I really enjoyed it, but I was playing on PS3 after doing the beta on PC.
But then I ended up trading in my PS3 towards my shiny new XB1 - which my ONLY regret in doing so is losing FFXIV as it's only for PS3/PS4/PC.
Come on Microsoft, you're pushing PC/console play with Windows 10, why not, in this one case (like you did with FFXI!) allow us XB1 folks to play with our PC and Playstation friends in FFXIV?!
I tried playing FFXIV on the PS3 when my wife bought it. I almost threw the controller. I cannot handle controllers anymore. Its Keyboard and mouse for me. So I understand. Its still a good game.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Did you get to 50 because the higher you get the faster combat gets. I have come across too many people that bitch about combat at level 13 and soloing. Combat is very different at 50 with a group.
If people haven't realized that at this point they are beyond reason.
Or maybe some people don't want to wait until end game to actually enjoy themselves. The game either hooks you or it doesn't and for some people combat is a big deal.
If people can't realize that then I guess they are just beyond reason.
I feel MANY will and SHOULD enjoy FFXIV,Square Enix really is a class act when comes to developers.
One BIG problem for me is that i got to play FFXI for so many years ,the best game ever made.To me everything in FFXIV is a dumbed down version of FFXI.I realize the newer fresher face and very active player base is a bigger attraction than the older FFXI but for me i still can't do it,i need to play the BETTER game which is FFXI.I played FFXIV for about 6 months it really has nothing on FFXI aside from graphics,which imo does mean a lot,i like newer better looking graphics,but game play and systems are better in FFXI.
What i found in FFXIV is having a more active player base means so little because like other games it is 99% soloing until everyone in a guild logs in to do the raid content,then they either file right out or continue back soloing.
If i didn't ever play FFXI,i would most certainly be playing FFXIV.If i quit right now i am not sure if i would return to FFXIV,i am looking for more of a newer game doing things FFXI way,i am not into WOWish type game designs or tons of soloing.The problem is that games that try to create more soloing are VERY shallow game designs with terrible systems,so it will be a long shot i find a newer ffxi before i die or give up on MMORPG's.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Boredom's like a popular movie monster. It always resurfaces, no matter how often you think you killed it. >:D
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I'm happy you found a home OP. Personally if I leave something for 8 months and come back to it I don't settle back in. WoW was my only permanent game for a long time and I routinely go back there for a few weeks.
Good luck to you in FFXIV:ARR and the FATEs, it was the big reason I didn't stay. /salute!
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Good on ya. Though I did not enjoy my time with this title (tedious questing/ did not enjoy the combat system), it's always nice to hear some positive news from the community.
Here's hoping the rest of us bitter husks infused with molten hatred can find a home. Or a boyfriend. Or friends in general.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Did you get to 50 because the higher you get the faster combat gets. I have come across too many people that bitch about combat at level 13 and soloing. Combat is very different at 50 with a group.
If people haven't realized that at this point they are beyond reason.
Or maybe some people don't want to wait until end game to actually enjoy themselves. The game either hooks you or it doesn't and for some people combat is a big deal.
If people can't realize that then I guess they are just beyond reason.
No the problem is people are no longer patient enough to build up to things. They want to be in full button mashing mode in 30 minutes or the game sucks. Sorry I even told my friend he has ADD because if in 3 hours which it took him to get the 13 he does not like the game he was not even patient enough to learn how the game builds on it self as you level. Sorry but no too many people think give it to me all right now or else. I realized that from Phase 2 Beta how everthing builds on it self and teaches you if you are willing to pay attention and do not need fast food like abilities.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Did you get to 50 because the higher you get the faster combat gets. I have come across too many people that bitch about combat at level 13 and soloing. Combat is very different at 50 with a group.
If people haven't realized that at this point they are beyond reason.
Or maybe some people don't want to wait until end game to actually enjoy themselves. The game either hooks you or it doesn't and for some people combat is a big deal.
If people can't realize that then I guess they are just beyond reason.
I never said you have to wait to enjoy yourself. I'm saying if your enjoyment really depends on pressing many buttons during piss easy encounters (of which all low level MMO encounters are) as if that somehow makes them "better" then you are beyond reason.
If spamming buttons mindlessly is fun in itself then I can understand. My gf's 4-year-old niece likes to smash her little toy keyboard too. Funny noises come out every time! Do you think MMO skills could make funny noises too when you do them?
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
I feel MANY will and SHOULD enjoy FFXIV,Square Enix really is a class act when comes to developers.
One BIG problem for me is that i got to play FFXI for so many years ,the best game ever made.To me everything in FFXIV is a dumbed down version of FFXI.I realize the newer fresher face and very active player base is a bigger attraction than the older FFXI but for me i still can't do it,i need to play the BETTER game which is FFXI.I played FFXIV for about 6 months it really has nothing on FFXI aside from graphics,which imo does mean a lot,i like newer better looking graphics,but game play and systems are better in FFXI.
What i found in FFXIV is having a more active player base means so little because like other games it is 99% soloing until everyone in a guild logs in to do the raid content,then they either file right out or continue back soloing.
If i didn't ever play FFXI,i would most certainly be playing FFXIV.If i quit right now i am not sure if i would return to FFXIV,i am looking for more of a newer game doing things FFXI way,i am not into WOWish type game designs or tons of soloing.The problem is that games that try to create more soloing are VERY shallow game designs with terrible systems,so it will be a long shot i find a newer ffxi before i die or give up on MMORPG's.
I hate to say it but that is your own personal feelings. FFXI was great in its time where people who played MMOs played to play with friends. FFXI YOU HAD TO GROUP UP TO LEVEL period and if you were not in a group you didnt go anywhere. I know I played for a good 6 months before WOW launched and I left. As much as you complain how FFXIV is dumbed down version of FFXI, yea but how many people today could do a 17 hour boss fight? Sorry but they cannot. FFXIV works for a lot of people who only have 5 to 10 hours a week. FFXIV also has many tools that push people to group up and even the story line does it. Its up to the people to make the game a social experience. Also the UI is easy to use vs FFXI I can tell you I went back to FFXI before FFXIV came out and the interface and movements I could never get into again. Just like I cannot get into UO Open looting of players bodies. Or the corps run. Yes there is some nostalgia there however weather people like it or not the new games are easier for newer people to get into. Not for the older crowd want really outdated ideas back like FFXI group or die. Or UO open looting, even AA their trade pack looting was BS. Sorry but a lot of these ideas just will never work again in a mmo with any kind of population that will support the game as a P2P game. It will work in a P2W game only because people will spend stupid money.
Sorry FFXIV is the best game on the market. People need to stop knocking it for what it is. Yes Combat might not be your thing that does not mean the game sucks. You dont think the game is as deep as old MMOs, That is your opinion it does not mean the game is bad. Its just you are stuck on your old ways. I know I am stuck in my ways I will never again play a F2P game or an Action combat game. Thats ok the game does not suck for either reason. These are personal feelings and they are not right or wrong. However there are simple fact the old way will not work again in MMOs if you go to the extreme end of things. Too many players myself included just will not deal with these things. I loved UO Pre T2A it does not mean that all games should be like that because honestly that world will not appeal to enough people in a P2P game. P2W like I said yep. however its wallet vs wallet not skill.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Raiding as Bard/Dragoon has brought me more enjoyment than many years of raiding with Hunter/Warrior in WoW. The class design in this game I think is just brilliant.
I'm happy you found a home OP. Personally if I leave something for 8 months and come back to it I don't settle back in. WoW was my only permanent game for a long time and I routinely go back there for a few weeks.
Good luck to you in FFXIV:ARR and the FATEs, it was the big reason I didn't stay. /salute!
Why did you not say because of the fates? If thats all you do to level hell yea they get boring but if you have a group of friends that a few times a week you did instances and some times you go back to fate. Hell you even get EXP off T hunts when you are level 40+. Mix it up.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Progression raiding with bard and dragoon for a little more than a year has brought me more enjoyment than many years of raiding with Hunter/mage in WoW.
Now, now, you are not playing by the rules. We must only compare low level FFXIV combat to endgame WoW combat.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Progression raiding with bard and dragoon for a little more than a year has brought me more enjoyment than many years of raiding with Hunter/mage in WoW.
Now, now, you are not playing by the rules. We must only compare low level FFXIV combat to endgame WoW combat.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Did you get to 50 because the higher you get the faster combat gets. I have come across too many people that bitch about combat at level 13 and soloing. Combat is very different at 50 with a group.
In fact I dare say ARR has the most simple combat among tab-target MMOs so far. The 2.5 second GCD wasn't that brutal if you needed that much time to think about your next cast but meh.
Sounds like you dont like Tab Target. Thats not a problem there are other games out there for you. Also the Combat is close to how Vanilla WOW was or event TBC where players used a handful of spells vs today mashing buttons endlessly to maximize DPS. When I was playing on my Bard at level 50 I had to know when you use my songs to best help out the group and if I was mashing buttons just to maximize my DPS I would never use my Songs. With a 2.5 second CD I can switch songs before my next attack or stop singing so I stop using MP along with lowering my damage by 20%.
With My Pali in that 2.5 second GDC I can pop damage mitigation abilities. Or I can switch from shield oath to sword oath for more damage then switch back. Some people focus ONLY on the attack abilities and not the larger picture.
Oh come on, turning on and off Mage's Ballad takes you a whooping 2.5 second to think? Isn't a quick glance at the MP bar enough to tell? On top of that,isn't it a no brainer to keep tank and healer mana high for healing and taunting?
It's the same for a tank. Their damage mitigation abilities are instant cast and/or off GCD I'm not sure but even if it's not that case does it really need 2.5 second to judge? If you get a boss pattern down (as you must) you know exactly when to use those precious cooldowns.
The problem is not about tab-target, it's all about the astronomically long 2.5 sec GDC. It's there for nothing. No decision in ARR combat needs that much time to think. That's ARR combat weak point for me. Now if ARR has some skillchain/combo/movement/positioning that worth 2.5 second of thinking that's another story (and no, moving out of the boss AOE doesn't count. You just stay out of the boss AOE, no question asked). Too bad it doesn't. It's your good old tab-target rotation combat with 1 extra second GCD.
The problem is not about tab-target, it's all about the astronomically long 2.5 sec GDC. It's there for nothing.
There we go. Not understanding the GCD is the #1 disease in MMOsphere.
The longer the GCD the more weight each action has. This is a simple concept. If you do skill X you need to wait 2.5 sec + activation time to perform skill Y. If you only have 1 second between skills X and Y there is less weight in deciding which skill to use at any given time.
To put the simple theory into practice, if you do an action in FFXIV you commit to it far more than you commit in any other MMO. If that action is wrong for the situation then you cannot just wait a negligible time and correct your mistake soon enough. And the action being wrong for the situation is not a mere matter of screwing up a simple rotation. The encounters throw different mechanics at you at a speed comparable to any other MMO yet failing to react to them accordingly is more punishing depending on the job. BLM spells have a long casting time - the commitment to each spell is thus far higher than, say, with Monk. For the BLM it is vital to decide when to cast which spells: failing to do so you'll be interrupted by environmental hazards constantly and your DPS will suffer as each failed spell constitutes a major part of your overall DOT. Same goes for the healers - not keeping up with the encounter correctly means you are being punished for 2.5 seconds or more where you can do very little about your mistake. On the other hand jobs like Monk are not punished so much by failing to perform a single skill because their GCD is so much faster that any single skill is a smaller part of their overall DOT.
In the end there is more time to decide which skill to use at any given time. But there is also a bigger punishment for screwing up because each action has relatively more weight to it in an environment where you will be bombarded by mechanics at a speed not unlike any other MMO. You will not see this in the beginning of the game because the beginning of any MMO is simple and easy regardless. The more the encounter demands of the combat the better it gets. This is true for any MMO combat for the most part.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
Oh come on, turning on and off Mage's Ballad takes you a whooping 2.5 second to think? Isn't a quick glance at the MP bar enough to tell? On top of that,isn't it a no brainer to keep tank and healer mana high for healing and taunting?
It's the same for a tank. Their damage mitigation abilities are instant cast and/or off GCD I'm not sure but even if it's not that case does it really need 2.5 second to judge? If you get a boss pattern down (as you must) you know exactly when to use those precious cooldowns.
The problem is not about tab-target, it's all about the astronomically long 2.5 sec GDC. It's there for nothing. No decision in ARR combat needs that much time to think. That's ARR combat weak point for me. Now if ARR has some skillchain/combo/movement/positioning that worth 2.5 second of thinking that's another story (and no, moving out of the boss AOE doesn't count. You just stay out of the boss AOE, no question asked). Too bad it doesn't. It's your good old tab-target rotation combat with 1 extra second GCD.
...says the ranged player? As a NIN i have 2.0 seconds(due to huiton buff) to cast a two or three step mudra while at the same time avoiding aoe because I am in melee range of the boss. On top of making slight modifications to my rotation on the fly, I need to watch all my debuff and buff timers, the remaining cooldowns on my instant skills, and worry about the mechanics of the fight (not everyone has every step of T9 memorized after the first couple of tries...). Theres a LOT of stuff going on that you don't have to pay attention to or keep track of compared to games with little or no GCD (yes I have tried almost every single decently popular mmorpg since 2006). However, I will agree with you that certain classes have a lot less things to manage than others (example, my paladin. but at the same time I am happy i don't have much to do because I can concentrate more on the mechanics of the fight)
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
I'm happy you found a home OP. Personally if I leave something for 8 months and come back to it I don't settle back in. WoW was my only permanent game for a long time and I routinely go back there for a few weeks.
Good luck to you in FFXIV:ARR and the FATEs, it was the big reason I didn't stay. /salute!
Why did you not say because of the fates? If thats all you do to level hell yea they get boring but if you have a group of friends that a few times a week you did instances and some times you go back to fate. Hell you even get EXP off T hunts when you are level 40+. Mix it up.
Well I said it because I didn't like them. They ruined the immersiveness of what could have been a great game for me. It felt as if the developers didn't want to finish creating content through quests, so they developed this system. The rest of the game was beautiful, it just did't feel like a new home for me.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I tried this game a couple months ago but never made it very far because I was bored to tears. I think it would have helped if I had friends playing but I was basically alone all the time. Does it get better further on?
Originally posted by damond5031 I tried this game a couple months ago but never made it very far because I was bored to tears. I think it would have helped if I had friends playing but I was basically alone all the time. Does it get better further on?
There is a healthy mix of activities that can be played solo and with multiple people.
I might come off as sarcastic or something here, but I assure you I don't mean to.
That being said, isn't there like literally nothing to do progression wise at level 50 other than raiding?
I played for a month after the re-release of ARR, farmed the same 2 dungeons like 100 times for a full set of darklight gear, took down Titan for the epic weapon and then proceeded to clear the first portion of Coil. I also maxed out my Company rank or whatever the fuck it was, and fully cleared those Hunting card thingers. There simply was nothing left to do (I'm not really into crafting or rolling alt classes, etc)
I mean, I haven't played in a long while, or followed the game - but from my understanding if I WERE to go back, I would just be doing all the same shit in new zones - am I wrong? I would log in, probably be like 2-3 tiers behind in gear, so I would maybe grind a new dungeon 100 times to get some updated gear, probably down whatever new Primal is released to upgrade my epic weapon, and do some more raiding in Coil (which I'm assuming is fully open now? maybe)
Is there anything else to do? Again, I'm not really into crafting or releveling (Dragoon is just too awesome) - I mean would there be a point to doing FATEs at 50? Is there any kind of rep grinds? New zones they introduced? I mean I could probably spend hundreds of hours playing Triple Triad in the golden saucer... but why play that in ARR when there's way better Actual TT clients out there haha.
I've heard the PvP is pretty garbage - which I can see since the combat pace of the game is fairly slow and there isn't much CC/Interuptions/Etc (compared to other games anyways)
The reason I'm even asking is because the game is gorgeous, and the expansion looks pretty epic- but I feel like if you aren't playing this game for the Raiding content (or maybe crafting, or leveling all the classes) there isn't much for you to do.
Originally posted by Stormakov I might come off as sarcastic or something here, but I assure you I don't mean to.
That being said, isn't there like literally nothing to do progression wise at level 50 other than raiding?
I played for a month after the re-release of ARR, farmed the same 2 dungeons like 100 times for a full set of darklight gear, took down Titan for the epic weapon and then proceeded to clear the first portion of Coil. I also maxed out my Company rank or whatever the fuck it was, and fully cleared those Hunting card thingers. There simply was nothing left to do (I'm not really into crafting or rolling alt classes, etc)
I mean, I haven't played in a long while, or followed the game - but from my understanding if I WERE to go back, I would just be doing all the same shit in new zones - am I wrong? I would log in, probably be like 2-3 tiers behind in gear, so I would maybe grind a new dungeon 100 times to get some updated gear, probably down whatever new Primal is released to upgrade my epic weapon, and do some more raiding in Coil (which I'm assuming is fully open now? maybe)
Is there anything else to do? Again, I'm not really into crafting or releveling (Dragoon is just too awesome) - I mean would there be a point to doing FATEs at 50? Is there any kind of rep grinds? New zones they introduced? I mean I could probably spend hundreds of hours playing Triple Triad in the golden saucer... but why play that in ARR when there's way better Actual TT clients out there haha.
I've heard the PvP is pretty garbage - which I can see since the combat pace of the game is fairly slow and there isn't much CC/Interuptions/Etc (compared to other games anyways)
The reason I'm even asking is because the game is gorgeous, and the expansion looks pretty epic- but I feel like if you aren't playing this game for the Raiding content (or maybe crafting, or leveling all the classes) there isn't much for you to do.
Ok I'll do a quick rundown of stuff to do at endgame. Keep in mind this is only a partial list.
Dungeons Raids Hildebrand Questline Seasonal Events Main Storyline after 50 Moogle Delivery Vistas Retainer Ventures Eternal Bonding ceremonies Arenas Battlegrounds Crafting Gathering Fishing Beast Tribes Personal and Guild Housing Gardening Chocobo Racing/Training/Breeding Triple Triad Card tournaments Gold Saucer events and mini games Great Hunts Treasure maps
All worthwhile content imho. Offers unique gameplay and character progression both vertically and horizontally. I engage in about 9 of those activities I listed above and I am easily overwhelmed with content that I cannot complete it all and must choose. There are sub systems in each of those as well which involve other classes and activities (read: interdependency) as well as being part of the player driven economy which is its own meta game in and of itself.
Originally posted by jgn77 How can you guys like the combat? I mean the GCD is a full second? Try playing a game like Tera or ESO then switch to FFIVX....Its brutal.
Did you get to 50 because the higher you get the faster combat gets. I have come across too many people that bitch about combat at level 13 and soloing. Combat is very different at 50 with a group.
In fact I dare say ARR has the most simple combat among tab-target MMOs so far. The 2.5 second GCD wasn't that brutal if you needed that much time to think about your next cast but meh.
Sounds like you dont like Tab Target. Thats not a problem there are other games out there for you. Also the Combat is close to how Vanilla WOW was or event TBC where players used a handful of spells vs today mashing buttons endlessly to maximize DPS. When I was playing on my Bard at level 50 I had to know when you use my songs to best help out the group and if I was mashing buttons just to maximize my DPS I would never use my Songs. With a 2.5 second CD I can switch songs before my next attack or stop singing so I stop using MP along with lowering my damage by 20%.
With My Pali in that 2.5 second GDC I can pop damage mitigation abilities. Or I can switch from shield oath to sword oath for more damage then switch back. Some people focus ONLY on the attack abilities and not the larger picture.
Oh come on, turning on and off Mage's Ballad takes you a whooping 2.5 second to think? Isn't a quick glance at the MP bar enough to tell? On top of that,isn't it a no brainer to keep tank and healer mana high for healing and taunting?
It's the same for a tank. Their damage mitigation abilities are instant cast and/or off GCD I'm not sure but even if it's not that case does it really need 2.5 second to judge? If you get a boss pattern down (as you must) you know exactly when to use those precious cooldowns.
The problem is not about tab-target, it's all about the astronomically long 2.5 sec GDC. It's there for nothing. No decision in ARR combat needs that much time to think. That's ARR combat weak point for me. Now if ARR has some skillchain/combo/movement/positioning that worth 2.5 second of thinking that's another story (and no, moving out of the boss AOE doesn't count. You just stay out of the boss AOE, no question asked). Too bad it doesn't. It's your good old tab-target rotation combat with 1 extra second GCD.
If you dont like the combat stop coming here and complaining about it. Its not about to change. Dont like it go find something else.
I'm happy you found a home OP. Personally if I leave something for 8 months and come back to it I don't settle back in. WoW was my only permanent game for a long time and I routinely go back there for a few weeks.
Good luck to you in FFXIV:ARR and the FATEs, it was the big reason I didn't stay. /salute!
Why did you not say because of the fates? If thats all you do to level hell yea they get boring but if you have a group of friends that a few times a week you did instances and some times you go back to fate. Hell you even get EXP off T hunts when you are level 40+. Mix it up.
Well I said it because I didn't like them. They ruined the immersiveness of what could have been a great game for me. It felt as if the developers didn't want to finish creating content through quests, so they developed this system. The rest of the game was beautiful, it just did't feel like a new home for me.
That is a personal preference. To me it makes the world more alive because people are running around doing them. You go into WOW and 3 months after an xpac the zones are dead because there nothing going on in them. I think the Fates make the game feel more alive and I dont worry about immersion at that level.
I might come off as sarcastic or something here, but I assure you I don't mean to.
That being said, isn't there like literally nothing to do progression wise at level 50 other than raiding?
I played for a month after the re-release of ARR, farmed the same 2 dungeons like 100 times for a full set of darklight gear, took down Titan for the epic weapon and then proceeded to clear the first portion of Coil. I also maxed out my Company rank or whatever the fuck it was, and fully cleared those Hunting card thingers. There simply was nothing left to do (I'm not really into crafting or rolling alt classes, etc)
I mean, I haven't played in a long while, or followed the game - but from my understanding if I WERE to go back, I would just be doing all the same shit in new zones - am I wrong? I would log in, probably be like 2-3 tiers behind in gear, so I would maybe grind a new dungeon 100 times to get some updated gear, probably down whatever new Primal is released to upgrade my epic weapon, and do some more raiding in Coil (which I'm assuming is fully open now? maybe)
Is there anything else to do? Again, I'm not really into crafting or releveling (Dragoon is just too awesome) - I mean would there be a point to doing FATEs at 50? Is there any kind of rep grinds? New zones they introduced? I mean I could probably spend hundreds of hours playing Triple Triad in the golden saucer... but why play that in ARR when there's way better Actual TT clients out there haha.
I've heard the PvP is pretty garbage - which I can see since the combat pace of the game is fairly slow and there isn't much CC/Interuptions/Etc (compared to other games anyways)
The reason I'm even asking is because the game is gorgeous, and the expansion looks pretty epic- but I feel like if you aren't playing this game for the Raiding content (or maybe crafting, or leveling all the classes) there isn't much for you to do.
Yea that did suck there storm. However now they have so many more options they have 17 end game dungeons now.
I tried playing FFXIV on the PS3 when my wife bought it. I almost threw the controller. I cannot handle controllers anymore. Its Keyboard and mouse for me.
So I understand. Its still a good game.
Hilarious way to describe fanbois lol.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Or maybe some people don't want to wait until end game to actually enjoy themselves. The game either hooks you or it doesn't and for some people combat is a big deal.
If people can't realize that then I guess they are just beyond reason.
I feel MANY will and SHOULD enjoy FFXIV,Square Enix really is a class act when comes to developers.
One BIG problem for me is that i got to play FFXI for so many years ,the best game ever made.To me everything in FFXIV is a dumbed down version of FFXI.I realize the newer fresher face and very active player base is a bigger attraction than the older FFXI but for me i still can't do it,i need to play the BETTER game which is FFXI.I played FFXIV for about 6 months it really has nothing on FFXI aside from graphics,which imo does mean a lot,i like newer better looking graphics,but game play and systems are better in FFXI.
What i found in FFXIV is having a more active player base means so little because like other games it is 99% soloing until everyone in a guild logs in to do the raid content,then they either file right out or continue back soloing.
If i didn't ever play FFXI,i would most certainly be playing FFXIV.If i quit right now i am not sure if i would return to FFXIV,i am looking for more of a newer game doing things FFXI way,i am not into WOWish type game designs or tons of soloing.The problem is that games that try to create more soloing are VERY shallow game designs with terrible systems,so it will be a long shot i find a newer ffxi before i die or give up on MMORPG's.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Enjoy that happiness while it lasts!
Boredom's like a popular movie monster. It always resurfaces, no matter how often you think you killed it. >:D
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I'm happy you found a home OP. Personally if I leave something for 8 months and come back to it I don't settle back in. WoW was my only permanent game for a long time and I routinely go back there for a few weeks.
Good luck to you in FFXIV:ARR and the FATEs, it was the big reason I didn't stay. /salute!
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Good on ya. Though I did not enjoy my time with this title (tedious questing/ did not enjoy the combat system), it's always nice to hear some positive news from the community.
Here's hoping the rest of us bitter husks infused with molten hatred can find a home. Or a boyfriend. Or friends in general.
Brb, buying more cats.
Clever things.
No the problem is people are no longer patient enough to build up to things. They want to be in full button mashing mode in 30 minutes or the game sucks. Sorry I even told my friend he has ADD because if in 3 hours which it took him to get the 13 he does not like the game he was not even patient enough to learn how the game builds on it self as you level. Sorry but no too many people think give it to me all right now or else. I realized that from Phase 2 Beta how everthing builds on it self and teaches you if you are willing to pay attention and do not need fast food like abilities.
I never said you have to wait to enjoy yourself. I'm saying if your enjoyment really depends on pressing many buttons during piss easy encounters (of which all low level MMO encounters are) as if that somehow makes them "better" then you are beyond reason.
If spamming buttons mindlessly is fun in itself then I can understand. My gf's 4-year-old niece likes to smash her little toy keyboard too. Funny noises come out every time! Do you think MMO skills could make funny noises too when you do them?
I hate to say it but that is your own personal feelings. FFXI was great in its time where people who played MMOs played to play with friends. FFXI YOU HAD TO GROUP UP TO LEVEL period and if you were not in a group you didnt go anywhere. I know I played for a good 6 months before WOW launched and I left. As much as you complain how FFXIV is dumbed down version of FFXI, yea but how many people today could do a 17 hour boss fight? Sorry but they cannot. FFXIV works for a lot of people who only have 5 to 10 hours a week. FFXIV also has many tools that push people to group up and even the story line does it. Its up to the people to make the game a social experience. Also the UI is easy to use vs FFXI I can tell you I went back to FFXI before FFXIV came out and the interface and movements I could never get into again. Just like I cannot get into UO Open looting of players bodies. Or the corps run. Yes there is some nostalgia there however weather people like it or not the new games are easier for newer people to get into. Not for the older crowd want really outdated ideas back like FFXI group or die. Or UO open looting, even AA their trade pack looting was BS. Sorry but a lot of these ideas just will never work again in a mmo with any kind of population that will support the game as a P2P game. It will work in a P2W game only because people will spend stupid money.
Sorry FFXIV is the best game on the market. People need to stop knocking it for what it is. Yes Combat might not be your thing that does not mean the game sucks. You dont think the game is as deep as old MMOs, That is your opinion it does not mean the game is bad. Its just you are stuck on your old ways. I know I am stuck in my ways I will never again play a F2P game or an Action combat game. Thats ok the game does not suck for either reason. These are personal feelings and they are not right or wrong. However there are simple fact the old way will not work again in MMOs if you go to the extreme end of things. Too many players myself included just will not deal with these things. I loved UO Pre T2A it does not mean that all games should be like that because honestly that world will not appeal to enough people in a P2P game. P2W like I said yep. however its wallet vs wallet not skill.
Raiding as Bard/Dragoon has brought me more enjoyment than many years of raiding with Hunter/Warrior in WoW. The class design in this game I think is just brilliant.
Why did you not say because of the fates? If thats all you do to level hell yea they get boring but if you have a group of friends that a few times a week you did instances and some times you go back to fate. Hell you even get EXP off T hunts when you are level 40+. Mix it up.
Now, now, you are not playing by the rules. We must only compare low level FFXIV combat to endgame WoW combat.
Oh come on, turning on and off Mage's Ballad takes you a whooping 2.5 second to think? Isn't a quick glance at the MP bar enough to tell? On top of that,isn't it a no brainer to keep tank and healer mana high for healing and taunting?
It's the same for a tank. Their damage mitigation abilities are instant cast and/or off GCD I'm not sure but even if it's not that case does it really need 2.5 second to judge? If you get a boss pattern down (as you must) you know exactly when to use those precious cooldowns.
The problem is not about tab-target, it's all about the astronomically long 2.5 sec GDC. It's there for nothing. No decision in ARR combat needs that much time to think. That's ARR combat weak point for me. Now if ARR has some skillchain/combo/movement/positioning that worth 2.5 second of thinking that's another story (and no, moving out of the boss AOE doesn't count. You just stay out of the boss AOE, no question asked). Too bad it doesn't. It's your good old tab-target rotation combat with 1 extra second GCD.
There we go. Not understanding the GCD is the #1 disease in MMOsphere.
The longer the GCD the more weight each action has. This is a simple concept. If you do skill X you need to wait 2.5 sec + activation time to perform skill Y. If you only have 1 second between skills X and Y there is less weight in deciding which skill to use at any given time.
To put the simple theory into practice, if you do an action in FFXIV you commit to it far more than you commit in any other MMO. If that action is wrong for the situation then you cannot just wait a negligible time and correct your mistake soon enough. And the action being wrong for the situation is not a mere matter of screwing up a simple rotation. The encounters throw different mechanics at you at a speed comparable to any other MMO yet failing to react to them accordingly is more punishing depending on the job. BLM spells have a long casting time - the commitment to each spell is thus far higher than, say, with Monk. For the BLM it is vital to decide when to cast which spells: failing to do so you'll be interrupted by environmental hazards constantly and your DPS will suffer as each failed spell constitutes a major part of your overall DOT. Same goes for the healers - not keeping up with the encounter correctly means you are being punished for 2.5 seconds or more where you can do very little about your mistake. On the other hand jobs like Monk are not punished so much by failing to perform a single skill because their GCD is so much faster that any single skill is a smaller part of their overall DOT.
In the end there is more time to decide which skill to use at any given time. But there is also a bigger punishment for screwing up because each action has relatively more weight to it in an environment where you will be bombarded by mechanics at a speed not unlike any other MMO. You will not see this in the beginning of the game because the beginning of any MMO is simple and easy regardless. The more the encounter demands of the combat the better it gets. This is true for any MMO combat for the most part.
...says the ranged player? As a NIN i have 2.0 seconds(due to huiton buff) to cast a two or three step mudra while at the same time avoiding aoe because I am in melee range of the boss. On top of making slight modifications to my rotation on the fly, I need to watch all my debuff and buff timers, the remaining cooldowns on my instant skills, and worry about the mechanics of the fight (not everyone has every step of T9 memorized after the first couple of tries...). Theres a LOT of stuff going on that you don't have to pay attention to or keep track of compared to games with little or no GCD (yes I have tried almost every single decently popular mmorpg since 2006). However, I will agree with you that certain classes have a lot less things to manage than others (example, my paladin. but at the same time I am happy i don't have much to do because I can concentrate more on the mechanics of the fight)
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Well I said it because I didn't like them. They ruined the immersiveness of what could have been a great game for me. It felt as if the developers didn't want to finish creating content through quests, so they developed this system. The rest of the game was beautiful, it just did't feel like a new home for me.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I might come off as sarcastic or something here, but I assure you I don't mean to.
That being said, isn't there like literally nothing to do progression wise at level 50 other than raiding?
I played for a month after the re-release of ARR, farmed the same 2 dungeons like 100 times for a full set of darklight gear, took down Titan for the epic weapon and then proceeded to clear the first portion of Coil. I also maxed out my Company rank or whatever the fuck it was, and fully cleared those Hunting card thingers. There simply was nothing left to do (I'm not really into crafting or rolling alt classes, etc)
I mean, I haven't played in a long while, or followed the game - but from my understanding if I WERE to go back, I would just be doing all the same shit in new zones - am I wrong? I would log in, probably be like 2-3 tiers behind in gear, so I would maybe grind a new dungeon 100 times to get some updated gear, probably down whatever new Primal is released to upgrade my epic weapon, and do some more raiding in Coil (which I'm assuming is fully open now? maybe)
Is there anything else to do? Again, I'm not really into crafting or releveling (Dragoon is just too awesome) - I mean would there be a point to doing FATEs at 50? Is there any kind of rep grinds? New zones they introduced? I mean I could probably spend hundreds of hours playing Triple Triad in the golden saucer... but why play that in ARR when there's way better Actual TT clients out there haha.
I've heard the PvP is pretty garbage - which I can see since the combat pace of the game is fairly slow and there isn't much CC/Interuptions/Etc (compared to other games anyways)
The reason I'm even asking is because the game is gorgeous, and the expansion looks pretty epic- but I feel like if you aren't playing this game for the Raiding content (or maybe crafting, or leveling all the classes) there isn't much for you to do.
Hildebrand Questline
Seasonal Events
Main Storyline after 50
Moogle Delivery
Retainer Ventures
Eternal Bonding ceremonies
Beast Tribes
Personal and Guild Housing
Chocobo Racing/Training/Breeding
Triple Triad Card tournaments
Gold Saucer events and mini games
Great Hunts
Treasure maps
All worthwhile content imho. Offers unique gameplay and character progression both vertically and horizontally. I engage in about 9 of those activities I listed above and I am easily overwhelmed with content that I cannot complete it all and must choose. There are sub systems in each of those as well which involve other classes and activities (read: interdependency) as well as being part of the player driven economy which is its own meta game in and of itself.
If you dont like the combat stop coming here and complaining about it. Its not about to change. Dont like it go find something else.
That is a personal preference. To me it makes the world more alive because people are running around doing them. You go into WOW and 3 months after an xpac the zones are dead because there nothing going on in them. I think the Fates make the game feel more alive and I dont worry about immersion at that level.
Yea that did suck there storm. However now they have so many more options they have 17 end game dungeons now.