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[Column] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Is the Barrier to Entry too Steep?



  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    I had 2 jobs at 35 then quit for some random reason.  What about this expansion would convince me to resub?  Just looking between this article and the one quoted, i wouldn't want to.   From my perspective, on the outside, assuming the expansion is great, there is too much to do, just to experience it.  Probably not the best idea to foster growth.
  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Originally posted by Ghavrigg

    Why are people complaining about content being released that they can't participate in right away when they're not even finished the content currently available?

    Play the damn game and have fun (or quit), enjoy what is available, then move on to the next stuff when you can. It isn't a race, and it's not some great travesty that it wasn't designed to fit this somehow intense need for instant gratification that people feel they "deserve."


    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Originally posted by Torval
    Originally posted by Yaevindusk

    Originally posted by Torval

    Originally posted by Divinion

    @MikeB Here's the thing, the Final Fantasy Online games (both 11 and 14) has never just let someone come in and pick any class/job they wanted, and it fits the Final Fantasy style admirably. Kind of like a "paying your dues" experience.  As a player who has leveled up every class; combat, crafting and gathering alike, I'd be offended if a person who just started the game was able to taken on any of the new classes without experiencing the game at all. Honestly, this game has so much to it and you should want to experience it all and not just rush through and have the newest and shiny things without feeling you earned it. 

    No it's not. Final Fantasy jrpgs don't make you do that at all. Final Fantasy games, except for their grindy timesink mmos, have never been about paying your dues to get into the cool kids club. That's just their mmo thing and probably why their mmos are not very popular with the rest of the FF fanbase.

    In Final Fantasy games where there are Job Crystals, grind was very much a part of it if you wanted to feel "powerful".  You also had to find crystals with said job types.  The newer age Final Fantasy games somewhat left out jobs, but even then -- as we see in FFVII -- there was a level grind to do various content or even get past a certain boss that smashed you (as well as grinding a Gold Chocobo and getting Knights of the Round).  It is even more relevant in FFVIII with its magic infusion system and trying to beat the final boss.

    There was not a comparable grind. You played through the story and collected the jobs / materia / levels. I never needed to grind out something to feel powerful. I might have needed a level on a character or I might have needed to change my setup and strategy to beat a boss, but I never had to grind stuff out.

    The FF mmos take some parts of older FF games and wrap them in grind. They take what little grind could be found in those games and magnified it. Which is why, as I said earlier, they're not anywhere near as popular as the rest of the FF games.

    They are not as popular as the other ff games as they are MMOs. MMOs is the most unpopular gaming genre, most people just don't like MMOs. Same as RTS games. Both genre are not massively popular.

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • mithossmithoss Member UncommonPosts: 227
    I think its normal for expansions to require finishing previous content in terms of story and quests. On the other hand gating the new classes to expansion only is a deal-breaker for me. To me it seems like SE is trying to solidify the current player base and has abolutely no intention of expanding. Anyways, preoder cancelled.
  • YaevinduskYaevindusk Member RarePosts: 2,094
    Originally posted by Demogorgon
    Originally posted by Torval
    Originally posted by Yaevindusk

    Originally posted by Torval

    Originally posted by Divinion

    @MikeB Here's the thing, the Final Fantasy Online games (both 11 and 14) has never just let someone come in and pick any class/job they wanted, and it fits the Final Fantasy style admirably. Kind of like a "paying your dues" experience.  As a player who has leveled up every class; combat, crafting and gathering alike, I'd be offended if a person who just started the game was able to taken on any of the new classes without experiencing the game at all. Honestly, this game has so much to it and you should want to experience it all and not just rush through and have the newest and shiny things without feeling you earned it. 

    No it's not. Final Fantasy jrpgs don't make you do that at all. Final Fantasy games, except for their grindy timesink mmos, have never been about paying your dues to get into the cool kids club. That's just their mmo thing and probably why their mmos are not very popular with the rest of the FF fanbase.

    In Final Fantasy games where there are Job Crystals, grind was very much a part of it if you wanted to feel "powerful".  You also had to find crystals with said job types.  The newer age Final Fantasy games somewhat left out jobs, but even then -- as we see in FFVII -- there was a level grind to do various content or even get past a certain boss that smashed you (as well as grinding a Gold Chocobo and getting Knights of the Round).  It is even more relevant in FFVIII with its magic infusion system and trying to beat the final boss.

    There was not a comparable grind. You played through the story and collected the jobs / materia / levels. I never needed to grind out something to feel powerful. I might have needed a level on a character or I might have needed to change my setup and strategy to beat a boss, but I never had to grind stuff out.

    The FF mmos take some parts of older FF games and wrap them in grind. They take what little grind could be found in those games and magnified it. Which is why, as I said earlier, they're not anywhere near as popular as the rest of the FF games.

    If Trolval says so, it must be true... not!

    Its not about feeling powerful. Where did you even get that in the 1st place? lol

    Its about doing all the content the game offer & every single FF game in existence made you grind( read play the game, but,you know, playing a game seams to equal grinding to those special people) to do it all.

    Because you don't do it, doesn't mean it is't there you funny guy.



    If I recall correctly, your original comment (of the ones quoted above) was that there was no grind to get "into the cool kids club."  This could be interpreted in a great many ways, not to mention including the natural elements of an MMO thereafter.  What represents the this club, then?  The way I read it is having to work hard -- or grind -- to get something you want.  To get what is considered cool.  Thus, you have to play through the story and collect crystals to unlock jobs (in the vein on Final Fantasy games with said crystals).  Thus, you had to spend hours, days, weeks grinding to get a Gold Chocobo to be able to ride upon any terrain in FFVII.  To spend those hours grinding to get Knights of the Round, to "Master" the "mimic" and "Quad" materia so that it could be done eight times in a row as your friends look on in awe at how much of a grind you put in this (or to grind a million gil for a Costa Del Sol house / lifetime Gold Saucer ticket).  In beating Emerald and Ruby weapon in the most fantastic of ways.  Indeed, and this extends to other games such as FFVIII whereby you sat there for hours collecting magic so that it could be infused with your skills -- increase your HP, MP, attack power, defense power, magic... etc.  Having 99 of every magic in the game to put into the slots of all of your characters.  Getting the best Triple Triad cards -- even Bahamut which could be turned into 99 mega potions -- and moving forward.  Unlocking the various side story.  Grinding for hours or days the same mobs in an area because of a rare drop chance of an item (less than 1%) so that you can power your ultimate weapon (especially if you outleveled the area and the drops changed... as the game adapted to your level... Atma, anyone?).   In nearly every Final Fantasy game this has existed.


    Now, one may forget the statement made about "feeling cool" and simply say that most of that was optional.  But, then again... the same could be said for FFXIV, minus the MMO elements that naturally cling to it.  Atma, for example, is optional.  Things that are not involved in the main storyline are optional (dungeons and fights, including extreme difficulty).  In every Final Fantasy game the storyline was not optional, and in many cases it unlocked new things.  New classes.  The same goes with FFXIV.  There is no real "grind" to unlock the new classes.  It's simply following the storyline and having realistic expectations.  Much like past Final Fantasy titles.  Now, if doing storyline is considered a grind, then I don't know what to tell people.  Final Fantasy and RPGs in general likely aren't for them.  The mentality to get to the end is not what an RPG that is focused on Storyline is about.


    In essence this forum is complaining there is a "barrier".  But that "barrier" is storyline.  If you are complaining about storyline, then this game is not for you.  If you don't like grouping with people or being social... This game is not for you.  Final Fantasy games were also about having a party of four or three and completing the storyline with them.  Granted, though, they are making it so that old content will be somewhat "soloable" when 3.0 comes out by making it so dungeons can be two manned or some such.  Make a friend and journey onward.


    With regards to the ilvl requirement of 90 to do the final stage of the storyline, that is indeed an MMO element.  Perhaps they could have made it so all items went up to 90 when someone entered; though could you imagine if someone tried to enter with the gear they were given at level 50?  Steps of Faith would've been a massacre.  Even with the nerf it recently went through.  In addition, could you honestly say that you've never once changed equipment in a final fantasy game?  This item level can honestly be obtained in less than a couple of hours of work nowadays.  We also still do not know if the expansion will make it even easier to get into (which they seem pretty determined to do once the game comes out).

    Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing).  German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century.  Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now).  I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things).  In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while.  If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.

    Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this.  If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own.  Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis.  Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
  • ZarriyaZarriya Member UncommonPosts: 446
    These people that complain that is is too steep i m not worried about - these are the people who only play any game only  month then leave anyways.
  • monochrome19monochrome19 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    FFXIV doesn't have a fanbase, it has a cult. And its players have the mentality of, "If you don't willingly accept and praise whatever trash Yoshi-P crams down our throats then you are a bad player who only enjoys casual and bad games!"
  • FourplayFourplay Member UncommonPosts: 216
    Originally posted by Foomerang

    Well, I've read a lot of the replies and there are some valid points and also a lot of misdirected or confused analogies just like in my thread.

    Currently this game, in my opinion, has the best total package of non combat content on the market. It is an oasis mmorpg for players like myself who grew into the genre on games like Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online.

    My main reason for playing an mmorpg is for the things that it can do that no other genre does: a persistent, community driven game world which encourages competition, collaboration, interdependence, and creativity. FFXIV delivers these features in spades with a level of polish and smart design which is rare in mmorpgs.

    I also love the fact that there are tons of combat classes, arenas, battlegrounds, dungeons, raids, and story driven scenarios. I love the fact that I can go into a major city and there are a hundred people around me all doing something different. Going somewhere to do something that I probably will never do. It makes for a more diverse and believable world. And that immersiveness is very important to my enjoyment of an mmorpg.

    All I am asking in return is to do the content I enjoy by doing the content I enjoy. I'm not asking for easy mode. I'm not asking for the devs to remove any content. If I want to be the best botanist I can be, I'd like to go into the expansion as a botanist and do botany related content. As it stands now, that is not the case. I must shelve my main class and fight my way through dungeons and raids for the privilege of going back to being a botanist.

    I know that most of you playing ffxiv enjoy the combat and the story and feel that is the "point" of the game. I'm sure it is, for you. I'm also glad you have that content and have no desire to see that taken away from you. My question is; why is it such a problem for you that I do not want to partake in it? Why do you feel I should be put through this when the end result is that I go back to botany when I'm done? What huge foul would I be committing if I skipped the story and the killing and all the rest and just continued on my path of being the best botanist I could be?

    It would literally have zero impact on your experience. I wouldn't be skipping combat content so I could do end game combat content. Id be skipping combat content because I dont do it in the first place.

    Anyway. Like Ive said numerous times, we are trudging through it because in the end, it still has the best non combat content under one roof. And if this is what we have to do to get there, we will. But its not something we will enjoy doing. We went from super excited for the expansion to a slight feeling of dread every time we think about logging in.

    See you in Heavensward! (eventually lol)

    The main issue I see with this now are the gating behind ilevel and all quest thing. It's fine that the jobs are gated but they should only require:

    1.Access to Ishgard

    2.Level 50

    3.Completion of few quest unlocking job.


    That would put in line with other Final Fantasies. No other Final Fantasy makes you advance though the whole main story before you unlock another job.


    To Foomerang:

    When the game first came out in the horrible state at 1.0. Crafting classes were a class in them self. They had their own story, quest, job armor, and minigames to crafting. Hell, they were even planning special dungeons for crafting classes in which crafters had to fix or break down stuff, open locked doors, debuff enemies to death, along with their own levie quest. Around the time the original director left, Yoshi said they were going to not pursue that and make crafters play a back role to battle classes. What followed was removal of the crafting minigames and crafting focus was toned down just like he said.


    I think they are still doing some of the things planned like crafting airships, boats, cakes and stuff though.


     My point is since crafting is not in it's own world anymore, could be the reason that you can't bypass the combat stuff if you only craft. Maybe Yoshi should or could make them separate entities again. Or offer a content bypass on battle stuff , locking you out of playing battle related things in the cash shop. If no change comes, I guess you have to eat it if you still want to do the crafting.



  • Froggie85Froggie85 Member UncommonPosts: 221
    Originally posted by monochrome19
    FFXIV doesn't have a fanbase, it has a cult. And its players have the mentality of, "If you don't willingly accept and praise whatever trash Yoshi-P crams down our throats then you are a bad player who only enjoys casual and bad games!"

    For you bro:

  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327
    Originally posted by Foomerang

    Well, I've read a lot of the replies and there are some valid points and also a lot of misdirected or confused analogies just like in my thread.

    Currently this game, in my opinion, has the best total package of non combat content on the market. It is an oasis mmorpg for players like myself who grew into the genre on games like Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online.

    My main reason for playing an mmorpg is for the things that it can do that no other genre does: a persistent, community driven game world which encourages competition, collaboration, interdependence, and creativity. FFXIV delivers these features in spades with a level of polish and smart design which is rare in mmorpgs.

    I also love the fact that there are tons of combat classes, arenas, battlegrounds, dungeons, raids, and story driven scenarios. I love the fact that I can go into a major city and there are a hundred people around me all doing something different. Going somewhere to do something that I probably will never do. It makes for a more diverse and believable world. And that immersiveness is very important to my enjoyment of an mmorpg.

    All I am asking in return is to do the content I enjoy by doing the content I enjoy. I'm not asking for easy mode. I'm not asking for the devs to remove any content. If I want to be the best botanist I can be, I'd like to go into the expansion as a botanist and do botany related content. As it stands now, that is not the case. I must shelve my main class and fight my way through dungeons and raids for the privilege of going back to being a botanist.

    I know that most of you playing ffxiv enjoy the combat and the story and feel that is the "point" of the game. I'm sure it is, for you. I'm also glad you have that content and have no desire to see that taken away from you. My question is; why is it such a problem for you that I do not want to partake in it? Why do you feel I should be put through this when the end result is that I go back to botany when I'm done? What huge foul would I be committing if I skipped the story and the killing and all the rest and just continued on my path of being the best botanist I could be?

    It would literally have zero impact on your experience. I wouldn't be skipping combat content so I could do end game combat content. Id be skipping combat content because I dont do it in the first place.

    Anyway. Like Ive said numerous times, we are trudging through it because in the end, it still has the best non combat content under one roof. And if this is what we have to do to get there, we will. But its not something we will enjoy doing. We went from super excited for the expansion to a slight feeling of dread every time we think about logging in.

    See you in Heavensward! (eventually lol)


    I agree with the sentiment in this post.  There really should be no need for dedicated crafters to be forced into having to engage in the battle aspects of the game if their purpose is simply to become the master crafters in the game.  And unless I am missing something, I do not believe the game play would be compromised in any way by allowing crafters to access expansion content so long as it was simply to progress their craft at becoming the best crafters in the game.  Crafting and battling are not necessarily inter-related in any way in the game.  It is obviously understood, or at least it should be, that in order for crafters to continue to progress in their craft they would have to purchase their materials from the AH or other players as they would not be able to otherwise obtain high level materials that could only be obtained through battling high level expansion type mobs.  This is pretty much self explanatory and consistent with the manner in which many crafters would perform in a RL scenario.  To be fair to Square/Enix, I am not sure they have necessarily though this through and I am willing to bet that  they will implement a fix to this at some point in the near future and allow for crafters to be able to continue their craft without having to satisfy battle type objectives.  Not all crafters are into fighting, just as not all fighters are into crafting.  This change will occur simply because it is financially prudent and doesn't compromise lore or game play in any way, shape, or form.

  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993
    Originally posted by Mandodo69
    Originally posted by monochrome19
    FFXIV doesn't have a fanbase, it has a cult. And its players have the mentality of, "If you don't willingly accept and praise whatever trash Yoshi-P crams down our throats then you are a bad player who only enjoys casual and bad games!"

    For you bro:

    ikr? Must be the same "cult" that left the game when it first launched to let it crash and burn.


    On topic: To me, not at all. It doesn't happen enough. People complain games give hand outs and allow players to rush and skip content, a game tries to prevent that and  people get annoyed.


    Think this picture can some up what i'm saying.


    Saying that, can understand the crafter situation, but at the same time i feel it's something you have to take on the chin. The tasks they are asking people to do aren't hard , and it's one of those situations where givne people the option to skip, will lead to something else being wanted to be skiped and so on.

  • darkscapedarkscape Member UncommonPosts: 20

     Honestly i cancelled my pre-order after I found out I have to do all the 120 fetch quests to play as the new jobs. I am sorry, I have been playing FF since FF-1 Mystic Quest and what you call story in FF14 is disney story written for 10 year olds, it is utter garbage compared to story of other FFs.

    If Square is dumb enough to alienate getting more $ then go ahead, bad business decisions are made all the time, someone will get canned for it I guarantee that. But all I can say you better put a big disclaimer that people will not be able to pick these new jobs because right now there is nothing on the website stating so and a lot of customers will be very angry.

  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,101

    This game has one of the worst communities I have seen when it comes to being a new player. Sure you can get fast queues as a healer or tank in a lower level dungeon, but G-d forbid you don't know the dungeon or you are too much of a "newb" for the veteran players trying to rush through their dailies. This is a progression MMO, and like all progression MMOs newbs are not welcome. Keep your elitist grind.

    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • ZarriyaZarriya Member UncommonPosts: 446
    Originally posted by Viper482

    This game has one of the worst communities I have seen when it comes to being a new player. Sure you can get fast queues as a healer or tank in a lower level dungeon, but G-d forbid you don't know the dungeon or you are too much of a "newb" for the veteran players trying to rush through their dailies. This is a progression MMO, and like all progression MMOs newbs are not welcome. Keep your elitist grind.

    Actually my friends all started playing for the first time and they are amazed how nice everyone is.  If they are new to a dungeon the other random players will welcome them and explain the fights.

  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    Originally posted by darkscape

     Honestly i cancelled my pre-order after I found out I have to do all the 120 fetch quests to play as the new jobs. I am sorry, I have been playing FF since FF-1 Mystic Quest and what you call story in FF14 is disney story written for 10 year olds, it is utter garbage compared to story of other FFs.

    If Square is dumb enough to alienate getting more $ then go ahead, bad business decisions are made all the time, someone will get canned for it I guarantee that. But all I can say you better put a big disclaimer that people will not be able to pick these new jobs because right now there is nothing on the website stating so and a lot of customers will be very angry.


    finish the story of 2.0 then talk please....

    FFXIV 2.0 ending is more like Game of thrones than Disney.....

    tha last cutscene last 1h ~ , and u are like this the whole time




  • reeereeereeereee Member UncommonPosts: 1,636
    Originally posted by drivendawn
    Originally posted by darkscape

     Honestly i cancelled my pre-order after I found out I have to do all the 120 fetch quests to play as the new jobs. I am sorry, I have been playing FF since FF-1 Mystic Quest and what you call story in FF14 is disney story written for 10 year olds, it is utter garbage compared to story of other FFs.

    If Square is dumb enough to alienate getting more $ then go ahead, bad business decisions are made all the time, someone will get canned for it I guarantee that. But all I can say you better put a big disclaimer that people will not be able to pick these new jobs because right now there is nothing on the website stating so and a lot of customers will be very angry.


    Everyone has a right to there opinion, I think it's the best FF story line since IV and VI but that is just my opinion.

    To be fair a lot of the leveling story quest blows (or is filled with Japanese humor that doesn't translate well.)  It's really only after 2.0 ends that it gets good imo, and the 2.55 MSQ was well worth the journey but I never would have believed the story writers had it in them when I  was running around fetching stew, or cheese, or flowers.

  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    Originally posted by danwest58
    Originally posted by MrMelGibson
    Originally posted by MikeB
    My issue is with the fact the new jobs can only be unlocked through the expansion content instead of being available for play at character creation. If I'm a new player and I finally broke down and bought the game because I wanted to play X job from the expansion, the notion that I need to level up some job I  don't care about all the way to Ishgard before I can even play the one I want is what's off-putting for me.

    This is my main gripe with the expac.  I understand the gating to the new areas (level 51+).  But, the classes/jobs should be available for any new character.  I was planning on making a new character for my DRK.  Guess I'll just have to use my current one instead.


    Why do you need to make a new character?  You can do all the jobs and classes on 1 character.  Have 1 job to 50 already.  Great Start your Dark Knight at level 30 on the 19th of June.  Now if you are starting new on a new server, Guess what its just like the Death Knight from WOW when WOTLK released.  You had to had at least 1 character on that server to level 55.  Yea now that restriction was removed however Day 1 of WOTLK it worked different.  

    Well, I don't enjoy only playing on one character. I enjoy playing different races.  And I like to focus on a specific class/job on each character.  I really don't care that you can be all classes/jobs on one character.  Nor do  I feel like leveling up every class on one character mindlessly doing fates and dungeon runs(if im on a tank, good luck on dps).  I like the main story and won't mind playing it even a 3rd or 4th time through. 


     I've been playing the game since launch (ARR launch).  So, this isn't new information to me.  I have one character that is my "tank" character and another that is my dps character.  When I do a raid on my tank and get a raid lock out.  I can jump on my dps character and do the same content again.  When I'm doing the zodiac weapon quest/grind on my warrior.  I can do the same questline on my other character and not worry about the fact that you can only have one classes weapon class quest up at one time.


    I find the WoW DK comment a bit tired and boring.  You see, I can flip your argument with the WoW Monk and show you that I don't need a level anything character to make a monk.  The DK is a "Hero class".  A unique class among all the classes available in WoW.  And if I recall correctly, they (blizzard) said the DK type of hero class is most likely a one time thing.


    Now, just to make this clear of what I meant by my comment.  I'm not saying you should be able to be a DRK at level 1.  I'm saying that when I make a new character, when I hit level 30.  I should be able to swtich to any of the new jobs.  Not really sure why this would be such a bad thing? 

  • Life6109Life6109 Member Posts: 1
    This game is not special at all. Outdated graphics, standard gameplay, yet it asks for subscription. I have finally uninstalled it as it offers me no system worth playing in 2015. And that user interface is crap.
  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    Originally posted by Life6109
    This game is not special at all. Outdated graphics, standard gameplay, yet it asks for subscription. I have finally uninstalled it as it offers me no system worth playing in 2015. And that user interface is crap.

    Oh look!  A random blog from a random nobody who makes a brand new account to enlighten us with why he left FF14.  Do you really think even one person here will follow your links? Lol.

  • RedAphidRedAphid Member Posts: 2

    Although every job in the game requires to level two classes. If you were going DRK, you'd need vital skills from PLD/WAR (provoke, defensive cooldowns, etc). If you were going AST, you'd need WHM to at least lvl 34 for Stoneskin, BLM to 26 for swiftcast (for raises), etc.

    I understand where you're coming from and, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably be a little salty about it, but there's already so much game to play and playing the classes you'll need anyways will teach you a lot about the game and my guess is you'll have a good time doing it.

  • MahloMahlo Member UncommonPosts: 814
    I completely agree with foomerang. Combat, particularly dungeons, should not be compulsory for crafters and gatherers. They made a game with multiple playing options stop forcing dungeons on players.
  • monochrome19monochrome19 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    I like that they addressed this so quickly, now can we get a response about pvp changes or is mum still the word?
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879

    Even though I don't think it takes very long for a semi-hardcore player to finish the story for the expansion; this is still a pretty high barrier for entry. Expansions in games with levels serve as two different things: 1) More content for existing players 2) An opportunity to bring new players/ old players in

    The latter is effectively being barred out for a minimum of 1-2 months (Depending on playstyle, if they have to level up to 50, point in story,ect) of a major chunk of the expansion''s content pretty much means they have no intention of welcoming new players back to the game with open arms. 

    Personally I do like the way you progress through the story in ff14 and the direction they are taking with this expansion in regards to requirements makes sense, however, not in the modern age of MMOs. I think the idea of requiring previous content to be completed is an out dated way of thinking. Much like one of the main reasons the initial release of FF14 was a complete mess due to the old way of thinking, I think this will be similar in regards to bringing players back in. No where on that scale, but I would not be terribly surprised to see a lot of catch up mechanics introduced to get players caught up on the story content for the expansion. 

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    @viper482, you couldn't be more wrong. I have been to many fights where I didn't know the strategy and people would not leave even after 10 wipes and they would offer advice to people who were new to the fight. Not a single insult. I haven't seen this in other mmos for a long time.

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

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