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I'm interested in trying TSW. Does anyone have a trial key they can PM me? If so, much thanks!
Also, the main complaint I've read about TSW is that the combat is bad. What, exactly, is wrong with it?
The combat is just kinda boring. There are a lot of different builds and options, but its all just tapping the same number over and over. Recently they reduced the HP of mobs so if doesn't take as long.
It's still a good game and worth trying out.
OK, doesn't sound too bad. I can deal with boring combat if the story and community are good.
If I make a ranged build, will I have to do a lot of kiting? I hate kiting. :P
There is a sticky thread for trial keys. If there are none there then send me a PM with an e-mail address and I'll send you out one.
I don't understand the complaints with the combat myself, but it does seem to be a sticking point with a lot of people. If you can look past that, TSW is one of the best MMOs out there for story and questing and well worth a purchase. It is also regularly on sale so keep an eye open for specials.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
Not sure if the ones in the thread are still valid. I tried to PM you, but I get a message on top of everything that says "please complete message field" and won't go away. I had to shut IE down with task manager. Is it possible you could PM the key to me here, or just list it in this message thread?
Also, how do I sign up for an account, add the trial key and download the game without actually paying for it?
Just tried PMing you a key here at mmorpg -- let me know if it comes through -- it may show up in the unverified inbox.
Just add the key in here:
Weird, nothing in my regular or unverified inboxes! Thank you for trying.
Got it! Thanks a bunch.
Do you have to kite a lot if you're a ranged build? Is melee more stationary?
First of all, have fun with the trial
The EPE changed the tutorials, so the starter info flow is pretty nice, but there's an intro section on tswdb as well (
If you complete 30 missions during the 3 days, you get 1200 bonus points (~10 bucks), can't find now my post about the detailed analysis so just a short, tl;dr version: buy Issue #9 from those 1200 points, that's the best deal
Kiting: the system is about flexibility, you can do anything. If you want a speedy, movement-focused deck for the ranged damage, you can. If you prefer a gamestyle more easy on the fingers, you can have roots and slow, and you only need to slowly retreat while dps-ing them with keeping the distance. If you're even more lazy (
) you can have a ranged who just stands in place, even if the mob is melee - take the beating, dealing more damage from close, and only moving when needs to avoid a big attack. I'm sure there are plenty more, it's all up to your required and favourite playstyle. With shotty you can have turrets, and then just running around while the turrets doing their job 
edit: same goes for melee, only stationary if yo want to. Fist has cool dashes for quickly jumping around the mobs and slashing them in melee, for example.