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As things are running out off my corp and it's disolving at the time I think I need a new path to follow, so I have decided to become an Explorer, in a pure and refined sense; it means I will highly and totally specialize in it and anything more; so that I ask you, who know well the game and have tons and lots of experience what is the road, the skills, the exact path I shall follow to become one.
Fly Safe and Thanks For All The Fish!
It is a question of fangs.
Well I don't really do exploration, per se, but I do have an alt that I use for pvp scouting and probing, so he's got some good skills in that regard.
You'll obviously want to train up the various Astrometics skills. Get Astrometics to 5, and get the sub skills (Astrometics Acquisition, Pinpointing and Rangefinding) to at least 3 or 4. Buy yourself a Sisters Probe Launcher and a half-dozen Sisters Core Scanner Probes and go to town! If you have Astrometics to 5 you can use the T2 Expanded Probe Launcher for a fraction of the price and it's really not too far off in capabilities of the Sisters one.
I always use a T2 covops frigate when I am probing (because I am always in null or lowsec and I need a cloak). So I usually use a Helios or a Cheetah. Both can perma-run MWD with a single cap recharger but the Cheetah is a faster. The Probe is the T1 version but I have never used one as it obviously can't fit a covops cloak. But if you're just messing around in highsec any will be a good choice, Probe, Imicus, etc.
I don't really know how the Hacking and Archaeology skills work or what you should train them to, but perhaps someone else can weigh in. And if you haven't really done any probing I would recommend watching some Youtube videos. That's how I learned many years ago. It takes some practice to get really good. But before you know it you'll be scanning out 10/10 sites with ease.
Along with what the other guy said you will need archeology and hacking to V if you wish to use and should do the T2 data and relic analyzers. Your best place is also exploring sites in null.
5m Sp in Scanning , racial scan frig T2 or even astero will do the job, beside astero has les analizer str but have drones.
U can do solo this but it`s dangerous bcos u can be killed in any sistem outside hi-sec.
best u can do is to join in some major ally with their space, there u can scan freely and safer.
Just dont go to drone region , data site there are total crap and there has no relic sites, good time for scaning , Phoeby exp promise better reward for doing data sites ... so gl ...
You want to skill up for the following to ships, or something similarly fit.
Option 1 is a pretty affordable setup while number 2 is a little on the expensive side. You will sacrifice a small amount of Relic virus strength for the extra scanning power, which is a good thing if you ask me. I run into way more data sites than relic sites anyway.
Also, here is probably the best guide out there for explorers. Read it and know it well.
Fit#2 is what im currently using. I moved into that ship for the extra cargo space and scan strength.
Hope this helps
The thing with exploring is that it's more of a complementary activity to other activities such as manufacturing, locating wormholes, plexing etc so I wouldn't recommend focusing entirely on exploring even though good probing skills are a must have.
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan
If you want to explore for the sake of exploring and NOT (only) to get expensive stuff you can sell), check out EVE Travel and the adventures of "Professor Science":
Have fun
TBH exploration is a great skill for a new character that wants to get to and live in null sec before they are "properly skilled" to do so. Since you don't have access to missions, and simpler PvE is more along the lines of belt ratting(where battle ship class can still show up). The only thing though is that it's going to be feast or famine, depending you might go 3 hours of play and only have 5 mil to show for your effort Or you could play for 20 mins and do a single site with 120mil in it.
I would recommend this skill plan:[]=skill&s[]=plan
Brave is very familar to with getting new players up to speed and getting them useful.
Another thing about exploration is that doing exploration in high sec is probably not worth your time. If you want to use exploration/probe skills in high sec I would rather recomend ninja salvage instead, since there is no travel and you can just sit inside a mission hub. A lot of times you can even skip the scanning part since people will sell you their sites if they have no intention of looting.
Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.
"At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."