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Elder Scrolls Online: Tales of Tamriel Vol. 1: The Land Giveaway!

MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555 has partnered with Titan Books to give away three copies of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tales of Tamriel - Vol. 1: The Land.

Here's a description of the hardcover book:

For the first time in print, step into the fantasy world of The Elder Scrolls Online. Tales of Tamriel - Vol. I: The Land takes readers on adventure throughout the war-torn landscapes and battlefields of Tamriel, featuring a horde of in-game texts and exclusive artwork. Lavishly bound and produced, this series of books is the definitive guide to lore from the Elder Scrolls Online.

All you have to do to enter to win one of these copies is post about your favorite ESO area in the comments below. It can be an entire zone or even a dungeon or point of interest. Tell us what it is and why you like it so much. Bonus points for attaching a screenshot with your entry!

We'll accept entries through Sunday, May 31. Winners will be announced the following day on Monday, June 1.

This giveaway is open to residents of the US/Canada only (sorry!). We request that entrants submit a single entry only. Those found to have submitted multiple entries will be disqualified.




  • ccmclaughccmclaugh Member UncommonPosts: 32
    I like Windhelm. Why? Because there's big drunken party going on throughout the city. It's like Mardi Gras in NO. What's not to like?
  • TyggsTyggs Member UncommonPosts: 456
    Cyrodiil, duh!

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  • soulzaoptsoulzaopt Member UncommonPosts: 2
    Crypt of Hearts, fellow warriors of Tamriel. Because it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, if the dead rise, you're prone to be scared!
  • rlsmithrlsmith Member UncommonPosts: 12



    Lots of variety and challenges. Some interesting quest chains.

  • hambergurlerhambergurler Member Posts: 1
    My favorite place is the blessed crucible dungeon something about going threw a bunch of arena style trials till getting to the end to fight the volcano queen is just so fun ive run it with my dungeon guild 100's of times.
  • a1csimsa1csims Member UncommonPosts: 24

    There are a lot of places in Tamriel that I like. Although, it's not a particular place, I love the mages guild story and going through its areas. That is one of my favorite story lines out of any MMO.

  • OmiragOmirag Member UncommonPosts: 276
    Stormhold, Enough said!

  • orionblackorionblack Member UncommonPosts: 493
    Not gonna lie..I loved all the starter newbie areas! Had an awesome time learning the game and finding out that I could take my time and really enjoy the game,without having to rush through it!! 
  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698

    It would have to be Ash Mountain. It reminds me so much of my time playing Morrowind years ago. The atmosphere and ambiance is incredible especially when the ash begins to fall.


  • bunusbunus Member UncommonPosts: 1

    i just played the beta, and i loved the starting area, the muzic the full of error quests...

    not gonna lie...i liked the game, but the much for my budget...


  • Charlie.CheswickCharlie.Cheswick Member UncommonPosts: 469
    Daggerfall, mostly due to that being my introductory game of the series. Much nostalgia.
  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Ita been a long time since a game has actually invoked some nostalgia eh :)

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299


        After a year of on and off hardcore pvp'ing I've accumulated dozens of thousands of kills. I've reached rank 29 on an AD character then after AD kept winning the "main" campaigns I rerolled EP and reached rank 38 so far. I've been crowned emperor twice, once on each faction, and I've led pvp raids for one of the few continuously active and extremely successful hardcore pvp guilds that has remained faithful to ESO (not coming and going).


    Within this zone I've seen it all and fought everywhere, from the tops of snow covered mountains, to the dangerous pits of lava, and upon the lush open fields. My journey continues, perhaps you shall find me on the field one day, most likely you already have.

    Haxus Council Member
    21  year MMO veteran 
    PvP Raid Leader 
    Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
  • ChadiwickerChadiwicker Member UncommonPosts: 80
    The things in the game that always make me go, "Wow!" are the anchors. The sounds make them seem truly otherworldly and menacing. The graphics give the anchors an incredible sense of scale and terrible beauty. If the anchors don't qualify, I would have to say my favorite zone is Coldharbour. The atmosphere is foreboding and the PVE end game storyline gives the zone a heavier "weight" and sense of urgency.
  • Homura235Homura235 Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Coldharbour... I like any harbor/dock area...
  • nonthalnonthal Member UncommonPosts: 57
    I personally really enjoyed Grahtwood. The storyline through there was very engaging and kept me up waaaaay to late on more than one occasion. :)
  • premiereboripremierebori Member Posts: 249

    My favorite zone is Eyevea. It is a just a joy to run around in. From simply artistic standpoint it is one of the better rendered zones. It stands as proof that a good concept and color palette can take you a long way.

  • DocBrodyDocBrody Member UncommonPosts: 1,926

    Stormhold rocks. It gives me warm fuzzy feelings...

  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
    Cyrodill for sure.
  • JsteelbladeJsteelblade Member Posts: 1
    Eastmarch. Who doesn't like Skyrim? The Nord architecture. The snow. The sabrecats. Build a house and stay a while. ??


  • GenieWinsletGenieWinslet Member UncommonPosts: 8

    Grahtwood. It is a primal forest and completely suited to the Wood Elves, plus it has a giant Home Tree !


  • pugglespuggles Member UncommonPosts: 5
    Grahtwood, it felt so grand.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142

    I suppose I have no favorite ESO area. Let's just say Glenumbra for the heck of it.

    However, as we are talking of "areas" my favorite elder scrolls area is ...

    The City of Vivec.

    First time I saw it, with the floating structure in the sky (which was a prison) I was in awe.

    I went around exploring and even though I didn't have the quest to get into the prison (and didn't know it was a prison) I bought several flying potions and actually managed to break in. I was then caught. So I did it again and snuck around and explored the prison.

    Then seeing the warior poet god floating there in his palace. I can tell you it was amazing.

    "Why did I cause others to suffer? I respect that question, and you for it. 

    The most I can say is: I did the best I could, as I saw things. Can you, mortal, presume to judge the actions and motives of a god? But, because I need you, and you need me, I will make an accounting for my sins, to you.

    But not now. Destroy Dagoth Ur, and then we will discuss my sins. Then, perhaps, you will have earned the right to judge me."

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • george99george99 Member UncommonPosts: 78
    Going to go with Cyrodiil for where I had the most fun.
  • ForkstabberForkstabber Member UncommonPosts: 7
    Eldergleam sanctuary and Grahtwood :3 both so naturey and beautiful!(Grahtwood is mostly beautiful..)
This discussion has been closed.