I think the multiplayer game is highly over rated. The game was maybe enjoyable 2-3 hours but after that it felt really repetive and like a work when you need to harvest so many ingrediences and when equipment breaks so easily. So all you do more or less is looking at the ground 90% of the time while you harvest new ingrediences or picking stone. I have not touched it for 2 days by now and will probably not invest more hours into it. I feel there are much better games out there. However things can still change in this game as it's early access, but I doubt frustrating core mechanics will change.
I think you confused survival with vacation.
I suggest "Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild" instead.
It is a game though, it should be fun, survival or not.
Building a wooden foundation would require me to chop down like 1 large tree, and that would be enough for more than the foundation. However, I need to chop like 10 for that foundation. You need at least 4 foundations for enough space. It's just work work work. You see people riding dinos into battle, raiding Rex's, fighting dragons in the trailer but that only accounts for .5% of the game.
A more accurate trailer would be deforestation/mining simulator 2015.
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
Originally posted by laokoko "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Enjoyed the review and looking forward to playing this but there's one line that really struck me, Bill.
"You have to pay your dues."
In no other entertainment service or product do we see such a thing as palatable or acceptable, so why do you feel that belongs in MMOs? And if it is acceptable for a customer to have to work to get to the fun part, shouldn't payment begin only when the fun part starts and not a moment before?
Not sure but I think it's because of the original hope/dream/goal of MMORPG's that they be world simulators for large groups of people to develop and explore over a long period of time. Regular video games are just that, games, but MMORPG's were initially supposed to be virtual worlds you made your way in, in a multiplayer environment. In a single player game you can be the focus and the game play can be focused on catering to your experience. But in a world simulator with many other players, it's supposed to be up to you how rewarding the experience is to a certain degree. Paying the dues is a feature. It makes the journey more satisfying (long term) and allows for the multiplayer aspect (as a social aspect, not necessarily pvp) to function/develop. I.E. an MMO where all the players are the chosen one is stupid (Yeah, I'm looking at you AoC). That being said, how 'paying the dues' is implemented is critical.
Over time MMO's have had the expectation lowered to the same as a regular single player video game, but many of the dynamics (paying the dues) are still around.
I think the multiplayer game is highly over rated. The game was maybe enjoyable 2-3 hours but after that it felt really repetive and like a work when you need to harvest so many ingrediences and when equipment breaks so easily. So all you do more or less is looking at the ground 90% of the time while you harvest new ingrediences or picking stone. I have not touched it for 2 days by now and will probably not invest more hours into it. I feel there are much better games out there. However things can still change in this game as it's early access, but I doubt frustrating core mechanics will change.
I think you confused survival with vacation.
I suggest "Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild" instead.
It is a game though, it should be fun, survival or not.
Building a wooden foundation would require me to chop down like 1 large tree, and that would be enough for more than the foundation. However, I need to chop like 10 for that foundation. You need at least 4 foundations for enough space. It's just work work work. You see people riding dinos into battle, raiding Rex's, fighting dragons in the trailer but that only accounts for .5% of the game.
A more accurate trailer would be deforestation/mining simulator 2015.
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
LOL spending 9 out of 10 hours doing deforestation/mining is not survival it is idiocy
I literally haven't done anything else since this game launched on my computer. They've come a long way since the early release already. I was getting around 20 fps on epic, but now I'm getting ~45 with a Titan X. I just got a rifle with a scope and this game couldn't be more fun I run around mountain ledges and find dinosaurs to kill. I build myself a little blind and shoot em all
I highly suggest playing on a private (protected) server. Most twitch streamers have one, but it requires a sub tot their channel usually, but it's totally worth it. You don't have to worry about griefers as the channel mods ususally ban such activities
I think the multiplayer game is highly over rated. The game was maybe enjoyable 2-3 hours but after that it felt really repetive and like a work when you need to harvest so many ingrediences and when equipment breaks so easily. So all you do more or less is looking at the ground 90% of the time while you harvest new ingrediences or picking stone. I have not touched it for 2 days by now and will probably not invest more hours into it. I feel there are much better games out there. However things can still change in this game as it's early access, but I doubt frustrating core mechanics will change.
I think you confused survival with vacation.
I suggest "Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild" instead.
It is a game though, it should be fun, survival or not.
Building a wooden foundation would require me to chop down like 1 large tree, and that would be enough for more than the foundation. However, I need to chop like 10 for that foundation. You need at least 4 foundations for enough space. It's just work work work. You see people riding dinos into battle, raiding Rex's, fighting dragons in the trailer but that only accounts for .5% of the game.
A more accurate trailer would be deforestation/mining simulator 2015.
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
LOL spending 9 out of 10 hours doing deforestation/mining is not survival it is idiocy
I'm hoping they'll do some balancing there. Currently it's getting old fast doing nothing but gathering everything in sight (and even crafting useless crap) just to squeeze out every last ounce of XP to get one step closer to being able to make something useful (and from there go to actually doing something fun).
The game's definitely got a lot of potential, but at times it's painfully obvious that it sorely needs some fine tuning. But hey, they've got a year to polish it into something great, so I'm not giving up. (Though it will be shelved for a while once 7 Days to Die's A12 update goes live. Which is still the far more entertaining game for me at the moment.)
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Picked this up on Thursday and have not been able to put it down.. For an early access game its a lot of fun, yes there are bugs and yes there are performance issues but its fun to play and thats what counts.
Also putting
into the steam start up properties for the game helps with performance for a lot of people.. it doubled the fps for most people i play with but you have to make do without some of the cool lighting and other nice features.
I see people complaining that they cant do everything easily by themselves. Well the truth is you cant do everything by yourself in this game you can never unlock enough skill points to learn everything. The game is made to try and get people to work together and survive that includes PVE and PVP when needed.. When worknig as a team gathering resources and so on get easy.. trying to do it all by yourself is just silly.
I bought the game and in my opinion the game has potential, I have been only able to play for few minutes here and there, the main problem is the low FPS and the long time that takes to long into the game, every time you log off and try to log on the same file are downloaded time and time and time again, dont understand why?
The game has potential but the devs right now need to concentrate in optimization because there is a big group of players struggling just to log in. Even players with top notch rigs and 16 G memory are only getting 15 FPS and dont even bother with those of us who only have 4 G memory we are basically garbage.
I bought the game and in my opinion the game has potential, I have been only able to play for few minutes here and there, the main problem is the low FPS and the long time that takes to long into the game, every time you log off and try to log on the same file are downloaded time and time and time again, dont understand why?
The game has potential but the devs right now need to concentrate in optimization because there is a big group of players struggling just to log in. Even players with top notch rigs and 16 G memory are only getting 15 FPS and dont even bother with those of us who only have 4 G memory we are basically garbage.
start the game using -sm4 this will nearly double your fps...
As for the game taking time to load and download stuff.. its not downloading anything the game is just showing you that its loading files up, the island is quite large and the assets are quite complex so takes some time to load everything up. i am sure it will get better over time..
The game looks pretty good to me. This is a multiplayer game, not a single player game. You can't learn all engrams (crafting recipes) at max level 60. Right now you get 1112 Engram points total to spend, so spend wisely.
If you have a good group you could a have a armoursmith, weaponsmith, architect(structures), farmer and a cook.
If you want to go solo, I recommend learning weapons and armour first and foremost. Then food and water (Water skin & jar). Wood structure are fine. If you loose it, you make another. The goal is not accumulation of stuff, its survival.
You will want to learn Mortar And Pestle, Refining Forge, & Smithy.
Try and stick with small farming.
Pardon any spelling errors
Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven Boy: Why can't I talk to Him? Mom: We don't talk to Priests. As if it could exist, without being payed for. F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing. Even telemarketers wouldn't think that. It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
I think the multiplayer game is highly over rated. The game was maybe enjoyable 2-3 hours but after that it felt really repetive and like a work when you need to harvest so many ingrediences and when equipment breaks so easily. So all you do more or less is looking at the ground 90% of the time while you harvest new ingrediences or picking stone. I have not touched it for 2 days by now and will probably not invest more hours into it. I feel there are much better games out there. However things can still change in this game as it's early access, but I doubt frustrating core mechanics will change.
I think you confused survival with vacation.
I suggest "Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild" instead.
It is a game though, it should be fun, survival or not.
Building a wooden foundation would require me to chop down like 1 large tree, and that would be enough for more than the foundation. However, I need to chop like 10 for that foundation. You need at least 4 foundations for enough space. It's just work work work. You see people riding dinos into battle, raiding Rex's, fighting dragons in the trailer but that only accounts for .5% of the game.
A more accurate trailer would be deforestation/mining simulator 2015.
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
LOL spending 9 out of 10 hours doing deforestation/mining is not survival it is idiocy
So is starting sentences with "LOL" and skipping punctuation..
your metrics for "fun" don't apply to anyone else. Stop imposing them on us.
when you insult someones grammar or punctuation it means you have very few ideas, sorry. "stop imposing them on us" oh please stop playing the victim
I KNOW you can get 30fps.........but id rather not run around looking at the sand all day.
Whats that you say, its early access, its not been optimized ?
Fuck im so sick of this stock answer, and btw I own many games on steam early access dating right back to steams very First which was Grim Dawn.
I know a bit about how to customize configs for better performance, but if you go into some of this games confgs obviously using note++ they are a complete mess infact you need full experience with UE4 before you can even consider changing anything in these configs.
They claim that better optimization will come, yea when the standard PC has a 9 series....call it 3 years.
That's what early access is. Working out issues and optimization is a big one. So it's logical that it's a 'stock' answer. There are also a handful of other things that havee 'stock' answers. It sounds like you should just avoid jumping into games early.
I think the multiplayer game is highly over rated. The game was maybe enjoyable 2-3 hours but after that it felt really repetive and like a work when you need to harvest so many ingrediences and when equipment breaks so easily. So all you do more or less is looking at the ground 90% of the time while you harvest new ingrediences or picking stone. I have not touched it for 2 days by now and will probably not invest more hours into it. I feel there are much better games out there. However things can still change in this game as it's early access, but I doubt frustrating core mechanics will change.
I think you confused survival with vacation.
I suggest "Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild" instead.
It is a game though, it should be fun, survival or not.
Building a wooden foundation would require me to chop down like 1 large tree, and that would be enough for more than the foundation. However, I need to chop like 10 for that foundation. You need at least 4 foundations for enough space. It's just work work work. You see people riding dinos into battle, raiding Rex's, fighting dragons in the trailer but that only accounts for .5% of the game.
A more accurate trailer would be deforestation/mining simulator 2015.
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
LOL spending 9 out of 10 hours doing deforestation/mining is not survival it is idiocy
So is starting sentences with "LOL" and skipping punctuation..
your metrics for "fun" don't apply to anyone else. Stop imposing them on us.
Nobody is imposing, but I didn't realize there is a uniform way the survival genre has to work? It isn't our game to decide what happens to it. Just voicing an opinion is all, but that's against the rules here. Anyway, let's not get started on everything that ISN'T realistic about this game... I just think (Keeping the Difficulty) make it more streamlined and fun would be helpful. H1Z1, and I am not a fanboy, I don't even play the game, did it better imo. It made it so that whatever you are doing is fun. Looting is fun, crafting is fun, It's more about the rarity and quality of ingredients than it is quantity of ingredients.
Now Playing: Bless / Summoners War Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
I’m of the school of thought that the Bartele types are gold. Killers don’t want to craft. I consider crafters to be part Achiever and part Socializer. Collect resources to build walls and other craftables is an achievement.
An achievement that Killers can’t tolerate. This kind of game mechanic must have a way for non-Achievers to buy craftables, an economy. To get away from crafting we will see equipment hacks. Smart tribes will make or hire Master Crafters and guard them like Gold Gods.
KIllers will craft. Ammo, advance weapons, and advanced armour.
Nvidia is doing the optimization for “PC-gamers, Virtual Reality (VR) and integrate NVIDIA GameWorks technologies”.
Pardon any spelling errors
Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven Boy: Why can't I talk to Him? Mom: We don't talk to Priests. As if it could exist, without being payed for. F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing. Even telemarketers wouldn't think that. It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
This game is something special. When I started it wa challenging, but now we have 3 in our tribe and have built Two large structures. One of them is about 4 stories tall and you can configure it and store all sorts of things inside. We now have replacement gear if we die and can't get our stuff back, tranquil arrows to knock out big Dino's, and are ramping up our efforts to tame more. There is a large difference in the abilities and needs of the dinos you pick to tame and have as pets. Loving the learning curve. The island is so big! I ventured out quite a ways to set up some beds (spawn points) further inland. There is a good amount of mystery as well with the obvious sci-fy elements.
One of the tricks to this game is taking the time to enjoy figuring out different ways to do things. It is a great sandbox and only getting better.
Started polayign with some buddies, built up a base and a farm while tribe was taming dino, got raided but massive guild who demanded tribute from us.... Gave them stuff to go away.
Then got tribe together next day, raided their base with a bunch of dinos and spears.... We all died terribly....
Then they retaliated and destroyed our entire base, but we ran away first, knowing they'd be comming for us after failed raid.
Built new base.... New base got raided.... possibly by same people... still not sure who.
Then rallied the rest of the server to attack them, killed a bunch of people, drowned their dino, and started epic blood feud.
Pretty fun so far. Really enjoying the territorial tribe game play. Def not for the faint of heart though, as I've prolly died about 100 times in my 30 hours of game play .
I am playing the game too... I instantly felt in love with it,even though i´m not a survival games lover...but the setting with Dinos is appealing enough.
The game is fun...intuitive...with amazing graphics and a very big sandbox component.
It´s hard too...If you get killed...you loose everything...i don´t know about loosing your tamed dinos but i guess you do as well...so is all about surviving...
You have to be warned though that the games runs....like shit! No optimization at al...if you have a medium PC all you will be able to play is in medium or low settings and still don´t get above 10-15fps...everytrhing looks like crap,very pixelated and in slow motion...but you can glimpse how cool the gameplay is.YOU ARE WARNED.
PS: Srry for my english...as u can imagine is not my native language
your english is better than mine lol
agreed, this game is really fun but the optimization is terrible. people should wait before buying it or they are going to play with 10/15 FPS. asked for a refund, I'll wait. Actually alpha testing repopulation,SOTA, landmark, H1Z1 and Albion, its enough for my headaches
"Dunno about hackers but i play on PVE servers so i can avoid the griefers"
as you can play on your own servers, you can definitiely avoid cheaterx and griefers, who killed H1Z1
Game is fun, if a bit broken. Dinos are too easy to train, resulting in massive power creep early. Grab a stego or bronto, gather a few k narcoberries in a few swings, 5 mins worth of arrow mat farming, go grab a megalo, tranq a trex or bird and farm prime meat with a megalo and tame the trex/bird in 20 minutes or so.
This is assuming a max level character starting over, with requisite saddles. Saddle mats are pretty simple to get for any dino assuming you have the engrams or get lucky on the correctly leveled supply drops.
For starting over as a lvl 1, just kill or tame some dilos/dodos and make sure you keep gathering berries while running from target to target until slingshot, then slingshot a few raptors and tame them simultaneously.
Game isn't hard. But it is fun, until you exhaust the very options. Island cave is still a challenge at higher levels, since 10 bats at a time while under freezing temperatures can be .. interesting if you're solo. In a group, not so much a challenge. Haven't tried the obelisk summons yet, but I don't think they'd be that hard assuming you have a bunch of bird riders.
Oh, infinitely flying birds is ... a bit overpowered. At least pteradons have a stamina limit, but the birds are overpowered in their ability to skirmish or lead dinosaurs to their drowning doom off a cliff into the water. But that's also fun, so it's never bad.
So I have been playing this since fathers day. It was given as a gift to me from my son. Originally it is not my type of game but I must say this is the only game I am playing at the moment. I can't explain it, it has everything I want in a game. This may not be your cup of tea but you might want to try it, I didn't think it was mine but I have had LOTS of fun so far!
I think, you do not understand how the survival genre works.
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Not sure but I think it's because of the original hope/dream/goal of MMORPG's that they be world simulators for large groups of people to develop and explore over a long period of time. Regular video games are just that, games, but MMORPG's were initially supposed to be virtual worlds you made your way in, in a multiplayer environment. In a single player game you can be the focus and the game play can be focused on catering to your experience. But in a world simulator with many other players, it's supposed to be up to you how rewarding the experience is to a certain degree. Paying the dues is a feature. It makes the journey more satisfying (long term) and allows for the multiplayer aspect (as a social aspect, not necessarily pvp) to function/develop. I.E. an MMO where all the players are the chosen one is stupid (Yeah, I'm looking at you AoC). That being said, how 'paying the dues' is implemented is critical.
Over time MMO's have had the expectation lowered to the same as a regular single player video game, but many of the dynamics (paying the dues) are still around.
LOL spending 9 out of 10 hours doing deforestation/mining is not survival it is idiocy
I literally haven't done anything else since this game launched on my computer. They've come a long way since the early release already. I was getting around 20 fps on epic, but now I'm getting ~45 with a Titan X. I just got a rifle with a scope and this game couldn't be more fun
I run around mountain ledges and find dinosaurs to kill. I build myself a little blind and shoot em all 
I highly suggest playing on a private (protected) server. Most twitch streamers have one, but it requires a sub tot their channel usually, but it's totally worth it. You don't have to worry about griefers as the channel mods ususally ban such activities
I'm hoping they'll do some balancing there. Currently it's getting old fast doing nothing but gathering everything in sight (and even crafting useless crap) just to squeeze out every last ounce of XP to get one step closer to being able to make something useful (and from there go to actually doing something fun).
The game's definitely got a lot of potential, but at times it's painfully obvious that it sorely needs some fine tuning. But hey, they've got a year to polish it into something great, so I'm not giving up. (Though it will be shelved for a while once 7 Days to Die's A12 update goes live. Which is still the far more entertaining game for me at the moment.)
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Picked this up on Thursday and have not been able to put it down.. For an early access game its a lot of fun, yes there are bugs and yes there are performance issues but its fun to play and thats what counts.
Also putting
into the steam start up properties for the game helps with performance for a lot of people.. it doubled the fps for most people i play with but you have to make do without some of the cool lighting and other nice features.
I see people complaining that they cant do everything easily by themselves. Well the truth is you cant do everything by yourself in this game you can never unlock enough skill points to learn everything. The game is made to try and get people to work together and survive that includes PVE and PVP when needed.. When worknig as a team gathering resources and so on get easy.. trying to do it all by yourself is just silly.
I bought the game and in my opinion the game has potential, I have been only able to play for few minutes here and there, the main problem is the low FPS and the long time that takes to long into the game, every time you log off and try to log on the same file are downloaded time and time and time again, dont understand why?
The game has potential but the devs right now need to concentrate in optimization because there is a big group of players struggling just to log in. Even players with top notch rigs and 16 G memory are only getting 15 FPS and dont even bother with those of us who only have 4 G memory we are basically garbage.
want 7 free days of playing? Try this
start the game using -sm4 this will nearly double your fps...
As for the game taking time to load and download stuff.. its not downloading anything the game is just showing you that its loading files up, the island is quite large and the assets are quite complex so takes some time to load everything up. i am sure it will get better over time..
The game looks pretty good to me. This is a multiplayer game, not a single player game. You can't learn all engrams (crafting recipes) at max level 60. Right now you get 1112 Engram points total to spend, so spend wisely.
If you have a good group you could a have a armoursmith, weaponsmith, architect(structures), farmer and a cook.
If you want to go solo, I recommend learning weapons and armour first and foremost. Then food and water (Water skin & jar). Wood structure are fine. If you loose it, you make another. The goal is not accumulation of stuff, its survival.
You will want to learn Mortar And Pestle, Refining Forge, & Smithy.
Try and stick with small farming.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
when you insult someones grammar or punctuation it means you have very few ideas, sorry. "stop imposing them on us" oh please stop playing the victim
That's what early access is. Working out issues and optimization is a big one. So it's logical that it's a 'stock' answer. There are also a handful of other things that havee 'stock' answers. It sounds like you should just avoid jumping into games early.
I self identify as a monkey.
Nobody is imposing, but I didn't realize there is a uniform way the survival genre has to work? It isn't our game to decide what happens to it. Just voicing an opinion is all, but that's against the rules here. Anyway, let's not get started on everything that ISN'T realistic about this game... I just think (Keeping the Difficulty) make it more streamlined and fun would be helpful. H1Z1, and I am not a fanboy, I don't even play the game, did it better imo. It made it so that whatever you are doing is fun. Looting is fun, crafting is fun, It's more about the rarity and quality of ingredients than it is quantity of ingredients.
Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
I’m of the school of thought that the Bartele types are gold. Killers don’t want to craft. I consider crafters to be part Achiever and part Socializer. Collect resources to build walls and other craftables is an achievement.
An achievement that Killers can’t tolerate. This kind of game mechanic must have a way for non-Achievers to buy craftables, an economy. To get away from crafting we will see equipment hacks. Smart tribes will make or hire Master Crafters and guard them like Gold Gods.
KIllers will craft. Ammo, advance weapons, and advanced armour.
Nvidia is doing the optimization for “PC-gamers, Virtual Reality (VR) and integrate NVIDIA GameWorks technologies”.Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
This game is something special. When I started it wa challenging, but now we have 3 in our tribe and have built Two large structures. One of them is about 4 stories tall and you can configure it and store all sorts of things inside. We now have replacement gear if we die and can't get our stuff back, tranquil arrows to knock out big Dino's, and are ramping up our efforts to tame more. There is a large difference in the abilities and needs of the dinos you pick to tame and have as pets. Loving the learning curve. The island is so big! I ventured out quite a ways to set up some beds (spawn points) further inland. There is a good amount of mystery as well with the obvious sci-fy elements.
One of the tricks to this game is taking the time to enjoy figuring out different ways to do things. It is a great sandbox and only getting better.
Well... Lets see.
Started polayign with some buddies, built up a base and a farm while tribe was taming dino, got raided but massive guild who demanded tribute from us.... Gave them stuff to go away.
Then got tribe together next day, raided their base with a bunch of dinos and spears.... We all died terribly....
Then they retaliated and destroyed our entire base, but we ran away first, knowing they'd be comming for us after failed raid.
Built new base.... New base got raided.... possibly by same people... still not sure who.
Then rallied the rest of the server to attack them, killed a bunch of people, drowned their dino, and started epic blood feud.
Pretty fun so far. Really enjoying the territorial tribe game play. Def not for the faint of heart though, as I've prolly died about 100 times in my 30 hours of game play .
your english is better than mine lol
agreed, this game is really fun but the optimization is terrible. people should wait before buying it or they are going to play with 10/15 FPS. asked for a refund, I'll wait. Actually alpha testing repopulation,SOTA, landmark, H1Z1 and Albion, its enough for my headaches
"Dunno about hackers but i play on PVE servers so i can avoid the griefers"
as you can play on your own servers, you can definitiely avoid cheaterx and griefers, who killed H1Z1
Game is fun, if a bit broken. Dinos are too easy to train, resulting in massive power creep early. Grab a stego or bronto, gather a few k narcoberries in a few swings, 5 mins worth of arrow mat farming, go grab a megalo, tranq a trex or bird and farm prime meat with a megalo and tame the trex/bird in 20 minutes or so.
This is assuming a max level character starting over, with requisite saddles. Saddle mats are pretty simple to get for any dino assuming you have the engrams or get lucky on the correctly leveled supply drops.
For starting over as a lvl 1, just kill or tame some dilos/dodos and make sure you keep gathering berries while running from target to target until slingshot, then slingshot a few raptors and tame them simultaneously.
Game isn't hard. But it is fun, until you exhaust the very options. Island cave is still a challenge at higher levels, since 10 bats at a time while under freezing temperatures can be .. interesting if you're solo. In a group, not so much a challenge. Haven't tried the obelisk summons yet, but I don't think they'd be that hard assuming you have a bunch of bird riders.
Oh, infinitely flying birds is ... a bit overpowered. At least pteradons have a stamina limit, but the birds are overpowered in their ability to skirmish or lead dinosaurs to their drowning doom off a cliff into the water. But that's also fun, so it's never bad.
Played: E&B, SWG, Eve, WoW, COH, WAR, POTBS, AOC, LOTRO, AUTO.A, AO, FE, TR, WWII, MWO, TSW, SWTOR, GW2, NWO, WoP, RUST, LIF, SOA, MORTAL, DFUW, AA, TF, PFO, ALBO, and many many others....
So I have been playing this since fathers day. It was given as a gift to me from my son. Originally it is not my type of game but I must say this is the only game I am playing at the moment. I can't explain it, it has everything I want in a game. This may not be your cup of tea but you might want to try it, I didn't think it was mine but I have had LOTS of fun so far!