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City of Heroes issues

November 30 2012 the worst day, the worst night, the worst week the worst month and the worst year and the doom and bloom and the memory still lingers on Now April 2015 youtube did upload a ton of videos to remind us that we are not alone. to share the experience. good and bad , hero and villain. the ups and downs.

how do I put a photo up?

I will figure it out later.

Unreal Engine 4 is going to replace lots of the old graphic engine that was perfect in 2004. While I refuse let the past be the past.

I have no plans to buy a new MMORPG  the best I can do is start a game. a temp game that is not needed for online gaming. Grand Theft Auto V  its not City of Heroes it will keep me busy for a while.


well I did note about Unreal engine 4  and the Crisis Engine 4  it seems to go toe to toe to game designers.


Now this is the deal. I had been hearing a lot of talking on a small team that is working on COH. its new  graphic engine.

the last update was a 3 micro changes. the first one AE Building new and improved look. new walls out side and inside however this time out side. see though window from the out side and look at the details inside of the building. this is what the old engine what ever it was cannot do so. the 2nd one the water effects will increase in  performance. 3rd they done test photos  of 3 in low res.  the three photos called time of day. Start with day and end up at night this time. right now its early pre-alpha.

as long as time goes on every 3 or 4 months. I collect new photos. What dose this tell me. COH just might rise off from its grave and at the same time.  Things are changing. Publishing issues are not solved and not killed for a next gen owner. is not dead.

I like to display the photo.

your in for a treat. in the photo tab. I did upload the photo of the AE building you will see the image


  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 870
    Originally posted by savecityofheroes

    November 30 2012 the worst day, the worst night, the worst week the worst month and the worst year and the doom and bloom and the memory still lingers on Now April 2015 youtube did upload a ton of videos to remind us that we are not alone. to share the experience. good and bad , hero and villain. the ups and downs.

    how do I put a photo up?

    I will figure it out later.

    Unreal Engine 4 is going to replace lots of the old graphic engine that was perfect in 2004. While I refuse let the past be the past.

    I have no plans to buy a new MMORPG  the best I can do is start a game. a temp game that is not needed for online gaming. Grand Theft Auto V  its not City of Heroes it will keep me busy for a while.


    well I did note about Unreal engine 4  and the Crisis Engine 4  it seems to go toe to toe to game designers.


    Now this is the deal. I had been hearing a lot of talking on a small team that is working on COH. its new  graphic engine.

    the last update was a 3 micro changes. the first one AE Building new and improved look. new walls out side and inside however this time out side. see though window from the out side and look at the details inside of the building. this is what the old engine what ever it was cannot do so. the 2nd one the water effects will increase in  performance. 3rd they done test photos  of 3 in low res.  the three photos called time of day. Start with day and end up at night this time. right now its early pre-alpha.

    as long as time goes on every 3 or 4 months. I collect new photos. What dose this tell me. COH just might rise off from its grave and at the same time.  Things are changing. Publishing issues are not solved and not killed for a next gen owner. is not dead.

    I like to display the photo.

    your in for a treat. in the photo tab. I did upload the photo of the AE building you will see the image

    AE was the dagger in the heart of CoX, a beloved game.

    Any attempt at a resurrection of CoX that includes the AE will fail miserably (as the game did) unless a complete overhaul of the fundamental purpose and philosophy behind it are done.  And if said developers are in fact reviving this great game and spending their time on making the AE look prettier, they are walking the wrong damn path.

    Of all the things to get old CoX fans excited, news about anything I14 related is not going to be it.

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

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