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Massively Overrated.

KaputzyKaputzy Member UncommonPosts: 91

I get it, I really do. After all, I'm a massive RPG fan myself, I want these games to be stellar too, but it's truly cringe-worthy knowing people are fooling themselves and reading reviews that are so over-hyped it really gives credence to the notion of, and term: Fanbois.


It's amazing how this genre does this more than any other I know. 'Hey, here's a decent RPG and it's new' always seems to turn into: 'OMFG better than BG/BG2. 10/10 would suck it's co*k again.


Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


TYVM, goodnight.




  • ArazaleArazale Member Posts: 348
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.


    A game doesn't have to add anything to the genre to be 10/10. The game has bugs(as all games do) but it is not riddled with bugs.


    And you do realize you're admonishing people for giving the game a score, when you must also understand that scoring or rating a game is 100% subjective to the person doing the rating.

  • reeereeereeereee Member UncommonPosts: 1,636

    How can one possibly over-rate nostalgia?  I swear about 2/3 of the people on these boards are desperately seeking to try and recreate an MMO experience they had 10 years ago.


    Pillar of Eternity deserves 10/10 for figuring out the one thing almost every gamer in their 30s and 40s was looking for and creating it.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.

    I think that Pillars of Eternity adds a lot to the genre by using obsolete gaming mechanisms. Not everything needs to always be a new and shiny innovation, even if it existed last decade I think they're adding a lot to the genre by being the only one to use it this decade.

    I agree about the bugs though. This game doesn't deserve a 9 or 10.

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    It adds a very good game to the genre.
  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860

    I agree it's not a perfect game. I would give it an 8 of 10, there are other games out there that are probably better, but this game is wonderful. It has a super story and does it's predecessors a huge justice. It has bugs, but is hardly riddled with them. 

    I'm not sure what the OP means by overrated. If people are saying they like it, that is what they probably mean. It's a good game. If you don't like the game, then you are probably thinking it is overrated. 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by vveaver
    its a mmo right?

    cRPG. Pillars of Eternity.

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • TamanousTamanous Member RarePosts: 3,030

    So he likes the game and comes here to complain about it.  Interesting.


    Don't worry though ... when you get older you will learn how to disconnect the opinions of others from your own enjoyment along with learning exaggeration does not assist in getting a point across ("Massively Overrated" ... when you agreed the game was good).  Hype only clouds and confuses juvenile minds.

    You stay sassy!

  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    Originally posted by Arazale
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.


    A game doesn't have to add anything to the genre to be 10/10. The game has bugs(as all games do) but it is not riddled with bugs.


    And you do realize you're admonishing people for giving the game a score, when you must also understand that scoring or rating a game is 100% subjective to the person doing the rating.

    I like the game and am having fun I would give it a 8 but it is a buggy affair I have had the ranger pet bug out on me and ruin my save I have had my active abilities go missing and of course your companions getting stat bumps that are crazy when you load a map. So I give it a 6 just reading the steam forums there are hundreds of bugs but I would say it is a typical obsidian release remember when fallout new vegas was released that thing had some crazy bug problems.

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    April fools! Its actually a massively underrated game that is mediocre at best.

  • SephirosoSephiroso Member RarePosts: 2,020
    Originally posted by Abimor
    Originally posted by Arazale
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.


    A game doesn't have to add anything to the genre to be 10/10. The game has bugs(as all games do) but it is not riddled with bugs.


    And you do realize you're admonishing people for giving the game a score, when you must also understand that scoring or rating a game is 100% subjective to the person doing the rating.

    I like the game and am having fun I would give it a 8 but it is a buggy affair I have had the ranger pet bug out on me and ruin my save I have had my active abilities go missing and of course your companions getting stat bumps that are crazy when you load a map. So I give it a 6 just reading the steam forums there are hundreds of bugs but I would say it is a typical obsidian release remember when fallout new vegas was released that thing had some crazy bug problems.

    Hundreds of bugs? Please.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    Originally posted by Sephiroso
    Originally posted by Abimor
    Originally posted by Arazale
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.


    A game doesn't have to add anything to the genre to be 10/10. The game has bugs(as all games do) but it is not riddled with bugs.


    And you do realize you're admonishing people for giving the game a score, when you must also understand that scoring or rating a game is 100% subjective to the person doing the rating.

    I like the game and am having fun I would give it a 8 but it is a buggy affair I have had the ranger pet bug out on me and ruin my save I have had my active abilities go missing and of course your companions getting stat bumps that are crazy when you load a map. So I give it a 6 just reading the steam forums there are hundreds of bugs but I would say it is a typical obsidian release remember when fallout new vegas was released that thing had some crazy bug problems.

    Hundreds of bugs? Please.

    Hundreds was being sarcastic sorry. I did just visit their forums and on the first three pages it looks like around 60 different bugs. So that is a lot in my opinion. but anyhow like I said I would have given it an 8 if not for the game breaking bugs I personally encountered so I agree with the op it is overrated fun but not a 10. This is totally subjective to each person tho my wife thinks it is a four lol.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    I get it, I really do. After all, I'm a massive RPG fan myself, I want these games to be stellar too, but it's truly cringe-worthy knowing people are fooling themselves and reading reviews that are so over-hyped it really gives credence to the notion of, and term: Fanbois.


    It's amazing how this genre does this more than any other I know. 'Hey, here's a decent RPG and it's new' always seems to turn into: 'OMFG better than BG/BG2. 10/10 would suck it's co*k again.


    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.


    So because I don't agree with you and have more patience with bugs (I haven't run into any but I'm sure there are bugs ) I'm a fanbois? Because you say?

    People are actually liking a game and are giving good reasons and that makes them a fanbois/girl?

    pffftt, maybe you are just a hater.

    Or have no patience or have unrealistic expectations. I'm going with the latter come to think of it.


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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    ... is riddled with bugs ...

    It's Obsidian Entertainment, some things never change.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by rpmcmurphy
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    ... is riddled with bugs ...

    It's Obsidian Entertainment, some things never change.

    QFT . That is the best comment yet.

    Still, the game isnt over rated. Its a masterpiece imho. Flaws and all.

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by rpmcmurphy
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    ... is riddled with bugs ...

    It's Obsidian Entertainment, some things never change.

    Yup, just remeber Black Isle/Interplay, Fallout 1/2 were plagued with bugs, but nevertheless are classic.

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

    I hope you're right. regardless LOSC looks like its going to be another amazing game.

    Fact is, 2014/15 is the start of a massive influx of solid RPGs . Its a very good time to be a PC gamer. best time since the late 90s early 00s .

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

    I think you should be grateful W2 and PoE and Torment were such success on KS (and after) because if they werent there wouldnt be LOTSC.

    And if LOTSC is as good as POE all the better.

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

    I hope you're right. regardless LOSC looks like its going to be another amazing game.

    Fact is, 2014/15 is the start of a massive influx of solid RPGs . Its a very good time to be a PC gamer. best time since the late 90s early 00s .


    It's a good time to be a gamer no matter what format. I owe a kick ass PC and a PS4. I can never understand those who claim to be gamers but only play on one format like.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

    I hope you're right. regardless LOSC looks like its going to be another amazing game.

    Fact is, 2014/15 is the start of a massive influx of solid RPGs . Its a very good time to be a PC gamer. best time since the late 90s early 00s .


    It's a good time to be a gamer no matter what format. I owe a kick ass PC and a PS4. I can never understand those who claim to be gamers but only play on one format like.

    Never said I only played one format. I have a PS3 and will get a 4 when the price drops or a crackhead will pawn one cheaply enough to afford.


    The difference is it has always been a good time to be a console gamer while PC style games have fell out of favor. Console games (even console RPGs) have never had a lull. Great RPGs , Action and Sports titles have reigned on the console. PC gaming has really sucked for quite awhile concerning rpgs that werent ports.

  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    the only thing i "dislike" is that im unable to solo the game , im going to wait and see , but 1 or 2 characters is ok , 6 for me is over the top , still fun game and worth the money :D
  • yaminsuxyaminsux Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by SavageHorizon

    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Originally posted by SavageHorizon
    I think legends of the sword coast will wipe the floor with this game. Just take the interior of buildings and inns. POE inns are pretty bad compared to LOTSW and that's just one factor.

    I hope you're right. regardless LOSC looks like its going to be another amazing game.

    Fact is, 2014/15 is the start of a massive influx of solid RPGs . Its a very good time to be a PC gamer. best time since the late 90s early 00s .


    It's a good time to be a gamer no matter what format. I owe a kick ass PC and a PS4. I can never understand those who claim to be gamers but only play on one format like.


    Console games tend to be shallow.
  • Erinak1Erinak1 Member UncommonPosts: 207
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by Kaputzy

    I get it, I really do. After all, I'm a massive RPG fan myself, I want these games to be stellar too, but it's truly cringe-worthy knowing people are fooling themselves and reading reviews that are so over-hyped it really gives credence to the notion of, and term: Fanbois.


    It's amazing how this genre does this more than any other I know. 'Hey, here's a decent RPG and it's new' always seems to turn into: 'OMFG better than BG/BG2. 10/10 would suck it's co*k again.


    Disclaimer: This is a fun game, worth the money (the story is particularly well written, well done). If you're into true RPG's you'll like it.

    However, it doesn't add anything to the genre, is riddled with bugs and IS NOT a 10, or even 9 out of 10.


    TYVM, goodnight.



    IMO it is overrated - but not "massively".

    I feel there's just FAR TOO MUCH unnecessary dialogue in this game - considering how BG had it nicely balanced. The voice acting is - well I am not a fan.

    Also since this is based on the edition that forces tank/heal/dps mechanic (4e is my least favorite edition) - it falls short of other Infinity Engine games that allow for far more open groups.

    Also I don't feel that this is a spiritual successor to BG - at least not to me - because it falls short of basic features of BG - (like companion AI). Micro managing everything is well - not a step forward, it's a step back.

    It's not a bad game by any means, - it's totally worth getting - but yes it is overrated IMO


     I didn't think the game was based upon D&D at all minus the general concept of rolls and such... I mean unless you're saying that it's like D&D because it has classes that can tank/heal and dps.

    I think the game is great (Yea, yea, call me a fanboy if you want - I dont care :P) and I feel that not having the AI automatically cast spells and such is good. Imagine having the AI waste the priests 1 use per battle heal the first time anyone took damage? Or having the wizard or druid waste all of their spells on the first group. I just don't think having an AI attached to them aside from auto attack would work that well. Another example is that on a boss fight, I'd rather have my priest do nothing so he can heal immediately at times than have him constantly trying to auto attack. AI worked fine in BG ect because you could rest more or less when you wanted. Sure, you can here too but eventually you're going to have to run back to a town to buy more camping supplies.

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    Generally speaking you are right.


    But not in this case.

    This game really deserves the praise it is given. Every single one.

    Its masterpiece.


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