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[Award] General: The Great MMO Face-Off of 2014 - Quarterfinals



  • RobaiRobai Member Posts: 1
    Originally posted by sumdumguy1
    Sad to see Dungeons and Dragons Online in this group.  How it beat the original Guild Wars is beyond all common understanding to me. Not saying DD was a bad game but I can't put it in the same class as GW.

    Lol, DDO is the best game. It's the most complex game I've ever played. So much replayability and so much fun (you can reach lvl cap and reincarnate to different class or race and after each life you become more powerful). It's 100% free game, you can unlock all the stuff while playing that game. It's both - the best and 100% free. Don't believe me? Join Orien server, mail to Robai and I'll explain more if interested.

  • Leon1eLeon1e Member UncommonPosts: 791 should make such contests more often :D 

    Look at the amount of newly registered users, trying to rig the results. 

    Thanks to you idiots we can't have nice things, you know ... like an honest reflection of the community's opinion.

    Multi-accounting ftw!

  • SwaneaSwanea Member UncommonPosts: 2,401

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed LotRO a TON and love the whole story. 


    But to say that WoW hasn't ALLOWED for 99% of MMOs released since them to be...well SILLY.

    WoW has DEFINED the genre.  It is often popular to hate the popular, it's the HIPSTER thing to do!

    I'm sure Blizzard and all it's fans and players will look at this thread and voting, recalling the hundreds of threads that state that WoW is Dying/dead and just smile and nod.

    A Major victory for Lotro and/or Eve!

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Leon1e should make such contests more often :D 

    Look at the amount of newly registered users, trying to rig the results. 

    Thanks to you idiots we can't have nice things, you know ... like an honest reflection of the community's opinion.

    Multi-accounting ftw!

    Lol @ playing the "that's why we can't have nice things" card...


    But yeah, lots of new accounts just for this poll... loved especially the one above with 1 post to his name complaining about Turbine spoof accounts :)


    A highly entertaining thread

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • ArthasmArthasm Member UncommonPosts: 785
    Wizard 101 or something won last year (or 2012?) award for best MMORPG(?). So, this isn't too bad.
  • AkumawraithAkumawraith Member UncommonPosts: 370
    bleh, how the hell is ESO beating Planetside 2? With all the complaints of bugs, glitches, broken quests, and other crap so many players probably voted for ESO only because they never played Planetside 2. What a bad matchup...
    And damn its good to see WoW crash and burning.. get it off the list and good riddance! I cannot believe it made it to this level as crappy and dumbed down that game has become.

    Played: UO, LotR, WoW, SWG, DDO, AoC, EVE, Warhammer, TF2, EQ2, SWTOR, TSW, CSS, KF, L4D, AoW, WoT

    Playing: The Secret World until Citadel of Sorcery goes into Alpha testing.

    Tired of: Linear quest games, dailies, and dumbed down games

    Anticipating:Citadel of Sorcery

  • WilliboldWillibold Member UncommonPosts: 4
    Hmmmmm, seems to me that there are a lot of strong opinions on this site. As far as I am concerned , and I have played all of the above games with the exception of EVE, DDO is still the better game.It has greater depth of character creation and your choices DO influence how your game plays, and it does not lead you by the nose from adventure to adventure, you go at your own pace. If Turbine pushed more (some) advertising out there it might actually be a much bigger game.That it has got as far as it has is due not to turbine voting for itself but due to the fans voting for the game. And as it has a smaller fanbase thats going some. Too old to be a fanboi so possibly an old fart, but I do enjoy my gaming. GL & HF
  • TamorandTamorand Member UncommonPosts: 18
    DDO made it this far? Way to go!


  • TheWeazleTheWeazle Member Posts: 10
    Originally posted by Despair9
    Originally posted by PaRoXiTiC

    Everyone keeps saying "Popularity Contest", but wouldn't the "Most Popular" MMO be the best MMO? Isn't that the reason it is so "popular" in the first place?

    The best game will win this competition because it is just that, the best game. If a game is popular it is because it is good. You guys are idiots.

    So Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world? Thought so. WoW is the most casual, dumbed down and the most accessible MMO (outdated graphics). On top of that also MMO that is aimed at the youngest demographic group. So no popularity has nothing to do with the quality of a game, WoW is just like Justin Bieber, the most hated MMO ever created.


    Hahaha. Nail on the head. The only selling point of WoW is the number of subscribers it has. Like Kim Kardashian it's just famous for being famous.

  • achala22achala22 Member UncommonPosts: 5
    and the winner is.....WOW... "wow" what a surprise :)
  • DarkintellecDarkintellec Member UncommonPosts: 32
    Originally posted by Torvaldr
    Originally posted by rygard49
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    LotRo beating WoW? That's a joke.

    For some people it doesn't matter what the other game is. If WoW is up there, they're going to vote against it.

    If WoW really has 10M subs and more non-subscribed fans, which is more than many mmos put together, then it shouldn't matter how many haters are on the site. WoW should win handily. How could it not?

    Because Walmart and McDonalds sells more product than it's competition by a huge margin, but that is not indicative of quality and therefore should not win a competition in a proper world. Unfortunately, easy, quick and cheap tend to win out and we don't live in a perfect world.


    I've played around 22 MMO's since UO, EQ, AC, DAoC days to include every one of them on the voting segment. Of all the MMO's I have played, I have to say that nothing has given me more joy than EQ and a follow up would be ESO.


    I have played every TES game since the days when I first played TES: Arena back in '94. Hell, I was raised a few miles from the office in Bethesda/Rockville.


    ESO is and has been a quality product that's improving with massive leaps and when update 6 finalizes, it will only improve much further. The fixes and advancements and innovations they have made since beta has made this game one with a real future when compared to the other games on the list.


    Just about every bug people (and myself) have complained about so far has been fixed. The additions they've given have been monumental. They also seem to maintain a heavy subscriber base to maintain this and I won't be leaving for any other game anytime soon.


    Just look at the other comments about it on here, as well as the voting ratio. The game speaks for itself. I can't stress that enough. 

  • OriousOrious Member UncommonPosts: 548
    Originally posted by Akumawraith
    bleh, how the hell is ESO beating Planetside 2? With all the complaints of bugs, glitches, broken quests, and other crap so many players probably voted for ESO only because they never played Planetside 2. What a bad matchup...
    And damn its good to see WoW crash and burning.. get it off the list and good riddance! I cannot believe it made it to this level as crappy and dumbed down that game has become.

    Just the vocal minority in my opinion. I experienced only a handful of "broken" quests that weren't actually broken. Just the number of people in the area made respawn times hiccup at launch. There were 1 or 2 from lvl 1-VR that needed devs to actually fix. Some big issues with the bank system, but everything was fixed in a month or two. It's really the adrenalin gamers that pushed through content as fast as possible or the players who don't care for the lore of TES games that had the issues.

    You should play ESO and figure it out for yourself. Right now the issue is class balance, but even WoW never perfected that... especially since a year after launch it was still in bad shape (programming wise).


  • Rhym3zRhym3z Member UncommonPosts: 8

    I think Eve should win. 

    it's really the only MMO with any real ambition and the only one really pushing the envelope

  • silkakcsilkakc Member UncommonPosts: 381
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    LotRo beating WoW? That's a joke.


    After playing characters to max in both games, it took me 1 second to vote for LoTRO. No joke:)

  • ZorgoZorgo Member UncommonPosts: 2,254
    Originally posted by silkakc
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    LotRo beating WoW? That's a joke.


    After playing characters to max in both games, it took me 1 second to vote for LoTRO. No joke:)

    It took those who hate wow and never played lotro half a second to vote.


  • gunmanvladgunmanvlad Member UncommonPosts: 281

    The amount of highly active (and I stress the Highly) trolls on this forum who don't like any MMO, but hate most MMOs is stupid high.


    So yeah, anyone can win this. But will it be meaningful in any way? Heck no.

  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Originally posted by Zorgo
    Originally posted by silkakc
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    LotRo beating WoW? That's a joke.


    After playing characters to max in both games, it took me 1 second to vote for LoTRO. No joke:)

    It took those who hate wow and never played lotro half a second to vote.


  • Kemosabe-TBCKemosabe-TBC Member Posts: 58
    Originally posted by Leon1e
    Originally posted by DarkestLight
    Originally posted by Leon1e

    Heh. Makes me wonder how many fans does Gw2 actually has given the sheer amount of haters here with only 1 person saying a good thing about Gw2 in a 11 page thread xD and its still ahead of TSW. 

    And even though this is nothing short of popularity contest, face it, TSW is a lot worse than Gw2. I'd be shocked if so incomplete game would beat a finished and polished product. For fucks sake, they use Flash for their HUD, i mean what the f*** Who does that, they don't even do ads in flash anymore .....


    Then again I do see a lot of people with only 1 post so I'm quite certain that someone with enough free time can totally rig the charts. They could've at least do some "minimum 100 posts" requirement or something. Would've taken at least the first 2 rounds for someone to do so many posts without looking spam-ish :)

    Yes, TSW is terrible in many ways but it gives me one thing GW2 failed to do no matter how much time I played it; an enjoyable experience.


    GW was a much more enjoyable game than it's sequal and I'm sad to see it bowed out early, although as many have pointed out it isn't a real MMO (Due to it's use of instancing). 


    Yeah opinions. Are you in your late 30s? Because from what I gather people in their late 30s mostly hate on Gw2 because of the dynamic combat and the fact that they have hard time to cope with it. Gw2 has every single feature TSW does and more, on a more polished game. I mean sure, TSWs quests are the bomb. Investigating ones that is. They are well crafted and for that TSW is recognized across the MMO space. But beside that .... there's no flavor. And those quests *do* run out. I've done them all with my boyfriend. There's nothing interesting for us to do in this game anymore. We even bought couple of DLCs but they ran out of content as well fairly quickly. 

    But yeah, I respect your opinion. TSW is not a terrible game but to me it has more shortcomings than polished features. 

    Why would a person in their late 30s have any problem coping with dynamic combat? Wth? I grew up in 80s, when we had games that actually required skill! I think having 20 years of experience ahead may come in handy :)

    Oh, and I like GW2, but TSW is a much more interesting game. It's not just the investigation quests, ALL the quests are pretty awesome. And the combat, once you understand it, allows for very interesting stuff. There's nothing quite TSW out there tbh. Whatever the shortcomings it has, what it does good it does better than any MMO has ever done!

  • PaRoXiTiCPaRoXiTiC Member UncommonPosts: 603
    Originally posted by TheWeazle
    Originally posted by Despair9
    Originally posted by PaRoXiTiC

    Everyone keeps saying "Popularity Contest", but wouldn't the "Most Popular" MMO be the best MMO? Isn't that the reason it is so "popular" in the first place?

    The best game will win this competition because it is just that, the best game. If a game is popular it is because it is good. You guys are idiots.

    So Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world? Thought so. WoW is the most casual, dumbed down and the most accessible MMO (outdated graphics). On top of that also MMO that is aimed at the youngest demographic group. So no popularity has nothing to do with the quality of a game, WoW is just like Justin Bieber, the most hated MMO ever created.


    Hahaha. Nail on the head. The only selling point of WoW is the number of subscribers it has. Like Kim Kardashian it's just famous for being famous.

    If he is the most famous singer in the world, then absolutely he is the best. Is he at the top? Does he make millions of dollars? Do millions of people listen to his music? That makes him the top dog, just like the winner of this contest. If you win and are at the top you are the best. Until you reach the top you can't say you are the best. It's quite simple really.


    Now do I like Justin Bieber? Hell no I don't, I like Periphery, Intervals, Blood Simple, but if Justin Bieber is at the top he is the best at what he does plain and simple.

    You can make excuses all day for your game, but in the end, the voting won't lie. The best MMO year to date will win this competition, and if I'm not playing it yet I will probably buy whatever wins.

  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592
    I can't believe WoW is currently losing to LotRO. I really enjoyed LotRO up through Moria, but the quality of the game nosedived after that. In their current incarnations WoW is definitely the better game, by a significant margin.


  • OziiusOziius Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    Lord of the Rings online is only beating WoW due to the large amount of WoW-haters on this site. LotRO is a decent game, but the game probably has about 100k players at best. Last time I played it, it was a barren waste-land of the folks that just won't leave and love the IP. You could run all over the joint and not hit another player on my server. 


    I believe there are just a bunch of sour-ass rebels on this site that wish to see Warcraft fail in anyway possible. I don't get it... even when I wasn't playing WoW, I didn't wish to see it fail. Why all the hate?

  • askdabossaskdaboss Member UncommonPosts: 631
    Originally posted by Despair9
    Originally posted by PaRoXiTiC
    Originally posted by TheWeazle
    Originally posted by Despair9

    So Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world? Thought so. WoW is the most casual, dumbed down and the most accessible MMO (outdated graphics). On top of that also MMO that is aimed at the youngest demographic group. So no popularity has nothing to do with the quality of a game, WoW is just like Justin Bieber, the most hated MMO ever created.

    Hahaha. Nail on the head. The only selling point of WoW is the number of subscribers it has. Like Kim Kardashian it's just famous for being famous.

    If he is the most famous singer in the world, then absolutely he is the best. Is he at the top? Does he make millions of dollars? Do millions of people listen to his music? That makes him the top dog, just like the winner of this contest. If you win and are at the top you are the best. Until you reach the top you can't say you are the best. It's quite simple really.


    Now do I like Justin Bieber? Hell no I don't, I like Periphery, Intervals, Blood Simple, but if Justin Bieber is at the top he is the best at what he does plain and simple.

    You can make excuses all day for your game, but in the end, the voting won't lie. The best MMO year to date will win this competition, and if I'm not playing it yet I will probably buy whatever wins.


    What a pile of garbage text did I just read? Yes he is the most famous singer in the world, and also the most terrible. How much more proof do you want, he is the main laugh in today's world, just like WoW in the MMO market. This is not a popularity contest, but a contest about which MMO is the most respected, therefor WoW has no place on this list.

    Well, you are both right.

    The thing is the poll doesn't specifically state what criteria should be used to judge the MMOs.

    So your personal vote might go to the most successful financially or in terms of population if you choose so, or it might be the best quest design or best PvP, best fun or grouping if you prefer even, or whatever criteria tickle your fancy really. It's up to everyone to decide who they vote for.

    And different people will respect different things for different reasons.


    Now it's true that "money" and "number of subscribers" are criteria that are slightly less subjective than the other ones, as they are tangible. Other criteria are very subjective.

  • KanethKaneth Member RarePosts: 2,286
    Originally posted by Havekk

    Lord of the Rings online is only beating WoW due to the large amount of WoW-haters on this site. LotRO is a decent game, but the game probably has about 100k players at best. Last time I played it, it was a barren waste-land of the folks that just won't leave and love the IP. You could run all over the joint and not hit another player on my server. 


    I believe there are just a bunch of sour-ass rebels on this site that wish to see Warcraft fail in anyway possible. I don't get it... even when I wasn't playing WoW, I didn't wish to see it fail. Why all the hate?

    It's a pretty typical trend to hate whoever is perceived to be on top. Much like the regular hate Microsoft used to receive (and still do in many ways).

    Of course, WoW or Blizzard doesn't need to win any popularity contests at random websites. The dominance of WoW for the past decade speaks volumes...

  • CazrielCazriel Member RarePosts: 419
    I play both LOTRO and WoW.  I had a hard time choosing between them because I enjoy them both.  LOTRO definitely stinks up their world with F2P money grabs, but they also give wiley players a way to get everything without paying anything.   WoW lost me at WotLK primarily because I was not interested in becoming a dedicated raider and had grown tired at of the toxic community.  Riders of Rohan and mount combat, however, far exceed anything Blizz has tried with WoW.  Riding your fast warsteed, caprisoned individually as you like, far and wide (yes very far and very wide) over Rohan and Gondor with your kinmates searching for Warbands and landscape elites just cannot be beat.  Not by flying mounts, not by pet battles, not by garrisons.  So LOTRO gets my vote. 
  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798

    LOTRO never grabbed me - my highest LOTRO character is level 30


    despite my issues with post Cata WOW, i chose WOW over LOTRO

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