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[Column] General: The Top 5 Browser-Based MMORPGs

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

We’ve all been there. We’re dying to play an MMO and get our fix and sometimes it doesn’t even have to be our go-to main game. Maybe your laptop can’t handle it, you’re out of town, or you don’t have the time to play a bigger game – whatever the reason, sometimes you just need a browser game to scratch that itch.

Read more of David Jagneaux's The List: The Top 5 Browser MMORPGs.





  • veritaz2veritaz2 Member UncommonPosts: 14
  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    Whenever I go to browser games, I always play 2 of them, they manage to keep my attention longer than the rest, in fact both of them are open as i'm making this post.

    The first is Battleknight: I like this game because it lets you choose areas you can fight in, if you want to do a good or evil mission, theres some tatics and you can place skill points (you buy skill points based on in-game money not levels) however you want. They made a change which sadly decreased my fun of the game, cause it used to change your knight based on what alignment you were and how far down you went on it. Now you just select pictures. Oh well.

    The other is Forge of Empires: This looks at first to be a simple kingdom building game but it gets much more interesting as it goes along. It has several aspects, first is the actual kingdom building aspect, you place buildings down, there are several categories of buildings, theres the gold generating, the supply generating, the goods building, the army building and happiness building ones.  You must keep happiness high enough to keep the others working at full tilt.  The trick is you have only so much space to place these buildings, so it plays out kind of like a jigsaw puzzle as not all buildings are the same size.  The second is battle, you use the army buildings to build up your army (well army of 8 so you can't just overrun the enemy) but some units work better on certain enemies than others and they work better on different terrian. third is town interaction: You have one of three options you can either polish someones building which gives them a boost to happiness for a while, motivate which gives them a boost to supplies, both give you 20 gold, but you can only do one or the other, or you can simply just attack them, which works the same way as battles.  Finally they have GvG which is territory based (I haven't looked much into this one).  However the coolest feature of this game in my opinion (and what sets it apart) is the research tree.  As research continues, you actually progress through the ages, and it doesn't just start at the stone age and go to the midievil age, it goes all the way to current times and you see your town evolve from simple huts and straw houses to apartment buildings and gas stations.

    Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.

    Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.


  • nellafurtadonellafurtado Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Originally posted by veritaz2

    I agree big time. Eldevin needs to be on this list of top 5. In my opinion, I like it better than Runescape! And it recently came out with a downloadable client, which i'm loving.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    I have never played Eldevin because "Hunted Cow" don't like their money leeching designs.Could very well be a great game but they lost my trust forever.

    I personally like Gorgon ,not released yet but in it's current state lots to do ,lots of classes and ideas to learn along the way.It does lack several things i would want to see and seeing they have very little money i feel the game will move at a snails pace for a long time.

    First game on list immediately scares me away,i don't want to support FB at all,ever not going to happen.Can't stand all this Twitter.FB nonsense,it is not needed,just a couple of giants raking in tons of dough.

    I am actually astoundingly amazed that a writer for this site did not include Wiz 101,especially reading his reasoning for his selections.

    Not a fan of Runescape but i can understand how it is popular,a lot more so that the WHY WOW is popular.I think both have to do with real life,people tend to ALWAYS 100 go towards popularity,be it chicks wooing for popular guys or fashion trends in clothing or buying those scooters because they were semi popular with celebrities for awhile.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • PhelimReaghPhelimReagh Member UncommonPosts: 682

    While I did not care for Eldevin, it definitely should have been in the list.


    The fact that Sherwood Dungeon made the cut tends to invalidate the legitimacy of the list and the author.


    At the very least, change the title to "[The Author's Name/ Handle]'s Favorite Browser MMOs". Calling it a "Top 5", either objectively of subjectively, is completely wrong. A "Top 5" list at an MMO-based website/publication should really require even a minimal amount of standards and benchmarking.


    This kind of nonsense belongs on someone's personal blog, not a serious MMO site.

  • chaoscauserchaoscauser Member UncommonPosts: 37
  • ExcessionExcession Member RarePosts: 709

    The author states the list is for some of the best purely browser-based games

    Perhaps that is why Eldevin did not make it.

    A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.

  • venatisvenatis Member UncommonPosts: 42
    I can't believe you forgot League of Angels! They even say it in their advertisement, 'No.1 MMORPG'. Shame on you. 
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    Originally posted by venatis
    I can't believe you forgot League of Angels! They even say it in their advertisement, 'No.1 MMORPG'. Shame on you. 


    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Originally posted by PhelimReagh

    While I did not care for Eldevin, it definitely should have been in the list.


    The fact that Sherwood Dungeon made the cut tends to invalidate the legitimacy of the list and the author.


    At the very least, change the title to "[The Author's Name/ Handle]'s Favorite Browser MMOs". Calling it a "Top 5", either objectively of subjectively, is completely wrong. A "Top 5" list at an MMO-based website/publication should really require even a minimal amount of standards and benchmarking.


    This kind of nonsense belongs on someone's personal blog, not a serious MMO site.


    No matter what standards they claimed to use, no matter how they weighted the factors, no matter what choices they made, people would cry foul and rage that the list was "wrong."

    So author's personal choice is as valid as any other I suppose.

    Yeah, calling them the Top 5 was a bit over the top, but not something really to get too concerned about, not like there's a prize or anything for winning.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • veritaz2veritaz2 Member UncommonPosts: 14
    Originally posted by Excession

    The author states the list is for some of the best purely browser-based games

    Perhaps that is why Eldevin did not make it.

    Maybe, but RuneScape got a downloadable client as well.

  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Originally posted by remyburke
    Originally posted by venatis
    I can't believe you forgot League of Angels! They even say it in their advertisement, 'No.1 MMORPG'. Shame on you. 



    Just my 2 cents...


  • irnbru69irnbru69 Member UncommonPosts: 124

    Eldevin not on the list ?

    Thats just wrong =/

  • ZooceZooce Member Posts: 586
    Not even a mention of Eldevin. Nice work phoning this one in.
  • MkilbrideMkilbride Member UncommonPosts: 643
    I've heard of all of these, but never Eldevin. Ever think it's just not as popular you believe it to be?

    Help get Camelot Unchained made, a old-school MMORPG, with no hand holding!

  • TybostTybost Member UncommonPosts: 629

    Eldevin is new and it hit steam. Runescape has a client but its the same as using a browser and loading the game since it functions like its own browser connecting you right to the game (Less than 10MB in size) Fantastic list I remember playing Sherwood Dungeon back then and loved it. Although iv played Runescape a whole lot more and am happy to see it sit up top where it deserves to be.


    Whats so special about this Eldevin ;p

    apparently nothing since it wasn't on the list OHHHH xD

  • SomeHumanSomeHuman Member UncommonPosts: 560

    Eldevin bump!

    Gaming since 1985; Online gaming since 1995; No End in Sight! My YouTube Channel:

  • kodyak2000kodyak2000 Member UncommonPosts: 5


    Absolutely Eldevin should be on this list!! I do not know or care about what "Wizardry" said about his distrust of the company Hunted Cow, because Eldevin is a VERY well made browser game.. VERY well made! Its fun, engaging, tons to do and learn, rich gameplay and crafting systems. The fact it didnt make this list at all just makes me wonder what this list is or even for, Promotional BS?? I dunno...

    Adam S Vogel

  • ArazaleArazale Member Posts: 348
    Originally posted by Excession

    The author states the list is for some of the best purely browser-based games

    Perhaps that is why Eldevin did not make it.

    Runescape has a client which means its not a purely browser-based game. If runescape made the list and counts as a "purely" browser based game, then Eldevin would count too.

  • kodyak2000kodyak2000 Member UncommonPosts: 5
    Yes, that and Eldevin IS a browser game, and just like Runescape you can download a client if you wish, but its completely browser based. 

    Adam S Vogel

  • seiryynseiryyn Member UncommonPosts: 18

    When Eldevin made me climb in and out of the same multi-leveled (loading screens between each level) dungeon/cave for a longish series of quests, I lost interest.

    I understand trying to pad content a bit, but it makes me twitch when quests don't stack either by mechanic:

    Kill 10 rabbits, kill 10 rabbits, thus needing to kill 20 to fulfill both quests even though you have them both simultaneously

    Or by design:

    Only 1 or 2 quests unlock at a time for an area that you're forced to "explore" a dozen or more times in order to exhaust the quests therein

  • MkilbrideMkilbride Member UncommonPosts: 643

    Just looked at Eldevin's website.


    It has...


    455 people playing, at current, during the usual busiest gaming hours.


    That's...ok...I guess, but not very MMORPG'y.

    Help get Camelot Unchained made, a old-school MMORPG, with no hand holding!

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Eldevin isn't that much P2W ish other than requiring bag space and sacks to make life alot easier as well as required gold purchase as armor repairs costs more than what you could possibly make leveling through normal means. You can't level in broken gear and require bag space. The quests give good xp but grinding in between quest is almost comparable to EQ1 grind. I know they adjusted repair costs and added more quests but I stopped playing because life is just easier with EP which you have to keep buying.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • ThupliThupli Member RarePosts: 1,318
    I wish edelvin had wasd movement... Or runwscape for that matter.

    Click to move is w deal breaker for me ??
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