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Do you play a female character as a guy because you get treated better?



  • BlasphimBlasphim Member UncommonPosts: 354

    Years back I heard about some guy doing an experiment of playing a female toon and being treated differently.  This was in vanilla WoW, and I thought it was bullshit.  I thought there was no way that just because the toon was female, and he typed as if he was a female, i.e. "my boyfriend says this Nightelf looks like me, but I think her boobs are too small," that he would be treated different than if he was just a noobish male playing a male character.  

    Then I tried it.


    Holy crap. 


    So I created a nelf druid, female.  I was hesitant at first to try this out, it felt weird, but I had to know.  By the time I hit lvl 60, I had more than three times the gold to buy the epic level mount, had been given so many runs through for the dungeon sets, given mats for crafting.  I was shocked.  I was saddened.  I ended up giving all the gold away to low level characters in different starting zones, mailed the mats to a low level male toon and sat in ironforge asking if anyone wanted them, and then deleted both toons.


    With that knowledge under my belt, I always assume it's a guy behind female toons, so I try and treat everyone equally.  I do create female toons, usually because I have a concept in mind for a character, or because they just look better in armor for that class.

  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256

    I play female character for bikini armor , not to get treated better.

    JK lol i don't ready like bikini armor


    I can't bring myself to roll male character in most of MMO , because they look so .... horrible.

    Female character more suit for dress up and the armor look better in small figure


    Strange thing that i always roll male in Skyrim or oblivion. Cause the role playing.


    Only time i roll male is when the games have class lock , and my interested classes fall in male character.



  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699

    It's never mattered to me all that much.  I don't "relate" to my character nor do I care about "immersion".

    The games I'm currently playing are gender locked anyway.  So if you like a certain set of skills you have to deal with whatever gender the pixels happen to be.

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    It's funny. You do get treated better. So I treat everyone like a male now.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • NilenyaNilenya Member UncommonPosts: 364

    My husband usually plays a female character in mmo's but only if he doesnt like the male characters looks and animations. Often barrel chested and over exagerated I dont blame him. I feel the same way about the way female toons look and so I often chose a male toon for myself.


    I think it is interesting that we are both less bothered by the exagerated looks of the opposing gender models than we are of our own. In any case, it doesnt have anything to do with how we are treated in game, although I have found it easier to play a male toon, because I dont get hit on, which does happen when you play a female toon. - And I dont think that equals as better treatment btw, I find it intensely annoying, and so would put it down as a mark against playing a female toon.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    The 1st character I ever rolled in WoW was a Warlock. I rolled him older looking with grey hair, etc. At some point, I remember teaming up and there was a Female NELF Rogue. I remember how much I loved how they made her dual wield animations. They seemed very graceful to me. I recall considering rolling one myself just because I was impressed by that race and gender's specific animations. I never did though, but if I did, that would have been why.

  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    Anyone who says they get treated different playing a female in a MMORPG is either acting different when they play one or is jerking your chain, it just doesn't happen unless you are actively acting differently when you play a female.

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    The whole different treatment argument doesn't apply any more.   The last I saw of this was back in UO.  It's really not the case at all any more. 
  • dllddlld Member UncommonPosts: 615
    Originally posted by Blasphim

    Years back I heard about some guy doing an experiment of playing a female toon and being treated differently.  This was in vanilla WoW, and I thought it was bullshit.  I thought there was no way that just because the toon was female, and he typed as if he was a female, i.e. "my boyfriend says this Nightelf looks like me, but I think her boobs are too small," that he would be treated different than if he was just a noobish male playing a male character.  

    Then I tried it.


    Holy crap. 

    Playing a female character and more or less stating your IRL sex is female is two completely different things. I'm sure if a girl played a male character and was 'found out' same shit would occur, I play mostly female characters and I never get random free shit thrown my way.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    I will say this.

    When my daughter was still playing WoW, her guild had done some PVP and after they won a tough battle, someone chatted, "Thanks guys" and my daughter responded ".....and girl" 

    I was actually surprised how the tone of the conversation changed when they found out she was a real girl behind the avatar. So I don't think the OPs question is unfounded. But I think it's only if people think there really is a female person behind the avatar. And yes,  girls do get treated better.

    But, from my observations, the assumption is "Guy until proven otherwise"

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    I will say this.

    When my daughter was still playing WoW, her guild had done some PVP and after they won a tough battle, someone chatted, "Thanks guys" and my daughter responded ".....and girl" 

    I was actually surprised how the tone of the conversation changed when they found out she was a real girl behind the avatar. So I don't think the OPs question is unfounded. But I think it's only if people think there really is a female person behind the avatar. And yes,  girls do get treated better.

    But, from my observations, the assumption is "Guy until proven otherwise"

    Yes, it's more a question is do female players get treated differently (if the female properly discloses she is one).  Really doesn't rely on the avatar. 

  • ZeymereZeymere Member UncommonPosts: 210

    I am a guy.  I have and do play female characters first and foremost for me it is Aesthetics.  I would prefer to look at a female toon all day than a guy.  Also as a side affect I have noticed that in many cases I get more things, groups, handouts, help, etc...

    Just my 2 cents...


  • DarwinianDarwinian Member Posts: 38

    In one word for me, Immersion.

    Couple of my personal examples:

    In WoW I would play Male Blood Elves because i liked the characters looks and animations better and I played Female Night Elves because of the same. Mass Effect games I always played my Male Sheppard (default) char as good guy and my female (custom, dark red hair / black lip stick) renegade. Dragon Age female is good guy and male is more renegade. With the latter I think it has more to do with the voice overs. /shrug

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Yes I think being treated differently is the correct term. "Better" is highly subjective even if someone is being nice to you because you are female. Is that really better? Knowing someone is being extra nice to you because they think you have a vagina. And all the assumptions and social courtesies that go with it.

  • JamesGoblinJamesGoblin Member RarePosts: 1,242
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    I will say this.

    When my daughter was still playing WoW, her guild had done some PVP and after they won a tough battle, someone chatted, "Thanks guys" and my daughter responded ".....and girl" 

    I was actually surprised how the tone of the conversation changed when they found out she was a real girl behind the avatar. So I don't think the OPs question is unfounded. But I think it's only if people think there really is a female person behind the avatar. And yes,  girls do get treated better.

    But, from my observations, the assumption is "Guy until proven otherwise"

       I did the "...and girl" trick once (being a male IRL), for fun and to check the reactions. OFC, the behavior did change. I don`t know about others, but I wouldn`t talk exactly the same way (say,  concerning some typically "male" jokes) if I knew we have a female party member.

       PS bit offtopic, but are WAR Goblins  males or females? I didn`t notice anyone treating me better while playing these.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by Foomerang

    Yes I think being treated differently is the correct term. "Better" is highly subjective even if someone is being nice to you because you are female. Is that really better? Knowing someone is being extra nice to you because they think you have a vagina. And all the assumptions and social courtesies that go with it.

    I guess that would depend on what you define as better vs. different. To some, I'd imagine they like the extra attention regardless, and to others, I'd imagine they'd rather be acknowledged for how they play the game.

  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    I play whichever has better movement and combat animations.
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010

    4. I don't play women in MMOs because I'm a man and have a penis.


    I have a hard time playing a female because my characters are an extension of myself in games. 

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Originally posted by Foomerang Yes I think being treated differently is the correct term. "Better" is highly subjective even if someone is being nice to you because you are female. Is that really better? Knowing someone is being extra nice to you because they think you have a vagina. And all the assumptions and social courtesies that go with it.
    I guess that would depend on what you define as better vs. different. To some, I'd imagine they like the extra attention regardless, and to others, I'd imagine they'd rather be acknowledged for how they play the game.
    What I'm saying is women are not treated better because they are thought of as better. They are thought of as less. We treat people with mental disabilities better also. Buy none of us would actually want to be disabled. We do it because we feel we must spare them from the harsh realities that normal people endure. And subconsciously, we treat women the same way, as having a disability.
  • gw2foolgw2fool Member UncommonPosts: 164
    Who wants to look at a male char when you have the option of some thing better!
  • AsboAsbo Member UncommonPosts: 812


  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415


    an actor's part in a play, movie, etc.
    "Dietrich's role as a wife in war-torn Paris"
       synonyms: part
       character, cameo
    "a small role in the film"


    engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
    "the children were playing outside"
       synonyms: amuse oneself, entertain oneself, enjoy oneself, etc.
          engage in (a game or activity) for enjoyment.
          "I want to play Monopoly"
          amuse oneself by engaging in imaginative pretense.
          "the boys were playing cops and robbers"


    Combine these definitions, perhaps into a single word (imagine that!), and the mystery may (at long last) be solved for you.

  • damond5031damond5031 Member UncommonPosts: 445
    I used to play a female character in Everquest. I was showered with friendship and  groups anytime I wanted. I remained with a guild for almost a year before they finally opened their vent server and the curtain was lifted on my true gender. I didn't start the female character to gain the affections of male characters, I ropleplayed as a young lass that had escaped from a bawdy house in Qeynos and had a lot of fun with it. I never worried about whether I was talking to a real male or female when chatting, I was just having fun telling stories. My friends, however, were furious when they found out I was a guy and demanded anything they had ever given me be returned to them.
  • Quazal.AQuazal.A Member UncommonPosts: 859

    nope i play mine for (very light) role playing reason every time i start a new mmo Quazal is always my first and male, then the next alt is always Quazaline and she has a small backstory of being either quaz's sister or (ex) Wife depending on how i feel


    But my first toon (and usually) main is a male

    This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
    Use this code for 21days trial in eve online

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by Foomerang


    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Originally posted by Foomerang Yes I think being treated differently is the correct term. "Better" is highly subjective even if someone is being nice to you because you are female. Is that really better? Knowing someone is being extra nice to you because they think you have a vagina. And all the assumptions and social courtesies that go with it.
    I guess that would depend on what you define as better vs. different. To some, I'd imagine they like the extra attention regardless, and to others, I'd imagine they'd rather be acknowledged for how they play the game.
    What I'm saying is women are not treated better because they are thought of as better. They are thought of as less. We treat people with mental disabilities better also. Buy none of us would actually want to be disabled. We do it because we feel we must spare them from the harsh realities that normal people endure. And subconsciously, we treat women the same way, as having a disability.


    I don't know. I think it has to do with the anonymity and imagery of who is behind the avatar. And the Geek Fantasy hormone factor.


    To yoru point though. It is common for men to adjust their behavior and language in the presense of women so as not to be as offensive as they might be otherwise.

    But I recall back when I had just gotten engaged, my then fiance had some old friends in from out of town and I ended up being a 4th wheel on a dinner outing. It's funny to watch 3 women loosen up over drinks. I became virtually invisible as they began to open up among each other.

    Yeah, They were as offensive as any "male" conversation I had ever seen. So they do it too, they just hide it better.

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