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[Preview] Dragon Age: Inquisition: A Sneak Peek at the Jaws of Hakkon DLC

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Four months after its original release and on very short notice, Bioware is providing us today the first DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition. In fact, the lack of any announcement beforehand is almost as surprising as the rather steep price of 15 Dollars, which makes it the most expensive story DLC in the Dragon Age franchise. Naturally, this immediately raises the expectations, especially regarding the content length, as these are almost the price-spheres of Skyrim’s Dragonborn DLC, which set rather high standards.

Read more of Markus Rohringer's Dragon Age: Inquisition - A Sneak Peek at the Jaws of Hakkon DLC.




  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301
    I am not sure how to say this - but its too little too late.. and its only 4 months after release... no idea how that happened - but that is how I feel :-(

    Just my 2 cents...


  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Nah I'll continue playing Bloodbourne, this game isn't in the same league.

  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    ^That would be obvious, given that they're barely even comparable.

    I'm gonna get this eventually, but there's too much coming out this week already, like Pillars of Eternity tomorrow.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • ElikalElikal Member UncommonPosts: 7,912
    Originally posted by Shaike
    I am not sure how to say this - but its too little too late.. and its only 4 months after release... no idea how that happened - but that is how I feel :-(

    Yeah same here. I really loved DA once. But DA:I was... ok for 1 playthrough. But I wasn't really whelmed. And I am not interested to return to the game at all, and hell I even played DA2 two or three times! Why I don't know, but my love for DA got cold. *shrug*

    People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert

  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281

    Lets see.

    Short notice, Check!

    Little to no previews, or information, Check!

    High Price, check!

    That would generally add up to..... Money grab, for poorly made, rushed out the door DLC!

    If people complain they will just apologise and say they learned their lesson. People will lick it up just as they did with Day 1 DLC, and DA2, and continue to buy EAoware products


  • HerithiusHerithius Member UncommonPosts: 278

    I don't get the remarks. This game was a phenomenal success for Bioware. It won countless game of the year awards. DLC 4 months after release is pretty on par... especially for something that sells so well.

    Furthermore, them announcing it and then releasing it at the same time is pretty great. What an amazing surprise for the fan base. Lastly, how is $15 seen as "surprisingly steep"? When has DLC content ever been $5? For that matter how often is DLC under $10? It seems $15 is pretty much on par with what anyone can expect.

    Very much something I'm looking forward to trying./

  • damond5031damond5031 Member UncommonPosts: 445
    I wouldn't call it rushed, they probably already had this DLC completed when they released the game. 
  • jpnolejpnole Member UncommonPosts: 1,698
    $12 at Green Man Gaming with their latest 20% off coupon. Still pricey but better than $15.
  • Stuka1000Stuka1000 Member UncommonPosts: 955
    Originally posted by Herithius

    I don't get the remarks. This game was a phenomenal success for Bioware. It won countless game of the year awards. DLC 4 months after release is pretty on par... especially for something that sells so well.

    Furthermore, them announcing it and then releasing it at the same time is pretty great. What an amazing surprise for the fan base. Lastly, how is $15 seen as "surprisingly steep"? When has DLC content ever been $5? For that matter how often is DLC under $10? It seems $15 is pretty much on par with what anyone can expect.

    Very much something I'm looking forward to trying./

    Awards for video games mean nothing these days, many if not all of them are awarded based on 30 minutes play time with a pre-release copy, or bought much the same as most reviews are bought ( ahem! looking at you IGN).  DA:I may have been a success if you use copies sold as a marker but it sold on it's name and on the back of it's older siblings, not on it's own merits.  I played through it once and found it to be nothing more than an MMO wannabe and undeserving of the Dragon Age title.  It now gathers dust on the forgotten shelf and needless to say will not be getting any DLC's thrown at it.

  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Originally posted by Herithius

    I don't get the remarks. This game was a phenomenal success for Bioware. It won countless game of the year awards. DLC 4 months after release is pretty on par... especially for something that sells so well.

    Furthermore, them announcing it and then releasing it at the same time is pretty great. What an amazing surprise for the fan base. Lastly, how is $15 seen as "surprisingly steep"? When has DLC content ever been $5? For that matter how often is DLC under $10? It seems $15 is pretty much on par with what anyone can expect.

    Very much something I'm looking forward to trying./

    Agreed on all points. Some people just like to cut things down I suppose.

  • CryolitycalCryolitycal Member UncommonPosts: 205
    Full expansion like it was the case a few years ago or GTFO. Tired of DLC crap.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    Ayah I have not finished the main game not even halfway got caught up playing ESO and since I have little spare time I cannot play more than one game image

  • Moxom914Moxom914 Member RarePosts: 731

    so now $15 for DLC is expensive? since when? its cheaper than a ticket to the movies. damn people quit being so cheap. what did you want? free? damn freeloaders are ruining our games

  • Brisky29Brisky29 Member Posts: 65
    Originally posted by silverreign

    so now $15 for DLC is expensive? since when? its cheaper than a ticket to the movies. damn people quit being so cheap. what did you want? free? damn freeloaders are ruining our games

    On a single player game, absolutely. (I know DA:I has some crapy multiplayer tacked on, I don't even count it). 

    I don't buy DLC for any single player games. Ever.  Don't EVER nickle and dime me beyond that. If they have content they want to push out after release, make it free or save the ideas for the next game in the series. 

    Only on MMO's will I spend beyond the original price I paid for a game. 

  • Moxom914Moxom914 Member RarePosts: 731

    Originally posted by Brisky29
    Originally posted by silverreign so now $15 for DLC is expensive? since when? its cheaper than a ticket to the movies. damn people quit being so cheap. what did you want? free? damn freeloaders are ruining our games
    On a single player game, absolutely. (I know DA:I has some crapy multiplayer tacked on, I don't even count it). 

    I don't buy DLC for any single player games. Ever.  Don't EVER nickle and dime me beyond that. If they have content they want to push out after release, make it free or save the ideas for the next game in the series. 

    Only on MMO's will I spend beyond the original price I paid for a game. 

    i enjoy DA. i came to the game late so i havent finished it yet. i only play a few hours a week so it will be awhile. i will get the DLC as i love the game and am more than happy to support it. one of the reasons i had stopped playing console games was because i would spend $60 on a game and complete it then it would sit and collect dust. im glad to see console games adding to their life by adding DLC's which i will gladly pay for. im not a freeloader nor do i expect to get anything for free. i will support the games i love so they can continue to add to them so i can continue to enjoy them.
  • RusqueRusque Member RarePosts: 2,785
    Bad timing for me. Pillars of Eternity is out, I'm knee deep in Hex TCG - ain't nobody got time for DA:I DLC!  I also really really want bloodborne, but I just don't wanna buy a ps4, maybe when Uncharted comes out so I have more than a single game.
  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    What is's and its' users hate for DA:I? It improved upon quite a bit what made DA pretty great to begin with, interactions with companions are awesome and plenty, there's now a huge world to explore, and the graphics improved tremendously (as much as I loved DA1+2, the graphics were always a big eyesore to me).
    Also, how is $15 a "steep" price for reportedly 10 hours of added gameplay? That actually seemed pretty reasonable to me. Seems like is just being nitpicky and/or hating on DA:I because it's the popular pastime on this site apparently.


  • BelgaraathBelgaraath Member UncommonPosts: 3,206
    Originally posted by Stuka1000
    Originally posted by Herithius

    I don't get the remarks. This game was a phenomenal success for Bioware. It won countless game of the year awards. DLC 4 months after release is pretty on par... especially for something that sells so well.

    Furthermore, them announcing it and then releasing it at the same time is pretty great. What an amazing surprise for the fan base. Lastly, how is $15 seen as "surprisingly steep"? When has DLC content ever been $5? For that matter how often is DLC under $10? It seems $15 is pretty much on par with what anyone can expect.

    Very much something I'm looking forward to trying./

    Awards for video games mean nothing these days, many if not all of them are awarded based on 30 minutes play time with a pre-release copy, or bought much the same as most reviews are bought ( ahem! looking at you IGN).  DA:I may have been a success if you use copies sold as a marker but it sold on it's name and on the back of it's older siblings, not on it's own merits.  I played through it once and found it to be nothing more than an MMO wannabe and undeserving of the Dragon Age title.  It now gathers dust on the forgotten shelf and needless to say will not be getting any DLC's thrown at it.

    Everything you just wrote is the typical generic response we get bored of reading when someone doesn't like a game. Do you have any way to measure everyone's perception of the game's own merit and their collective like or dislike against their original expectations? don't pretend to speak for the collective when you don't have any clue what that may or may not be.

    There Is Always Hope!

  • MarkusRohringerMarkusRohringer Member UncommonPosts: 8

    As so many of you apparently have a problem with the term “steep price”, I will try to explain my view on that, which you obviously don’t have to agree on. As I wrote it’s not always about length alone, but also what the DLC actually offers. I mean in general Bioware’s DLCs are rarely on the lengthy side but make up for it with high content density, and in the best case some kind of added value. Think for example the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3 which I also mentioned in the article: It’s not that long, but you get all the awesome character interaction that fans of the series haven been yearning for, so for many it was worth the money, and while it gave them something valuable, it’s content that kind of stands out of the main game and maybe would have never been included otherwise.

    So if a DLC costs 15$, I expect quite a lot of high quality content and/or something outstanding. But from all I've seen Jaws is basically "nothing else" than an additional zone, of which already 10 exist in the main game, but for the price of ¼ of the whole game. I know this is an oversimplified calculation, but the thing is that while 8-10 hours of content may sound good, a majority of that content is just the typical fetch quest stuff that you anyway get in any other zone.

    And this is exactly what I wrote: if you enjoyed that part of DA:I, you will also like the DLC. If you on the other hand found this split between MMO-like “filler” material and the actual story missions already bothering in the original game, and mainly only enjoyed the latter, then it will probably not be worth the money for you. There is really no hate from my side, as I'm a fan of the series and also liked DA:I despite the flaws it had in my opinion. There is just a little bit of disappointment from my side, as the fetch quests and the "exploring" got rather repetitive after some time in my view, yet Bioware gives us mainly exactly more of that. If that is totally your thing and you like a good endgame challenge (+ tier 4 gear), it will be worth for you. Otherwise you might consider it pricey. I will try to elaborate these thoughts a little bit more in the review, however I also feel that the entire discussion should not be solely about the price, especially as I am aware that personal value/utility is a very individual measure, but maybe this explanation already helped a little bit to put it into perspective.

  • Stuka1000Stuka1000 Member UncommonPosts: 955
    Originally posted by keithian
    Originally posted by Stuka1000
    Originally posted by Herithius

    I don't get the remarks. This game was a phenomenal success for Bioware. It won countless game of the year awards. DLC 4 months after release is pretty on par... especially for something that sells so well.

    Furthermore, them announcing it and then releasing it at the same time is pretty great. What an amazing surprise for the fan base. Lastly, how is $15 seen as "surprisingly steep"? When has DLC content ever been $5? For that matter how often is DLC under $10? It seems $15 is pretty much on par with what anyone can expect.

    Very much something I'm looking forward to trying./

    Awards for video games mean nothing these days, many if not all of them are awarded based on 30 minutes play time with a pre-release copy, or bought much the same as most reviews are bought ( ahem! looking at you IGN).  DA:I may have been a success if you use copies sold as a marker but it sold on it's name and on the back of it's older siblings, not on it's own merits.  I played through it once and found it to be nothing more than an MMO wannabe and undeserving of the Dragon Age title.  It now gathers dust on the forgotten shelf and needless to say will not be getting any DLC's thrown at it.

    Everything you just wrote is the typical generic response we get bored of reading when someone doesn't like a game. Do you have any way to measure everyone's perception of the game's own merit and their collective like or dislike against their original expectations? don't pretend to speak for the collective when you don't have any clue what that may or may not be.

    Please re-read what I wrote and this time try to also understand it.  You will note that I used the letter ( I ) as in " I played through it ".  Nowhere did I profess to speak for anyone but myself.  You like the game, good for you.  I think it's shit.  Oops, there I go using that big word / letter again that you appear to have trouble with. 

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