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I'd like to play a good, party based RPG. Which do you guys recommend, Divinity: Original Sin or Pillars of Eternity? I'm sure I'll get both, eventually. Right now, I'm leaning a bit towards DOS because of the turn-based combat and because it's been out a while, so I expect that a lot of the bugs have been patched out.
The DOS story was a bit meh and there weren't a lot of companions with personality to chose from, although I hear that they have added more of them since I played. Combat was great though and you could play it with a friend.
So far I do enjoy PoE more but that may be because of nostalgia and that its new. It does have some nasty bugs still, with quests that doesn't resolve properly and area transitions that ends in a black screen and crashes but they have a forum on where you can post save files and I expect they will sort out these issues soon.
It does feel turn based as you have to pause and issue orders each round as there is no way to give your companions combat scripts like you could in BG.
Its two very good games though and despite the similarities they have very different feel to them. You should play them both.
Both games are good, but since Pillars of Eternity is new and could use a patch or two, i'd go with Divinity for now since it's had time to be polished, which in turn will let Pillars of Eternity get polished before you get around to playing that.
I had trouble deciding so I bought both of them.
I like both equally. Great games!
Both are really great games, and though I must agree that the main story ending in DOS was a bit tame, I dont regret the 100 hours I put into the game
it is also right that there are some awefull bugs in PoE atm, but I am sure they will sort them out.
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I wished WL2 was better than it was. It felt little unfinished when they released the game.
POE- Hands down.
And I am a turn based gamer (dont reallly like 'real time" even with pause). Honestly you cannot go wrong with with either title. D:OS has stellar combat. Much better than POE. POE had stellar everything else... Overall, POE is one of the best games released in YEARS. I dont say that lightly.... It captures the tabletop feel better than anything I have ever played save for a heavily modedd TOEE.
Both are good games. POE is a masterpiece. Even with its flaws.
In D:OS combat was cooler. You could set up better strategies than you can in PoE. For instance in D:OS you could put down an oil splatter or destroy a barrel of oil, cover mobs with it and then attack that spot with fire for huge damage/smokescreen blocking ranged attackers. You can't do anything like that in PoE which is disappointing.
Also in D:OS if you wanted to split your party up, you could have a couple members stealth one direction, and another engage an enemy pack unstealthed, and then come in from behind with the others still stealthed. In PoE, your whole party is either stealthed or unsteatlh and when you start combat, your entire party is unstealthed.
Storywise and RP wise, PoE is better hands down.
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No contest for me, i stopped playing D:OS after ~3 hours and havent touched it since. PoE on the other hand i've clocked 16 hours into already.
Really this is kind of like comparing apples to pears, they're roughly similar but different in very key areas. The story in D:OS was utterly terrible and i wasnt a fan of the art style. You may differ greatly.
What i can tell you is there are almost no bugs in PoE. The ones that do exist are absolutely minor. in 16 hours of play i only encountered one bug and leaving the game and reloading fixed it.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
I don't get this. D:OS 100% objectively was not a terrible game. You can say you didn't like a game, but you can't call any game you don't like terrible. D:OS was a good game just as PoE is a good game. You don't need to tear down other things to build up something you like.
D:OS had better combat. Period. As far as strategy goes, D:OS is plain better. PoE has a better story and P&P D&D feel to it period. Seriously, your post smacks like you didn't even play D:OS to call it terrible and claim they're only roughly similar. D:OS and PoE is not apples to oranges. It's oranges to oranges.
Did you not read the first 4 words of my post? Seriously. I didnt say it was a bad game, and the combat being "better" is subjective, not objective. If he prefers a true turn based system he will probably like Divinity more, all i said is for ME that there is no contest. > I < just shy of hated Divinity, > I < thought it was terrible, but i can understand why people would like it. The funniest part about all of this is you're incapable of seeing through your own personal biases. They're definitely not orange to orange. They're both RPG's, and they're both isometric, thats about where the similarities end. Divinity was billed and is a STATEGY turn based RPG. PoE was never intended to be a strategy rpg, just an old school rpg that still had something resembling difficulty, instead of the faceroll easy stuff we have today, like every single dragon age game ever made.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
That's a great dilemma. Both D:OS and PoE are incredibly good games, you won't regret whatever choice you make.
Some people in the thread suggested Wasteland 2. In my opinion Wasteland 2 isn't even the distant shadow of these two games. Not a bad game, but it's like comparing diamonds to a lump of coal.
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
I read more than the first 4 words of your post, i read the whole thing. You were objectively wrong on a couple of matters. The story of D:OS isn't terrible, it may not be as good as PoE but that doesn't mean its terrible. The fact you claimed comparing D:OS and PoE is apples to oranges is also where you're objectively wrong.
You also claim PoE has no bugs when it in fact has game breaking bugs, such as not being able to travel ANYWHERE past Rodric's Hold depending how you do the quest and there's other similar bugs like if you double click to replace a piece of equipment, your characters can permanently lose the bonuses some equipment give even if you reset your game or re-equip the item.
The post just read like a rabid PoE fanboy ignoring the bad about PoE and giving it nothing but praise. I like PoE just as much as the next guy, but you don't see me putting down other games when i say how much i enjoy PoE. You don't see me being ignorant to the bugs that DO EXIST to try and make it seem like D:OS was shittier and PoE is some untouchable gift from heaven.
I love PoE, already 40 hours played on it, and I can confirm it has gamebreaking bugs such as the one mentioned that will set all your character stats to 0 if you as much as double click an item to equip it on a slot where you already have another item equipped. Reloading the game doesn't fix it, only going back to another saved point where the stats weren't broken yet. Which means that if you somehow didn't notice you got the bug for a couple of hours and all your autosaves/quicksaves got overwritten, you're screwed up good and will have to restart the game.
Other than that, which will be fixed soon (or might be already fixed?) the game is brilliant. But so is D:OS. Pick whichever you want. Or pick both if you can afford them. You won't regret.
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
They're doing weekly patches, which isn't bad especially when you consider they're not huge like Bioware or some other company.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
I'd lean more towards Pillars. I loved the graphics in Divinity, but it just lacked heart. I didn't finish the game, I just didn't get absorbed. I hope to be able to go back to it soon and find what was missing. With Pillars though, I jumped right in. The game had a much better atmosphere for me. The bugs I have come across have in no way been game breaking. For that matter, they are also few and far between.
In POE you can separate party members and have them go stealth individually. Just click on the one you want to go stealth by themselves.
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!