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Was browsing reddit when I found this:
Then I found out someone was streaming the outside of the players FC home and wow....I've never seen a server come together like this in any MMO I've ever played. The game actually can't display the amount of people there.
The player is close to passing away, the players you saw have gathered outside his FC (Guild) house to pay respect.
A similar thing took place some months back when a RL (and in-game) friend of my FC leaders passed away, at a very young age (they were only in their 20s). We held a memorial walk for them, starting at our FC house, and crossing into just about every zone in the game, ending up at the beach at Costa Del Sol.
Along the way, people asked what was going on and, as it was explained, they offered their condolences and some even joined the walk for a while, and then paid their respects again before leaving.
One person asked "wtf is this?" as we walked by (there was a lot of us, a pretty darn long line) and - though there wasn't really anything bad with what they asked - they apologized for being rude when it was explained, and paid their respects.
All in all a very moving event. I know it meant a lot to my FC leaders. It was difficult to not choke up at times.
It's nice when a community can come together like that and be respectful, even toward someone they don't actually know at all, in-game or otherwise.