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Guys , after a few months of searching I found 4 titles that looks promising
Cabal 2 (2015 April) Didn't like Tera or ff14 or Archage or Gw2 but I really enjoyed Aion so this might be similar and promising and I will try it out with the expectation to be a good traditional mmo.
Black Desert ( 2016) ! ! ! The hype finally reached me as well, this title might be more than just good graphics.
Lineage Eternal : Are you kidding ????!!!!!!!!!!!!! anything that is Lineage is big news!!! Not happy ! for the unique combat system (tablet direction) but according to a new info it's going to be an MMo with even 20 raid party , maybe Lineage can prove that Isometrical view can be good and succesfull !
Lost Ark : This one came out of the blue and looks like Diablo 3 went on steroids. Amazing visuals, creative, sailing on the sea to find instances Weird stuff going on here guys and you can see the sky sometimes so I'm not sure about the camera view.
I'm holding my fingers crossed, what do you think?
wow, I never heard of Cabal 1, what was that like? Now there's a cabal 2? I will have to research that. Never heard of Lost Ark, either.
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
Exactly man, for me new as well got shocked on Lost Ark, check it out
Played: Lineage 2,Guild Wars 1 and 2, Age of Conan, Ragnarok Online, LOTRO, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EvE online
Tried: KAL Online, Face of Mankind, ROSE online
Playing: CS:GO
Lost Ark looks interesting... Arpg
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
Having seen gameplay footage of Black Desert it will be terrible, clunky terrible gameplay killed WAR and it will kill this game too. THe basic game has to not be awful to ever survive.
Albion Online....No No and No, horrible art style, clumsy combat / movement system but the worst is player looting.
button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
button mashing DPS action spamfest without trinity
not an MMO
not an MMO
Black Desert "looks" promising, but the Combat Sounds are a pure Pain in the A**. Dont know how anybody counld "enjoy" this Combat Noise when is comes to Raid / Group Battles.
It sounds like someone wants to torture you with that.
For Reference:
Cabal 2 has a trinity, its has a tank and heal class.
Lineage Eternal not an MMO? It has an openworld and cities where you can meet other players and team up with.
Same for Lost Ark i think, but not sure.
- Albert Einstein
Basically this summons it up quite well. I might try Lineage Eternal though because I love the lore of the whole setting and it looks very decently made. Lost Ark seems (like Lineage Eternal) a Diablo clone, but this one I won't try...
You forgot Patheaon and Bless.
Oh my ...and i tought I am hard to be pleased but I was wrong
Eternal and Lost Ark, are oficially confirmed to be mmorpgs but we have to wait it out.
Lost Ark :
Lineage :
(u can see 10 ppl killing a boss )
What I like in this games that are not mainly focused around female sexy characterisation and they aren't kickstarters.
Bless is alright, looks like Tera and Neverwinter , Dessert seems more exciting and I am concerned about Bless having problem with westernization as Blade & Soul, looks also childish.
I might give a try on Starcitizen
not sure about space ship simulators
Those look like typical Asian junk for the most part. And yeah, the last 2 aren't really MMO's (even if they want to call them that). Some companies are taking way too much license in putting their products into that category. There is a BIG difference between multiplayer/online and an MMORPG. Halo is online multiplayer, but is NOT an MMORPG.
Anyway, I'm not really excited about any of the titles on that list. There isn't much being developed right now that has gotten enough of my interest, since most of the games are crowdfunded with lofty promises you never know whether they will be delivered or not. Maybe Camelot Unchained will be good. Maybe not. Same with Crowfall, Star Citizen, etc. I don't trust lofty developer promises until I see them start to make good on something.
Ok so You already know that Lost Ark is not an MMO RPG because maybe you have some information that you can share with us? Or are you talking about camera views, angles etc?
The history of role-playing games begin in the 1970s A role-playing game (RPG) is a type of game in which the participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories
A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet. MMOs usually have at least one persistent world, however some games differ.
For those who wanted a proper sequel to Ragnarok Online, you can check out Tree of Savior. This looks fun and is a mmorpg. Of course the lore is different from RO.
I like the part where he never tanked. It's just another Korean MMO where Warrior means Berzerker without aggro.
Never mind that Lineage 1 is one of if not the most successful MMORPG of all time... it looks like diablo so it's can't possibly be an MMO!
Lost Ark Online - English Subbed
Please and thank you.
Those overhead games where the characters are tiny are very hard to immerse yourself in.
I have seen this in more and more Korean MMO, and your character feel distant and the world not immersive.
It always reminds me of the smurfs.