I will not pre-purchase HOT until they have an exact release date. What i think about this price riot is new players can get a sweet deal while we loyal players do not have any of that. ArenaNet should either offer $39.99 for the expansion only or put some more bonus eg. a free character slot (like in GW expansion) to justify the value of $49.99. Many of us (current players) are waiting with our money, hope they do sth about the current situation.
Originally posted by lqw6843128 I will not pre-purchase HOT until they have an exact release date. What i think about this price riot is new players can get a sweet deal while we loyal players do not have any of that. ArenaNet should either offer $39.99 for the expansion only or put some more bonus eg. a free character slot (like in GW expansion) to justify the value of $49.99. Many of us (current players) are waiting with our money, hope they do sth about the current situation.
Please you do not speak for the majority. You don't speak for me.
HOT will keep current players and weed out the old.
You are being recycled, they want to keep it green.
I hope ArenaNet just throws the free character slot, so people will shut the hell up.
So we can go back to normal, complaining about how this game sucks and have no endgame .
A more "palatable" discussion.
now: GW2 (11 80s). Dark Souls 2. future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord. "Bro, do your even fractal?" Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Originally posted by lqw6843128 I will not pre-purchase HOT until they have an exact release date. What i think about this price riot is new players can get a sweet deal while we loyal players do not have any of that. ArenaNet should either offer $39.99 for the expansion only or put some more bonus eg. a free character slot (like in GW expansion) to justify the value of $49.99. Many of us (current players) are waiting with our money, hope they do sth about the current situation.
Please you do not speak for the majority. You don't speak for me.
HOT will keep current players and weed out the old.
You are being recycled, they want to keep it green.
yes, you are right. i should just say me here. But look at the official GW2 forum.
Edit: Btw, i will still buy it even if it stays $50, I'm just waiting for more info Peace
GW2 was released AUG 12. Since inception there has been a regular stream of content and general improvements to the game. It has a pretty non invasive cash shop. A B2P game will need periodic influxes of cash to continue it's growth and keep the free content coming. $50 spent for however many years of gameplay seems worth it. If, however, you are the type that runs through new content in 12 hours of nonstop rushing then move on to the next game, then the $50 might not be worth it.
Originally posted by lqw6843128 I will not pre-purchase HOT until they have an exact release date. What i think about this price riot is new players can get a sweet deal while we loyal players do not have any of that. ArenaNet should either offer $39.99 for the expansion only or put some more bonus eg. a free character slot (like in GW expansion) to justify the value of $49.99. Many of us (current players) are waiting with our money, hope they do sth about the current situation.
Please you do not speak for the majority. You don't speak for me.
HOT will keep current players and weed out the old.
You are being recycled, they want to keep it green.
yes, you are right. i should just say me here. But look at the official GW2 forum.
Edit: Btw, i will still buy it even if it stays $50, I'm just waiting for more info Peace
If YOU even actually read the GW Forums you would have know that:
Originally posted by FomaldehydeJim I won't be buying this since I don' care for the game; but if I were going to, the price point seems about right. You have had three years of a B2P game with free content updates and now you expect a discount on the expansion because you already own the base game? Entitled much?
I do, I already own the base game, people coming in get the perks, while people who have pumped money into their gem store for years pay the same and get no perks like an extra character slot to play the new class. If that isn't enough of a stick in the eye, they put the base game on sale a few weeks ago to get new people in for the expac, then they put it in with the expac....to remedy the issue they re now offering expac only upgrade, but only to people who bought the base game during the last sale. So call us entitled all you want, I say we are just smart consumers, and a good deal this is not....so I'm not giving them my money....simple enough?
Bruh, we veteran players did recieve perks. None of the new players will ever experience the living story the way we did. And they will have to buy Season 2 just to experience the better half of the LS. There are titles and things like the marionette that we got FOR FREE that new players will not be able to get/experience. This is being blown way out of proportion as usual.
Originally posted by laserit The stench of entitlement is strong here.
I don't see entitlement, I see years long supporters getting screwed. If Anet offered the expansion only without the base game included for all current GW2 owners at say 29.99 or even 39.99 then ok no problem, but to charge $60.00 for the base game + expansion to people who ALREADY own the base game is a big problem.
It is nothing but greed. Maybe they will before the expansion goes live offer an upgrade for a cheaper price and if they do then that would be good and most likely will help calm things down.
What skin is it off your ass if new players get the original game for free when they buy the Xpac. IMHO It has less to do with greed and more to do with weak sales of the base game and a shrinking player base.
Originally posted by lqw6843128 I will not pre-purchase HOT until they have an exact release date. What i think about this price riot is new players can get a sweet deal while we loyal players do not have any of that. ArenaNet should either offer $39.99 for the expansion only or put some more bonus eg. a free character slot (like in GW expansion) to justify the value of $49.99. Many of us (current players) are waiting with our money, hope they do sth about the current situation.
Please you do not speak for the majority. You don't speak for me.
HOT will keep current players and weed out the old.
You are being recycled, they want to keep it green.
yes, you are right. i should just say me here. But look at the official GW2 forum.
Edit: Btw, i will still buy it even if it stays $50, I'm just waiting for more info Peace
If YOU even actually read the GW Forums you would have know that:
huh? i can't even understand what and why u arguing this time. Of course, they will help those who recently purchase the game, and yes, i have known that before i came here posting my opinion. Jesus this forum
So, the expansion is up for preorder, but if you already own the game and have been playing for years you get nothing for $50. No extra character slots, nothing but a game we have no real info on other than a few small details. The forums are a flame in anger, people are vowing not to buy it…while others feel the need to pay even more ($100 for the ultimate edition)....oh and if you are new, you get the base game.....lucky you......I was looking forward to it, now it’s like someone handed me a deflated balloon …What did they offer up to remedy this? if you bought the base game recently you can get an upgrade for less, but if you have owned the game, screw you xD.....What a debacle.
If you recently bought it you are offered a offer which saves you money..
If you already PLAY THE GAME FOR YEARS you dont get a offer, what is wrong with that? you spend YEARS playing the game without having to pay anything else and you think you should be granted a offer, while you play the game FOR YEARS on which you paid YEARS ago 2 mc donalds meals worth of money...
The mmorpg community is ridicilous.
If someone played GW2 for "years" there is something wrong with them. There is a few months of content at best. I mean, how many world completions, zerker only dungeons and Mystic Toilet RNG dice throws can you do?
That could be said about any game. How many times can you raid over and over. Knowing that in the next expansion you will be doing it ALL over again. At least with this game you have more options than raid or die, or BG for token gear then do it all over again next season.
Originally posted by Thane you played their game for free for 4 years now or whatbot, that should REALLY give you something else for free.. since you payed THAT much
They didn't play for free, They payed a box price for said service, I have no idea how people equate that to "free".
Originally posted by Leon1e Most people, myself included, are upset that there are absolutely no perks whatsoever for veteran players. It's thanks to those players there is HoT in the first fucking place.
I also don't understand why people think they are "better" than anyone else. "I spent a $1000 in the cash shop, i'm a more valuable player than you. I'm a veteran!!"
A customer is a customer. it doesn't matter how long they have been playing or how much was spent.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
So, the expansion is up for preorder, but if you already own the game and have been playing for years you get nothing for $50. No extra character slots, nothing but a game we have no real info on other than a few small details. The forums are a flame in anger, people are vowing not to buy it…while others feel the need to pay even more ($100 for the ultimate edition)....oh and if you are new, you get the base game.....lucky you......I was looking forward to it, now it’s like someone handed me a deflated balloon …What did they offer up to remedy this? if you bought the base game recently you can get an upgrade for less, but if you have owned the game, screw you xD.....What a debacle.
you get nothing?
as far as i got it HoT offers:
* a new class,
* new specs,
* new weapons,
*structedered pvp (strongholds),
* a new region....
yea, that's basically NOTHING you get. and after all, you played their game for free for 4 years now or whatbot, that should REALLY give you something else for free.. since you payed THAT much
and i dont see that offer anyway you refer to. why should recently buying players pay less? how'd you come up with that logic?
That argument is irrelevant, and untrue. The game hasn't even been out for 3 years, and it also required an initial purchase. It was not free.
That argument would only work if HoT was free, but it's not. People are judging the value of HoT and what it has to offer. Leave the base game out of it.
You want a comparison? Compare HoT to FFXIV's Heavensward.
Heavensward wins hands down in terms of content. I don't even like FFXIV, and i've been critical of it in the past, but i can recognize that it offers more value for content.
Oddest discussion about nothing imho. I purchased Tera like thousands of others and it went f2p, and no one made a huge deal out of it, same with many other titles out there. It is hard to believe that people feel like they are being cheated out of something so simple as this.
It's only $49.99, not a huge problem at all. Support the title if you like it, if not move on with what you feel is fair to your pocketbook and ego.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
First and foremodt 50$ is price of HOT. Theres no "separate" or "non-separate". Youre not getting another copy of GW2. ANet is so kind to just include base game into the package for NEW players.
Second, people who bought it for 10$ and played it for few months now have 0 right to complain. In fact YOURE doing complaining for them and didnt see any notice of appointment youre their spokeperson. Means youre just speaking out of your a**. If tehy like it theyll buy the expansion, if not they wont, its THAT simple.
Third. Price of expansion is in line with other games which cost from 40-60. See, right there in the middle. GW2 is B2P game, WOW is P2P game with box price and cashs shop. Just like othe P2P games mentioned. Incomparable. Free games are free games. GW2 is not F2P game either.
GW2 playerbase is not "overly defensive" its just that GW2 trolls are just most stupid and funny.
Oh yea, they could throw in characer slot, as that would actually mean anything to people like OP and other trolls. Which came out of the woodwork, like everyone knew they would. Its been quite long draught for them.
It will be most funny when they start saying they bough expansion "to try it out and that its still worst game EVAH"
1) That's precisely why the price is a problem: there isn't a separate upgrade for veterans who already own the base game and just want to buy HoT. You have to pay for both. You are not given the option to just buy HoT without the base game, or the option to gift that extra copy of the base game to someone else. So you are paying for a product you don't need.
2) There are literally dozens of people complaining about it on multiple social media sites. Just because they're not a majority doesn't mean they don't exist.
3) The price of the expansion is easily argued to be more than it ought to be. You keep wanting to compare it to WoW, so let's go ahead and do just that.
Go ahead, compare them. I'll wait. And then I'll laugh when you try to claim that HoT has "more" content for the same price. Especially since all of the PvP/WvW changes (as well as the trait system changes) aren't even actually part of the expansion itself, they're just updates that are going to roll at the same time as the expansion (that is, they're actually free updates that you'll get whether you buy the expansion or not).
And that's not even the only example I can provide. Someone else pointed out earlier that FF14 had an expansion recently which was also larger than HoT, for a lower price. HoT is very clearly and visibly overpriced, especially when you consider that almost half of its "content" is stuff they're going to add to the vanilla game anyways. So you're basically paying $50 for:
One new class
The specializations/masteries systems
Guild halls (maybe, since there was talk of even these not being 100% bound to expansion-only players)
Which is probably why all of my friends who still play GW2 have all said they're not going to buy it.
4) No, GW2's fandom is by far the most over defensive of them all, and you are the living proof of it. I make one attempt to clarify the OP's points and you're instantly on top of me, being insulting and degrading in traditional internet fashion, just for daring to point out that the OP is technically correct in his complaint. That is what we call being overly defensive: you're so quick to rush to the game's defense like a true white knight that you didn't even bother to look and make sure I was actually insulting the game first.
Which makes this argument all the funnier because not only did I *not* insult the game....I actually used to play it, and it was by far one of my favorite MMOs. I played as early as the betas, was a pre-purchaser and everything, and I played it for well over a year before finally quitting. And I quit primarily because of people like you, who have no interest in seeing the game actually improve and wouldn't dare let anyone insinuate that ANet is not perfect.
Whereas people like me were pointing out issues in the game as far back as the beta, folks like you were the ones constantly insisting nothing was wrong with the game. You produced a wind tunnel that insulated the ANet team from the concerns of its players, and it took many months before we chipped through that armor and got them to start listening again. And then when ANet finally agreed with us and addressed our complaints, you switched sides and praised ANet for their glorious insight, acting as if people hadn't been calling out these issues for months without end. I ended up quitting the game because it had produced one of the most toxic communities in MMO history, and I wasn't interested in playing with people who were too far stuck up their own bums to have fun with us "casuals" once in a while. You ought to listen to Dakeru, because he/she's right....people like you are the reason GW2's community has such a terrible reputation across the internet.
Or, to sum it up: I didn't kick your dog, I disagreed with you on the internet. Chill your jets. Address my points, and try to do it without a personal attack for once.
Originally posted by CriticKitten Originally posted by MalaboogaThats because your and his points are just BS.First and foremodt 50$ is price of HOT. Theres no "separate" or "non-separate". Youre not getting another copy of GW2. ANet is so kind to just include base game into the package for NEW players.Second, people who bought it for 10$ and played it for few months now have 0 right to complain. In fact YOURE doing complaining for them and didnt see any notice of appointment youre their spokeperson. Means youre just speaking out of your a**. If tehy like it theyll buy the expansion, if not they wont, its THAT simple.Third. Price of expansion is in line with other games which cost from 40-60. See, right there in the middle. GW2 is B2P game, WOW is P2P game with box price and cashs shop. Just like othe P2P games mentioned. Incomparable. Free games are free games. GW2 is not F2P game either.GW2 playerbase is not "overly defensive" its just that GW2 trolls are just most stupid and funny.Oh yea, they could throw in characer slot, as that would actually mean anything to people like OP and other trolls. Which came out of the woodwork, like everyone knew they would. Its been quite long draught for them.It will be most funny when they start saying they bough expansion "to try it out and that its still worst game EVAH"
1) That's precisely why the price is a problem: there isn't a separate upgrade for veterans who already own the base game and just want to buy HoT. You have to pay for both. You are not given the option to just buy HoT without the base game, or the option to gift that extra copy of the base game to someone else. So you are paying for a product you don't need.
...Did you even read his post?
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
I'm fairly certain this is not that hard of a concept to grasp. It's less to do with some "fairy tale idea" and more....common sense. People who own a product and want to buy the expansion to said product do not need, nor want, to pay for the original product again. They should be given the option to buy only the part they want, if they so desire. There's nothing outrageous or unfair or "entitled" about that.
Originally posted by Nitth...Did you even read his post?You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion.
And what you are not getting is they are charging $50 for the expansion with the base game thrown in FREE.
Do you really think marketing would charge 25$ for an expansion when the free market would freely accept a price of around $50?
It would NEVER ever of crossed their minds to charge $25 for an expansion or $50 for a bundle.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
I'm fairly certain this is not that hard of a concept to grasp. It's less to do with some "fairy tale idea" and more....common sense. People who own a product and want to buy the expansion to said product do not need, nor want, to pay for the original product again. They should be given the option to buy only the part they want, if they so desire. There's nothing outrageous or unfair or "entitled" about that.
I look at it this way. The original product was/is free and you are paying for the expansion. WoW upgraded everyone to MoP for free prior to WoD releasing. It makes it easier for new players to start the game. /shrug
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
Actually it just depends on how you look at it. I think Nitth is correct.
The expansion is 50 dollars.
They are throwing in the base game for no extra charge.
Essentially for this new content infusion they want 50 dollars and they want to be able to hook new players by saying "you get everything for 50 dollars" as opposed to saying "you can buy the game for 50 dollars but if you want to stay you will have to buy the expansion for x dollars".
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Most people, myself included, are upset that there are absolutely no perks whatsoever for veteran players. It's thanks to those players there is HoT in the first fucking place.
I'd be happy with at least 1 free character slot, or AT LEAST 50-60% off of the gem price of one. There is absolutely no respect toward veteran players who play since headstart. Every Gw1 campaign had 1 slot for *free*.
And really its not about the 10$ more or less, it's about how they treat their loyal customers.
Newcomers get the best value out of it. And here I am, blaming new players for the "New Playing Experience" we got few months ago which completely fucked up traits.
New players are overrated.,...
Also, to the guys bringing up WoW. WoW expack is 50$ ... to *veterans*. New comers play heftier price. Which is how it should be.
And the argument that we've been playing for years is no argument at all. Many of us were paying along the way, supporting the dev, even though we didn't have to. Shit like this makes me regret every $ I've spent.
After the thank you letter from CDPR on Witcher 3, I just didn't have a dev kissing my ass for purchasing their game...
So you feel ENTITLED to something? This generation is the ENTITLED generation.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
No, I'm pretty sure not every AAA company does this.
Blizzard: NO
Funcom: NO
Please feel free to add to this.
I hope ArenaNet just throws the free character slot, so people will shut the hell up.
So we can go back to normal, complaining about how this game sucks and have no endgame
Please you do not speak for the majority. You don't speak for me.
HOT will keep current players and weed out the old.
You are being recycled, they want to keep it green.
A more "palatable" discussion.
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
yes, you are right. i should just say me here. But look at the official GW2 forum.
Edit: Btw, i will still buy it even if it stays $50, I'm just waiting for more info
I self identify as a monkey.
If YOU even actually read the GW Forums you would have know that:
[–]Michael Henninger
<div may-blank-within="" md-container="" "="">We'll most certainly help anyone out who just bought the core game and would like to make the change to a HoT pre-purchase.
Bruh, we veteran players did recieve perks. None of the new players will ever experience the living story the way we did. And they will have to buy Season 2 just to experience the better half of the LS. There are titles and things like the marionette that we got FOR FREE that new players will not be able to get/experience. This is being blown way out of proportion as usual.
What skin is it off your ass if new players get the original game for free when they buy the Xpac. IMHO It has less to do with greed and more to do with weak sales of the base game and a shrinking player base.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
huh? i can't even understand what and why u arguing this time. Of course, they will help those who recently purchase the game, and yes, i have known that before i came here posting my opinion. Jesus this forum
That could be said about any game. How many times can you raid over and over. Knowing that in the next expansion you will be doing it ALL over again. At least with this game you have more options than raid or die, or BG for token gear then do it all over again next season.
I also don't understand why people think they are "better" than anyone else.
"I spent a $1000 in the cash shop, i'm a more valuable player than you. I'm a veteran!!"
A customer is a customer. it doesn't matter how long they have been playing or how much was spent.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
That argument is irrelevant, and untrue. The game hasn't even been out for 3 years, and it also required an initial purchase. It was not free.
That argument would only work if HoT was free, but it's not. People are judging the value of HoT and what it has to offer. Leave the base game out of it.
You want a comparison? Compare HoT to FFXIV's Heavensward.
Heavensward wins hands down in terms of content. I don't even like FFXIV, and i've been critical of it in the past, but i can recognize that it offers more value for content.
Oddest discussion about nothing imho. I purchased Tera like thousands of others and it went f2p, and no one made a huge deal out of it, same with many other titles out there. It is hard to believe that people feel like they are being cheated out of something so simple as this.
It's only $49.99, not a huge problem at all. Support the title if you like it, if not move on with what you feel is fair to your pocketbook and ego.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
1) That's precisely why the price is a problem: there isn't a separate upgrade for veterans who already own the base game and just want to buy HoT. You have to pay for both. You are not given the option to just buy HoT without the base game, or the option to gift that extra copy of the base game to someone else. So you are paying for a product you don't need.
2) There are literally dozens of people complaining about it on multiple social media sites. Just because they're not a majority doesn't mean they don't exist.
3) The price of the expansion is easily argued to be more than it ought to be. You keep wanting to compare it to WoW, so let's go ahead and do just that.
Go ahead, compare them. I'll wait. And then I'll laugh when you try to claim that HoT has "more" content for the same price. Especially since all of the PvP/WvW changes (as well as the trait system changes) aren't even actually part of the expansion itself, they're just updates that are going to roll at the same time as the expansion (that is, they're actually free updates that you'll get whether you buy the expansion or not).
And that's not even the only example I can provide. Someone else pointed out earlier that FF14 had an expansion recently which was also larger than HoT, for a lower price. HoT is very clearly and visibly overpriced, especially when you consider that almost half of its "content" is stuff they're going to add to the vanilla game anyways. So you're basically paying $50 for:
Which is probably why all of my friends who still play GW2 have all said they're not going to buy it.
4) No, GW2's fandom is by far the most over defensive of them all, and you are the living proof of it. I make one attempt to clarify the OP's points and you're instantly on top of me, being insulting and degrading in traditional internet fashion, just for daring to point out that the OP is technically correct in his complaint. That is what we call being overly defensive: you're so quick to rush to the game's defense like a true white knight that you didn't even bother to look and make sure I was actually insulting the game first.
Which makes this argument all the funnier because not only did I *not* insult the game....I actually used to play it, and it was by far one of my favorite MMOs. I played as early as the betas, was a pre-purchaser and everything, and I played it for well over a year before finally quitting. And I quit primarily because of people like you, who have no interest in seeing the game actually improve and wouldn't dare let anyone insinuate that ANet is not perfect.
Whereas people like me were pointing out issues in the game as far back as the beta, folks like you were the ones constantly insisting nothing was wrong with the game. You produced a wind tunnel that insulated the ANet team from the concerns of its players, and it took many months before we chipped through that armor and got them to start listening again. And then when ANet finally agreed with us and addressed our complaints, you switched sides and praised ANet for their glorious insight, acting as if people hadn't been calling out these issues for months without end. I ended up quitting the game because it had produced one of the most toxic communities in MMO history, and I wasn't interested in playing with people who were too far stuck up their own bums to have fun with us "casuals" once in a while. You ought to listen to Dakeru, because he/she's right....people like you are the reason GW2's community has such a terrible reputation across the internet.
Or, to sum it up: I didn't kick your dog, I disagreed with you on the internet. Chill your jets. Address my points, and try to do it without a personal attack for once.
...Did you even read his post?
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
I'm fairly certain this is not that hard of a concept to grasp. It's less to do with some "fairy tale idea" and more....common sense. People who own a product and want to buy the expansion to said product do not need, nor want, to pay for the original product again. They should be given the option to buy only the part they want, if they so desire. There's nothing outrageous or unfair or "entitled" about that.
Who is expecting it for free? People are judging the value of the expansion. That is not being entitled.
And what you are not getting is they are charging $50 for the expansion with the base game thrown in FREE.
Do you really think marketing would charge 25$ for an expansion when the free market would freely accept a price of around $50?
It would NEVER ever of crossed their minds to charge $25 for an expansion or $50 for a bundle.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
I look at it this way. The original product was/is free and you are paying for the expansion. WoW upgraded everyone to MoP for free prior to WoD releasing. It makes it easier for new players to start the game. /shrug
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I didn't read into anyone expecting the Xpac for free. Just some whining about special perks and free character slots.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Actually it just depends on how you look at it. I think Nitth is correct.
The expansion is 50 dollars.
They are throwing in the base game for no extra charge.
Essentially for this new content infusion they want 50 dollars and they want to be able to hook new players by saying "you get everything for 50 dollars" as opposed to saying "you can buy the game for 50 dollars but if you want to stay you will have to buy the expansion for x dollars".
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
So you feel ENTITLED to something? This generation is the ENTITLED generation.
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"