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[Award] General: The Great MMO Face-Off of 2014 - THE FINALS



  • sschruppsschrupp Member UncommonPosts: 696
    Originally posted by Hatkake
    Originally posted by Magjic8ball

    Look, honestly most people on here are like me, they register, create an account, new or another,  and vote for the game they want to win. 

    What I did differently was make other new accounts (like others have as well).  Most of the people in my guild did as well.  We all voted for ESO.  Most of them created accounts and have never posted on here.  A few have.  With our numbers, I guarantee  we are making a difference. 


    Sadly what is the result of you doing what you did is that we get a skewed result in which votes for one game is inflated by the same person voting as if they were several persons.

    The sad thing is that I don't think multi voting was nescessary for "your" game to "win". ESO is a great game and I am certain that if each person voted once that would have been more than enough to rise to the top. Seeing as you and your "entire guild" admittedly have skewed the votes we'll never know. And your "win" will forever be tainted in the perception of  readers of this forum due to your actions.

    Or it would be if we weren't all convinced that you are full of shit.

    All joking aside I don't belive a word you are writing. And I'm quite convinced that what you are trying to do is cast the ESO community in the "villain role" as petty douchebags that would stoop so low as to create fictional accounts in order to win an online popularity contest. 

    I call shenanigans on your actions, sir.

    ESO is a very popular, well made game from a well known franchise and there is no way in hell they'd need multiple fictional accounts in order to win the previous rounds.  (When not pitted against TSW I have voted for ESO for example.)

    Wether you did create multiple accounts or not is insignificant. What is significant is your repeated claims of "misconduct" and I am sure that many like me are seeing through that. 

    I'd give you a "well played" but alas your feeble trolling is anything but.

    Bad show, sir. Bad show.

    Totally agree with you on all points. 


    I have to say kudos for the Lotro community though. It's a good game, and I even have a lifetime sub for it, but I never would have thought it would come so close to ESO in votes. It's so old school in so many ways compared to ESO. 


  • JeminaiJeminai Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Originally posted by rodingo
    Originally posted by Jeminai


    im so confused ><

    That there is based off of forum traffic and not votes.  That is why you are confused. 

    This is probably what you are looking for:

    That is why others are confused.


    not another list!!!! argh! see i assumed what i posted was relevant because its titled "most popular" i wonder if unique hits are a better way to measure it than suspicious account voting and hate mongering.

    as far as mmorpg's own list, yeah i can agree there, dubious as relationships between critics and devs can be, TSW is still a top game. i remember when it copped all the flak, was barely known, more bugs than not!!! its great that more have wandered over to it, but i left endgame like 2 years ago.

    anyway, where is Lotro on these other lists???? somethin aint right... lets say Lotr wins this bollocks... can the "fans" really say its the "more popular" game? or can we all agree alot of ppl just hate ESO?

    it all looks like an exercise in being biased. an unhealthy competition.

    its been love/hate for ESO since the get go, players wanting skyrim2, mmo players mixing into 1player franchise etc. but its well documented that after all the huffing and puffing SOME players come back to ESO and more kept coming, still plenty of huffing windbags out there but their opinions are dated. and about to become even more irrelevant. an established game can obviously win over players with fond memories of playing a game that nonetheless went stale for them. like TSW for me, love it, will i reinstall it? probably not. but theres no question of me not voting for it.

    in the case of LotR, im sorry but the hype and adoration train missed me all together, i logged into it, saw a cash shop, amoungst all the old school aspects and thought...nope. (wow had ruined fantasy for me for a while) but call it a silent achiever, i checked it out based on mediocre reviews.

    you know what i find interesting.. there are console versions of Lotr games, different play styles, 3rd person at least all set in the same universe, obviously a nightmare for continuity to the lore across books, film and then games, but put it in MMO format and everyone is dandy about it.

    take a franchise like elder scrolls with its basically 1st person standard across all releases but lets be honest, massive improvements over the years, put it in an MMO format and its a greek tragedy. 

    worst thing that ever happened to ESO was skyrim lol.

    i was an MMO player and i have hardly spent any time playing skyrim, (one of those, ill get around to it games) so i guess i dont get the bitter taste of comparing skyrim with a totally different aspect of the game set in the same universe. as an MMO player there is original concepts and the game is streamlined to avoid all tedium, no its not perfect. but it could be great its enough for me that they are still improving it.

    love or hate, look at those hits lol twice as much as second place :/
  • JeminaiJeminai Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Originally posted by Hatkake
    Originally posted by Magjic8ball

    Look, honestly most people on here are like me, they register, create an account, new or another,  and vote for the game they want to win. 

    What I did differently was make other new accounts (like others have as well).  Most of the people in my guild did as well.  We all voted for ESO.  Most of them created accounts and have never posted on here.  A few have.  With our numbers, I guarantee  we are making a difference. 


    Sadly what is the result of you doing what you did is that we get a skewed result in which votes for one game is inflated by the same person voting as if they were several persons.

    The sad thing is that I don't think multi voting was nescessary for "your" game to "win". ESO is a great game and I am certain that if each person voted once that would have been more than enough to rise to the top. Seeing as you and your "entire guild" admittedly have skewed the votes we'll never know. And your "win" will forever be tainted in the perception of  readers of this forum due to your actions.

    Or it would be if we weren't all convinced that you are full of shit.

    All joking aside I don't belive a word you are writing. And I'm quite convinced that what you are trying to do is cast the ESO community in the "villain role" as petty douchebags that would stoop so low as to create fictional accounts in order to win an online popularity contest. 

    I call shenanigans on your statements, sir.

    ESO is a very popular, well made game from a well known franchise and there is no way in hell they'd need multiple fictional accounts in order to win the previous rounds.  (When not pitted against TSW I have voted for ESO for example.)

    Wether you did create multiple accounts or not is insignificant. What is significant is your repeated claims of "misconduct" and I am sure that many like me are seeing through that. 

    I'd give you a "well played" but alas your feeble trolling is anything but.

    Bad show, sir. Bad show.


    yet at the same time voters admit to voting against eso out of spite.

    /pushes high horse

  • TequilaFireTequilaFire Member Posts: 5
    Originally posted by Jomsviking
    Originally posted by Azaron_Nightblade
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Magjic8ball

    Look, honestly most people on here are like me, they register, create an account, new or another,  and vote for the game they want to win. 

    What I did differently was make other new accounts (like others have as well).  Most of the people in my guild did as well.  We all voted for ESO.  Most of them created accounts and have never posted on here.  A few have.  With our numbers, I guarantee  we are making a difference. 

    I'd bet most don't really care who wins...

    Quick question though, if that is indeed what you're doing.. Under what motivation? For ESO to win or screw the poll? IF it's for ESO to win why come and announce it? Doesn't make sense, if the motivation is for your game to win, you've given ample reason for a do over... Again doesn't make sense. Unless of course like I said you're trolling the poll.

    There's also a third option you're not really an ESO fan at all and are instead concerned about it being ahead. Either way  none of it makes sense.

    Pretty sure it's a combination of the two. He's looking to discredit the game by making it look like it couldn't win without cheating. It would be interesting to see where his vote actually lay. :P

    I was also under the impression this site cracked down pretty hard on multi-accounters, yet he's still posting. Either way, I'm pretty sure he's violating the terms of the site.

    Majgic8ball's first post in which he claimed that he and his guild had created multiple accounts on MMORPG to vote for ESO was made on the forums for the semi-finals after the voting closed and ESO had won. I copied that post and pasted into a PM which I sent to Bill Murphy, Managing Editor for, and whose name and image are in the introductory post on this thread. His reply was that does not check IP addresses or verify accounts and is not set up to. His attitude was that everybody had the option to create as many accounts as they wanted so that made it fair.

    Majgic8 might be trolling but he started it after ESO had already won the semi-finals and before the finals even started.

    If they do not check for multi account voting I find that quite distressing.

    As a long time forum admin on several sites I am unaware of any forum software that doesn't

    record the timestamp and ip address of every post and poll vote. That is how we ban people

    by ip address for crying out loud. smh

    All it takes is a simple sql query against the database looking for duplicates in a given time period and thread/poll to weed out multiple votes.

    If that is not done, NO result of these polls are valid.

  • shalissarshalissar Member UncommonPosts: 509

    ESO and EvE.

    Could not and cannot stand Funcom's fetish for power creep. TSW has good writing, but if that were the only thing I was looking for in my entertainment, I'd read a book. LotRo is same-y and dated. Unpopular opinion: I'm not a fan of the IP. So to me it's just another themepark.

  • HatkakeHatkake Member Posts: 28
    Originally posted by Jeminai
    yet at the same time voters admit to voting against eso out of spite.

    /pushes high horse

    Indeed. Spitevotes are spitefull. 


    I think ESO has enough of a playerbase to thwart both spitevotes and other stuff without resorting to "multiaccount vote cheating". 

    Don't you?


    The ESO / LOTRO vote looks to be another nailbiter while the TSW / EVE vote looks set for TSW domination. Regardless the end result I'm sure us fanbois of our individual games are very proud of having gotten this far. 

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one that have gotten an urge to try one of the others after following this vote ;)


    Go TSW!

    "You could call it a psychotic experience, but she was very happy about it," van Os said. "There isn't always a need for care when there's an instance of psychosis."

  • PaskePaske Member UncommonPosts: 135

    I find it funny how people will go out of their way to bash ESO.

    Completley ignoring fact there is a large player base enjoying this well made game.


    Yey, yes launch was horrible.

    But any MMO gaming veteran knew it will be that way. Thats how it is every time.


    Zenimax is really litsening to their player base. Not bowing to every player whim, but cherry picking. Also new things / content is coming wth amazing speed.


    Truth be told I left ESO at one point to play WOD. Month later Im back in ESO. Its simply better and more fun with many good thing coming.


    I feel sad for you people bashing ESO on basis of first seven days and Angry Joe / Stea, reviews. Some people actually bought the game and gave it a bad review after 15 - fifteen - minutes of played on STEAM. Their money. But it makes me feel sad for what little pleasure they have in life if this is highlight of their month.

  • silkakcsilkakc Member UncommonPosts: 381

    LoTRO  because it's a beautiful, classy game.


    I wish Turbine had put a message in their launcher . They didn't need to in the other rounds but it may have helped in this one.



  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593
    Originally posted by TalulaRose
    My vote for Lotro is a vote against ESO.

    Funny, for me it was the opposite. Probably because I hold Lord of the Rings at a much higher regard than Elder Scrolls and Lord of the Rings Online is a travesty even though Elder Scrolls Online is a pretty poor and shallow game as well.

    EVE got my vote as being the only viable sandbox MMO which has stood the test of time. ArcheAge turned out to be a shameless Pay to Win cash grab.

  • JeminaiJeminai Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Originally posted by Hatkake
    Originally posted by Jeminai
    yet at the same time voters admit to voting against eso out of spite.

    /pushes high horse

    Indeed. Spitevotes are spitefull. 


    I think ESO has enough of a playerbase to thwart both spitevotes and other stuff without resorting to "multiaccount vote cheating". 

    Don't you?


    The ESO / LOTRO vote looks to be another nailbiter while the TSW / EVE vote looks set for TSW domination. Regardless the end result I'm sure us fanbois of our individual games are very proud of having gotten this far. 

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one that have gotten an urge to try one of the others after following this vote ;)


    Go TSW!


    in all honesty, none of it matters, games are a matter of personal taste nowadays, having so many options. eso has had to cop flak since day dot, doesnt matter to its player base if it continues to cop it. the community keeps expanding anyway. and luck too all games out there, each to their own. except AA. that is a shameless cash grab by devs that have no intention of expansion. :P

  • JeminaiJeminai Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Originally posted by silkakc

    LoTRO  because it's a beautiful, classy game.


    I wish Turbine had put a message in their launcher . They didn't need to in the other rounds but it may have helped in this one.




    just out of curiosity, what is your opinion of ESO?

  • JeminaiJeminai Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Originally posted by Hatkake
    Originally posted by Jeminai
    yet at the same time voters admit to voting against eso out of spite.

    /pushes high horse

    Indeed. Spitevotes are spitefull. 


    I think ESO has enough of a playerbase to thwart both spitevotes and other stuff without resorting to "multiaccount vote cheating". 

    Don't you?


    The ESO / LOTRO vote looks to be another nailbiter while the TSW / EVE vote looks set for TSW domination. Regardless the end result I'm sure us fanbois of our individual games are very proud of having gotten this far. 

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one that have gotten an urge to try one of the others after following this vote ;)


    Go TSW!


    you may find fantasy a refreshing change after tsw. i played lots of shooters after tsw, spent some time back in SWTOR but i didnt plan on playing fantasy again so soon after pandas. but eso grabbed me, ive already tried most of the others, yes i have more dollars than sense when buying games, but my opinion about them is my own. again, its about taste. its a sad outlook with all these heated forums but i wonder what fuels it? what are we as gamers protecting our favourite games from? as long as the trolls/cheats/spammers and bots stay out of the games i enjoy im happy. and if that means being less popular...then i vote WoW the best game that ever was, is and will ever be!!!!

  • DagothUr1994DagothUr1994 Member Posts: 1

    Voted for ESO. LOTRO sucks so much... Graphics are ugly , story is lame and there's no 1st person.

    [mod edit]


    Go Lotro!


  • XerenixXerenix Member UncommonPosts: 237
    Originally posted by silkakc

    LoTRO  because it's a beautiful, classy game.


    I wish Turbine had put a message in their launcher . They didn't need to in the other rounds but it may have helped in this one.





    However, LoTRO  have sent out a tweet  when a new vote appeared and this one was only tweeted last night in my time.

  • Rivan12Rivan12 Member UncommonPosts: 28

    This is really starting to be a contest between ESO and LoTRO.   Both games I have spent subscription money and many hours playing.   The current state of the games should really be the deciding factor in your voting.    

    NOT nostalgia (a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.)

    IF I was voting for nostalgic purposes only I am pretty sure I would go with LoTRO.  I have tons of great memories and friends and often think of those times and my fellow Kin.  LoTRO played a nice part in a chunk of my life a few years back.

    Alas, LoTRO was corrupted by the power of the One True Greed.   F2P and the cash shop that is LoTRO now doesn't deserve my vote.


    ESO is already a great game, its getting progressively better over time.  It absolutely was never ever terrible as many reviewers stated after a few hours playing.   (REALLY guys, how the hell does a MMO get reviewed and taken seriously with a few hours of play time invested???  This happens time and time again all through the genre.)   I actually contend that the launch though bumpy was no where near as bad as many claim.   We all have seen worse.  

    I have been playing pretty much daily since launch, besides patches and waiting for new content downloads....I have seen the server down for a combined total of nearly 5 hours.  All in one day, all near launch and to fix a major game breaking bug.   

    Bugs squashed ---Check but always a battle in any MMO.

    Bots destroyed---Oh yea I remember those guys, haven't seen one since end of month 2.

    Content ---Very Regular, massive and part of the sub.  These content patches honestly are so large sometimes (Especially upcoming Champion/Justice updates) other games would have packaged them in a expansion pack and retailed them.

    Playerbase---Healthy and growing if my eyes are a measuring tool and I am not seeing things.


    ESO "Where the future is so bright you gotta wear shades"  

  • Jordanpete24Jordanpete24 Member Posts: 1
    Originally posted by Jomsviking
    Originally posted by Azaron_Nightblade
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Magjic8ball

    Look, honestly most people on here are like me, they register, create an account, new or another,  and vote for the game they want to win. 

    What I did differently was make other new accounts (like others have as well).  Most of the people in my guild did as well.  We all voted for ESO.  Most of them created accounts and have never posted on here.  A few have.  With our numbers, I guarantee  we are making a difference. 

    I'd bet most don't really care who wins...

    Quick question though, if that is indeed what you're doing.. Under what motivation? For ESO to win or screw the poll? IF it's for ESO to win why come and announce it? Doesn't make sense, if the motivation is for your game to win, you've given ample reason for a do over... Again doesn't make sense. Unless of course like I said you're trolling the poll.

    There's also a third option you're not really an ESO fan at all and are instead concerned about it being ahead. Either way  none of it makes sense.

    Pretty sure it's a combination of the two. He's looking to discredit the game by making it look like it couldn't win without cheating. It would be interesting to see where his vote actually lay. :P

    I was also under the impression this site cracked down pretty hard on multi-accounters, yet he's still posting. Either way, I'm pretty sure he's violating the terms of the site.

    Majgic8ball's first post in which he claimed that he and his guild had created multiple accounts on MMORPG to vote for ESO was made on the forums for the semi-finals after the voting closed and ESO had won. I copied that post and pasted into a PM which I sent to Bill Murphy, Managing Editor for, and whose name and image are in the introductory post on this thread. His reply was that does not check IP addresses or verify accounts and is not set up to. His attitude was that everybody had the option to create as many accounts as they wanted so that made it fair.

    Majgic8 might be trolling but he started it after ESO had already won the semi-finals and before the finals even started.

    That's odd, because one of the website rules is exactly:

    "Multiple Accounts

    • If the staff of discovers that a user is creating and/or using multiple accounts, that user, and all accounts, both past and present, will be banned from"
    Now that doesn't mean that banning them would take away the votes of all of those accounts, but still, they should be banned, as it says they will be.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] CommonPosts: 0
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • riohtrioht Member Posts: 1
    ESO deserves this win. The game is absolutely amazing and the amount of work and dedication shown by ZoS to address player concerns/issues is outstanding.

    To all you gamers who hate on ESO without playing it, or basing your opinion on your beta experience...

    Try it.

    90% of the negative comments are from ignorant players who have never played the game let alone seen the development and content added.

    Best MMO I've played in a long long time and as a fan of both ES and MMO its perfect IMO.
  • XerenixXerenix Member UncommonPosts: 237
    Originally posted by Rivan12

       The current state of the games should really be the deciding factor in your voting.    

    Not entirely true.

    This is nothing more than a popularity contest  and the fact that you enjoy a game more over the other no matter how the game looks is what should be the deciding factor in voting unless you haven't played any of them then the direction/state of the games should be the factor.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    lotor is getting a vote every 5 minutes image
  • DestironDestiron Member CommonPosts: 5
    Im sure there are plenty of spote votes, but those are definitely not taking the vote.  LOTRO crushed Eve, EQ, and Aion without anyone claiming hate voters, why cant LOTRO beat ESO and WoW without them?  This competition has a lot to do with how passionate the player bases are, and I (someone who currently plays both games) can say that LOTRO has a smaller but more passionate fan base than ESO and I am pretty sure it is a lot more passionate than WoW.
  • HatkakeHatkake Member Posts: 28

    I see EVE votes are picking up last couple hours.

    It's strange. I am sort of rooting for you lot to get some more votes so the tally will be more even but at the same time I really don't want you to win over my beloved TSW :D

    The suspense is getting ... um ... suspensier? Time for a bear or ten methinks.




    "You could call it a psychotic experience, but she was very happy about it," van Os said. "There isn't always a need for care when there's an instance of psychosis."

  • rapier17rapier17 Member Posts: 1

    Thought I might as well make a post as to why I voted the way I did. Yes I know, a recent account, and yes I did make it just to vote - this is not a site/forum I'd visit often, if ever, I just wished to support my prefered game(s).


    My first vote goes to Lord of the Rings Online for several reasons. Firstly I've played LotRO a lot - I played the Beta, I played from launch day and I've had a smashing time with it over the years, whether following the main story or roleplaying with friends. Mechanically not the best MMO out there, even when it launched there were bits I didn't like that persist to today.

    Why didn't I vote for ESO? I've never played it and have no intention of playing it, so I could only fairly vote for the game I have experience of. I love the Elder Scrolls games but never for the lore or the nature of the world itself. I love playing them as a 'walking simulator' if you will, an extreme edition, perhaps, but I have to mod them heavily to get as much of the fantasy 'rubbish' (subjective) out as I can so that there are sensible, practical, efficient weapons & armour in the world - it's just a massive bugbear for me. Anyway, I won't be playing this game, if ever I feel.


    EVE & TSW. This one was easy, I went for TSW. I had some fantastic times in EVE, some thrilling and exciting moments, often when transporting goods to nul sec for corporations - inevitably battles would appear just before, during or right after I'd turn up!

    However TSW is, I find, brilliant. Yes the combat is clunky and wonky at times, it's not new player friendly and graphically it's not super-astoundingly-amazing. Yes, people talk about the story & the missions, which are fantastic (especially the Investigation missions) but there's something that stands out superbly for me. I'd never felt scared in an MMO and TSW has managed to spook me several times. I'm a terrible coward when it comes to horror - I managed 20 minutes of Amnesia before I had to stop playing (and uninstall it and never touch it again) and no MMO has ever really bothered to try and scare me - oh I might get surprised by someone attacking me in WPvP, for example, but that's not the same.

    TSW has managed to thrill & scare me several times through brilliant use of sound & lighting. There are several missions I can think of that, even though I know what to expect and have completed them several times, still send a chill up my spine. That, to me, is brilliance and I feel worth mentioning.

    I think the community is also brilliant in TSW. Friendly, helpful, eager to go out of their way to help others and rather accepting of roleplayers too, which is rather nice especially after the amount of abuse I've seen levelled at RPers in other MMOs over the years.

  • Vulpi42Vulpi42 Member Posts: 1
    Couldn't have said it better myself.
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