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According to a Twitter post by Star Trek Online's Matt Miller, he has been laid off along with employees of Perfect World Entertainment. We do not know if this is internationally-based or US-based yet and we do not yet know which games and teams have been hit or how many employees have been laid off. We will keep you posted as the story develops.
So I got laid off yesterday, but on the bright side I have more time to practice for the $100k @HexTCG tournament:
— Matt Miller (@MMODesigner) March 17, 2015
Matt Miller worked with the Star Trek Online team and formerly with City of Heroes.
Wait. Once again? How? This is primarily a f2p game developer. Isn't f2p suppose to MAKE money and not lose it? Sorry about people being laid off (been there) but if your games are not making money then something has to give. Perhaps try not calling something "free" since that entails not spending any money. Guess people are taking that free stuff too literally.
Let's party like it is 1863!
Perfect World (neverwinter and star trek) are fairly ok free to play models, but If you want to buy anything you pay at a rate never before seen by man. Want to make a different race than allowed? That'll be 59.00 please. Want to make a dragonborn? That'll be 79.00 please. Want that cool mount? That'll be 30-60 dollars please.
Had an event this weekend that allowed you to get some cool companions and a mount. Cost? 180.00 for it all. This did allow you to spend as little as 20.00 though for a single one of the companions (not the one you might want-- they were in an order of their chosing). Did I just say, "as little as 20.00"? Playing a perfect world game does that to you I guess.
Don't worry, Minsc and Boo will save the day!!!!
'You point, *pay $60.00*, then I punch!'
*sigh* I hate my life...
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
Almost all PW cash shops are that way, although the cryptic games are not quite as bad. A lot of their stuff is P2W.
So much for the f2p making loads of cash, Richard.
I do have empathy for those losing their jobs though.
these types of cash shops don't make sense to me
if your charging the equivalent of a box price for a trivial piece of content like a mount....of course your not going to have a sustainable volume of cash inflow.
No one from Cryptic was affected, as this was purely a PWE based layoff.
I have seen on the STO reddit though, that one of the CMs for Star Trek Online, "CaptainSmirk" was laid off.
If this rumour is true, then it is fantastic news.
PW is the textbook example off a piece of shit P2W publisher. Harsh words, but these people have been at the forefront to spearhead the P2W nightmare that has plagued free to play games. To safeguard the future of the entire MMO genre, this company needs to go broke and fade into oblivion at the soonest possible second.
Even then, this company is but one of the oozing tumours that are steadily sucking the life out of MMOs. But cutting this one off would surely be a start at setting right this ship.
Edit: That previous poster seems to have a similar name as mine. Good thing this isnt one of the forum space where the rabid fanboys patrol. Or I fear I would have been reported multiple times over in a span of two seconds for being a no-good-hater-sock-puppet-enemy-of-the-white-knights-and-the-precious.
A proud User of [[Adblock Plus]], to block out all the bullshit paid advertisements (also read as "game reviews") spam on
Now after release, repeating the very same words from back then would be like preaching to the choir on this site.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Developers that work for Cryptic were laid off.
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STO and Neverwinter (and CO) are run by Cryptic and not PWE, even less pwi
And while I don't like every change got into the games after they went under the PWE umbrella, they're still cool games.
Even if I only have a PWE acc because of Cryptic and I never liked the other games they're publishing (except RaiderZ, that was fun), a layoff is never a "great news to hear". And if it affects the folks at Cryptic too, as Grakulen mentioned above, it's even more unfortunate. At least imo.
Neverwinter is the only MMO that still manages to capture my attention.
It has better action based combat than any of so called action combat MMOs (yes including GW2). Character building is more complex. And the story is by far best (especially if you love D&D). And it has player created content.
You can trade regular curency for premium one
You only need premium currency if you want to get best equipment in the game, which is not mandatory and game can be played easily with regular equipment. No other content is barred.
Remember its f2p game and they have to make money somehow.
The game is packed with players and very active as well.
It would really suprise me if the layoffs are related to this game.
Cryptic is a wholly owned subsidary of PWE. It is a part of PWE, same as any other PWE developer studio.
It is correct to call STO and NWNO run by PWE.
Doh! You got Rekt!!!
Not disagreeing with your points, but, some clarifications:
To (permanently) unlock Dragonborn as a playable race costs $25, not $75. They do also sell a $75 dragonborn pack that has a lot of extras.
The other pay-to-play races are "Menzoberranzan renegade", which is just a drow with cool face tattoos, and "moon elf", which is basically a sun elf but with a Michael Jackson-like pallor. Sun elves and drow are free to play, and just as good as their pay-to-play relations.
As for the $180 deal, I see that as buying all your Zen for the year. You would spend $180 a year on a subscription MMO. For a strictly PvE player though, you don't really need to buy anything, although I would recommend one $30 mount, which is shared account-wide, and a $12 ioun stone for each character (unless you have the promo ioun stone unlock as I do). You may also want to respec occasionally, at $3 a pop, just to keep things fresh.
Now, pricing in the cash shop is a mess. There are terrible deals there for unwary buyers. I think they know it's a mess and they would like to fix it... but they don't have the resources. And now, even fewer resources apparently. Sad news.
I dont consider GW2 action combat, its a hybrid system and its not a good comparison with reticle based combat games.
I like Neverwinter but they killed the action when they decided to root range classes in place to appease the melee whiners that didnt want to be kited. Also having to maintain an enemy highlighted to cast a spell is bs, RaiderZ and ESO made the same mistake. That also takes away from the action when you suddenly cant use your abilities because you dont have a target. Its not a freakin tab target game, or i should say its not a real action combat game, just a tab target with reticle. But i still like the game, play on and off for the PvE and story since the pvp is p2w.
So the column is posted and clearly uses the word........and I quote........"RUMOR". So how is it that people can come in here claiming as fact it's Cryptic or it's PWE? I mean is this a rumor or not? If not, can someone please post their references?
That said, I would love nothing more than for the MT models to be suffering financially. I've seen nothing good come out of them for years.