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Will you hide on a blue server? Blue servers are defined as no full loot, no friendly fire, and RVR style servers. Even living only in Eternal Kingdoms would be classified as "blue".
Curious to see what numbers would be produced here.
[mod edit - tweaked title slight;y]
No, I won't be playing Crowfall, will stick with EVE instead.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
HAHAH, you honestly chose the word hide for that. Do you even comprehend words you use?
He knew. He was deliberately trying to shame anyone who would. Good thing no one cares.
Well this is just silly and ignorant. The vast majority of people who play full loot games do so because of the thrill. We like risk and reward. I want to ganked as much as I want to gank. After playing games with full loot and some form of ow pvp, I can't go back to games without these features because they're simply boring in comparison. It has nothing to do with any kind of psychological condition.
You do still work towards goals in full loot games. It just adds an element of risk. The frustration of losing is made up for by the satisfaction of winning.
"I can't go back to games without these features" proved my point-lots of risk and reward with pve but something has snapped within you. Maybe one of the conditions i described. What happens when you get bored with that? kicking kittens maybe?
lol- mod edit mmorpg doesnt like HTvHT(Human text vs Human text)
I'm fairly certain I know considerably more of these people than you do. Turns out they're just normal people, with the occasional weirdo asshole. Pretty much exactly like every other gaming community. Oddly enough the best community I've ever come across was EVE's, and that has looting.
Yup i'm insane in the membrane
Sway all day, butterfly flaps all the way!
Well, thats a disgusting generalization. As an mmorpg player who enjoys full loot and open world pvp I always actually was pretty shocked at behavior in themepark games and found those players to be just as if not more toxic than players in the games i normally play also. The only difference is that in those themepark games i can't stop my own faction from harassing me like I can with open world pvp. I found that invisible safety net and anonymity makes the themepark players even more toxic. I remember one of my first experiences where I found this out was people following me purposefully kill stealing my kills so i couldn't complete quests on purpose. I ignored them so the verbal abuse stopped but i couldn't complete my quests at all. Was a real bummer. But of cousre im a psychopathic asshole with issues right?
I totally agree! I remember playing TERA when it came out and there were constantly higher level players hanging out in low level zones just waiting for people to leave the safe zone so they could kill them. In a full loot game, they would have to risk their own gear in order to do that. You could get your guild to come kill the guy who was doing that. If anything, full loot communities seem to be more mature than your typical themepark community.
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Acquiring resources before another and shittalking to them is A-OKAY and definetly not griefing!
PKing the guy trying to acquire said resources so you can get them yourself is so much grief...
Ahhhh, cracks me up everytime
Sway all day, butterfly flaps all the way!
What If I just want to play... and not necessarily win... this is the problem with social "MMO's" once you add a competitive element to it the community turns to shit and everyone is trying to "win"
What are your other Hobbies?
Gaming is Dirt Cheap compared to this...
If you don't want competition then don't play a game with competition I suppose. But notice I was responding to the claims regarding frustration and working towards a specific goal.
I plan to play Crowfall just to play. If I win or lose doesn't matter all that much. I hope to win and that is my intention, but I'm not going to lose any sleep if I don't. Competition and social aspects are why I have enjoyed these games for two decades and single player games are extremely boring to me. A game and its community are what you make of them. Go looking for shitting people and you'll find them in anything, regardless if it is PVE, PVP, FPS, online Poker, racing, Smash Bros, whatever. Humans being humans.
Your choice of words...... using the word "hide" implies cowardice. You do know it is just a video game right? I have been in actual real life combat, and yes I will be "hiding" on one of those other servers. As you can see by the poll so far the vast majority of that tiny minority of "brave" gamers are griefers who can't wait to make your life miserable. The other few are people who find being hunted by the said griefers thrilling.
Me? I got enough real life thrills, rather just have fun in my games. Thanks for asking.
People are a stain on pretty much everything in human history. Its why we can't have nice things.
You seem like a very negative individual adding more to the issue.
I'd really enjoy conversations that didn't spiral into pretty much the majority of what is found on this site, but it is what it is I guess.
Instead of enjoying what I'd hope are products to bring entertainment and fun, it's just one negative thing after another of why something sucks or is terrible or the folks that play them are this and that.
There were jerks in MUDs in the 90s, idiots pulling trains on people in EQ, WoW chat... doesn't matter the genre or product, people lose control when they aren't held accountable. Which isn't likely to change anytime soon.
FFA PVP games have housed some of my best memories over the last two decades of online gaming. Have there been some bad apples or maybe a whole lot of them? Sure, but there are plenty of good folks out there not lowering themselves to that level as well.
I have a blast playing FPS and PVP oriented games, so do tons of other folks that I've experienced them with. I would never say "most" or "many" have serious issues. Every once in a while a jackass thinks it's funny to spam chat or act foolish, but it is unavoidable and usually short lived. Unless a community is made up of such individuals, it isn't a problem. And if it is, well then I guess the community/game isn't for someone that isn't part of that. Rarely if ever have I seen that be a reality though.
Will you hide behind a guild or armor? I'll be running around without weapons, taking on entire armies because I am hardcore!
Pretty sure ACE hopes the "blue" servers are just as popular as the "red" ones. If not, they would have made another cookie cutter one dimensional design.
Having options, even withing a niche, is a smart model and why CF will hopefully pull in a decent crowd and have a bit of longevity.
Voted - No
From what I gathered, I thought they were doing one server and within there is an "Eternal Kingdom" which can't be contested. All the fighting and resource mining would take place in the "Campaign" which as an expiration and would be full loot PvP.
With that being said, if you voted "yes" you just agreed to wait in your "Eternal Kingdom" until somebody took the risk to mine resources in the "Campaign" and sell them to you. I think this is what the OP very poorly tried to communicate when he said "hiding" but it's been a month since I last checked on the status of the game so my info could be dated.