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The Workshop Show #39

NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950

As always, art lovers only need apply, this is not about combat =-P video starts about 7.5 min in


  • BlaedusBlaedus Member UncommonPosts: 100
    I love art, but before I try this one, can I ask a few questions? I know you said "this is not about combat," so don't worry there.

    Is it about NPCs and their "emergent A.I."?

    Is it about Lore?

    Is it about crafting or farming?

    Is it about the destructbility of the world?

    Is it about the Rallying Calls, the Rohsong, and NPC interaction?

    Is it about new Classes and Multi-classing?

    It is about how the races might differ from each other besides being cosmetic?

    I'm always interested in these things and I'm always disappointed to find the only regularly released videos about EQN barely have anything about them, if at all. So you saying outright that the video isn't about combat, Nanfoodle, gives me a bit of hope since EQN is supposed to be more than just one thing, I think.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950

    This stream series is just about the concept art bring brought into game. Players building the structures for play space. If you care about lore, there is a ton of info out there. The ebooks from Everquest Next devs are free and really paint the world they are creating and the direction the main story is going. 


    Click here

    I saved them and read them from my phone, enjoy. As for things like how the world will break apart and the races. There is tones of tib bits about them. As how each race would build and why each race build each way. Cover things like in lore why a Dwarf would build with gems. Why a Ogre city looks like its always ready for war. Also direction on how to make the buildings so they look right when they break apart. They have even talked about how buildings should be made for combat. Giving hints about events happening like cities being taken over by other races like Kobolds. But the other info really is only 5% of the stream. Its mostly about art but I have picked out lots of nuggets along the way.

    Click here for past streams

  • BlaedusBlaedus Member UncommonPosts: 100
    I downloaded the novellas quite a while ago (new ones might have been released, I'll have to check). I should have been clearer. I'd like to know how the backstory of the game impacts it at launch.

    Alas, it seems I probably won't be watching this Workshop as well. I'm not as interested in the architexture of the game as I once was. While I understand concept art is indeed important, I'd also like to hear about the other aspects of the game once in good while. That "this stream series" is practically the only stream series about EQN makes me sad. I'm really interested in the game.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Blaedus
    I downloaded the novellas quite a while ago (new ones might have been released, I'll have to check). I should have been clearer. I'd like to know how the backstory of the game impacts it at launch.

    Alas, it seems I probably won't be watching this Workshop as well. I'm not as interested in the architexture of the game as I once was. While I understand concept art is indeed important, I'd also like to hear about the other aspects of the game once in good while. That "this stream series" is practically the only stream series about EQN makes me sad. I'm really interested in the game.

    Many of us are dying for more info and the devs have been clear why there is so little. Most of the games systems are in RD. Then to top it off, when RD system get integrated into the game with other RD system. It makes for more then a few unique problems. They have said they are coming across problems no MMO has had before. They cant even guess at a time table =- 

    P.S. there is new books

  • BlaedusBlaedus Member UncommonPosts: 100
    Yes, I've heard about the Devs running into those issues. Now, I might be different from most people, but I would also like to hear about those "unique problems". To be honest, I would find that just as interesting as anything else.

    And dammit, now I have to make room on my phone again.
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