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It’s been awhile since we last saw an installment to the living story, and the HoT expansion is still a good bit further down the road, we expect. Still, we can see how our past actions continue change, and evolve the world of Tyria. Scarlet left Lion’s Arch a mess, but now is the time to repair, rebuild, and look towards the future.
Read on for the rest of David North's - Guild Wars 2: Lion's Arch, The NEW City of Hope
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Call you? The OP is is bringing you news he has available. This site has been posting information as they get it from the source. /shrug
Back on Topic: Anyway, I use to love Lion's Arch the way it was! In fact that is where I would highlight the game to friends and family when I was showing it after release. Hopefully it will be even more spectacular!
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
"Still, nothing I think hit players as hard as losing Lion’s Arch."
This is so true. I think megaservers were introduced shortly after, and Lion's Arch was the server's social hub, but megaservers really killed off server communities. I remember seeing the same guilds and people everyday, and it was a great hub to get to know people and recruit for guilds. There always used to be random events too. Hopefully they let servers have their own Lion's Arch again, but i doubt it will happen.
Engineers are pretty amazing right now. They are actually one of the highest DPS in the game in PvE and bring a really strong source of Vulnerability. They have also been one of the most popular classes and meta defining roles in sPvP. The only role they are arguably a little weak in is WvW, but I don't think they are bad at that either.
If you are looking for them to restore the holy trinity, I suggest you just ignore news posts like this in the future because GW2 is just not the game for you. Not sure what there is to complain about rewards though, the game gives people rewards almost too much at this point.
Playing: Secret World: Legends
Waiting for: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Editing rude responde:
Edit2: finally found the release note:
Profession Skills
back on topic: Meeh.
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Nothing wrong with engineers in GW2.
My engineer alt does very well in -solo- PVP, as well as PVE.
You might consider it is not the class that needs fixing, but the player using the toon might need a lot of practise.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I don't see the difference. When I'm in LA I see the same Dutch and Belgian Guilds recruiting which have been doing this since day 1. The mega servers still preferably put you on the same instance as people from your homeserver.
About the rest of this thread...
It's funny how one of the notorious "Gw2 is shit in comparison to Gw1" guys turns this into a thread about engineers and the people who are blind to balancing patches join in on the trash talking.
Lion's Arch was a great main city for all races. Our guild used it as main hub. Its destruction was just the last draw for me. Rebuilding it is a little late imo.
There has to be some memory loss at Arenanet. I remember them admitting that destroying Ascalon was not a good thing back in GW1. And how they were surprised that many players loved to go back to pre searing to hang out in Ascalon.
Funny how they repeated the same thing with GW2's main social hub.
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
This is clearly not your game if what you are asking is trinity.
Also idk what's your beef with engineers. Its one of the most overpowered classes at the moment (current META/whatever). Perhaps a learn to play issue?
That has already been correct and will *NOT* work. However cele rifle engi is quite badass.
P.S: I would love it if/when Gw2 haters do some reality check before posting jibberish.
GW2 haters are often players that did not have the patience to play the game decently.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
i hope eqn has an engineer class...
Except I play regularly. In a pre-made pvp team. And turrets are STILL unbalanced in pvp, e.g. healing turrets heal themselves(which they shouldn't) and other turrets(also shouldn't), and turrets don't despawn on death of the engi(which they should)...
Playing: Secret World: Legends
Waiting for: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Then you are in a bad team. As a thief I decimate the turrets with my shortbow poison and crits. Once the turrets are down the engi has no chance.
And I used to avoid turret engies before the nerf because I had no chance. Now ... now they are paper... also turrets do despawn on death. Idk what game are you playing. But you have to actually kill the engi, through stomp. Yesterday was daily engi pvp. Killed dozens of engies. All of them were crating. All the turrets went off as soon as I stomped.
Also only baddies premade.
If you are not a baddie, you do ESL.
P.S: Perhaps it is a case of 2+ engies dropping their junk and you killing only 1 of them?