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If You Are On The Fence: Steam Sale



  • vgamervgamer Member Posts: 195
    Originally posted by DanitaKusor
    Originally posted by vgamer
    Just curious, are the updates free? Or are the paid updates/dlc mandatory for endgame?

    The updates (issues) aren't free and currently they are not mandatory for endgame.

    However, I'd consider The Fall of Tokyo pack (issue 9 - issue 11) required for Tokyo level dungeons/raids (assuming they come with issue 11) unless you want to do a hell of a lot of grinding of monsters to advance your Aegis controllers.

    Thanks a lot for your reply. Would you recommend this game to someone who plans to buy the basic game but never any issues/updates or casshop stuff?

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by 430005
    Originally posted by Nitth Come to tokyo. Show me, I want to see.

    I can show you how i do 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 in Tokyo? Rotations are a part of this game. Get over it.

    Nah seriously, Show me how you can just go 1,1,1,1,1,2,3 and not die.

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • koboldfodderkoboldfodder Member UncommonPosts: 447

    Combat is the bad part of this game, and seeing as you will be fighting things 99% of the time that is a huge negative.


    Combat animations are very bad, almost amateur hour.  And there is a lack of physical connectivity when you hit a mob.  Those two things are hard things to overcome.


    If you can, the game is well done IF you like reading the quests.  It is a traditional theme park MMO, and by now most people just skip whatever the NPC says, look on the map for the glowy part and go collect 5 of this or kill 7 of that.



  • dreamisoverdreamisover Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Originally posted by Hariken
    They could lower it to 5 bucks and the combat still will suck. It really is horrible.

    Unfortunately this is very true. The combat is pretty awful and you have to do alot of it ;( What bothered me most was how my character moved lol. The animations are mediocre at best.

    The game would have been sooo much better if it was an interactive single player story game like The Wolf Among Us or something similar.  TSW did a deal like this 2 years ago and I bought it but it just became one of those icons you never click on your desktop

  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by Kajidourden

    Originally posted by Hariken They could lower it to 5 bucks and the combat still will suck. It really is horrible.


    ^ 111111111111111112111111*mob dies*




    Come to tokyo. Show me, I want to see.

    I've watched enough endgame videos to know.  Granted, that's an exaggeration of course, but yeah, I can SEE the skills lighting up and the exact same animations going off so there's no hiding it.  This video looks riveting....



  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Originally posted by Wolfhammer

    So thanks for the heads-up OP, I'm dropping £20 on the massive deal..  Seems to be well worth another look.

    I bought the game at the start, does that mean I just need to log-in and update?  Or I need to buy again?  I'm at work so can't check..

    Was off the net too, but hopefully you saw Danita's post before dropping the 20 for the Massive - unless you want a second account of course :)

    The Massive edition contains the base game as well, and cannot linked to an existing account. There's a separate deal for that, called Massive update, that expands the base game with the Issues 5-6-7, the starter gear, consumables and the faction jacket. But for you even that is "just" a moderately good deal...


    If you bought the game, then -regardless of how long were you a subscriber- you can log in any time, and play for free. Also you have the first 4 Issues, even if you skipped your subscription before the first Issue launched.

    I'm mostly certain you have Issue 5 as well, but can't vouch for that... when the b2p switch happened, they gave Issue 5 to: -either everyone who has the game,   -or everyone who were a subscriber that time. I believe it was the former, but not sure. If you log back, check the Store. If you see Issue 5 has the price of 0 Funcom Points, then you have it. (technically you need to purchase it for 0 Points, and then you can start the first mission of the story)

    And if you already have 5, then Massive update is giving you only Issues 6 and 7 (plus the fluff). Still a decent deal, even more so if you like cosmetics (the jackets are cool), but it's only cheaper by a few bucks than if you buy them from the Store separately.

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Originally posted by Po_gg
    Originally posted by Wolfhammer

    So thanks for the heads-up OP, I'm dropping £20 on the massive deal..  Seems to be well worth another look.

    I bought the game at the start, does that mean I just need to log-in and update?  Or I need to buy again?  I'm at work so can't check..

    Was off the net too, but hopefully you saw Danita's post before dropping the 20 for the Massive - unless you want a second account of course :)

    The Massive edition contains the base game as well, and cannot linked to an existing account. There's a separate deal for that, called Massive update, that expands the base game with the Issues 5-6-7, the starter gear, consumables and the faction jacket. But for you even that is "just" a moderately good deal...


    If you bought the game, then -regardless of how long were you a subscriber- you can log in any time, and play for free. Also you have the first 4 Issues, even if you skipped your subscription before the first Issue launched.

    I'm mostly certain you have Issue 5 as well, but can't vouch for that... when the b2p switch happened, they gave Issue 5 to: -either everyone who has the game,   -or everyone who were a subscriber that time. I believe it was the former, but not sure. If you log back, check the Store. If you see Issue 5 has the price of 0 Funcom Points, then you have it. (tehnically you need to purchase it for 0 Points, and then you can start the first mission of the story)

    And if you have 5, then Massive update is giving you only Issues 6 and 7 (plus the fluff). Still a decent deal, even more so if you like cosmetics (the jackets are cool), but it's only cheaper by a few bucks than if you buy them from the Store.


    I suspect it includes #5. :)

    I bought the game back when they were switching to F2P and were including #5 if you bought the game before a certain date (Dec 20th I believe). So I imagine if you had already had it before it would've been included in the base game.

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • 430005430005 Member Posts: 52
    Originally posted by Nitth

    Nah seriously, Show me how you can just go 1,1,1,1,1,2,3 and not die.

    Don't you play TSW? Survival build, QL10.4/5, level 9 Aegis (doesnt matter for some Tokyo mobs).

    Of course I also got max level augments slotted, was an easy grind when it first launched.


    Again, let it go on the combat. For 10 bucks, this game is definately worth a try.


  • DanitaKusorDanitaKusor Member UncommonPosts: 556
    Originally posted by vgamer
    Originally posted by DanitaKusor
    Originally posted by vgamer
    Just curious, are the updates free? Or are the paid updates/dlc mandatory for endgame?

    The updates (issues) aren't free and currently they are not mandatory for endgame.

    However, I'd consider The Fall of Tokyo pack (issue 9 - issue 11) required for Tokyo level dungeons/raids (assuming they come with issue 11) unless you want to do a hell of a lot of grinding of monsters to advance your Aegis controllers.

    Thanks a lot for your reply. Would you recommend this game to someone who plans to buy the basic game but never any issues/updates or casshop stuff?

    Yes, the game is worth it for the story missions alone even if all you do is play through them once.

    The Enlightened take things Lightly

  • CasualMakerCasualMaker Member UncommonPosts: 862
    Originally posted by 430005
    Originally posted by Nitth

    Nah seriously, Show me how you can just go 1,1,1,1,1,2,3 and not die.

    Don't you play TSW? Survival build, QL10.4/5, level 9 Aegis (doesnt matter for some Tokyo mobs).

    Of course I also got max level augments slotted, was an easy grind when it first launched.

    In other words, a grind-o-matic end-gamer with an FOTM build can survive going 1111123 in Tokyo. A more casual gamer who doesn't grind nightmare dungeons and lairs, whose purples mainly come from the climax missions of the various issues, who has only the first of each augment type because grinding scenarios has so much in common with beating one's head on a wall - would get chewed up and spat out. Besides, that's such a boring combat style. Trying to finesse your way through on an oddball, sub-optimal build is much more challenging.

  • hehenephehenep Member UncommonPosts: 221
    Originally posted by Kajidourden
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by Kajidourden

    Originally posted by Hariken They could lower it to 5 bucks and the combat still will suck. It really is horrible.


    ^ 111111111111111112111111*mob dies*




    Come to tokyo. Show me, I want to see.

    I've watched enough endgame videos to know.  Granted, that's an exaggeration of course, but yeah, I can SEE the skills lighting up and the exact same animations going off so there's no hiding it.  This video looks riveting....

    So you're definitely saying that quality of animations aside, you noticed the player in that video using every ability on their hotbar. Because, you know, that's what was happening in the video I watched.

  • 430005430005 Member Posts: 52
    Originally posted by CasualMaker

    In other words, a grind-o-matic end-gamer with an FOTM build can survive going 1111123 in Tokyo. A more casual gamer who doesn't grind nightmare dungeons and lairs, whose purples mainly come from the climax missions of the various issues, who has only the first of each augment type because grinding scenarios has so much in common with beating one's head on a wall - would get chewed up and spat out. Besides, that's such a boring combat style. Trying to finesse your way through on an oddball, sub-optimal build is much more challenging.

    He was trying to say a basic rotation like 1111123 shouldnt work in Tokyo. The other poster said rotations dont matter in TSW. I just asked them if they even play the game.


    If you aren't into grinding, you will never get to (10.4/5 with NY talismans, full augment wheel and full augments aka) endgame in ANY mmo and anything can chew you up.


    You can solo the game in your sub-optimal build with blue/purple gear, but dont expect to get into my nightmare dungeons or NY raids. Ofc Tokyo will be hard then.


    Your arguments make no sense to me whatsover. TSW definately has its flaws but if you havent picked it up, for 10 bucks, you should really give it a try.

  • moonboundmoonbound Member UncommonPosts: 396
    God I love this game, I recently tried it but sadly I broke my foot so I cannot work at the moment I will be soon however still I cannot afford that 41 dollar ultimate edition right now, im actually trying to earn money selling my cards and items in steam playing tf2 and stuff lol, I cannot believe how badly I want this game.
  • OrtwigOrtwig Member UncommonPosts: 1,163

    Steam Flash Sale for the next 24 hours:

    Base Game = 8.99

    Ultimate Edition (all issues and sidestories) = $41.99    

  • SquireXSquireX Member UncommonPosts: 82

    I went ahead and went for the Base game. There was quite the uproar as Steam made a mistake and also put the Ultimate Edition on Sale for 50% off (this only lasted for 1-2 hours before they caught there mistake). Many people, including myself, then felt like the only deal would be to get the deal we couldn't have:)

    I eventually decided to go ahead and spend the $9 to get the base game. From what I understand, it has tons of content and hours for me to see if I even have an interest in investing in future DLC.

    So far, I do like the atmosphere and how quests flow. No regrets.

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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Assuming you checked the tooltips under the ? marks next to the boxes (so there's only 1 dash, not having special characters, no non-english characters - a lame restriction imo :wink: - , ends on letter or number, etc), all I can think of that the filter is dropping it back. But with several different names it's unlikely - unless of course if you only changes the nickname (which serves as other games' character name). The filter is checking the first / last names too, even if those are just for "cosmetics".
    For example you can't make a character of Assuming 'validnickname' Smith, because of the first 3 letters of first name :lol:

    I'd suggest the following:
    - first, check your desired nickname (character name) in the Chronicle, to see if it's available or not. Nicknames have to be unique, so if it's already taken, just add a number at the end, or some other changes. (Chronicle is the player-data site of TSW, )
    - if you have the available nickname, try to create a safe-bet character with that, for example John 'nickname' Smith. If you can't, the nickname has some issues, otherwise your "cosmetic name" was the problem.
    - in both cases, if you don't think that there's a valid filtering problem (it's not offending, or copyright, etc) you can contact Funcom and ask them. I'm not saying they will allow you to create the desired name, but at least they will tell what's the problem with it - sometimes it relates to translated second meanings in other languages.
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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476
    IMO the only thing sitting on the Fence when it comes to Funcom is a cow pie.
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • EhllfhireEhllfhire Member UncommonPosts: 633
    Enough about the combat yes there are only 7/8 abilities, but to truly get the best you have to invest in skills. No one uses a one size fits all build in combat especially the later you get in game. Situational awareness needs to be higher in TSW's combat thab other mmo's. I think its fine especially since they redid many animations.

    Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.

  • stda149stda149 Member UncommonPosts: 3
    I love the combat the puzzles the gameplay the missions the endgame. I keep playing it from BETA and cant get enough of it with over 5000 hours in game.

    phu my complex
    sapphire palace
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    One thing that is annoying me about this game is, I bought the Massive Edition a while there's an Ultimate edition or w/e.....woohoo? One of the reasons I dont really log in.
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Albatroes said:
    One thing that is annoying me about this game is, I bought the Massive Edition a while there's an Ultimate edition or w/e.....woohoo? One of the reasons I dont really log in.
    Even if it's just a necro by a bot (I mean the post above you), I must say it's a pretty odd reason... So you don't log in, because the game has frequent updates? :wink:

    (btw. Ultimate indeed replaced Massive, since 6 more Issues were released already, after Massive... but for Massive owners there's either a Tokyo upgrade pack, or you can buy even the whole Ultimate for cheap on sale, not long ago it was under 20 bucks I think)
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    While not a steamy sale, I thought not starting a new thread, for not cluttering the forum :wink:

    So, Odo's post:!
    3 days, 66% off on the base game and on Ultimate on bundlestars. Unfortunately, steamy keys.

    as usual when outer site sales happen, FC also cut the prices, so they have a 66% sale as well. Funny thing is, the Complete edition is on sale too, and that's not even on gabe's site :wink:  since that's a recent bundle, they put it up maybe a week ago. It has no Upgrade version yet, meaning it only works with new accounts.

    Still, if you want to start, that's a great deal, for 23.8 Euros the whole game, all the content, and 1 month subscription on top...
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    Every time you play a game with terrible quest you realise what a gem this game is.
    Garrus Signature
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