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[Review] Infinite Crisis: A Polished MOBA with 'Me Too' Syndrome

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Enter DC Comics with Infinite Crisis, a game that allows players to step into the boots, spandex and outside underpants of some of the DC expanded universe’s greatest heroes and villains. This all comes in a package that feels, well, a lot like most other MOBAs you may have played, with a couple of interesting twists and the undeniable appeal of duking it out with the likes of Superman, the Green Lantern, the Joker, the Flash, Sinestro, Swamp Thing, and oh, so many more.

Read more of Brandon Casteel's Infinite Crisis: A Polished MOBA with 'Me Too' Syndrome.




  • BulldozeBulldoze Member UncommonPosts: 115
    The game is good but like the review says it fails to innovate. With such a strong IP to draw from I wish they would've dared to try something new. I can't see the game doing very well just off the IP though because DOTA and LoL already have people heavily invested in this style of Moba

    I am the Arch-fiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the false Emperor fall.

  • Scott_JeslisScott_Jeslis Member RarePosts: 639
    I agree with Bulldoze, plus as a newbie MOBA player myself it is very overwhelming to go through even the tutorial, even for a DC fanboy. As an MOBA newbie I found Heroes Of The Storm much easier to jump into. Perhaps my comparison is unjust.
  • ChadiwickerChadiwicker Member UncommonPosts: 80
    I don't play MOBA's. Not my thing. However, that trailer was amazing. I could watch a whole movie in that style. :)
  • EcocesEcoces Member UncommonPosts: 879

    MOBAs right now are going through the copycat phase, similar to MMOs when WoW blew up. everything right now is a LoL (or DOTA) Clone with some minor adjustments here and there.


    the only game that has taken a step forward is Smite. i think thats the big problem with Infinite crisis and other MOBAs is people see them and say "well why should i play a game thats like league of legends with just DC comic skins .. when i can just play league of legends"

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    I play this game on and off. After Dawngate died this is the only moba that has my attention. I like the game mode in IC better than LoL and Dota, i enjoy more controlling areas and calling the orbital strike rather than just plain rushing lanes to kill a boss to win.

    I agree its not very innovative but the game mode is IMO more fun than other older mobas. I really hope they add different game modes to differentiate even more from other mobas. IMO this game has potential to be its own beast.

    Also Mecha WonderWoman is love, MWW is life... nuff said.


    -Got a beta key for hots and enjoyed it for a bit but i idk ill wait for more warcraft heroes to get into the game. 


  • DangerNobuoDangerNobuo Member UncommonPosts: 96
    What happened to multi-page reviews?
  • Bluefear77Bluefear77 Member UncommonPosts: 112

    I'm a huge comic book fan so I really want to love this game.

    And for the most part I do love it. But there is an epidemic of players going AFK.  It absolutely ruins the game. There seems to be no support to end this problem.

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
     While I like the heroes, the game itself is no different than most of the other MOBAs.  So they want me to learn another game just to play their heroes?  Much rather play Heroes of the Storm with the lowered complexity. something I can jump into when I just want to play for a short period.
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