or 25 dollars for everyone (which would include the core game).

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    your guys are honestly complaining about what? a 10 dollar price difference between the cost and what you think is fair? and thats what you rage about for weeks? 10 dollar difference? how much do you value your time? you probably already wasted more than 10 dollar complaining about that - and even if the expansion only delivers you 25 hours additional fun - which i think it easily will...thats 2usd an hours vs. the 1.80 you think is fair? who cares...
    besides it is beyond me why somebody thinkgs paying 12x15usd a year subscription for other mmos and then a 40usd expansion is fine, but free to play with a 50 usd expansion is crazy...
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Avarix
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    I think the biggest issue isn't the news users/old users (though it does kind of bug me), but rather than we still don't know a lot about the content within.

    Did you guys run a column, or didn't you comment in a thread saying that Anet said "We are not hiding anything we have shown all the features..."?

    I thought the same thing. I remember reading that they have already released all the information regarding expansion features. However, this is the second time I have seen Bill make that same comment. Maybe he knows something we don't?

    Here it is.


    Jason Winter - "When I talked with Mike O'Brien and Colin Johansson at PAX South, right after the Heart of Thorns reveal, I asked specifically about dungeons and whether we'd be getting any of those in the expansion. Sure, they hadn't mentioned them, but maybe they were just... I don't know, something that was relatively pointless to bring up separately because it was just a thing that expansions do – of course they have to have new dungeons, right?

    Even when I got the response of “we announced every major feature of Heart of Thorns today,” I still thought that maybe they didn't think dungeons “major” enough, but it's been long enough now that I think we would have heard about new dungeons if they were included. So, I'm about 99% sure there won't be any in Heart of Thorns. The questions I have are: Will there ever be new dungeons? And if there aren't, is that OK?"

  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917

    This pretty much put the final nail in the coffin for me. Games like Arenanet on the PC and other PC mmo's have totally made me switch platforms completely. I've had more fun on the console since switching and the reason I've switched is directly due to the ever increasing price on products that don't come anywhere close to hitting the mark of what type of content we should be seeing in DLCs. 

    This game in particular has been one disappointment after another with facepalming decisions being made over a three year period. There's not been a single decision for a long time now that hasn't been facepalm worthy and it's sad when you have people who have no idea what they are doing in charge of something this big. They took a AAA title and turned it into a joke. 

  • KyarraKyarra Member UncommonPosts: 789
    I am playing SWTOR and FF14 at the moment, so I will wait until it is either a lowered price, or you get more for the standard edition. The expansion is overpriced in my opinion. I enjoy GW2, I have been playing it since beta, but I can't justify the price. It should be 20 dollars cheaper if you already have the base game.
  • AzarithAzarith Member UncommonPosts: 52

    I haven't been following the game since I don't play anymore. From what I've seen though it looks like $50 for guild halls and just 1 elite spec per class. 2 or more per class would be great, there would be more variation and choice involved.

    Everything I've seen though of the expansion has been a bit underwhelming and the pricetag is making me a lot less interested. Why buy what looks like a minimal expansion when I could buy 1-2 complete games for that price?

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    Originally posted by meonthissite

    This pretty much put the final nail in the coffin for me. Games like Arenanet on the PC and other PC mmo's have totally made me switch platforms completely. I've had more fun on the console since switching and the reason I've switched is directly due to the ever increasing price on products that don't come anywhere close to hitting the mark of what type of content we should be seeing in DLCs. 

    This game in particular has been one disappointment after another with facepalming decisions being made over a three year period. There's not been a single decision for a long time now that hasn't been facepalm worthy and it's sad when you have people who have no idea what they are doing in charge of something this big. They took a AAA title and turned it into a joke. 

  on consoles are not only more expensive than on the pc but online services cost a subscription fee AND for a lot of pc games you get a ton of free mods - so i really dont understand your argument

    besides all the constant sales on pc... i can right now buy 5 aaa titles on steam sale for the price i pay 1 console title
  • eye_meye_m Member UncommonPosts: 3,317
    I own the expansion now, and am quite pleased.  I look forward to seeing what the next chapter in Living story brings.  I have to admit, I'm also kinda looking forward to reading the threads people post on "I didn't buy the expansion right away, and now I'm supposed to pay 200 gems to unlock each part of the story?"

    All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.

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  • AnirethAnireth Member UncommonPosts: 940

    The biggest problem is them insisting on calling it an "expansion". Given that you can not buy either the current content nor the future content individually, together with the price tag, it's clear it's not an expansion but simply a new game.

    Like FF IXV A realm reborn vs FF IXV or so.

    I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high
    And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll
    Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde
    And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore

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