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Was fun, turned into typical cash grab. I guess that's Trion for you.

killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995

I played this starting around the end of the closed beta.  It held my attention for about 3 months, which is a LONG time in the modern MMO market.  That said, within the last month, every patch has pushed players a little harder towards the cash shop.  The point I quite playing was when they released Chaos Boxes.  These are gambling boxes that have no posted odds and no posted prizes (the excuse being they change them every week).  I have seen the results of several large amounts of boxes being opened and if you do the math, I think you'd be lucky to "earn" $.50 per hour worth of loot of farming compared to just buying and opening these boxes.  I guess as long as there are suckers with more money than sense, Trion is there to help relieve them of such a burden.


If you're looking at this game, it's fun for a while, but the development is moving more and more towards pushing you into the cash shop.  Just a friendly warning. :)



  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    Um, the game is F2P... they're going to have to get paid somehow... like duh, cash shops is it.
  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by Pepeq
    Um, the game is F2P... they're going to have to get paid somehow... like duh, cash shops is it.


    Yes, I understand that.  I don't mind putting money towards a game I enjoy.  I don't like the majority of development driving me towards the cash shop.  In fact, I was happy putting $20 per month towards the game, but when it gets to a point that I can't purchase everything + extra fun stuff with $20 monthly, I'm out.


    Makes me miss the days of $15 monthly subs that included the whole game and all content being developed for it. :(

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
     This is how things are in Trions" Perfect World ", they spend there resources developing ways to get in your wallet instead of quality content..
  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Originally posted by killion81

    Yes, I understand that.  I don't mind putting money towards a game I enjoy.  I don't like the majority of development driving me towards the cash shop.  In fact, I was happy putting $20 per month towards the game, but when it gets to a point that I can't purchase everything + extra fun stuff with $20 monthly, I'm out.


    Makes me miss the days of $15 monthly subs that included the whole game and all content being developed for it. :(

    Yup, that's the cash shop backslash. It's too easy to make them smell of ill and rotten if you let the inner greed loose.

    I already uninstalled Glyph a while ago.

  • EnikEnik Member UncommonPosts: 99

    I personally think Trove's method of F2P is something that gamers should appreciate. I don't see any locked content or required payments here. Perhaps when servers can be bought, maintained and run for fairy dust, and developers/IT/marketing/sales/HR/etc get paid with "good will" then these complaints may have some legitimacy.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by Scorchien
     This is how things are in Trions" Perfect World ", they spend there resources developing ways to get in your wallet instead of quality content..


    Are you talking about Trove not having quality content?



    Lets see in the last 2 weeks we've gotten:

    A new class (shadow hunter)


    Sky island zone 


    Dance emotes

    A ton of player created lairs, weapons, dungeons etc....


    All FREE







    Patch 2/10/15!

    == FEATURES== 

    * Shadow Hunter is now live! This class uses a bow to do massive damage to enemy targets with charged shots, while the shadow trapped in their gem whispers about who to kill.

    * You can now craft a portal to the Sky Realms! 
    * Mine Crystallized Clouds, harvest Radiant Shards, but you'd best come prepared with wings, or it's going to be tough to keep up!
    * A new rare mount, the Nimble Nimbus, can now be found rarely in the Sky Realms! 
    * Updraft blocks are now craftable in the Fun Factory! 

    * Wings are now obtainable in game!
    * Mastery Rank 20 and 100 now grant wings! 
    * Stormcaller's Wings are now in the store!
    * Wings of Darkest Night now drop incredibly rarely from Shadow Arenas. 

    * Runecrafting is now live! Obtain some radiant shards from the Radiant Ruins, then learn a whole bunch of new block recipes to build to your heart's content! As your runecrafting skill increases, you'll unlock a variety of colored, metal, glass, and glowing block recipes. 
    * At the higher levels, you'll be able to craft vault style unlockers that will unlock a Vault style, as well as tomes that you can equip to grant yourself additional resources of a specific type as you adventure! 
    * A new mount, the Floating Formula, can now be crafted by Runic Masters at the Runecrafting bench! 

    == GAME UPDATE== 

    * Added 101 new colors of colored blocks (split between standard, glass, metal, and glow). 
    * Added emotes! You can now /wave hello or goodbye or take a nap with /zzz. Characters with no input for 2 minutes will also now automatically start snoozing.
    * Fixed the dreaded "Received user acknowledgement" login bug. 
    * Mastery rank now goes to 100! 
    * The Magic Find tooltip now has correct text.
    * Fixed a bug where players who are loaded in while already in flight appear to fall and teleport back up repeatedly.
    * Fixed a bug where being hit by an enemy could cancel jumps and other movement.
    * Chests now take fewer hits to destroy. 
    * Spikes can now be destroyed by bombs. 

    * The Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, Wings, and Ally slots are now class specific. 
    * As a result of this change the Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, and Ally slots will be empty on log in and will need to be re-equipped.

    * Chaos Chests have been randomized!
    * Uberman, a new costume for the Gunslinger, is live! 
    * Prisms are now 1000 Credits. 
    * Heart-a-Phone is now in the store and now turns your target's name red for 24 hours.
    * You can no longer purchase the textured block recipe in the store for bordered blocks. You now earn these through Runecrafting.
    You now gain 2 no-trade flask coins instead of the fixed flasks in the Power Pack.


    * Gunslinger's Blast Jump ability now increases height less but gives you a temporary slow fall effect
    * The Gunslinger now slowfalls after hitting with a basic attack 
    * Fixed bug where Gunslinger's passive instant charge shot couldn't be fired at zero energy.

    * Mining Troves, Party Animals, and Recipe Blocks will now drop the new type of block recipe that teaches you a random block recipe that you don't already know.
    * You can now deconstruct stacks of the same item. 
    * Red equipment can now be deconstructed for flux plus 1 eye.

    * Magic Carpet drops are now more common in Uber 4 and 5, and are otherwise less common. 
    * Uber 4 and 5 worlds are slightly harder. 
    * The King's Tomb dungeon will no longer spawn in Undead Hills. 
    * The Haunted Mansion dungeon will now spawn properly in the Undead Hills. 

    * Shadow Arenas and Dungeons are now slightly harder.

    * Improved cloud distribution, especially while moving. Clouds now respond immediately to lighting changes. 
    * Fixed a bug where the knight could lose Iron Will shield VFX upon being hit.
    * Significantly reduced CPU cost of camera-based player opacity. 
    * Fixed a bug where exiting gliding by jumping put the player into the wrong animation.
    * Resource blocks now blend into the terrain better. 

    * Accesories on hairstyles will now, for the most part, ignore hair color and retain their own coloring 
    * New decor by Tribe, MajorTom, Qoaleth and Screamheart has been added to the game! 
    * New hairstyles by Dragoes, GadgetCAT, and Subtitles have been added to the game! 
    * New mask styles by TigerLove, Ixion, chocobag, and Claire have been added to the game New hat styles by Kukui, Ranen, TheZoobler, Aviarei, Shyster, MCfan567, Turtlenade, Dusty_Mustard, Floretha, Agent_41, and Phoenix have been added to the game! 
    * New staff styles by Zeeg, MediocrityGoggles, Smorph, nolanvoid, KtlavskoX, FedoraTip, and FriedSushi have been added to the game! 
    * New melee weapon styles by Karokendo, Sentium, Zeeg, Zodriac, ForJagler, Turtlenade, AllieCat, RoflGofl, Blindside, Miredirex, Seral, Enthropy, ElMexicano, LETAL1TY, LippyLapras, Hypatech, Smearg and Fhilian have been added to the game! New pistol styles by Zipperumpazoo, BlueMango, and Voodoo have been added to the game!
    * New bows by Tribe, Aodahn, Jonny_Spikey, Screamheart, nolanvoid, Floretha, Greenitthe, PinkNekoGirl, Tyhler, Riptide, FriedSushi, GadgetCAT, Stedms, Ixion, RutilusFalx, EdgeG, Cougarkillz, Solipso, MapletXD, LinguisticallyInept, Drakfyre, MiszterSoul, TehRedReaper, MysticLugia, LippyLapras, Ranen, TheGiv32, miopiIV, watermellonduke, JumpyBunny, Dragoes, Leeman, CloBunny, _Protichsx_, Qoaleth, GinnyBinny, Bahamuth, Quedifuv, Linker, FrozenCross, Taiboi, Uniquisher, Jallafish, Wallow75, Aspis, Sephyr, Shyster, MajorTom, Buckerneir, Dirkalo, MrTuffnStuff, TomixD, Rhylight, PsicoVoxeL, Leeon, Nomeneta, Caspersaur, tmahwk, Prototype, Rade_Dobison, pasi123567, GreyRellik, demosito, Stedms, Aodahn, TheZoobler, FriedSushi, PinkNekoGirl, HandofGod, Tribe, Khali, Eriri, Mirage, Ecky, Kiyomi, Kyiro, Zimanta, Nomeneta, CassIV, TeeKayM, Soulrenor, Dave203, Kopandazavr, TheGiv32, Robotik, Ginkgo, Lucifuge, Prototype, cczeus, Tresette, taelg, AshtonGrey, Byoo, and Kane8066 have been added to the game!
    * New Neon City dungeons from Khastiel and Lamafao.
    * New Undead Hills dungeon from Screamheart.
    * New Treasure Isles dungeon from FriedSushi.
    * New Candoria lairs from Habosbabafos, Thresio, Markec1983.
    RN: New Undead Hills lairs from Tribe and WINRAR-exe.
    RN: New Highlands lair from Condorspark.





     ummmmm yea ... i did say quality content... i see none there ...

  • BruceYeeBruceYee Member EpicPosts: 2,556

    I logged in for the first time the other day after playing in the closed beta months ago and have to agree OP.

    The gap between paying money to get things vs playing to earn things has shrunk so much that it was very shocking. The cash shop grew so much between closed beta and now that it's giving off a LOTRO vibe that I can't ignore.

    @DMKano - Why must you come to Trion's defense every time someone has an opinion about how they run their games/business? It's only tainted my view of them b/c they need some guy on some forum defending their every move. You are obviously trying to help them but you might actually be doing more harm than good - that's just my opinion though.


  • PulsarManPulsarMan Member Posts: 289
    "Was free, now they want me to buy entirely optional things. I just like to complain on the internet."
  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by PulsarMan
    "Was free, now they want me to buy entirely optional things. I just like to complain on the internet."




    I was happy putting my $20 into the game monthly to buy a new item here and there and some fun stuff I could share with people I liked in the game (ala pinatas).  There were some P2W shortcuts, but you needed to spend time finding buyers, then spend time finding the items you needed to buy.  Now you can accomplish most of the advancement by swiping your credit card.  When people can buy accomplishments, they lose any meaning to me.


    How would you feel about doctorate degrees if you got them by simply paying money, no effort involved?  How long do you think people would place value on them?  I have a feeling they would become meaningless to employers pretty quickly.  This just highlights the idea that effort into accomplishments makes them feel like actual accomplishments.  Buying them doesn't really make them much of an accomplishment.

  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by killion81
    Originally posted by PulsarMan
    "Was free, now they want me to buy entirely optional things. I just like to complain on the internet."




    I was happy putting my $20 into the game monthly to buy a new item here and there and some fun stuff I could share with people I liked in the game (ala pinatas).

    Exactly - spending money in Trove's is IMO just a way of supporting the devs. Other than keys for allies I've hardly spent any cash period. 

     There were some P2W shortcuts, but you needed to spend time finding buyers, then spend time finding the items you needed to buy.  Now you can accomplish most of the advancement by swiping your credit card.  When people can buy accomplishments, they lose any meaning to me.

    I disagree here 100% - pay for accomplishments in Trove? Like what - collecting all the pets? Collecting cube designs? 

    The vast majority of accomplishments - like 90% can only be earned via gameplay.

    Also it's a 100% PvE game, what is there to "win"? 

    Even mounts - they are all the same speeds - it's just different skins. 

    Guess what you can buy "accomplishments" in EVERY GAME - because people sell their accounts that are fully leveled and geared in *every game in existance*

    The only difference is who gets the money - the game dev via cash shop OR a 3rd party. 

    If you really wanted to spend money and bypass everything in Trove - you can't do it via cash shop - you'd have to go and buy a fully geared/leveled account from somebody who's done the work themselves.

    Do you not agree with this?


    How would you feel about doctorate degrees if you got them by simply paying money, no effort involved?  How long do you think people would place value on them?  I have a feeling they would become meaningless to employers pretty quickly.  This just highlights the idea that effort into accomplishments makes them feel like actual accomplishments.  Buying them doesn't really make them much of an accomplishment.

    Again - what can you buy? you can can't buy level 20 classes - you can't buy level 100 Mastery.

    You can play the game without spending a SINGLE CENT and simply earn everything via trading with other players.

    Again - what you are describing is not what's happening in game. There's effort involved to get achievements in Trove no matter how much money you spend - as the cash shop doesn't sell fully leveled up fully geared full mastery characters.

    The only way to get all the achievements in Trove is via LOTs of gameplay - fact.




    The only thing you can't buy is levels.  Everything else can be had for flux, which can be obtained from Chaos Chests or by buying store items and selling.  So, you do have to level each class to 20, but there are even ways to buy that if you let someone power level you while you stand outside dungeons/lairs.  Mastery level 100 can be obtained through LOTS of farming and grinding or minimal effort and a credit card swipe.  Due to this, mastery level 100 is an "achievement" that is worthless.  It's not satisfying to bust your ass to get something and see someone next to you buy it.  It no longer feels like an accomplishment, but more a waste of time.

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    If the cash shop is optional and the things you get in there do no equal P2W. I say a F2P game has to keep updating the cash shop with fun things to keep money rolling and content rolling. Seem basic to me.
  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113
    I gave up on Trion after AA so even if this game was the best mmo ever I'd never know, sometimes ignorance IS bliss.
  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    If the cash shop is optional and the things you get in there do no equal P2W. I say a F2P game has to keep updating the cash shop with fun things to keep money rolling and content rolling. Seem basic to me.


    You gain mastery experience for unlocking things like mounts, pets, costumes, etc.  Mastery experience gives you mastery ranks.  Mastery ranks provide in-game advantage that becomes pretty significant.  Those +3% damage and +3% max health start to add up.  In a PvE focused game, min/maxing your character is a way to "win" in my opinion.  Under that definition, pretty much everything you can buy in the cash shop is P2W.

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    Originally posted by Effin_Rabbit
    I gave up on Trion after AA so even if this game was the best mmo ever I'd never know, sometimes ignorance IS bliss.

    IMO AA was a mess but giving up on all games a company makes because of one bad one would mean no one would play any game. A good game is a good game. I hate EA but I am still going to play their sports games. 

  • Stone_FountainStone_Fountain Member UncommonPosts: 233
    Originally posted by StarI
    Originally posted by killion81

    Yes, I understand that.  I don't mind putting money towards a game I enjoy.  I don't like the majority of development driving me towards the cash shop.  In fact, I was happy putting $20 per month towards the game, but when it gets to a point that I can't purchase everything + extra fun stuff with $20 monthly, I'm out.


    Makes me miss the days of $15 monthly subs that included the whole game and all content being developed for it. :(

    Yup, that's the cash shop backslash. It's too easy to make them smell of ill and rotten if you let the inner greed loose.

    I already uninstalled Glyph a while ago.

    Me as well. 

    First PC Game: Pool of Radiance July 10th, 1990. First MMO: Everquest April 23, 1999

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    Originally posted by killion81
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    If the cash shop is optional and the things you get in there do no equal P2W. I say a F2P game has to keep updating the cash shop with fun things to keep money rolling and content rolling. Seem basic to me.


    You gain mastery experience for unlocking things like mounts, pets, costumes, etc.  Mastery experience gives you mastery ranks.  Mastery ranks provide in-game advantage that becomes pretty significant.  Those +3% damage and +3% max health start to add up.  In a PvE focused game, min/maxing your character is a way to "win" in my opinion.  Under that definition, pretty much everything you can buy in the cash shop is P2W.

    How hard is mastery exp to come by? What is the chances you get mastery exp in the cash shop, every time you do a transaction or random mount you may win on a roll? 

  • vadio123vadio123 Member UncommonPosts: 593
    TrionCash.... going to blacklist company 
  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    Originally posted by killion81
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    If the cash shop is optional and the things you get in there do no equal P2W. I say a F2P game has to keep updating the cash shop with fun things to keep money rolling and content rolling. Seem basic to me.


    You gain mastery experience for unlocking things like mounts, pets, costumes, etc.  Mastery experience gives you mastery ranks.  Mastery ranks provide in-game advantage that becomes pretty significant.  Those +3% damage and +3% max health start to add up.  In a PvE focused game, min/maxing your character is a way to "win" in my opinion.  Under that definition, pretty much everything you can buy in the cash shop is P2W.

    How hard is mastery exp to come by? What is the chances you get mastery exp in the cash shop, every time you do a transaction or random mount you may win on a roll? 


    100 mastery experience per mastery rank.  You get 1 mastery experience for finding a new style (pretty easy at the start) and 2 for a new recipe.  You get 50 for a mount, 10 for pets, 25 for costumes (I think).  You can directly buy pets, mounts and costumes from the cash shop.  Some can be obtained from logging in and completing the daily enough days, others can only be obtained by someone purchasing them (either you directly or someone else who then sells it to you for in game currency/items).  Costumes can ONLY be obtained in the cash shop for cash.  There is no random to it.  You can buy a lot of mastery ranks with a credit card.


    Edit: You can also buy style unlock items that randomly unlock a style you have not yet found.  You can also buy Chaos Boxes that provide you with minimally crafting material that you would need to gather otherwise, maximally with very rare items that can not be obtained any other way (such as mounts and wings).  Even if you don't get what you want through Chaos Boxes, you can sell what you do get and buy what you want.  All by swiping the CC!


    Edit 2: You can even buy special keys that allow you to eliminate the random from RNG boxes you obtain in the game.  Using the key guarantees you the "grand prize" from the RNG box, which may be like a 1% or less chance otherwise.

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    Originally posted by killion81
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    Originally posted by killion81
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    If the cash shop is optional and the things you get in there do no equal P2W. I say a F2P game has to keep updating the cash shop with fun things to keep money rolling and content rolling. Seem basic to me.


    You gain mastery experience for unlocking things like mounts, pets, costumes, etc.  Mastery experience gives you mastery ranks.  Mastery ranks provide in-game advantage that becomes pretty significant.  Those +3% damage and +3% max health start to add up.  In a PvE focused game, min/maxing your character is a way to "win" in my opinion.  Under that definition, pretty much everything you can buy in the cash shop is P2W.

    How hard is mastery exp to come by? What is the chances you get mastery exp in the cash shop, every time you do a transaction or random mount you may win on a roll? 


    100 mastery experience per mastery rank.  You get 1 mastery experience for finding a new style (pretty easy at the start) and 2 for a new recipe.  You get 50 for a mount, 10 for pets, 25 for costumes (I think).  You can directly buy pets, mounts and costumes from the cash shop.  Some can be obtained from logging in a completely the daily enough days, others can only be obtained by someone purchasing them (either you directly or someone else who then sells it to you for in game currency/items).  Costumes can ONLY be obtained in the cash shop for cash.  There is no random to it.  You can buy a lot of mastery ranks with a credit card.

    Ya I would call that P2W unless there is something I am missing.

  • 5ubzer05ubzer0 Member UncommonPosts: 72

    Oh, please! The only people who can call anything in Trove P2W, have clearly never played the game. Combat is so simple I can probably train my cat to level for me. It's a cute game, but that's about it.

    So what is there to win?

    When I look at their cash shop, I have no idea how they intend to make any money. Everything that is somewhat interesting (classes, crafting recipes, building blocks) is unlocked or collected just by playing the game.


  • zaberfangxzaberfangx Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    People never happy, I have to say, that trove came a long way, yes it's a free to play see the name you can play for free, but they can't run thing the way people think,. The dev for trove put in a lot of hard work and they did a good job with tons of stuff can get for free with out not much work needed to start off.


    And they keep dropping quality content, if people don't agree then I'm sorry not a game for you, I think people need to just move on enjoy something they think whats ever quality content is in there mind is never the same as other.


    But if people think this game it's pay to win, then every game out there it's pay to win in there eyes or there just being picky and putting things fit there side of class of idea what a game should be, but never look at it outside the box.

  • SquishydewSquishydew Member UncommonPosts: 1,107

    Reason i quit as well, I'm a collector and like to collect as many of the game things that i can, even if they're pointless, It's just what i find fun to do.


    When a lot of that is stuffed behind a paywall, i quickly lose interest, i still prefer subscription fees.

  • RzepRzep Member UncommonPosts: 767
    So even though the cash shop has nothing that you actually need to play the game, it is still a cash grab. Learn something new everyday I suppose.
  • zaberfangxzaberfangx Member UncommonPosts: 1,796

    Even if trove was a sub game, as sub games out there are now still tons of grind walls and RNG loot system noting new there. Then if people think that trove is cash grab, and then I think wow it's cash grab why? cuz I have to pay to get there xpack and keep playing $15 a month, oh wait ff14 too, just to play need to take my money, thats the mine set I see people in general. Just to point it out none the games I named wow, ff14 or trove are not cash grab just making a point, in how people mind set miss place thinking I must get all of it free with no work.


  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415
    Originally posted by Rzep
    So even though the cash shop has nothing that you actually need to play the game, it is still a cash grab. Learn something new everyday I suppose.

    Distinguishing wants from needs is always a tough lesson.

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