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Help With Staying Alive ;)

BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372

I'm having trouble keeping my group up, I’m only level 3 and I have 2 priest, 1 wizard, 1 fighter, 1 bard type class.  We are struggling on some of the larger mods.  I’m using my endurance heals to heal my fighter up but as soon as we get him top off (with 2 spells) she drops down like a rock again.  Also as far as I can see there is no way to actually heal hit points.  So does anyone have any tips or could have some try something I have a couple fall unconscious each fight.  Any tips will be greatly appreciated, anyway to keep end and health up more reliably.  Thanks you!


  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719

    If you're having trouble, you may be fighting stuff that's tougher than you can handle... I've had to back away from some fights and come back later to do them (the lighthouse in the city for example.)


    I actually prefer Ciphers over Wizards. They have a level 2 AOE that jumps between enemies, hitting 5 of them and skipping friendlies that's much easier to deal with than the many wizard AOEs that you have to position more carefully... and they don't need to rest as much since all of their spells are usable all the time as long as you have focus.


    I started as a Cipher myself and as soon as I got to the first town, picked up the fighter and wizard and added a paladin and a ranger at the inn. That got me through a lot of the early stuff. Then I picked up the crazy ass priest when I ran into him and the chanter replaced my wizard when I picked him up.


    I'm now level 7-8 and I run with a fighter, paladin, ranger, priest and 2 ciphers. I'm playing on medium difficulty and find the fights fairly easy with this party. The second cipher is the spot I swap out when I'm doing a quest that involves one of the others that are sitting in my stronghold (wizard, chanter, ranger and druid at the moment.)


    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • jonp200jonp200 Member UncommonPosts: 457
    Originally posted by Beyorn

    I'm having trouble keeping my group up, I’m only level 3 and I have 2 priest, 1 wizard, 1 fighter, 1 bard type class.  We are struggling on some of the larger mods.  I’m using my endurance heals to heal my fighter up but as soon as we get him top off (with 2 spells) she drops down like a rock again.  Also as far as I can see there is no way to actually heal hit points.  So does anyone have any tips or could have some try something I have a couple fall unconscious each fight.  Any tips will be greatly appreciated, anyway to keep end and health up more reliably.  Thanks you!

    The space bar is your friend.  Pause combat and deploy your party.  Sometimes having a fighter in defensive mode to soak damage is a good thing...

    Focus down those who can hurt most and use CC to keep from being swarmed.

    The AI is decent and will go for your squishies...A little planning on your part will make the battles go better... :)


    Playing ESO on my X-Box

  • itchmonitchmon Member RarePosts: 1,999
    i'm not a 2 priest fan in this game.  If they're both bought npcs try and make one a paladin.  a paladin made right is extremely hard to bring down, him and the guy you meet by the hanging tree make a sick front line IMHO.  that's how I am running it at least.

    RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.

    Currently Playing EVE, ESO

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.

    Dwight D Eisenhower

    My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.

    Henry Rollins

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140

    Play it as close to a turn based game as you are able.  You should be pausing each round (if possible) and only letting the fights run on auto or near autop once you are cleaning up and are clearly winning the fight .

    Next, devise tactics. I sometimes set up formations in or near doorwalls and tight passages and have a rouge or stealth based character sneak close and make a single ranged attack then haul ass into her spot in the formation as my party pelt arrows and spells and then switches up to melee as the enemy moves into range.

    How experienced with this style game are you OP? That would be the first thing to know so I can give you advice that will be useful.


    EDIT/ADD- Okay Hit Points... This game handles health in an odd way. There is endurance and Health . Whatever. Anyhow Endurance is what you would think of as your HPs. It goes down when in battle and can be healed via spell or potion or whatever- The green bar (I think its green from memory) goes down everytime you are knocked unconscious, take certain types of damage oir critical damage. Its is your overall "Health" and can ONLY be restored by resting. If this bar reaches zero, that character is dead...Like really dead. Not in the game anymore.

    Its actually a great system and helps from using exploits often used in these games.

    Hope that made sense.

  • RidrithRidrith Member RarePosts: 869

    Tactics, tactics, tactics.  That's pretty much the key to winning any and every fight in this game, but that becomes far less true when you're playing on normal or easy difficulties.  At least beyond level 5 it does.  If you're playing on hard difficulty you're probably going to have issues all the time!  The party i'm currently running is:  Paladin, Fighter, Chanter, Priest, Ranged Rogue, Barbarian.  Right now I'm playing on Hard Difficulty and doing the 'endless paths' which is a 15 level mega dungeon, I've managed to reach level 9 so far and I'm still trucking downward.



    Pause as often as you can, look over the battle and see how things are going.  Issue commands and once they're completed, pause again.  Chances are if you're in a fight and you're letting it play out in front of you without pausing, you won't make it far.

    Selection groups! - Have all your melee linked, all your ranged linked, etc, etc.

    Ctrl + 7/8/9/0 Creates custom selection groups.

    7/8/9/0 Selects the custom selection groups.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Selects the party member associated with that slot. For example, pressing “1” will select the party member farthest to the left.  ^ for quicker response times.

    Try not to double up on classes, make sure you're running with at least 1-2 dedicated tanks or people who can actually take hits.  With the Paladin, Barbarian and Fighter I rarely have anything get past those three.

    CUSTOM FORMATIONS!  When you click on the formations button you'll see a '1' and '2' at the end.  Right click them and you can create your own custom party formations.  It helps to setup for tense combat situations and placing where your guys where you want them to be before getting into combat.

    EQUIPMENT/STATS!  - It's important to min-max as much as possible in this game for your class.  Especially if you're playing above normal or easy difficulty.


    'Endurance' is your health in combat, how much punishment your characters can take before being brought down.  Your actually hit points are what really counts.  Once those reach zero your character is DEAD.  You can only regain those by resting.  So make sure to keep camping equipment on you and don't overstep your limits when you're in a dungeon because you could end up with a dead character.

    I like to complain about games.
  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Ridrith

    Tactics, tactics, tactics.  That's pretty much the key to winning any and every fight in this game, but that becomes far less true when you're playing on normal or easy difficulties.  At least beyond level 5 it does.  If you're playing on hard difficulty you're probably going to have issues all the time!  The party i'm currently running is:  Paladin, Fighter, Chanter, Priest, Ranged Rogue, Barbarian.  Right now I'm playing on Hard Difficulty and doing the 'endless paths' which is a 15 level mega dungeon, I've managed to reach level 9 so far and I'm still trucking downward.



    Pause as often as you can, look over the battle and see how things are going.  Issue commands and once they're completed, pause again.  Chances are if you're in a fight and you're letting it play out in front of you without pausing, you won't make it far.

    Selection groups! - Have all your melee linked, all your ranged linked, etc, etc.

    Ctrl + 7/8/9/0 Creates custom selection groups.

    7/8/9/0 Selects the custom selection groups.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Selects the party member associated with that slot. For example, pressing “1” will select the party member farthest to the left.  ^ for quicker response times.

    Try not to double up on classes, make sure you're running with at least 1-2 dedicated tanks or people who can actually take hits.  With the Paladin, Barbarian and Fighter I rarely have anything get past those three.

    CUSTOM FORMATIONS!  When you click on the formations button you'll see a '1' and '2' at the end.  Right click them and you can create your own custom party formations.  It helps to setup for tense combat situations and placing where your guys where you want them to be before getting into combat.

    EQUIPMENT/STATS!  - It's important to min-max as much as possible in this game for your class.  Especially if you're playing above normal or easy difficulty.


    'Endurance' is your health in combat, how much punishment your characters can take before being brought down.  Your actually hit points are what really counts.  Once those reach zero your character is DEAD.  You can only regain those by resting.  So make sure to keep camping equipment on you and don't overstep your limits when you're in a dungeon because you could end up with a dead character.

    Cool-I didnt know that about custom formations- You have saved me a ton of time in battle prep,


  • ArazaleArazale Member Posts: 348

    Send your fighter in first and don't engage with anyone else until the fighter has attacked 1-2 of the mobs. Engagement is a kicker that hangs up a lot of people.


    There's not really aggro in this game but there's an engagement system where the if a mob is being attacked(melee) by one of your people, if they move they take a big hit from the person in melee so they're most likely not going to move. The fighter you get in first town has an ability that lets him hold up to 3 mobs on him and if you want you can bump that up to 4 later with a talent.


    He's extremely durable and hard to take down so thats why you want to send him in to battle first so the mobs stick on him then you can send your other chars in.

  • BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.
  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.

    The crazy eyed guy is a priest as well.

    Go to the inn and roll yourself a fighter - First thing. healing is important and the buffs a priest provides are nessasary- No need to re-roll just add a fighter to the party for now. 

    You are low level then? Go pick up the mage outside of the inn in whatever town the bodies are hanging in. Hes good and will help alot. Then get you a fighter and you are set.

    Take your time and develop tactics. This game rewards creative thinking and  caution. Every fight can kill you potentially. Fools rush in.

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.

    No shame in that :) I went through Wizard, Monk and Druid before I settled on my Cipher and stuck with that.


    To me that's almost a feature of this type of game. I've never played one where I didn't have at least 2 or 3 re-starts before I got comfortable.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.

    No shame in that :) I went through Wizard, Monk and Druid before I settled on my Cipher and stuck with that.


    To me that's almost a feature of this type of game. I've never played one where I didn't have at least 2 or 3 re-starts before I got comfortable.

    HA- I'm a purist. Play a Wizard on my first playthrough of every game like this...My Wizard...Who has been with me across many games both tabletop and computer. =P

    Then I play on hard and go crazy with builds. 

    Isnt the system here interesting? It looks like its going to be fun toplay with. I like that with spellcasting, intellect controls duration and area while might controls strength. its interesting and allows versitilaty even among the same classes. My main wizard plays like a totally different class than the NPC wizard. Its quite cool .

    I am enjoying the Cipher in my party for his class but hate the NPC. I will be doing my next playthrough as a Cipher. Very interesting class it seems.

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.

    No shame in that :) I went through Wizard, Monk and Druid before I settled on my Cipher and stuck with that.


    To me that's almost a feature of this type of game. I've never played one where I didn't have at least 2 or 3 re-starts before I got comfortable.

    HA- I'm a purist. Play a Wizard on my first playthrough of every game like this...My Wizard...Who has been with me across many games both tabletop and computer. =P

    Then I play on hard and go crazy with builds. 

    Isnt the system here interesting? It looks like its going to be fun toplay with. I like that with spellcasting, intellect controls duration and area while might controls strength. its interesting and allows versitilaty even among the same classes. My main wizard plays like a totally different class than the NPC wizard. Its quite cool .

    I am enjoying the Cipher in my party for his class but hate the NPC. I will be doing my next playthrough as a Cipher. Very interesting class it seems.

    Heh... you don't like her wind chimes? :) Yeah she's a bit too dark and serious. My own cypher is a happy go lucky Orlan with a checkered past nothing like whatshername,


    And a tip for the Cipher... a blunderbuss is your friend: each of the 8 pellets generates focus.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    I like to play healing classes so my main character is a priest.  Then I picked up the crazy eyed guy.  That is how I ended up with 2.  I wonder if I should restart the game with another class since healing isnt quite what I expected.

    No shame in that :) I went through Wizard, Monk and Druid before I settled on my Cipher and stuck with that.


    To me that's almost a feature of this type of game. I've never played one where I didn't have at least 2 or 3 re-starts before I got comfortable.

    HA- I'm a purist. Play a Wizard on my first playthrough of every game like this...My Wizard...Who has been with me across many games both tabletop and computer. =P

    Then I play on hard and go crazy with builds. 

    Isnt the system here interesting? It looks like its going to be fun toplay with. I like that with spellcasting, intellect controls duration and area while might controls strength. its interesting and allows versitilaty even among the same classes. My main wizard plays like a totally different class than the NPC wizard. Its quite cool .

    I am enjoying the Cipher in my party for his class but hate the NPC. I will be doing my next playthrough as a Cipher. Very interesting class it seems.

    Heh... you don't like her wind chimes? :) Yeah she's a bit too dark and serious. My own cypher is a happy go lucky Orlan with a checkered past nothing like whatshername,


    And a tip for the Cipher... a blunderbuss is your friend: each of the 8 pellets generates focus.


    In about an hour I'll be back in that world. cannot happen fast enough. Been thinking all day about my adventures in...I'll not give spoilers since some might not be as far as I am yet (you probably know the place I speak of- deep beneath a cursed structure that gets more difficult as you go deeper in? That place lol) and I avoided spoilers myself and had many...many..pleasant surprises. =P

  • BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372
    This is off topic but what do you guys do if you have to leave a dungeon but you are not finished with it?  Is there anyway to teleport from the dungeon to the town then back again to the place you left off?  Or do you have to hoof it ;D.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Beyorn
    This is off topic but what do you guys do if you have to leave a dungeon but you are not finished with it?  Is there anyway to teleport from the dungeon to the town then back again to the place you left off?  Or do you have to hoof it ;D.

    You have to hoof it. Although, as you unlock regions you have explored, you can quick travel through to areas beyond from any map exit. But within a map, you have to walk. use double-time and it goes pretty quick.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • adam_noxadam_nox Member UncommonPosts: 2,148

    Sadly many tough encounters come down to luck where if you do them enough you will win.  I feel like some praise the combat is getting is completely undeserved.  As far as casters go, they are glued due to engagement system and mobs that can teleport.  Wizards are further hamstrung by every battle becoming a clusterfark with party members mixed with enemies and friendly fire always being on.  


    Also the party AI is often unresponsive or just uncooperative in focusing down enemies.  I often can't get my melee chars to stay on a single enemy. 


    The game is good, just the combat difficulty feels like it's the result of some annoying mechanics and luck-reliant systems.

  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519
    Originally posted by Beyorn

    I'm having trouble keeping my group up, I’m only level 3 and I have 2 priest, 1 wizard, 1 fighter, 1 bard type class.  We are struggling on some of the larger mods.  I’m using my endurance heals to heal my fighter up but as soon as we get him top off (with 2 spells) she drops down like a rock again.  Also as far as I can see there is no way to actually heal hit points.  So does anyone have any tips or could have some try something I have a couple fall unconscious each fight.  Any tips will be greatly appreciated, anyway to keep end and health up more reliably.  Thanks you!

    MY party is: 1 priest (staff), 1 druid (mace / shield), 1 fighter (sword / shield), 1 wizard (wand), 1 archer (bow).  all are lv4 except for the lv3 archer.  So far this group seems the best for me.

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

  • ArazaleArazale Member Posts: 348
    Originally posted by drivendawn
    Originally posted by adam_nox

    Sadly many tough encounters come down to luck where if you do them enough you will win.  I feel like some praise the combat is getting is completely undeserved.  As far as casters go, they are glued due to engagement system and mobs that can teleport.  Wizards are further hamstrung by every battle becoming a clusterfark with party members mixed with enemies and friendly fire always being on.  


    Also the party AI is often unresponsive or just uncooperative in focusing down enemies.  I often can't get my melee chars to stay on a single enemy. 


    The game is good, just the combat difficulty feels like it's the result of some annoying mechanics and luck-reliant systems.

    I have to agree with this assessment of the combat. Other than that I am liking the game quite a bit.

    That's a terrible assessment of the combat as it isn't luck based its strategy based. You do almost any fight enough times in any game you're bound to stop repeating mistakes that get you killed. Otherwise you're retarded if you keep making the same plays and expecting a different outcome.

  • ShortyBibleShortyBible Member UncommonPosts: 409
    Originally posted by Arazale
    Originally posted by drivendawn
    Originally posted by adam_nox

    Sadly many tough encounters come down to luck where if you do them enough you will win.  I feel like some praise the combat is getting is completely undeserved.  As far as casters go, they are glued due to engagement system and mobs that can teleport.  Wizards are further hamstrung by every battle becoming a clusterfark with party members mixed with enemies and friendly fire always being on.  


    Also the party AI is often unresponsive or just uncooperative in focusing down enemies.  I often can't get my melee chars to stay on a single enemy. 


    The game is good, just the combat difficulty feels like it's the result of some annoying mechanics and luck-reliant systems.

    I have to agree with this assessment of the combat. Other than that I am liking the game quite a bit.

    That's a terrible assessment of the combat as it isn't luck based its strategy based. You do almost any fight enough times in any game you're bound to stop repeating mistakes that get you killed. Otherwise you're retarded if you keep making the same plays and expecting a different outcome.

    I agree with you. This game has got to be GOTY.

    I haven't  had so much fun since  NWN and NWN 2.

    I enjoyed those 2 games for many years. With the old aurora engine

    the community provided so many mods for those 2 games.

    Can players make mods for this game? If so I can see myself enjoying this game

    for many years in the future.

    I also  learned a lot in this thread. Keep it alive and keep the strategies and advise flowing:)

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