I will be leading a Midgard Darkness Falls Raid on Saturday 28th March due to the vote that took place last week. However we had a tie with the Dragon Raid (Big3) that also had 21 votes. If DF is closed and we can't open it we're likely do a Dragon Raid rather than Darkness falls so we don't waste time.
Time this event will begin:
20:00PM CET / 19:00PM GMT / 14:00PM EST / 13:00PM CST / 11:00AM PST
Where to meet?
Darkness falls
This is what we're be raiding
High Lords Oro
High Lord Baln
High Lord Baelerdoth
High Lord Saeor
Princess Nahemha
Prince Abdin
Prince Asmoien
Prince Ba'alorien
Loot: No rules will be set for loot since I will not hold them. Whatever group get's the deathblow has the choice with the loot.
Raid rules:
1. Please stay with the leader
2. No afking
3. Please listen to leader
4. No drama and let's have fun
BG leader will be on Ozierd
See you at the raid
For US players the time is wrong
US TIME: 15:00PM EST / 14:00PM CST / 12:00PM PST