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Recommended control system for this game

d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878

What's the best controller set-up for this game.


I've been reading up and just trying to find out what you guys think. I haven't used a joystick before, not since Atari days :D anyway, so I'm not sure what's good now.


Some people were talking about the Saitek X52, but it's not cheap and I'm not even sure I'm going to get this game. I could also use it to improve my game of War Thunder.


Any other set ups that you guys who are playing this using?


EDIT: I found this article post --


I'm getting real tempted by both the controller and the game. Is this the onset of insanity?


  • nbtscannbtscan Member UncommonPosts: 862
    I've honestly been getting by alright with keyboard and mouse.  I had to mess with the mouse sensitivity a bit and it took a little bit for the muscle memory to click. (like not moving the mouse left and right to actually move left and right)  I have a Razer Naga so I mapped some of the most commonly used hotkeys to my mouse buttons.  (landing gear, FSD charge, deploy hard points)
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502

    A joystick definitely adds to the game, I would seriously recommend buying/using one if you can.

    I'm using a T.16000m + Logitech G13 and happy with the options it gives me, if I could justify the outlay I'd purchase a CH throttle and CH fighterstick, bombproof kit compared to the saitek gear.

  • Personally using an X52 Pro. It's a great mid-range HOTAS. A friend of mine says keyboard + mouse works well, but haven't tried it myself. If I was low on money I'd probably still get a cheap stick just for immersion purposes. And complement it with the keyboard.

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by EvilC
    I've been using just the basic Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. It's got enough buttons for all the really important stuff I need to do while flying, and works great.

    I use this one also, i do have a few keys mapped to the joystick, but i've found it more effective to keep the manoeuvring thrusters assigned to the keyboard, there are 4 of them after all, plus another 3 that control velocity, i did assign boost to the joystick though, and while you can use the joysticks thrust lever to control velocity, i've found that using the keyboard keys is more precise, particularly if you have to change velocity in a hurry, which is almost always, not just in combat, but chasing down ores when mining, or just general picking up of random flotsam. image

  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    Originally posted by Axxar

    Personally using an X52 Pro. It's a great mid-range HOTAS. A friend of mine says keyboard + mouse works well, but haven't tried it myself. If I was low on money I'd probably still get a cheap stick just for immersion purposes. And complement it with the keyboard.

    What does the Pro model give you compared to the regular X52?


    I know I could compare the feature lists myself, but since you've actually had your hands on one,  I mean specifically in terms of playing Elite.

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    A joystick makes it alot easier thats for sure and you dont have to buy those expensive ones, I'm using a 30 dollar joystick and it works perfectly.

  • Originally posted by d_20
    Originally posted by Axxar Personally using an X52 Pro. It's a great mid-range HOTAS. A friend of mine says keyboard + mouse works well, but haven't tried it myself. If I was low on money I'd probably still get a cheap stick just for immersion purposes. And complement it with the keyboard.
    What does the Pro model give you compared to the regular X52?


    I know I could compare the feature lists myself, but since you've actually had your hands on one,  I mean specifically in terms of playing Elite.

    I haven't tried the regular one, but from what I read before deciding on the Pro is that the stick handles a little better, and it has more metal parts over plastic. I think the regular one looks cooler, though.
  • SybnalSybnal Member Posts: 261

    As far as I know the difference between the x52 and the pro are the colors, the pro has some higher quality plastics for some parts and an extra spring in the stick.

    My advice though, if you are going to spend 120-160 on the x52 just spend a little more and get the x55 Rhino.  However, having said that.  I'd stay away from both of them.  The Rhino has user reviews all over the place complaining about quality and stuff breaking (this was the first run of the product they may have improved it) and the x52 is loose as hell.  My friend had to magnet mod his twice right out of the box just to bring it up to par with is cheap $20 logitech.  I've also had multiple saitek/mad katz products and they have all been shite. I had to send a joystick back twice because the buttons kept snapping off.  Their customer service is decent though, with the quality of the products they sell it doesn't surprise me, they probably get lots of practice.

    I'd recommend the Tflight Hotas X by Thrustmaster.   It's got a full sized throttle, the unit separates if you want the throttle and stick on either side of you, plenty of buttons that you can bind or use as modifiers giving you endless options for mapping keys and it also has a tension dial for the joystick itself so you can adjust it to your taste.

    The best part is the 40 dollar price tag.  If you find you are playing hundreds of hours of flight sims you can always upgrade to something else.  Saves you a bunch of money if you don't end up using a joystick very often and you are left with a 200 dollar paper weight if you buy something pricey right off the bat.



  • HolyAvengerOneHolyAvengerOne Member UncommonPosts: 708

    Trustmaster X Flight :


    It got great reviews; definitely a great buy for the price. I'm very satisfied!

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751
    Personally between the voice commands and my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro... only thing I gotta go is hit shift, e every once in a while to initiate docking.  I was debating my N52 but I dunno if that'd help or just be annoying.
  • NyteWytchNyteWytch Member UncommonPosts: 53
    So far loving the Thrustmaster T-16000M and Voice Attack.


  • ArawulfArawulf Guest WriterMember UncommonPosts: 597
    I haven't used a flight stick since the 80's but I just picked up the Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X for just under $50 and although I'm still getting used to it, I've found it to help make the game feel more arcade like. Now I'm looking at head tracking systems so I can see what's happening side to side or above me while flying w/ the flightstick and throttle. Man, this game has my nerd circuits going into over load!
  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878

    I'm downloading the game right now, but I won't be able to play for a couple of days. I went ahead and ordered a Thrustmaster, because in the country where I am now it will take a couple of weeks to get an X52 and I've seen some good reviews of the Thrustmaster.


    I may get a more expensive hotas next year when Star Citizen comes out -- maybe then get the Saitek X52. I'm sure the Thrustmaster will get a lot of use between E:D and War Thunder this year!


    And yes, NyteWytch, I have heard of Voice Attack and it looks good. I will think about getting it, but it's a serious nerd hurdle for me to jump over. Let's see how immersed I get and how I do with hotkeys. I have no idea what it will be like right now.


    Thanks for the advice and information, everyone.

  • SkaldirSkaldir Member UncommonPosts: 48

    Stay away from Saitek, very bad quality assurance. With their products you need to be lucky to get a working joystick, just take a look at the numerous reviews on the X52 and X55: breaking, loose stick etc. I was stupid enough to buy an X55, it came DAO, the stick was loose, it didn't center automatically since the spring was too weak and the washer was too tight (lubricant didn't fix it).

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751
    Originally posted by d_20

    And yes, NyteWytch, I have heard of Voice Attack and it looks good. I will think about getting it, but it's a serious nerd hurdle for me to jump over. Let's see how immersed I get and how I do with hotkeys. I have no idea what it will be like right now.

    The best part of Voice Attack is it works on multiple games... so it isn't like it's one size fits all.. you program it to do voice commands.. it's rather awesome.

    If you don't use it for this.. perhaps Star Citizen, or Eve, or any number of other programs wherein set commands work well with scripts.

  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,647
    Originally posted by d_20

    I'm downloading the game right now, but I won't be able to play for a couple of days. I went ahead and ordered a Thrustmaster, because in the country where I am now it will take a couple of weeks to get an X52 and I've seen some good reviews of the Thrustmaster.


    I may get a more expensive hotas next year when Star Citizen comes out -- maybe then get the Saitek X52. I'm sure the Thrustmaster will get a lot of use between E:D and War Thunder this year!


    And yes, NyteWytch, I have heard of Voice Attack and it looks good. I will think about getting it, but it's a serious nerd hurdle for me to jump over. Let's see how immersed I get and how I do with hotkeys. I have no idea what it will be like right now.


    Thanks for the advice and information, everyone.

    Good call the t16000m uses the same hall sensors as the warthog thus very accurate, the x52 looks good but are really bad poopy and poor quality for the price, the accuracy on them blows nuggets and they are made cheap.


    Seriously I don't know how people can recommend them unless they do not know what they are talking about and haven't had any other quality hotas/sticks.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • redcap036redcap036 Member UncommonPosts: 1,230
    Originally posted by Illudo

    Stay away from Saitek, very bad quality assurance. With their products you need to be lucky to get a working joystick, just take a look at the numerous reviews on the X52 and X55: breaking, loose stick etc. I was stupid enough to buy an X55, it came DAO, the stick was loose, it didn't center automatically since the spring was too weak and the washer was too tight (lubricant didn't fix it).

    WoW, first I've heard anyone say that about the X55, I bought mine just to play Elite and Star Citizen and have not looked back nor regretted my $300 buy since. The throttle and joystick are nice and solid it's centres it self nicely and the choice of springs it came with let me choose how strong or weak i wanted it, I don't know what you did to yours but it does not sound like it was brand new out of the box.


    I totally recommend the Saitek X55 for Elite and Star Citizen, especially for Elite, as it makes dodging interdiction very easy and docking is a dream with it.

  • EleazarosEleazaros Member UncommonPosts: 206
    Originally posted by redcap036
    Originally posted by Illudo

    Stay away from Saitek, very bad quality assurance. With their products you need to be lucky to get a working joystick, just take a look at the numerous reviews on the X52 and X55: breaking, loose stick etc. I was stupid enough to buy an X55, it came DAO, the stick was loose, it didn't center automatically since the spring was too weak and the washer was too tight (lubricant didn't fix it).

    WoW, first I've heard anyone say that about the X55, I bought mine just to play Elite and Star Citizen and have not looked back nor regretted my $300 buy since. The throttle and joystick are nice and solid it's centres it self nicely and the choice of springs it came with let me choose how strong or weak i wanted it, I don't know what you did to yours but it does not sound like it was brand new out of the box.


    I totally recommend the Saitek X55 for Elite and Star Citizen, especially for Elite, as it makes dodging interdiction very easy and docking is a dream with it.

    I bought the game but waited for my X-55 to arrive before starting to play in a more serious fashion.  Keyboard & mouse?  Too many buttons spread across the entire keyboard!  Game Controller?  It worked but, again, I kept having to go to the keyboard and mouse a lot to do things.  Not with the HOTAS.

    The first thing I did was loosen up the wheel on the throttle.  That thing was tight.  Next I replaced the spring in the joystick with one of the medium weight springs - the red one seemed floppy and the stock one in it seemed a bit tight but they do give you the springs and swapping it was easy.

    After that I downloaded the software and set a dead-zone (50) for the joystick.

    Since then - no problems and it is great in Elite.  Elite comes with a good number of profiles for various controllers and the default one isn't bad.  

    I *HATE* having to program controllers and the like but I've modified it a bit as I play - moved the fire-group forward and backward buttons to the 2 gray ones on the front of the throttle, moved the cargo scoop to the pinky toggle on the throttle, next to the fire-group control.

    I chose not to get pedals and that's why I also chose to get one of these - the twist of the joystick works excellent and it's just 2 limbs in use vs 4 to play the game.

  • redcap036redcap036 Member UncommonPosts: 1,230
    Originally posted by Eleazaros
    Originally posted by redcap036
    Originally posted by Illudo

    Stay away from Saitek, very bad quality assurance. With their products you need to be lucky to get a working joystick, just take a look at the numerous reviews on the X52 and X55: breaking, loose stick etc. I was stupid enough to buy an X55, it came DAO, the stick was loose, it didn't center automatically since the spring was too weak and the washer was too tight (lubricant didn't fix it).

    WoW, first I've heard anyone say that about the X55, I bought mine just to play Elite and Star Citizen and have not looked back nor regretted my $300 buy since. The throttle and joystick are nice and solid it's centres it self nicely and the choice of springs it came with let me choose how strong or weak i wanted it, I don't know what you did to yours but it does not sound like it was brand new out of the box.


    I totally recommend the Saitek X55 for Elite and Star Citizen, especially for Elite, as it makes dodging interdiction very easy and docking is a dream with it.

    I bought the game but waited for my X-55 to arrive before starting to play in a more serious fashion.  Keyboard & mouse?  Too many buttons spread across the entire keyboard!  Game Controller?  It worked but, again, I kept having to go to the keyboard and mouse a lot to do things.  Not with the HOTAS.

    The first thing I did was loosen up the wheel on the throttle.  That thing was tight.  Next I replaced the spring in the joystick with one of the medium weight springs - the red one seemed floppy and the stock one in it seemed a bit tight but they do give you the springs and swapping it was easy.

    After that I downloaded the software and set a dead-zone (50) for the joystick.

    Since then - no problems and it is great in Elite.  Elite comes with a good number of profiles for various controllers and the default one isn't bad.  

    I *HATE* having to program controllers and the like but I've modified it a bit as I play - moved the fire-group forward and backward buttons to the 2 gray ones on the front of the throttle, moved the cargo scoop to the pinky toggle on the throttle, next to the fire-group control.

    I chose not to get pedals and that's why I also chose to get one of these - the twist of the joystick works excellent and it's just 2 limbs in use vs 4 to play the game.

    I started using Voice attack with the game as well as my X55, between the two it really brings in a good immersion feel to the game, a bit of Miles Davis play'n in the background and I'm set to lite up a cigar and start my trade run, only thing i miss from the original game was the ability to look out the cameras located on the sides of the ship, the game use to have a camera for each side, not talking Track ir which is fine and fun as well, don't know why they did do for this version of the game, would have been nice.

  • SkaldirSkaldir Member UncommonPosts: 48

    Like I said, it was brand new and it came DOA, that is typical for Saitek, bad quality assurance. They do not fully check their batches and most of the time some are not working properly. Here you can see a common issue with Saitek's sticks, just like I had: Many people in the comments also have this problem and Saitek advises to sent it back and get a replacement (not a good sign to me).

    Just because your X52 or X55 works doesn't mean it's a good stick (read the Star Citizen forums for more on this stick's issues).

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