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Why all the WoW Hate?



  • RoguewizRoguewiz Member UncommonPosts: 711

    WOW quit being fun in November of 2008, or rather, it started to quit being as fun.  In December of 2010, it walked off the cliff.  It hit rock bottom in September of 2012.

    The dead smell kicked in around November 2014


    All IMO of course :)

    Raquelis in various games
    Played: Everything
    Playing: Nioh 2, Civ6
    Wants: The World
    Anticipating: Everquest Next Crowfall, Pantheon, Elden Ring

    Tank - Healer - Support: The REAL Trinity
  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735
    Blizzard make a billion dollars a year from wow and put virtually nothing back into the game. Scumbag company
  • mark2123mark2123 Member UncommonPosts: 450
    Originally posted by nerovipus32
    Blizzard make a billion dollars a year from wow and put virtually nothing back into the game. Scumbag company

    This.  They charge for anything and everything and give nothing away.  Content takes ages to arrive and is paid for by a fraction of the subs, giving them a huge profit.

    With the money Blizz
    d are raking in, they really could add oodles of new content, zones, loot, recipes, classes, races - they just sponge off people who are stupid enough to keep paying.

    I would only come back if they treated customers with respect, put some effort into the game instead of creating ever shrinking environments and instances to supposedly keep people occupied (with their one daily and their Garrison).

    Never seen a company do so well out of delivering ever worsening service and people still willing to pay.

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Exactly as really says Picard, this gas nothing to do with snobbery or any other projected chips on shoulder, it's about valid opinions about a 10 year old game earning 1 billion a year and th devs quite happy to suckle away with minimal investment for the next 10 years. Wether a pkayer enjoys if or not has nothing to do with the arguements raised especially when the answe to the arguement Is not counter arguement, it's fingers in ears and insult flinging.

    Simply put any other game designer that done the same would be open for the same critisism, and blind defense matters little.

    Valid opinion and blind defense? Yeah, don't worry, I had already understood your extremist view about this topic, which is why I made my previous post. What you think is "valid opinion", and what the actual players of WoW think is "blind defense". Only sith deal in absolutes, right?

    And you talk about "insult flinging"?

    If the pot is black, the kettle is a black hole.

    It's all about what I've said... a subset of people who can't be arsed to positively participate in the communities of the games/movies/music/etc... they enjoy, but feel the need to go and lecture others about that they enjoy. Snobs. Zealots. Biggots. Name it as you want, the result is the same. 'You are wrong for what you like' is biggotry. And when people go on other people's forums to tell them they are wrong to like WoW, to enjoy Avatar, to have fun listening to Lady Gaga, or whatever other popular success, they are biggots.

    If everyone on this website was focusing to positively enhance the community of the games they actually enjoy and play instead of spending 90% of their post bashing games they don't even play, this web site would be 1000x better. But that's not going to happen... unlike real life where you can kick nuisances out of your community, the fact that you are anonymous and safe of any kind of meaningful consequences on the Internet will make it so that people will keep on behaving like that. Sad people who don't have anything better to do than to pee in other people's cheerios.

      You dont seem to comprehend that the comments were about blizzard, not the players, not the game, blizzard.  you are the one hating, you are applying hate to individuals who insult the company of the game that you may or may not play.  

    So back to my post again, what is your opinion of blizzards value given for their 1 billion a year revenue - want to answer myself and the last 3 posters who all have the same opinion, or are you going to side step with more vitriolic insults as we must be snobs/losers/haters/ cant have a lifers etc etc

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • eye_meye_m Member UncommonPosts: 3,317

    I can't stand WoW because of the zealous fanboys (some of which are good personal friends) who brag it up as the greatest game ever and all other games are WoW wannabies. Of course they won't try anything else because they are already paying a subscription for WoW and aren't going to start paying a second subscription, so their opinion is a little bias. They act with the same sort of fanatical dedication as a cult member. I've actually had a friend tell me that its my fault that my wife won't get the chance to play the greatest game of all time because I won't play it, like it's some sort of travesty.  I'm sure we've all read the story about the kid stabbing his neighbor because he told him to not get so worked up about it (WoW), that it's just a game. I know lifer EQ players and they are not fanatical like the WoW players I've dealt with.


    I think WoW is an ugly game that breeds contempt for other players and is offensive to what I want from a gaming experience.  I will never play the game, and if it was shut down tomorrow I wouldn't miss it.


    Thanks for asking

    All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.

    I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.

    I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.

    I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by eyelolled

     Of course they won't try anything else because they are already paying a subscription for WoW and aren't going to start paying a second subscription, so their opinion is a little bias.

    I have five MMORPG subscriptions running right now, among which WoW of course.

    So what was your point again?

    Ah yes, nothing, I thought so too.

    Some of us are neither blinded by WoW (because we know better, and played those games way before WoW was released or even in beta) nor blinded by WoW hatred. I guess that makes our opinions quite unbiased, actually, as opposed to those who only hate (and often don't even know what they are talking about).

    yes yes yes wow is wonderful, it has 10 million subs and ofc players who are fans of games are not biased towards games they love to play, all makes perfect sense.  So back to the thread of discussion about blizzard investment policy, care to contribute (beyond people love it and everyone else is haters)

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • MalviousMalvious Member UncommonPosts: 218
    I dont hate WoW, i hate the aids community it has these days.

    Fine, we'll compromise. I'll get my way & you'll find a way to be okay with that.

  • BoredomIsEvilBoredomIsEvil Member Posts: 8
    Originally posted by Tamanous
    Originally posted by Greymantle4
    Originally posted by marcust

    Would you please explain what changed ?

    The game feels fundamentally the same to me.

    Do quests, level up, do 5 mans, do heroics, get raid ready, raid.


    I can answer for me.

    1: They nerfed the leveling game. It's to fast, to easy now. Zero challenge.

    2: They added heirloom gear that ruined battle ground leveling.

    3: They made dungeons all about aoe.

    4: They dumbed down many aspects of the game. Hunter pets, Rogue poisons, reagents for spells, travel, weapon skill leveling, etc....It's all about convenience. Makes the game feel like a kids game.  I could go on but you get my point.


    Thanks for the reality check Grey. Anyone who says the game feels the same now as it did throughout every single expansion is either stoned out of their minds or is flat out lying that they had ever played previous editions ... especially vanilla or BC.

    There was a time when missing even one CC on a trash mob meant a group wipe. It was simply THAT hard and tactical. I am not speaking of the newest expansion due to not having experience in it but ever since BC Wow has been about as challenging as games people play on their smart phones these days.

    This mmo direction is industry wide and the core reason why the genre is where it is today. Blizzard's Wow is simply the posterboy and greatest influence on this change ... something not missed by fans of the genre.

      I never really cared about raiding or group PvE.  Every once in a while me and two friends would do some PvE together.  Where the game shined for my friends and I was PvP.  I loved the PvP in Vanilla.  I had 4 characters in the level 20-30 range just to run around South Shore with and gank.  Do enough SS ganking and soon there would be a fucking War at south shore.  Back then a max level would run into my lvl 30 hunter trap and actually freeze.

      Once crazy gear and changes to mechanics so lower levels couldnt affect higher levels in any way were put in, I was done with the game.  If three level 30s could kill a level 50 I would have been happy.  For some reason they want three level 30s to get 1 shot by 1 aoe from a level 50. I dont call that fun...

  • OriousOrious Member UncommonPosts: 548

    I used to hate wow for the over hype. I've come to terms that it's a decent game and way more MMO than a lot of things currently out, but when it did come out and was over hyped it wasn't my idea of what an MMO should be.

    Forced questing is not a step's still a grind and often times even worse of one. The only questing MMO that hasn't zombified me is ESOs so far. I actually enjoy it for the first time in 10 years.

    Lack of specialized crafting is not a step forward. And I think they dumbed it down even more in Draenor right?

    Allowing someone to easily solo and get almost everything up until max level... not a step forward. Perhaps it should be possible, but it should not be easy. 

    The LARGE increase in gear treadmill...not a step forward. Might as well remove crafting in general if the best gear is dropped from bosses.

    These are all my opinion. What the game did do was combine a lot of mmo "ideas" to its surface, but the depth of most of the ideas are not so present. What they did do was make a very polished game, but it took them WAY AFTER launch for this to occur. It's also a bit annoying that people consider current launches any sort of bad, comparatively. That's fine, though. Things should launch with polish and games are getting better. ESO was mostly fixed in two months.

    On the surface the ideas are great and mesh together, but the lack of depth in particular ideas renders more to be desired. 

    All of these things aren't gamebreaking per se, but I never understood the appeal just as I don't understand the appeal of something like Farmville. Flame me for that comment if you want, but Farmville has more players than most MMOs. Get angry first. Cool off. Then ask yourself why? Sub numbers matter for longevity, but are they truly indicative of a game's depth or just their cutthroat marketing strategy?

    I felt the same way about WoW in terms of the MMO genre as I did with Diablo 3 in terms of it's predecessor. Nowadays Blizzard does the same thing to every genre they get their hands on (not sure about star craft though). I don't hate them for it, but I also don't consider them a step forward in game design. Only a step forward in money catching and business strategy.


  • KendaneKendane Member UncommonPosts: 225

    I think a large part of it is because WoW is the biggest MMO. By that I mean since it is the biggest MMO, you've had a slew of other MMOs referred to as "WoW Clones." People had enjoyed WoW for a time but after awhile they got bored with it and wanted to move to a new type of game. The problem is, as I mentioned before, WoW is the biggest MMO. Since as people have said, it made MMOs "Mainstream" it caught the attention of investors and other suits types, many I think had probably never touched a video game in their lives. So to them, WoW like games was where all the money was at, so they would invest in a company and tell them, make WoW with our own story. So people left WoW to these games and realized they were playing WoW again.

    What I'm getting at here is people blame WoW for ruining the MMO genre. Before WoW you had games like Ultima Online which from what I hear(never played) was more PvP focused without factions. You had EverQuest which is now seen (at least from what I've read) as having a better community due to having to group and the slow leveling making alts less common. You had Dark Ages of Camelot which had 3 way faction PvP will lots a capture points.

    WoW tried blending the most popular of these things while getting rid of the perceived problems. Like EverQuest, some raids were essentially "owned" by top tier guilds that would "accidently" train anyone who took "their" kills. Or camps which again, people would "accidently" train a group and steal a named camp. So Blizzard made instanced zones. Now you don't have to worry about having to fight with others to get that raid boss. If you can get to him, you're guaranteed to have a shot at killing him. Same deal with dungeons. Sometimes in DAoC, one faction (cough) Midgar (cough) would have a significantly larger population and have all the keeps/artifacts while Hibernia and Albion have squat. So instead objectives are in a nice instance where it doesn't effect anyone else but you can still get rewards.

    People complained about these things before WoW came out while others didn't see it as a problem because there were solutions or the price was worth building a community. I kind of think as investors either decide to have developers try something new (which some have with varying success) or just lose interest in the genre and developers have to do more with less (as in making their game unique or stand out) the hate towards WoW will die down.

    The last bit of my rant would be people having to really lower their standards on what is NOT a failure. It seems if I game doesn't "beat" WoW, as in getting 12 million subscribers, the game is a failure. As far as I remember, before WoW, EQ was the king of MMOs and I think its population topped out at around 500,000 players. If people keep their standards of success extremely high, no MMO will succeed and everything will be "dead" within months. Some games did flop and are failures, others having stable communities though.

  • GameboyMarcGameboyMarc Member UncommonPosts: 395
    Been playing on and off since it was released. The only thorn in my side has been trying to find a good guild. I feel I am in a good guild with both factions now. I don't and never hated WoW. Hate is a strong word. I have disliked some things yet not enough to keep me from coming back ;)

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    So back to the thread of discussion about blizzard investment policy, care to contribute (beyond people love it and everyone else is haters)

    Sorry, but back to WHAT? Back to what YOU tried to turn the thread into? Because the OP is definitely not about what you repeat like a leit motiv here.

    So what about we indeed go back to what the thread is about? That would of course imply that you stop posting that stuff over and over again, but we both known that's not going to happen, right? ;)

    I was trying to turn a thread called 'why all the wow hate' thread into a discussion about tangible points like investment v Revenue is a problem it seems lol.  its a common theme - Someone mentions something negative about blizzard and bingo out you people come with your personally offended rituals as if it was you personally that is responsible for Blizzard.  

    I will tell you exactly why i hate Blizzard:

    They invest a lower proportion of their profits than any other AAA mmo company despite being the market leader in terms of subs.

    •  for 1 billion a year they give a couple of raids/dungeons and 2.5 levels of content.
    • they have openly announced they have abandoned any idea of giving wow players a new game in the next 10 years - thats 20 years playing a game created in 2004.

    They game features are so poorly designed features actually destroy each other i.e:

    •  increase in gear gain cadance that has become so extreme that it makes elements of the game unplayable (e.g new player in blues versues tier x veteran in PVP)
    • Garrisons has ruined gathering
    • Gear gain is so fast crafting of gear is pointless.
    • Virtual world is made useless by the power gains.
    There is more, but this is my key issues, so capable of debating?




    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,651

    Personally, I'm just plain tired of WOW. I loved the game and have come back to it a couple times.... but I just want some new adventures in a different MMO now.

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • Electro057Electro057 Member UncommonPosts: 683

    The baddest girl on campus has to watch her back, else she'll get a knife in it. That'd be what we're seeing here. Popularity breeds contempt.

    Not to mention it's cool to like something "before they got big" and hate on if after success, or also to hate on something that's acquired mainstream popularity and success. 

    Basically, B------ Be Jelly. 

    Hipsters be Hating.

    --Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
    NZXT Phantom 410 Case
    Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
    Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
    Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
    Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB

  • mark2123mark2123 Member UncommonPosts: 450
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    So back to the thread of discussion about blizzard investment policy, care to contribute (beyond people love it and everyone else is haters)

    Sorry, but back to WHAT? Back to what YOU tried to turn the thread into? Because the OP is definitely not about what you repeat like a leit motiv here.

    So what about we indeed go back to what the thread is about? That would of course imply that you stop posting that stuff over and over again, but we both known that's not going to happen, right? ;)

    I was trying to turn a thread called 'why all the wow hate' thread into a discussion about tangible points like investment v Revenue is a problem it seems lol.  its a common theme - Someone mentions something negative about blizzard and bingo out you people come with your personally offended rituals as if it was you personally that is responsible for Blizzard.  

    I will tell you exactly why i hate Blizzard:

    They invest a lower proportion of their profits than any other AAA mmo company despite being the market leader in terms of subs.

    •  for 1 billion a year they give a couple of raids/dungeons and 2.5 levels of content.
    • they have openly announced they have abandoned any idea of giving wow players a new game in the next 10 years - thats 20 years playing a game created in 2004.

    They game features are so poorly designed features actually destroy each other i.e:

    •  increase in gear gain cadance that has become so extreme that it makes elements of the game unplayable (e.g new player in blues versues tier x veteran in PVP)
    • Garrisons has ruined gathering
    • Gear gain is so fast crafting of gear is pointless.
    • Virtual world is made useless by the power gains.
    There is more, but this is my key issues, so capable of debating?




    You are spot on here.  We can't have the conversation about the lack of investment because Jean Luc Picard comes jumping out of his tree every time to don his fanboy cape and won't have a word said against the game.  He isn't open to discussion and thus always avoids the issues and simply goes into defence mode about WoW, with hi 5,000 days played, 5 subbed games and no life, clearly.

    Those of us that are cheesed off with Blizzard because they take the money and don't invest in the game have a right to our views, but out he jumps, to shout WoW from the rooftops.  How about just listening and conversing objectively JLP?  Blizzard make a fortune and yet their expacs cost the price of a full game but the content is anything but.  The amount of monthly subs they took from their last MoP patch to the WoD Expac would have easily covered the cost of WoD but no, they charge a full price.  It's a joke.

  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    Originally posted by mark2123
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    So back to the thread of discussion about blizzard investment policy, care to contribute (beyond people love it and everyone else is haters)

    Sorry, but back to WHAT? Back to what YOU tried to turn the thread into? Because the OP is definitely not about what you repeat like a leit motiv here.

    So what about we indeed go back to what the thread is about? That would of course imply that you stop posting that stuff over and over again, but we both known that's not going to happen, right? ;)

    I was trying to turn a thread called 'why all the wow hate' thread into a discussion about tangible points like investment v Revenue is a problem it seems lol.  its a common theme - Someone mentions something negative about blizzard and bingo out you people come with your personally offended rituals as if it was you personally that is responsible for Blizzard.  

    I will tell you exactly why i hate Blizzard:

    They invest a lower proportion of their profits than any other AAA mmo company despite being the market leader in terms of subs.

    •  for 1 billion a year they give a couple of raids/dungeons and 2.5 levels of content.
    • they have openly announced they have abandoned any idea of giving wow players a new game in the next 10 years - thats 20 years playing a game created in 2004.

    They game features are so poorly designed features actually destroy each other i.e:

    •  increase in gear gain cadance that has become so extreme that it makes elements of the game unplayable (e.g new player in blues versues tier x veteran in PVP)
    • Garrisons has ruined gathering
    • Gear gain is so fast crafting of gear is pointless.
    • Virtual world is made useless by the power gains.
    There is more, but this is my key issues, so capable of debating?




    You are spot on here.  We can't have the conversation about the lack of investment because Jean Luc Picard comes jumping out of his tree every time to don his fanboy cape and won't have a word said against the game.  He isn't open to discussion and thus always avoids the issues and simply goes into defence mode about WoW, with hi 5,000 days played, 5 subbed games and no life, clearly.

    Those of us that are cheesed off with Blizzard because they take the money and don't invest in the game have a right to our views, but out he jumps, to shout WoW from the rooftops.  How about just listening and conversing objectively JLP?  Blizzard make a fortune and yet their expacs cost the price of a full game but the content is anything but.  The amount of monthly subs they took from their last MoP patch to the WoD Expac would have easily covered the cost of WoD but no, they charge a full price.  It's a joke.

    You assume that they don't reinvest into the game because the only numbers you have access to are subscription numbers and you see 10 million subs x $15 as pure investment capital, which it is not.  Yes they make a huge profit, but then they are quite possibly the most overhead bloated company in the business.  You all rave about their customer support... well it's not free.  Very few games have any where near the level of customer support as Blizzard does... it can be a plus, when you are having issues, it can be a negative, when you are lacking new content.  You want content out the ying-yang for $15 a month and you think that if they threw all the money back into development that you'd reap some great rewards.  Incorrect, the behemoth that is Blizzard would only add on more infrastructure which in turn costs more money to maintain... thereby reducing the content flow you all think you richly deserve.

    Now if someone actually had a breakdown of where all that money goes, then you could say they are not reinvesting into the game... but since you don't have those numbers, you can merely only speculate.  The one absolute is that the company itself is bloated... and any company that is bloated has a lot of overhead.

    This doesn't mean they aren't making a profit, maybe an indecent profit based on your definition of *value* for your money, but the argument here is not about profit margins but about lack of content... and that my friend, can be the result of many different things, not just cash flow.


  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001

    You assume that they don't reinvest into the game because the only numbers you have access to are subscription numbers and you see 10 million subs x $15 as pure investment capital, which it is not.  

    No i said they had 1 billion a year revenue.

    Yes they make a huge profit, but then they are quite possibly the most overhead bloated company in the business.  You all rave about their customer support... well it's not free.  

    never mentioned it, this is simply part of the cost that comes of the 1 billion a year revenue.

    Very few games have any where near the level of customer support as Blizzard does... it can be a plus, when you are having issues, it can be a negative, when you are lacking new content.  You want content out the ying-yang for $15 a month and you think that if they threw all the money back into development that you'd reap some great rewards.  Incorrect, the behemoth that is Blizzard would only add on more infrastructure which in turn costs more money to maintain... thereby reducing the content flow you all think you richly deserve.

    they have good customer service, thats part of the cost as above.

    Now if someone actually had a breakdown of where all that money goes, then you could say they are not reinvesting into the game... but since you don't have those numbers, you can merely only speculate.  The one absolute is that the company itself is bloated... and any company that is bloated has a lot of overhead.

    This doesn't mean they aren't making a profit, maybe an indecent profit based on your definition of *value* for your money, but the argument here is not about profit margins but about lack of content... and that my friend, can be the result of many different things, not just cash flow.

     yup, thats my point they are perfectly entitled to great profits, but something is amiss with investment, or maybe its gross ineptitude.  1 billion a year is a serious amount of money, considering a brand new state of the art AAA mmorpg with 50-60 levels of content and a new world with modern graphic engines costs about 150 millionish.


    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • BoredomIsEvilBoredomIsEvil Member Posts: 8
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    Originally posted by BoredomIsEvil
    Originally posted by Tamanous
    Originally posted by Greymantle4
    Originally posted by marcust

    Would you please explain what changed ?

    The game feels fundamentally the same to me.

    Do quests, level up, do 5 mans, do heroics, get raid ready, raid.


    I can answer for me.

    1: They nerfed the leveling game. It's to fast, to easy now. Zero challenge.

    2: They added heirloom gear that ruined battle ground leveling.

    3: They made dungeons all about aoe.

    4: They dumbed down many aspects of the game. Hunter pets, Rogue poisons, reagents for spells, travel, weapon skill leveling, etc....It's all about convenience. Makes the game feel like a kids game.  I could go on but you get my point.


    Thanks for the reality check Grey. Anyone who says the game feels the same now as it did throughout every single expansion is either stoned out of their minds or is flat out lying that they had ever played previous editions ... especially vanilla or BC.

    There was a time when missing even one CC on a trash mob meant a group wipe. It was simply THAT hard and tactical. I am not speaking of the newest expansion due to not having experience in it but ever since BC Wow has been about as challenging as games people play on their smart phones these days.

    This mmo direction is industry wide and the core reason why the genre is where it is today. Blizzard's Wow is simply the posterboy and greatest influence on this change ... something not missed by fans of the genre.

      I never really cared about raiding or group PvE.  Every once in a while me and two friends would do some PvE together.  Where the game shined for my friends and I was PvP.  I loved the PvP in Vanilla.  I had 4 characters in the level 20-30 range just to run around South Shore with and gank.  Do enough SS ganking and soon there would be a fucking War at south shore.  Back then a max level would run into my lvl 30 hunter trap and actually freeze.

      Once crazy gear and changes to mechanics so lower levels couldnt affect higher levels in any way were put in, I was done with the game.  If three level 30s could kill a level 50 I would have been happy.  For some reason they want three level 30s to get 1 shot by 1 aoe from a level 50. I dont call that fun...

    This is a good example of blind WoW hatred. A level 30, or even three, NEVER could kill a level 50 unless that level 50 was AFK of course.

    I've been there in WoW beta and on the day of release in Nov. 2004, and that's just lies to try to bash this game.

     No lies at all.  I used to do it all the time in a group of 3 being a hunter, pali, and a rogue.  Before people attained crazy gear dropping a level 50 was doable.  Back then CC could actually land on higher levels. Slowly they changed it so CC was easily resisted.  The only classes that had trouble vs higher levels were pure casters due to spell resist mechanics of which hunter traps and rogue CC wasnt included, so you could easily sap a level 50 mage and drop a hunter freeze trap on him with guaranteed success.  Also level 50 mages had shit for health back then, like around 2500-3000.

      No where did I even say that I hate wow. My post was rational and there was no hatred in it.  This is why WoW fanboys get zero respect because they turn a rational calm post and spout nonsense about it...

  • japormsxjapormsx Member UncommonPosts: 51
    I resubbed to wow every so often to play BG's. but the bot problem is at an all time high nowadays. just unsubbed again.
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