button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
Black Desert ( 2016) ! ! !
button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
Lineage Eternal
not an MMO
Lost Ark :
not an MMO
All I needed to know.
Thank you, sir.
Lineage : (u can see 10 ppl killing a boss )
There's nothing massively multiplayer about 10 people.
it's barely multiplayer.
If it was capped at 10 players then you would be correct. However, this is just him digging up a video of 10 players in the handful of promotional videos available to prove that it's not a Diablo clone, in response to someone who looked at a video and assumed because of the graphic style and view that this was just going to be another ARPG.
button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
Black Desert ( 2016) ! ! !
button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
Lineage Eternal
not an MMO
Lost Ark :
not an MMO
All I needed to know.
Thank you, sir.
Lineage : (u can see 10 ppl killing a boss )
There's nothing massively multiplayer about 10 people.
it's barely multiplayer.
Your statement kinda made me LOL. How come that Lineage Eternal with 10 players is not massively multiplayer and almost every other MMO we currrently have out there where you can do dungeons with 1 to 3 parties (somewhere between 5 and 18 players) is a MMO?
Originally posted by VengeSunsoar I can't comment on games above but for wow every zone other than dungeons and battle grounds can have can have hundredsof people in them.
If the others can do that they are mmo's I'd they can't they aren't.
Originally posted by VengeSunsoar And dungeons and battlegrounds aren't zones just instanced somewhat personal areas.
We know you love WoW too and want to defend your fellow WoW fanboy, but your entire response is irrelevant. And no one even said dungeons and bgs are zones except yourself. Actually they can be, but thats another irrelevant topic.
A trailer of Lineage Eternals "around 10 people" (actually 14+) dungeon boss fight was dismissed as "barely even multiplayer" by some WoW fanboy to insist on dismissing it as an MMO. Yet that showcase alone surpasses the majority of WoW dungeons save that once per year raids with only around 10 people more. The main focus and occupation in WoW besides mindless uninvolved solo grind in the persistent zones.
That is just utterly stupid and/or dishonest coming from somone calling WoW the "best MMO evur" (I am paraphrashing)
Neither you or that other WoW fanboy have even seen the persistent world of Lineage Eternal but come here claiming or argueing it's not even an MMO. Yet only talking nonsense.
And since when is WoW even setting the standard of what an MMO is? How about every MMO that crashes at only 500 people fighting in a zone is not an MMO because well my favorite game can. Oops too bad WoW is not an MMO anymore. Whats with those arbitrary standards? Can you guys be less dense please?
I haven't played WoW in almost a year so leave off the personal attacks.
The point is extremely relevant. You are comparing grouping in WoW with open world in another. Those two are not the same at all.
Compare grouping in WoW with grouping in the other game. Compare open world in the other game with open world in Wow. It doesn't make any sense to compare the biggest multiplayer area of one game with the smallest multiplayer area in another.
A MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game is capable of having hundreds of people in the same zone. It might have areas that can only handle smaller amounts of people such as WoW's dungeons and battlegrounds however the open world still can have hundreds of people in the same zone.
So the question is can the other games support hundreds of players in the open worlds zones. It's a simple question.
Don't compare the open world of one to the dungeon group of another.
WoW is an MMO because it can support hundreds of people in the same zones. Same with EQ, EQ2,LOTRO, SWTRO, DAOC, EVE... the list goes on and on.
Can the other games on that list do the same?
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
I also stated i cannot comment on the games in that list. I know nothing about them so i am asking the question can the open world support hundreds of people in a zone?
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
Yes! I had never heard of Lost Ark so I had to look up what it was about. I personally don't play those types of games, I truly can't get into them. However, that was some cool gameplay footage! I won't be playing it, but I take my hat off to those who can play them.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Sadly the only game in that list BD was one i was interested in but not anymore.it took awhile to find some information on it,but imo it is ONLY graphics and very weak as a game.
I do not see any good MMO's coming out,at one time i had this slim hope for EQNext but not since i have seen what has become of SOE,a VERY small studio tossing out terribly unfinished work,like selling barely ALPHA builds.
It seems EVERY developer now is riding the same wave,go for gamer's money,no risk small games and release them unfinished.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Originally posted by VengeSunsoar I can't comment on games above but for wow every zone other than dungeons and battle grounds can have can have hundredsof people in them.
If the others can do that they are mmo's I'd they can't they aren't.
Originally posted by VengeSunsoar And dungeons and battlegrounds aren't zones just instanced somewhat personal areas.
We know you love WoW too and want to defend your fellow WoW fanboy, but your entire response is irrelevant. And no one even said dungeons and bgs are zones except yourself. Actually they can be, but thats another irrelevant topic.
A trailer of Lineage Eternals "around 10 people" (actually 14+) dungeon boss fight was dismissed as "barely even multiplayer" by some WoW fanboy to insist on dismissing it as an MMO. Yet that showcase alone surpasses the majority of WoW dungeons save that once per year raids with only around 10 people more. The main focus and occupation in WoW besides mindless uninvolved solo grind in the persistent zones.
That is just utterly stupid and/or dishonest coming from somone calling WoW the "best MMO evur" (I am paraphrashing)
Neither you or that other WoW fanboy have even seen the persistent world of Lineage Eternal but come here claiming or argueing it's not even an MMO. Yet only talking nonsense.
And since when is WoW even setting the standard of what an MMO is? How about every MMO that crashes at only 500 people fighting in a zone is not an MMO because well my favorite game can. Oops too bad WoW is not an MMO anymore. Whats with those arbitrary standards? Can you guys be less dense please?
I haven't played WoW in almost a year so leave off the personal attacks.
The point is extremely relevant. You are comparing grouping in WoW with open world in another. Those two are not the same at all.
Compare grouping in WoW with grouping in the other game. Compare open world in the other game with open world in Wow. It doesn't make any sense to compare the biggest multiplayer area of one game with the smallest multiplayer area in another.
A MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game is capable of having hundreds of people in the same zone. It might have areas that can only handle smaller amounts of people such as WoW's dungeons and battlegrounds however the open world still can have hundreds of people in the same zone.
So the question is can the other games support hundreds of players in the open worlds zones. It's a simple question.
Don't compare the open world of one to the dungeon group of another.
WoW is an MMO because it can support hundreds of people in the same zones. Same with EQ, EQ2,LOTRO, SWTRO, DAOC, EVE... the list goes on and on.
Can the other games on that list do the same?
Yes I actually do expect there will be zones capable of hundreds of players on the screen at once as I believe Lineage Eternal is going to be a successor to Lineage one not a Diablo clone aiming to cash in one some of D3s success. If I'm wrong about that and instanced 14 person group content is the most people you'll ever see on the screen at once then yes you would be right, but I don't think that's where this game is going.
Lol, my excitment starst to fade slowly after reading all this negative comments,
If this games aren't mmos than tell me one true MMo that is succesfull with millions of players and we should all play, because you can not! so why not give a chance to Lineage Eternal, maybe it has good character build system and pvp.
Huge pvp battles like 100 v 100 zerging was available in a few mmos but it was never used or it wasnt usefull for character progression and it wasnt't enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong it would be funny to see a 100 v 100 castle siege but the reality is that in games it's hard to get 100 ppl active and get to siege at the same time. In that case one of the groups is going to be 2x more ppl so one group could end up 100 the other 200. that's jsut stupid zerg and not funny at all. The other problem is if you see 300 ppl casting and moving you will get 0 fps and 300 pp lwont have gtx980 500 pounds videocards. Having a fixed amount of ppl that can defend a siege would make sieges and pvp more active.
The most profitable gameplay in pvp was always around 10 max 20 ppl and Lineage might suport that and even have castle siege
Don't get me wrong i would rather see a sandbox Lineage Eternal same camera views as Lineage 2 but I will give a chance to Eternal and Lost Ark maybe.
Cabal is just a traditional MMo that can feel up the waiting time till lineage, it can be good in my opinion.
I also have to admit that Aion was funny when 200 Elysea vs 250 Azmodan but i had 5 fps and deactivated characters so i could see some spells flying with names
I admit there is something huge in mass online pvp but our computers arent ready for it you need everybody with good gear.
I don't know man just because games are able to suport 500 ppl on 1 region it doesent mean we can contribute from it. My bigges WoW enjoyment came from PVE , BG-s and ofc Arena mostly which was the best and it was 2v2 or 5v5
My other biggest funny moments came from Aion open world Assasin ganking but that didnt gave me enough points so it was waste of time more like excersise for real pvp. The most points i got from instance pvp 5v5
SO a lineage eternal game wont loose to much being isometrical but maybe gain a lot more better experience.
I think Lineage Eternal deserves a chance and i bet everybody will install it and going to be superexcited when it comes out even do you flame it now.
Guys , after a few months of searching I found 4 titles that looks promising
Cabal 2 (2015 April) Didn't like Tera or ff14 or Archage or Gw2 but I really enjoyed Aion so this might be similar and promising and I will try it out with the expectation to be a good traditional mmo.
Black Desert ( 2016) ! ! ! The hype finally reached me as well, this title might be more than just good graphics.
Lineage Eternal : Are you kidding ????!!!!!!!!!!!!! anything that is Lineage is big news!!! Not happy ! for the unique combat system (tablet direction) but according to a new info it's going to be an MMo with even 20 raid party , maybe Lineage can prove that Isometrical view can be good and succesfull !
Lost Ark : This one came out of the blue and looks like Diablo 3 went on steroids. Amazing visuals, creative, sailing on the sea to find instances Weird stuff going on here guys and you can see the sky sometimes so I'm not sure about the camera view.
I'm holding my fingers crossed, what do you think?
If it was capped at 10 players then you would be correct. However, this is just him digging up a video of 10 players in the handful of promotional videos available to prove that it's not a Diablo clone, in response to someone who looked at a video and assumed because of the graphic style and view that this was just going to be another ARPG.
Your statement kinda made me LOL. How come that Lineage Eternal with 10 players is not massively multiplayer and almost every other MMO we currrently have out there where you can do dungeons with 1 to 3 parties (somewhere between 5 and 18 players) is a MMO?
Life IS Feudal
If the others can do that they are mmo's I'd they can't they aren't.
I haven't played WoW in almost a year so leave off the personal attacks.
The point is extremely relevant. You are comparing grouping in WoW with open world in another. Those two are not the same at all.
Compare grouping in WoW with grouping in the other game. Compare open world in the other game with open world in Wow. It doesn't make any sense to compare the biggest multiplayer area of one game with the smallest multiplayer area in another.
A MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game is capable of having hundreds of people in the same zone. It might have areas that can only handle smaller amounts of people such as WoW's dungeons and battlegrounds however the open world still can have hundreds of people in the same zone.
So the question is can the other games support hundreds of players in the open worlds zones. It's a simple question.
Don't compare the open world of one to the dungeon group of another.
WoW is an MMO because it can support hundreds of people in the same zones. Same with EQ, EQ2,LOTRO, SWTRO, DAOC, EVE... the list goes on and on.
Can the other games on that list do the same?
I agree with the OP on all those games. Everquet Next is the only western mmo that I am looking foward to.
Here is one more for you OP!
Kingdoms Under Fire II
The fuck does Tera/GW2/Archeage have to do with FF14? One group is action combat, and the other is traditional tab target combat.
And Black Desert hasn't even been doing that well in Korea, no chance its gonna come to the west unless its doing well in Korea.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Sadly the only game in that list BD was one i was interested in but not anymore.it took awhile to find some information on it,but imo it is ONLY graphics and very weak as a game.
I do not see any good MMO's coming out,at one time i had this slim hope for EQNext but not since i have seen what has become of SOE,a VERY small studio tossing out terribly unfinished work,like selling barely ALPHA builds.
It seems EVERY developer now is riding the same wave,go for gamer's money,no risk small games and release them unfinished.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I like gw2 as that's what I am currently playing.
Cabal, lineage and black desert all look like asian grinders to me.
I haven't checked out Lost Ark. On your recommendation I will be.
Yes I actually do expect there will be zones capable of hundreds of players on the screen at once as I believe Lineage Eternal is going to be a successor to Lineage one not a Diablo clone aiming to cash in one some of D3s success. If I'm wrong about that and instanced 14 person group content is the most people you'll ever see on the screen at once then yes you would be right, but I don't think that's where this game is going.
If that was true, Archage would never of launched in NA.
Korean Archeage was/is doing a lot better than Black Desert.
Whow friggin six classes. The ambundance of choices is truely overwhelming.
Lol, my excitment starst to fade slowly after reading all this negative comments,
If this games aren't mmos than tell me one true MMo that is succesfull with millions of players and we should all play, because you can not! so why not give a chance to Lineage Eternal, maybe it has good character build system and pvp.
Huge pvp battles like 100 v 100 zerging was available in a few mmos but it was never used or it wasnt usefull for character progression and it wasnt't enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong it would be funny to see a 100 v 100 castle siege but the reality is that in games it's hard to get 100 ppl active and get to siege at the same time. In that case one of the groups is going to be 2x more ppl so one group could end up 100 the other 200. that's jsut stupid zerg and not funny at all. The other problem is if you see 300 ppl casting and moving you will get 0 fps and 300 pp lwont have gtx980 500 pounds videocards. Having a fixed amount of ppl that can defend a siege would make sieges and pvp more active.
The most profitable gameplay in pvp was always around 10 max 20 ppl and Lineage might suport that and even have castle siege
Don't get me wrong i would rather see a sandbox Lineage Eternal same camera views as Lineage 2 but I will give a chance to Eternal and Lost Ark maybe.
Cabal is just a traditional MMo that can feel up the waiting time till lineage, it can be good in my opinion.
I also have to admit that Aion was funny when 200 Elysea vs 250 Azmodan but i had 5 fps and deactivated characters so i could see some spells flying with names
I admit there is something huge in mass online pvp but our computers arent ready for it you need everybody with good gear.
I don't know man
just because games are able to suport 500 ppl on 1 region it doesent mean we can contribute from it. My bigges WoW enjoyment came from PVE , BG-s and ofc Arena mostly which was the best and it was 2v2 or 5v5
My other biggest funny moments came from Aion open world Assasin ganking but that didnt gave me enough points so it was waste of time more like excersise for real pvp. The most points i got from instance pvp 5v5
SO a lineage eternal game wont loose to much being isometrical but maybe gain a lot more better experience.
I think Lineage Eternal deserves a chance and i bet everybody will install it and going to be superexcited when it comes out even do you flame it now.
I personally pref games with less classes, if you dont like the amount of classes in cabal 2, just dont play it, simple, huh?
Btw, its 6 classes at launch, maybe they add more classes later.
- Albert Einstein
Shhhh, Papa Smurf. Gargamel will hear you!
The only one that has piqued my interest so far is :
It seems ambitious, but I fear it lacks funding and interest at this time.
Edit: Okay, wait, I just checked out Crowfall. Sounds AMAZING. And a new concept, imagine that!
Lost Ark and Crowfall are the only ones currently on my radar.
The rest is meh.
Black Desert looked cool for a moment but it developed into something absolutely boring in the end.
LOL come on man Bless sure, but pantheon? really?
Remember when it was simple? Fighter, Magic-user, Thief, Cleric?
That was what I wanted to imply with my posting, yes.