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I want them. Especially for healers and tanks. Imagine two unique utilyties pr. tier for each discipline. Make them mutualy exclusive and maybe make 1 more pvp oriented 1 more pve oriented. That way you can make better/stronger utilyties.
I wouldn't mind loosing a few of the ones we already have tbh. Ex the extra damage to storm/quake could be a dps specific utility, and a healer could get a more healer oriented utility that was locked to dps.
Imo the healer and tank utilyties could be better. I got a smuggler healer and I definedtly feel underwhelmed by the choices I got. However making some great healer utility available for dps is probably a bad idea. So I thought why not make 2 types of utilyties. Each tier get 2 advanced and 4-6 basic. You get to pick 1 advanced and 2 basic pr. tier.
I think that would be stupid. The specific utilities would be so powerful that you must pick them or intentionally gimp your character. That's not a choice at all that's a chore.
That's why I suggested dividing the utilyties in basic and advanced. A basic utility point would not be able to buy an advanced utility. Ofc. you would still need a small selection of utilyties to make us have to choice.
The problem today is imo that too powerfull heal and tank utilyties messes with pvp when given to a dps. Stuns and slows that were specific to a spec before 3.0 now are available to all specs and pvp isn't exactly getting better because of it, probably the opposite.
It doesn't have to be all powerfull ex. tank utilyties. It could be an aoe slow or even a short root mostly directed at pvp. Some of the utilyties we have today could easily be turned into discipline specific utility, the shield on mass taunt ex.
Ofc we need a selection of basic and advanced utilyties for each tier. What I'm looking for is more meaningfull choices. Honestly for a healer most of the utilyties are pretty useless from an endgame pve point of view. It's pretty much a given what utilyties you take as healer and it's only slightly better as tank.