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You are going to get crushed playing Crowfall



  • CothorCothor Member UncommonPosts: 174
    This game will last about six months. Terrible concepts. No one is going to put up with that shit. I simply do not understand how the same terrible games keep getting remade over and over and over.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by hockeyplayr
    Originally posted by Charlie.Cheswick
    If all the hard core PVPers play Crowfall, who'll be playing CU?

    those that like to sleep at night rather than defend their virtual city

    Where are you guys getting the 3AM zerg thing from? Was that in one of the FAQs or blogs?


    I believe he is referring to the original Shadowbane where, If what I read was true, players would attack other players' cities at odd times of the night when those players weren't online. 

    It was very true in Shadowbane, at least at launch.  The city my guild built was sieged at 3:00 am when everyone was offline and all but totally destroyed. (there was a mechanic to protect the core tree and a few bldgs.)

    2003 was well over a decade ago. 


    EDIT: And if your city was sieged at a time when your guild was offline, that actually was your guild leader's fault. He had at least 24 hours to change the bane time to one that accommodated his guild. 



    Not sure what your point about 2003 is, other than it was a long time ago and my memory might have some gaps.

    But I'll explain, the bane mechanic did not protect the entire city from being sieged, like I said it was the core tree and a small number of buildings.

    So after the 3:00 am "siege",. we logged in to find all of our walls down, most of our buildings destroyed, and what small amount was left did come up for siege at a time of our guild leader's choosing, but with everything else in ruins, no one bothered to even defend it.

    That same guild eventually rolled the entire server, not one city survived and likely lead to the collapse of the game as I know the situation was pretty much the same on all of the others.  I know in my case I went back to DAOC after that, but on the PVP servers.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • HrimnirHrimnir Member RarePosts: 2,415
    Originally posted by Parepin

    If you don't have a Shadowbane or Darkfall background you will get crushed in this game.  

    These players will camp your cities day and night.  They will tear down walls at 3 AM while you sleep.  They will make siege timers on your cities be the most inconvenient time for you.  They will spawn camp you until you log out of the game.  They will out class and out level you.  They will have dedicated leaders that are willing to kill their own players in order to win a siege or simply win a mine.

    Are you really ready for this game?

    Just stating the obvious about what Crowfall will be at its core: Player conflict (PVP)

    So crowfall will suffer the fate of every other open world FFA PVP game and shut down in 6months to a year after having 10 or 20k people playing it?

    "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."

    - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • 5ubzer05ubzer0 Member UncommonPosts: 72
    It's really hard to get hyped, when so many games fail so miserably at pvp. Here's to hope that either Crowfall, CU, H1Z1 or the Repop hardcore server deliver!
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  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245
    Please for the love of my sanit, can we not have the phrase 'Play to crush!' run into the ground and just become obnoxious. Like Wildstar and 'Hardcore!'
  • strawhat0981strawhat0981 Member RarePosts: 1,229
    Crowfall sounds like one shit experience.

    Originally posted by laokoko
    "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".

  • CaldicotCaldicot Member UncommonPosts: 455

    Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see how the griefers plan to camp my private instance of the EK.

    If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan

  • TsaboHavocTsaboHavoc Member UncommonPosts: 435
    this thread is full of misconceptions, misinformation and pure ignorance. OP they will eat ur babies too? its only a video game dude, get it over. 
  • Nicco77Nicco77 Member UncommonPosts: 145
    Originally posted by Parepin

    If you don't have a Shadowbane or Darkfall background you will get crushed in this game.  

    These players will camp your cities day and night.  They will tear down walls at 3 AM while you sleep.  They will make siege timers on your cities be the most inconvenient time for you.  They will spawn camp you until you log out of the game.  They will out class and out level you.  They will have dedicated leaders that are willing to kill their own players in order to win a siege or simply win a mine.

    Are you really ready for this game?

    Just stating the obvious about what Crowfall will be at its core: Player conflict (PVP)

    It will never happen,the days of no lifer PVP pro are gone,yes you can camp people till they log out,empty games make developers so happy.

  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327


    This game isn't making apologies for what it is, or what it aspires to be.  Smed is a huge fan of Eve and tailored this game to be a mirror image of the game play achieved in Eve Online.  Since players are the content in this business model, there are little overhead costs or real risk associated with a release of this game.  Smed would be more than elated with a player base a fraction of Eve's for this game.  Although highly unlikely, If he can pull that fraction off Eve's player base it could keep this shady shell of a game going for a good while.  Its just another Eve.  An OWPvP FPS game masking as an MMORPG with FFA full-loot game play capability.  In other words, Smed knows its a niche product and would be quite happy if the game where to draw a good percentage of that niche.  The only potential losers to this release are Eve, MO and DFW.  Not quite sure they are losing sleep over its release but they are the direct competitors.

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Originally posted by LacedOpium


    This game isn't making apologies for what it is, or what it aspires to be.  Smed is a huge fan of Eve and tailored this game to be a mirror image of the game play achieved in Eve Online.  Since players are the content in this business model, there are little overhead costs or real risk associated with a release of this game.  Smed would be more than elated with a player base a fraction of Eve's for this game.  Although highly unlikely, If he can pull that fraction off Eve's player base it could keep this shady shell of a game going for a good while.  Its just another Eve.  An OWPvP FPS game masking as an MMORPG with FFA full-loot game play capability.  In other words, Smed knows its a niche product and would be quite happy if the game where to draw a good percentage of that niche.  The only potential losers to this release are Eve, MO and DFW.  Not quite sure they are losing sleep over its release but they are the direct competitors.

    Think you are in the wrong forum =)

  • SnakexSnakex Member UncommonPosts: 317
    Originally posted by Parepin

    If you don't have a Shadowbane or Darkfall background you will get crushed in this game.  

    These players will camp your cities day and night.  They will tear down walls at 3 AM while you sleep.  They will make siege timers on your cities be the most inconvenient time for you.  They will spawn camp you until you log out of the game.  They will out class and out level you.  They will have dedicated leaders that are willing to kill their own players in order to win a siege or simply win a mine.

    Are you really ready for this game?

    Just stating the obvious about what Crowfall will be at its core: Player conflict (PVP)

    The only difference and the biggest difference. Crowfall will actually have proper mechanics in place (hopefully) and not broken PvP like Darkfall.

    Cant use Darkfall as a refrence point besides Mentality. Darkfall can only mentally prepare you for hardcore PvP games.

    Dont know about Shadowbane never played it.

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342
    Originally posted by Parepin

    If you don't have a Shadowbane or Darkfall background you will get crushed in this game.  

    These players will camp your cities day and night.  They will tear down walls at 3 AM while you sleep.  They will make siege timers on your cities be the most inconvenient time for you.  They will spawn camp you until you log out of the game.  They will out class and out level you.  They will have dedicated leaders that are willing to kill their own players in order to win a siege or simply win a mine.

    Are you really ready for this game?

    Just stating the obvious about what Crowfall will be at its core: Player conflict (PVP)

    And just like Shadowbane and Darfall they will drive away any normal players because they can't help but be dicks. As much as I am into this game I don't see it going any way but the way of the dodo, all because of the type of gamer it attracts. Unless the PvP is set up in a DAoC type way, which it seems it sort of is.

    And yeah, I played Shadowbane from the start so you can save the carebear comments.

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Originally posted by Slampig

    And just like Shadowbane and Darfall they will drive away any normal players because they can't help but be dicks. As much as I am into this game I don't see it going any way but the way of the dodo, all because of the type of gamer it attracts. Unless the PvP is set up in a DAoC type way, which it seems it sort of is.

    And yeah, I played Shadowbane from the start so you can save the carebear comments.

    What is a "normal" player? Why would they want to play these types of games?

    I don't believe in the view that fans of such games are crazy closet killers or anything, but the connection people seem to have with these games (DF, SB, EVE) goes in a completely different direction then someone that casually plays WoW or GW2. Different pros/cons, features, skill requirements, risk vs reward, etc.

    They do require a certain amount of thick skin and what not, but anyone can enjoy these games if they actually want to. Regardless if a small minority are dicks (not that every single corner of the internet suffers from this).

  • SpeedLoSpeedLo Member UncommonPosts: 6

    Guys i have a question please help me ..   When it will be the first playable alpha? and what pack should i buy to enter the first alpha?

    "Sorry for my bad English"

  • JamesGoblinJamesGoblin Member RarePosts: 1,242
    Originally posted by SpeedlO

    Guys i have a question please help me ..   When it will be the first playable alpha? and what pack should i buy to enter the first alpha?

    "Sorry for my bad English"

        Pre-Alpha (Diamond & Bloodstone bundles) should have the earliest access ("late sumer this year"). But since the Diam./Bloodst. backers numbers are quite low, ACE hinted that Alpha 1 backers could also be invited to pre-alpha. I believe that they will be inviting in "declining" order, from more expensive alpha 1 bundles to cheaper ones!?


        The cheapest bundle with the first Alpha phase access is Saphire. "End of summer" should be the current assessment, but as I said pre-alpha might be possible with this with some luck...


        You can go to CF site, click "pledge now" and check details from bundles for yourself. Of course, beginning of each testing phase is just the current estimate by ACE.

  • mashiannmashiann Member Posts: 8
    not yet relaunched so you can't say it will crushed you nyahahaha.  I can't wait for my clan to rock!
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