Just wanted to pass this on if anyone was wanting to try it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/215280/ Great game and it's B2P, so that makes it an even greater deal.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Originally posted by remyburke Play it for a few months of awesome fun.
You could also not use google at all to complete missions and it would take way longer! Well, at least it would for me. The puzzles and figuring things out is very challenging.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Originally posted by remyburke Play it for a few months of awesome fun.
You could also not use google at all to complete missions and it would take way longer! Well, at least it would for me. The puzzles and figuring things out is very challenging.
Or it results in complete and utter frustration, ending with the game getting tossed aside/uninstalled. xD
My advice would be, give them a good try - and if it's absolutely going nowhere, resort to Google.
Either way, the game's definitely worth playing! One of the most unique MMOs out there.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Thanks for the heads up OP. I didn't see that on Steam. A great deal. I saw the basic game for $11.21 (9.99US?) and then saw the one that includes episodes 5,6,7 (1-4 are already included) for $26.59 (24.99 US?)
Any thoughts on the 5,6,7 being worth double the price. I don't really care about the XP potions etc that come with it and honestly am only likely to play it for a few months (maybe 3 or more casually). Will I even get that far or is that extra content not level based?
Thanks for the heads up OP. I didn't see that on Steam. A great deal. I saw the basic game for $11.21 (9.99US?) and then saw the one that includes episodes 5,6,7 (1-4 are already included) for $26.59 (24.99 US?)
Any thoughts on the 5,6,7 being worth double the price. I don't really care about the XP potions etc that come with it and honestly am only likely to play it for a few months (maybe 3 or more casually). Will I even get that far or is that extra content not level based?
Definitely worth it IMO. Those DLCs contain some of very good storylines, and also give you access to some extra auxiliary weapons to use in your builds.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Thanks for the heads up OP. I didn't see that on Steam. A great deal. I saw the basic game for $11.21 (9.99US?) and then saw the one that includes episodes 5,6,7 (1-4 are already included) for $26.59 (24.99 US?)
Any thoughts on the 5,6,7 being worth double the price. I don't really care about the XP potions etc that come with it and honestly am only likely to play it for a few months (maybe 3 or more casually). Will I even get that far or is that extra content not level based?
Also TSW isn't a level based game, but you will need to have a pretty solid build and some gear before tackling those missions.
And yep, if you're playing casually the game should provide you with a few months of entertainment. It took me quite a while to finish the entire thing. (And that was before some of the newer content like Tokyo, but that doesn't seem to be part of this promotion anyway, so we can disregard it for the time being)
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
What happened, first "combat sucks" post only in the 2-digits range? that's a new, maybe they overslept
I think people jumped onto this sale, there's a truckload of newbie folks in Agartha and the starter cities plus Kingsmouth. Also there are fewer questions on the channels, so the New player changes seem working.
Originally posted by Aethaeryn
Any thoughts on the 5,6,7 being worth double the price. I don't really care about the XP potions etc that come with it and honestly am only likely to play it for a few months (maybe 3 or more casually). Will I even get that far or is that extra content not level based?
It's up to the personal preferences. Imo 5-6-7 are great Xp potions and the starter gear are nice to have in the early gameplay, but yep, Massive edition's true value is the included Issues. If you plan to play for 3 months, then you will reach those Issues I think, unless you play very casually.
Issues are not level based, but "was ment to" be played after you finished the base story. You can jump into it any time (since no levels), worst case your butt gets some serious whooping or a bit less worse case, if you're geared enough but not finished the base story yet, you can play the Issues and you'll see some spoilers. (Issues 5-6-7 are extending the base story further, giving background infos and stuff. Plus they have great storylines on their own)
Money-wise, it's also a good deal. Without any sales or discounts those three Issues cost $/€ 25, so getting them for +15 is a nice offer. Plus you get the jackets, the starter gear, and the xp pots. If you're interested in some more stories, and willing to pay the extra 15, I'd say go with the Massive. (oh, and as Azaron wrote, Issues drop nice loot at completion, that's a bonus too )
I love the combat the puzzles the gameplay the missions the endgame. I keep playing it from BETA and cant get enough of it with over 5000 hours in game.
Issues 5 and 6 are do-able by the time you are in the second zone of Egypt, though the finale of "Last Train to Cairo" can take a lot of work depending on your build. The issue 6 side missions are available as soon as you hit Egypt. Issue 7 is set in Transylvania. My experience was that it seemed about the same difficulty as the rest of those zones (which isn't saying much, because they can be real nasty in spots.)
Originally posted by CasualMaker Issues 5 and 6 are do-able by the time you are in the second zone of Egypt, though the finale of "Last Train to Cairo" can take a lot of work depending on your build. The issue 6 side missions are available as soon as you hit Egypt. Issue 7 is set in Transylvania. My experience was that it seemed about the same difficulty as the rest of those zones (which isn't saying much, because they can be real nasty in spots.)
5 & 6 may actually be doable at the time you encounter them nowadays. They recently improved the gear you get from completing quests.
I haven't tried it yet since the changes went in, but back in the day I finished I5 while still on Solomon Island with a QL10 weapon (from the auction house) and a bunch of crappy (AKA acquired on Kingsmouth) gear. It was a challenge, but doable.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
The only time you will do a 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, repeat rotation is at the very start of the game in Kingsmouth / Savage Coast. As soon as you get past those zones you should be using all 7 abilities + the 5 gadget/potion slots (as required). Once you reach endgame you also have to add in an Aux weapon (ability slot 8) and once you reach Tokyo you have Aegis controllers (9 and 0) and Aegis shields (issue 10 content onwards) to change. Anyone who is complaining about the combat hasn't gone past the newbie zones.
Originally posted by DanitaKusor The only time you will do a 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, repeat rotation is at the very start of the game in Kingsmouth / Savage Coast... Anyone who is complaining about the combat hasn't gone past the newbie zones.
The Steamprice of 10 bucks is most definately worth it and you should pick up this game if you havent. Ignore all the trolls that keep saying combat is great though. TSW bombed partly because of gameplay.
TSW shines on story and atmosphere. The quests are refreshing and with the new changes in the player experience it should make it less tedious to fight your way through useless crap to the next quest.
To DanitaKusor: For the love of god, if you want to sell TSW, start pitching it on its merits, which are numerous. If a new player start this game it's better he knows what he's getting himself into[mod edit]
I played this at release but put it down as I didnt like the healing... I couldn't just straight up heal people if I had the power, there always seemed to be some condition I had to meet before I could.. That pissed me off..
Also the ability wheel got on my nerves a bit but that was prob my noobness rather than the game... I used to look at higher tier abilities and scrath my head at the damage/heal amounts.. They were usually the same as the abilities I already had so I thought "whats the fekkin point"..
I did enjoy the combat and the puzzles that got me googling for clues (not spoilers).. In the story, questing and puzzle area's the game is still un-matched.
So thanks for the heads-up OP, I'm dropping £20 on the massive deal.. Seems to be well worth another look.
I bought the game at the start, does that mean I just need to log-in and update? Or I need to buy again? I'm at work so can't check..
I played this at release but put it down as I didnt like the healing... I couldn't just straight up heal people if I had the power, there always seemed to be some condition I had to meet before I could.. That pissed me off..
Also the ability wheel got on my nerves a bit but that was prob my noobness rather than the game... I used to look at higher tier abilities and scrath my head at the damage/heal amounts.. They were usually the same as the abilities I already had so I thought "whats the fekkin point"..
I did enjoy the combat and the puzzles that got me googling for clues (not spoilers).. In the story, questing and puzzle area's the game is still un-matched.
So thanks for the heads-up OP, I'm dropping £20 on the massive deal.. Seems to be well worth another look.
I bought the game at the start, does that mean I just need to log-in and update? Or I need to buy again? I'm at work so can't check..
If you bought the game at the start you can just log-in and update. The massive edition includes 3 DLC packs (issue 5, 6, and 7) and with this sale it may be cheaper than buying them separately. However, they aren't required, and if you are on a budget I'd recommend getting the Fall of Tokyo pack over the massive edition if you already have the base game as that is the current endgame mission area at the moment (issue 11 hasn't been released yet, but predicted to be 28th April) and includes more content.
Regarding the higher tier abilities, they will have an additional effect over the base ability. For example a base ability might do 150-200 damage, but a higher level one might do 150-200 damage but also be a burst ability. Those higher level abilities are used to make interesting builds by combining with passives, e.g. a passive that heals you when you activate a burst ability.
Yes, it is a very good game, but the lag in it and the fps is terrible. I thought the issues were on my end and I even upgraded my puter, but I went back to it a few times and its still has the same issues. I don't know if funcom has engine issues with the game or not. I hope no one else has the same problem, cauce, it is a nice game. I just cant play it the way it is
Originally posted by vgamer Just curious, are the updates free? Or are the paid updates/dlc mandatory for endgame?
The updates (issues) aren't free and currently they are not mandatory for endgame.
However, I'd consider The Fall of Tokyo pack (issue 9 - issue 11) required for Tokyo level dungeons/raids (assuming they come with issue 11) unless you want to do a hell of a lot of grinding of monsters to advance your Aegis controllers.
Originally posted by Jediren Yes, it is a very good game, but the lag in it and the fps is terrible. I thought the issues were on my end and I even upgraded my puter, but I went back to it a few times and its still has the same issues. I don't know if funcom has engine issues with the game or not. I hope no one else has the same problem, cauce, it is a nice game. I just cant play it the way it is
There are severe fps issues with window 8 and the dx11 version of the game. Running the game using the dx9 version fixes most of the problems. Not sure if this is a driver, operating system, or game engine problem, but Funcom doesn't seem to be able to fix it. This mainly seems to be with NVidia cards. AMD card have a totally different problem with shadows on some clothing which is apparently a driver issue as downgrading to an older driver fixes it.
I self identify as a monkey.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
You could also not use google at all to complete missions and it would take way longer! Well, at least it would for me. The puzzles and figuring things out is very challenging.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Or it results in complete and utter frustration, ending with the game getting tossed aside/uninstalled. xD
My advice would be, give them a good try - and if it's absolutely going nowhere, resort to Google.
Either way, the game's definitely worth playing! One of the most unique MMOs out there.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Thanks for the heads up OP. I didn't see that on Steam. A great deal. I saw the basic game for $11.21 (9.99US?) and then saw the one that includes episodes 5,6,7 (1-4 are already included) for $26.59 (24.99 US?)
Any thoughts on the 5,6,7 being worth double the price. I don't really care about the XP potions etc that come with it and honestly am only likely to play it for a few months (maybe 3 or more casually). Will I even get that far or is that extra content not level based?
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Definitely worth it IMO. Those DLCs contain some of very good storylines, and also give you access to some extra auxiliary weapons to use in your builds.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Also TSW isn't a level based game, but you will need to have a pretty solid build and some gear before tackling those missions.
And yep, if you're playing casually the game should provide you with a few months of entertainment. It took me quite a while to finish the entire thing. (And that was before some of the newer content like Tokyo, but that doesn't seem to be part of this promotion anyway, so we can disregard it for the time being)
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I played during beta and thought the missions were very refreshing but other things were going on during that time for me. I will give it a go again.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
What happened, first "combat sucks" post only in the 2-digits range? that's a new, maybe they overslept
I think people jumped onto this sale, there's a truckload of newbie folks in Agartha and the starter cities plus Kingsmouth. Also there are fewer questions on the channels, so the New player changes seem working.
It's up to the personal preferences. Imo 5-6-7 are great
Xp potions and the starter gear are nice to have in the early gameplay, but yep, Massive edition's true value is the included Issues. If you plan to play for 3 months, then you will reach those Issues I think, unless you play very casually.
Issues are not level based, but "was ment to" be played after you finished the base story. You can jump into it any time (since no levels), worst case your butt gets some serious whooping
or a bit less worse case, if you're geared enough but not finished the base story yet, you can play the Issues and you'll see some spoilers. (Issues 5-6-7 are extending the base story further, giving background infos and stuff. Plus they have great storylines on their own)
Money-wise, it's also a good deal. Without any sales or discounts those three Issues cost $/€ 25, so getting them for +15 is a nice offer. Plus you get the jackets, the starter gear, and the xp pots. If you're interested in some more stories, and willing to pay the extra 15, I'd say go with the Massive. (oh, and as Azaron wrote, Issues drop nice loot at completion, that's a bonus too
Uhm the combat still sucks - we just all agree that for 10 bucks you will get a lot of fun content here.
5 & 6 may actually be doable at the time you encounter them nowadays. They recently improved the gear you get from completing quests.
I haven't tried it yet since the changes went in, but back in the day I finished I5 while still on Solomon Island with a QL10 weapon (from the auction house) and a bunch of crappy (AKA acquired on Kingsmouth) gear. It was a challenge, but doable.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
^ 111111111111111112111111*mob dies*
The only time you will do a 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, repeat rotation is at the very start of the game in Kingsmouth / Savage Coast. As soon as you get past those zones you should be using all 7 abilities + the 5 gadget/potion slots (as required). Once you reach endgame you also have to add in an Aux weapon (ability slot 8) and once you reach Tokyo you have Aegis controllers (9 and 0) and Aegis shields (issue 10 content onwards) to change. Anyone who is complaining about the combat hasn't gone past the newbie zones.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
The Steamprice of 10 bucks is most definately worth it and you should pick up this game if you havent. Ignore all the trolls that keep saying combat is great though. TSW bombed partly because of gameplay.
TSW shines on story and atmosphere. The quests are refreshing and with the new changes in the player experience it should make it less tedious to fight your way through useless crap to the next quest.
To DanitaKusor: For the love of god, if you want to sell TSW, start pitching it on its merits, which are numerous. If a new player start this game it's better he knows what he's getting himself into[mod edit]
^ 111111111111111112111111*mob dies*
Come to tokyo. Show me, I want to see.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
I can show you how i do 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 in Tokyo? Rotations are a part of this game. Get over it.
I played this at release but put it down as I didnt like the healing... I couldn't just straight up heal people if I had the power, there always seemed to be some condition I had to meet before I could.. That pissed me off..
Also the ability wheel got on my nerves a bit but that was prob my noobness rather than the game... I used to look at higher tier abilities and scrath my head at the damage/heal amounts.. They were usually the same as the abilities I already had so I thought "whats the fekkin point"..
I did enjoy the combat and the puzzles that got me googling for clues (not spoilers).. In the story, questing and puzzle area's the game is still un-matched.
So thanks for the heads-up OP, I'm dropping £20 on the massive deal.. Seems to be well worth another look.
I bought the game at the start, does that mean I just need to log-in and update? Or I need to buy again? I'm at work so can't check..
If you bought the game at the start you can just log-in and update. The massive edition includes 3 DLC packs (issue 5, 6, and 7) and with this sale it may be cheaper than buying them separately. However, they aren't required, and if you are on a budget I'd recommend getting the Fall of Tokyo pack over the massive edition if you already have the base game as that is the current endgame mission area at the moment (issue 11 hasn't been released yet, but predicted to be 28th April) and includes more content.
Regarding the higher tier abilities, they will have an additional effect over the base ability. For example a base ability might do 150-200 damage, but a higher level one might do 150-200 damage but also be a burst ability. Those higher level abilities are used to make interesting builds by combining with passives, e.g. a passive that heals you when you activate a burst ability.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
The updates (issues) aren't free and currently they are not mandatory for endgame.
However, I'd consider The Fall of Tokyo pack (issue 9 - issue 11) required for Tokyo level dungeons/raids (assuming they come with issue 11) unless you want to do a hell of a lot of grinding of monsters to advance your Aegis controllers.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
There are severe fps issues with window 8 and the dx11 version of the game. Running the game using the dx9 version fixes most of the problems. Not sure if this is a driver, operating system, or game engine problem, but Funcom doesn't seem to be able to fix it. This mainly seems to be with NVidia cards. AMD card have a totally different problem with shadows on some clothing which is apparently a driver issue as downgrading to an older driver fixes it.
The Enlightened take things Lightly