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[Column] Elder Scrolls Online: A Little Rant on Motif-Gate



  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815

    I am very sensitive about Crown Store items myself, and with that said I have to completely disagree with you.


    A player can craft a piece of gear when they have the materials and the skill.  Having a Motif only allows you change the visual look. These can be acquired through game play or purchased in a guild store for a reasonable price. 


    Allowing someone to buy this only speeds up the process of acquiring and not by much as they are easy to find and easy to purchase with in game gold. This qualifies as a convenience purchase of a cosmetic granting item. 


    In fact, I can't think of a better type of item they could sell in the store. It's a perfect fit. 


    As to the reduction of the Dwemer containers, let me say this. I farmed my own, my wife's, and my brothers full sets of motifs from this ruin by making a new character and getting them to the quest where access is available in to this ruin and never completed the quest in order to farm them. It was broken and needed to be fixed.   There is no comparable location in game where such a mass of containers with a chance of rare drops exist. 


    Should this his have been fixed months ago?  Should it have been fixed before putting Motif's in the crown store?  Yes. Doesn't make it less broken though by having it done after the fact. 


    There is no Motif-Gate.  Over reaction by some vocal unformed minority..maybe. 

  • machajasmachajas Member UncommonPosts: 47
    Originally posted by Horusra
    If you play the game and are unwilling to sub then you should not complain about the store.

    Now tell me, what would be the difference if he subbed? Would he get all the motifs included in the sub fee?

    Born from blood,
    trained to kill,
    ready to die,
    but never will!

  • SaluteSalute Member UncommonPosts: 795

    I m playing ESO a couple weeks now, lvling a Templar (36 lvl) and i can say i have a lot of fun, maybe even more than i expected to have. Thats also the reason i already bought a 2 months sub, despite its B2P and thats why i think B2P is the way anymore for mmo's.

    I dont care about motifs in crown store, because its more important having a lot of ppl to play with in a mmo and after B2P transition ESO has tons of ppl any time of the day (do you hear WildStar?).

    My main problems are mostly about Cyrodil lag (and lag in general especially in prime times) and some combat skills and animations delay.

    Sometimes you have to press the skills 2 times and many times the animations are not visible at all especially buffs. It gets even worse when you are mounted and press a skill. Dismount with a combat skill is really a big problem.


    All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
    Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2

  • majimaji Member UncommonPosts: 2,091

    Buy2Play / Subscription game: developers try to create the best game possible (according to their skills, manpower and so on), in order to have people buy and/or keep subscribed to the game.

    Cash shop: developers try the same. And then they make the game, worse, on purpose. They add lots of small or big annoyences in order to have people play.

    "Look, we created a great game. With dozens of starting zones and races. But you can create only one character! HAHAHAHA! Don't like that? Pay us!"

    "Do you like how many nice items you find in the game? And our great crafting system? That's good. But you have next to no bank and bag space, so that you have to keep throwing items away all the time! HAHAHAHA! Pay money for more bank and bag space."

    "See the wonderful game world? Nice, isn't it? How you walk at a snails pace through it? Don't like that? Well, either farm 500 hours for a mount, or buy one in our shop!"


    And so on and so on. As an analogy: a cash shop cinema would work like this. You can see the movie, for free. And the first five or ten minutes are great. Then someone starts switching the light on and off. And randomly muting the film. And throws buckets of ice water into your face. And takes your chair away so you have to sit on concrete. And so on and so on. And every time you want something of that fixed, you have to pay.

    Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)

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  • TimesplitTimesplit Member UncommonPosts: 191

    Not that i'm going to stay for very long, considering ESO is only a time waster until better games release, but this was only a matter of time. Especially the change they did to the ruins is a shady thing to do, and perfectly exemplifies what's wrong with this kind of model. I'm not even crafting for a profit myself, but i can't imagine anyone who does is happy about this.



  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Originally posted by Timesplit

    Not that i'm going to stay for very long, considering ESO is only a time waster until better games release, but this was only a matter of time. Especially the change they did to the ruins is a shady thing to do, and perfectly exemplifies what's wrong with this kind of model. I'm not even crafting for a profit myself, but i can't imagine anyone who does is happy about this.



    Lots of crafters are happy about this. This allows them to make the items they have skills and resources to craft with more visual looks and it gives them an easy way to pick up a motif they might be missing without having to spend in game gold. 

  • DanitaKusorDanitaKusor Member UncommonPosts: 556
    The loot from the fighter's guild quest was being exploited though, by people who would go through, loot everything then exit without killing the boss at the end so they could repeat the quest over and over. This wasn't a nerf, it was a fix for an exploit.

    The Enlightened take things Lightly

  • TheRealDarkeusTheRealDarkeus Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Sounds like the are on their way to commit the sin of Pay 2 Win.  
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    Originally posted by CrazKanuk
    Originally posted by Viper482
    Exactly why people need to stop supporting cash shops. Say what you want about the sub did not wreak of the greed such as this. Bad for the genre.

    Bad for a genre that was already bad to begin with? 

    Top 2 items when I Google "Buy motifs online ESO" are ESO gold sellers. Nuff said. I'd much rather support the dev than some Chinese gold farmer who might get me banned from the game. OH! And please don't use the excuse that "Because it's a bannable offence, people won't buy gold." because that's just outright BS and if you have never met someone who bought gold through a gold seller or sold something illegally, then you haven't played in the genre a whole lot. 


    This is something that's still rampant within the genre. Why? Cause it matters!!!! If you removed trading entirely it'd solve the problem and, probably, kill your game too. 

    Comparing gold sellers to a cash shop is absurd. Try another cop out argument. Maybe you are buying gold, it is not the norm. Gold selling/buying will get you banned in most MMO's, and it should. I woudl rather have a sub MMO that catches and bans people buying/selling gold any day over a cash shop doing stuff like this. You cannot tell me putting a drop on the cash shop then a week later making that same drop now harder to get is a practice that is good for this genre. You cannot tell me with any rational sense that a sub game without a cash shop but some illegal gold selling going on is the same issue. That is so ridiculous.

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  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Originally posted by Torval
    Originally posted by NomadMorlock

    I am very sensitive about Crown Store items myself, and with that said I have to completely disagree with you.

    A player can craft a piece of gear when they have the materials and the skill.  Having a Motif only allows you change the visual look. These can be acquired through game play or purchased in a guild store for a reasonable price. 

    Allowing someone to buy this only speeds up the process of acquiring and not by much as they are easy to find and easy to purchase with in game gold. This qualifies as a convenience purchase of a cosmetic granting item. 

    In fact, I can't think of a better type of item they could sell in the store. It's a perfect fit. 

    As to the reduction of the Dwemer containers, let me say this. I farmed my own, my wife's, and my brothers full sets of motifs from this ruin by making a new character and getting them to the quest where access is available in to this ruin and never completed the quest in order to farm them. It was broken and needed to be fixed.   There is no comparable location in game where such a mass of containers with a chance of rare drops exist. 

    Should this his have been fixed months ago?  Should it have been fixed before putting Motif's in the crown store?  Yes. Doesn't make it less broken though by having it done after the fact. 

    There is no Motif-Gate.  Over reaction by some vocal unformed minority..maybe. 

    This is a great post. I don't think the people who are complaining about this are crafters. I do think they were making easy money off the quick farm and are irritated that it got closed.

    Thank you for the call out on my previous post.  I think the bigger issue at hand is a site writer who appears to be using this as a forum to take a shot at ZOS for a personal beef. 


    In the article he mentions he is "an avid farmer of these" and admits these locations had more drops, but stops short at admitting this was broken. 


    I did not have an issue farming these for myself and a few others but when the sets were complete, I did not continue as a source of in game income. Motif farming was no doubt a strong in game revenue stream for the author based on his comments and both of these changes directly impacted his ability to make gold in the game. 


    I would have have preferred that he stated this as the title of his article "Pissed off at ZOS for killing my in game money making" instead of trying to allude that the developers were doing something unscrupulous. It was misleading at best, and dishonest in my opinion. 


    Being a a daily poster on the ESO forums, I can tell you that on screen messaging for limited time Crown Store items has been the only recent issue that you could appropriately add the term "gate" to the end.  Maybe "Crown Store system message-gate".   However, with this being the most hotly debated topic currently the author chose to write about this situation which he and only a small minority were impacted.


    Just take a look at the general discussion forums and you will find more threads about making achievements account wide than you will this subject. 


    This is not a hot button for the general community. It's only a hot button to a barely vocal minority who have been exploiting a broken system for personal in game profit. 

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