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Dragon Age:Inquisition's continuing problems

UncleTopherUncleTopher Member UncommonPosts: 36

I have a pretty decent AMD based gaming rig... let's call it a mid  level gaming PC for the sake of argument.

My machine plays everything I have tried recently (Elder Scrolls Online, Crysis, etc etc) on high or max settings just fine...some minor overheating issues but I've always managed...

Dragon Age: Inquisition is completely unplayable at the moment. I am by far not the only person having issues with their graphics cards getting a DEVICE_HUNG's happening on tons of machines...both AMD and Nvidia.

I don't see the outcry from people I was expecting on such a hyped and highly reviewed game shipping in such a terrible technical state.

Is this what we should just come to expect from EA and Bioware and call it acceptable?

I am just trying to get a sense of where people are at on this issue. The only other place I see anyone talking about it is on the dragonage web site and they have very neatly trimmed MANY of the postings back and deleted huge amounts of complaint information, not to mention they like to place a "solved" emblem on ongoing idea WTF they are doing over there...



Simply put: I just don't know where else to go to try and have an intelligent discussion about this mess.



Co-Founder of Elder Moot
SotA Founder



  • KanethKaneth Member RarePosts: 2,286

    Unfortunately, many cross platforms games seemingly are built for consoles first and then ported to PC. Considering the major complaints coming from the PC fanbase, I think it's safe to assume that EA/Bioware built for consoles first and had the PC market as an afterthought.

    Which is really a shame since Bioware has had a pretty loyal fanbase for the majority of their existence. Seemingly some pretty big missteps the past few years have really shaken faith in Bioware's ability to deliver on games.

    Hopefully, the PC issues will get sorted out soon. 

  • UncleTopherUncleTopher Member UncommonPosts: 36

    Well, sure that's an easy answer, so often given in here and true enough in many cases

    ...any upgrade is nice but I am running 16GB of RAM, a 6 core 3.2 Ghz CPU and my weak link is my AMD 6800 series maybe a better GPU but...if we force people to buy a new $1000 PC every 2 years ...I don't see PC gaming surviving that.

    Still leaves me feeling that a game should be more polished and bug free upon release. Especially a game with the visibility of this one.


    @Kaneth: I really do hope the best for the game and that the PC issues do get worked out. Not just for selfish reasons....I thoroughly enjoyed DA:O and was REALLY looking forward to this release. And along the lines of what you are saying: If PC games are an afterthought behind consoles in long will PC gamers stay loyal? How long will PC gaming continue? I just am totally bewildered by this whole experience and I have been a devoted PC gamer for many years...I thought I had seen it all. 

    Co-Founder of Elder Moot
    SotA Founder

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    Originally posted by UncleTopher



    hmmm, I don't have these problems but I'm using an Nvidia card.


    the only thing I can offer is "don't put it on high". Try automatic.

    When I put the game on high or Ultra it didn't run well. I kept fooling around with it and then settled on automatic that was actually very decent.

    Currently I'm using the Nvidia optimization tool.

    However, had i not had this at my disposal "automatic" would suffice quite well. So try it and see how it fares.


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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • syntax42syntax42 Member UncommonPosts: 1,386
    Originally posted by UncleTopher weak link is my AMD 6800 series maybe a better GPU but...if we force people to buy a new $1000 PC every 2 years ...I don't see PC gaming surviving that.

    You know you have a weak link in your system and you know what it is.  Now is the time to look for deals on upgrades to it.

    I don't know how you see getting a new ~$250 GPU the same as getting a new ~$1000 PC.  I bought my PC at the end of 2011 and still use it today.  I upgraded the CPU and GPU after owning it for two years and that should last me another two years, at least.  The average gaming PC should last about five years, depending on how much money you put into it at the beginning and over the life of the PC.

    Consoles are in the same boat as PCs.  They are deceptive with their pricing, but including the purchase peripherals and accessories showed how much people actually spend.


    You should consider overclocking your CPU.  My guess is you have one of the AMD 63xx CPUs.  You should be able to push it to 4GHz with a $30 air cooler.  The Hyper Evo 212 has been the best bang for the buck for several years now when it comes to CPU cooling.

  • UncleTopherUncleTopher Member UncommonPosts: 36

    Fair enough on the $$$ cost to upgrade and my inconsistency there. I have been scouring the internet trying to find solutions to the issues I am having and nothing is working, so in all fairness... my irritation with Bioware atm is clouding my reason.

    I guess my point was that even is I don't have the best rig, I shouldn't have to go and buy ANYTHING if a game is released and my system spec's exceed not only the minimum but the recommended req's .  Yes I need a new GPU, but it falls well within the required standards. 

    At the end of the day:

    If I read reviews on a game and like what I hear *check*

    And then make sure my system is up to snuff according to their recommendations *check*

    And then spend $70 bucks to buy the game *check*

    The game should function properly.

    I don't expect perfection but I demand competence.

    Bioware has completely shot themselves in the foot with the PC gaming community on this game which was "made for PC gamers by PC gamers" according to BW. Between the technical nightmares and a wonky control scheme for KB & M users....

    I call BS.


    But maybe I am just grumpy *shrug*

    Co-Founder of Elder Moot
    SotA Founder

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    having an amd 6800 gpu in your system, i am surprised tbh that you were able to play those other games at anything close to a decent resolution, let alone framerate, the card was a mid range at best 4 years ago, its just finally time to bite the bullet and upgrade your GPU, games are going to rely more and more on your having a decent gpu so its not like things are going to improve any time soon if you don't, a replacement mid range gpu should cost you under $250, and improve your system dramatically image
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.


    Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    Fair enough on the $$$ cost to upgrade and my inconsistency there. I have been scouring the internet trying to find solutions to the issues I am having and nothing is working, so in all fairness... my irritation with Bioware atm is clouding my reason.

    I guess my point was that even is I don't have the best rig, I shouldn't have to go and buy ANYTHING if a game is released and my system spec's exceed not only the minimum but the recommended req's .  Yes I need a new GPU, but it falls well within the required standards. 

    At the end of the day:

    If I read reviews on a game and like what I hear *check*

    And then make sure my system is up to snuff according to their recommendations *check*

    And then spend $70 bucks to buy the game *check*

    The game should function properly.

    I don't expect perfection but I demand competence.

    Bioware has completely shot themselves in the foot with the PC gaming community on this game which was "made for PC gamers by PC gamers" according to BW. Between the technical nightmares and a wonky control scheme for KB & M users....

    I call BS.


    But maybe I am just grumpy *shrug*

    Does your card meet the min specifications? I know they call for the HD4870, however....someone can correct me if I'm wrong ofc.. just because you have a 6800 series doesn't mean it's more powerful or as powerful as the 4870, as it's the last two digits that make the difference. It might not have enough memory, or GHZ. the 6800 is the bottom line card of the series isn't it? Maybe you need a 6850 or upward?

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • APThugAPThug Member RarePosts: 544
    I had the same problems on my rig too while playing dragon age. But after wiping my entire hard drive everything plays 10 times better. Gotta be something bringing it down.

  • ZunaahZunaah Member UncommonPosts: 40

    My bf and I were having the black screen menu issue and when I could play I would get directx errors randomly. So, what we ended up doing for a short term fix is downloading the latest 'beta' graphics for Ati. Then setting the game into windows mode. Press Alt + Enter.

    Haven't had a problem since, but like I said. Short term fix until there's some updates to fix the mess.

    When logic fails.. instinct prevails

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    Fair enough on the $$$ cost to upgrade and my inconsistency there. I have been scouring the internet trying to find solutions to the issues I am having and nothing is working, so in all fairness... my irritation with Bioware atm is clouding my reason.

    I guess my point was that even is I don't have the best rig, I shouldn't have to go and buy ANYTHING if a game is released and my system spec's exceed not only the minimum but the recommended req's .  Yes I need a new GPU, but it falls well within the required standards. 

    At the end of the day:

    If I read reviews on a game and like what I hear *check*

    And then make sure my system is up to snuff according to their recommendations *check*

    And then spend $70 bucks to buy the game *check*

    The game should function properly.

    I don't expect perfection but I demand competence.

    Bioware has completely shot themselves in the foot with the PC gaming community on this game which was "made for PC gamers by PC gamers" according to BW. Between the technical nightmares and a wonky control scheme for KB & M users....

    I call BS.


    But maybe I am just grumpy *shrug*

    Does your card meet the min specifications? I know they call for the HD4870, however....someone can correct me if I'm wrong ofc.. just because you have a 6800 series doesn't mean it's more powerful or as powerful as the 4870, as it's the last two digits that make the difference. It might not have enough memory, or GHZ. the 6800 is the bottom line card of the series isn't it? Maybe you need a 6850 or upward?

    This, the 6800 card is really dragging the system down, i don't think updating the drivers even will help this, i can only imagine that the framerate it can support in most games is pretty low without sacrificing a lot of the resolution, or even then, it wasn't that good a card 4 years ago, it certainly isn't one now, so while the rest of the PC's spec's are probably classed as mid range, the gpu drags it down well below that, even a $50 card would probably be an improvement at this point. His PC just needs a gpu that can handle modern games, not one that probably struggles to handle 'old' ones. image

  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    Well, sure that's an easy answer, so often given in here and true enough in many cases

    ...any upgrade is nice but I am running 16GB of RAM, a 6 core 3.2 Ghz CPU and my weak link is my AMD 6800 series maybe a better GPU but...if we force people to buy a new $1000 PC every 2 years ...I don't see PC gaming surviving that.

    Still leaves me feeling that a game should be more polished and bug free upon release. Especially a game with the visibility of this one.


    @Kaneth: I really do hope the best for the game and that the PC issues do get worked out. Not just for selfish reasons....I thoroughly enjoyed DA:O and was REALLY looking forward to this release. And along the lines of what you are saying: If PC games are an afterthought behind consoles in long will PC gamers stay loyal? How long will PC gaming continue? I just am totally bewildered by this whole experience and I have been a devoted PC gamer for many years...I thought I had seen it all. 

    Upgrade your video card and you should see a nice improvement. If you are seeing overheating issues then you really need to turn down the graphics details on your games. You will cook your card and other random components in your rig and you will have to get a new computer.

    My advice is to future proof your machine next time you upgrade by going a little overboard and spending some extra cash so that you only have to do piecemeal upgrades in order to stay current.

    Also don't buy pre-built machines they are horrible bang for your buck. Buy the parts and build it yourself. Not only do you save a couple hundred dollars this way but you also get a better understanding of how your computer functions and will be able to troubleshoot it better.

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    First off , do not listen to people here and run to buy new hardware. No game should warrant that.

    Its clear that DAI is half baked product when it comes to PC. You should probably ask for refund. And than buy a game again after they (and if) fix the problems.


    But when you do go to buy new PC , check the survey. See what cards, mobo, processor ... etc , most people are using and buy that. Turns out the QA departments do most of testing on common PC rigs. So you can be sure least bugs will happen on them.

  • DalaimocDalaimoc Member UncommonPosts: 29
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    ...some minor overheating issues but I've always managed...


    I stopped reading after this.


    On a sidenote :  I played 20hrs so far and the game hasn't crashed, has'nt bugged or anything.

    Fix your heat problem. Period.

  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    First off , do not listen to people here and run to buy new hardware. No game should warrant that.

    Its clear that DAI is half baked product when it comes to PC. You should probably ask for refund. And than buy a game again after they (and if) fix the problems.


    But when you do go to buy new PC , check the survey. See what cards, mobo, processor ... etc , most people are using and buy that. Turns out the QA departments do most of testing on common PC rigs. So you can be sure least bugs will happen on them.

    Except that their vid card is an issue especially if they are having overheating problems. No one is saying to go out and buy a brand new computer but at least upgrade to something that isn't 4 years old

  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Originally posted by Dalaimoc
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    ...some minor overheating issues but I've always managed...


    I stopped reading after this.


    On a sidenote :  I played 20hrs so far and the game hasn't crashed, has'nt bugged or anything.

    Fix your heat problem. Period.


    enough said...  image

    Just my 2 cents...


  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    First off , do not listen to people here and run to buy new hardware. No game should warrant that.

    Its clear that DAI is half baked product when it comes to PC. You should probably ask for refund. And than buy a game again after they (and if) fix the problems.


    But when you do go to buy new PC , check the survey. See what cards, mobo, processor ... etc , most people are using and buy that. Turns out the QA departments do most of testing on common PC rigs. So you can be sure least bugs will happen on them.

     I'm sorry but now that the PS4 and XB1 are here it is certainly time for many to upgrade as their existence will raise the normal bar of what's needed to run upcoming games (the bar that was set due to the PS3 and 360's limitations) like it or not, consoles guide gaming specs... it's going to be even steeper to run something like the witcher 3 you can bet on that.


    I'd like to know the exact model of his card though because searches have brought up nothing based on what he typed. I don't see anything for a 6800... unless of course he has a Radeon 6800M (which I can't find any specs for any where) or  a Nvidia 6800 GT ( a very common card). I have the Radeon HD 7770 1GB and it is starting to struggle with games.... it's certainly time for me to upgrade.. IS his a onboard or a PCI-e?



    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    I have a pretty decent AMD based gaming rig... let's call it a mid  level gaming PC for the sake of argument.

    My machine plays everything I have tried recently (Elder Scrolls Online, Crysis, etc etc) on high or max settings just fine...some minor overheating issues but I've always managed...

    Dragon Age: Inquisition is completely unplayable at the moment. I am by far not the only person having issues with their graphics cards getting a DEVICE_HUNG's happening on tons of machines...both AMD and Nvidia.

    I don't see the outcry from people I was expecting on such a hyped and highly reviewed game shipping in such a terrible technical state.

    Is this what we should just come to expect from EA and Bioware and call it acceptable?

    I am just trying to get a sense of where people are at on this issue. The only other place I see anyone talking about it is on the dragonage web site and they have very neatly trimmed MANY of the postings back and deleted huge amounts of complaint information, not to mention they like to place a "solved" emblem on ongoing idea WTF they are doing over there...



    Simply put: I just don't know where else to go to try and have an intelligent discussion about this mess.



    How long have you been playing PC games??

    A week?

    FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Shaike
    Originally posted by Dalaimoc
    Originally posted by UncleTopher

    ...some minor overheating issues but I've always managed...


    I stopped reading after this.


    On a sidenote :  I played 20hrs so far and the game hasn't crashed, has'nt bugged or anything.

    Fix your heat problem. Period.


    enough said...  image

    And in that thread you'll find many posts like this one:


    "Finally it works! My problem was that Win7 didn't detect my new cpu as a hexa-core but triple-core because the old one was a triple core and the settings couldn't get updated. So I had to reset the number of the cores to default.


    Notice anything odd? Such as no clean install of Windows after changing CPUs? lol...


    I swear they should require licenses to operate PCs, or at least a test to demonstrate basic common sense... and if they fail, it's consoles for them.


    enough said...


    (PS. Have played over 100 hours SP with no problems (i7 4400k oc'd @ 4,2 GHz + Radeon HD 7970)... a few minor bugs here and there (can't mouse select wheel options sometimes and have to use the KB instead, disconnects in MP mode, etc.) but hardly anything worth mentioning.)

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100

    OP, if you get a new GPU just make sure that your psu is powerful enough to handle it. You will also need to factor in the actual size of your case and cooling. Probably best to get at least a NVIDA GTX 760 or equivalent anything less than that and you will need to upgrade again in a couple of years.


    BTW, I had one of those Dell desktops with an i7 and a radeon HD6850 before I built my own computer and it used to overheat all the time when gaming. Heat is a real issue, but with a nice case and decent cooler all those problems go away.


    Hope you get it all working- the game itself is awesome.

  • Nzscorpion80Nzscorpion80 Member UncommonPosts: 54
    I came across problems once I first installed but it was just due to my graphic drivers needed updated even though when I would searched for latest drivers it would say up too date, so I had to manually track it down, after I done that it worked. I play on a ROG laptop G75VW 8 cores 16 ram etc. The problems will be drivers or I read dual core cpus were unsupported as well. For the game itself it plays great Ive prob got 40 hours in, no crashes only bug is sometimes graphics glitch like a body floating here or there.
  • syntax42syntax42 Member UncommonPosts: 1,386
    Originally posted by Iselin

    And in that thread you'll find many posts like this one:


    "Finally it works! My problem was that Win7 didn't detect my new cpu as a hexa-core but triple-core because the old one was a triple core and the settings couldn't get updated. So I had to reset the number of the cores to default.


    Notice anything odd? Such as no clean install of Windows after changing CPUs? lol...


    I swear they should require licenses to operate PCs, or at least a test to demonstrate basic common sense... and if they fail, it's consoles for them.


    enough said...


    (PS. Have played over 100 hours SP with no problems (i7 4400k oc'd @ 4,2 GHz + Radeon HD 7970)... a few minor bugs here and there (can't mouse select wheel options sometimes and have to use the KB instead, disconnects in MP mode, etc.) but hardly anything worth mentioning.)

    I have never heard of needing to reinstall Windows after any hardware upgrade.  Windows 7 might need to be directed to use the right drivers, but doesn't need a full reinstall.  I had no problem going from a four-core AMD to an eight-core.  It sounds more like something strange was going on with Windows or the BIOS.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435

    Actually my system is old too coming to 4.5 years old. Specs are i7 930 @ 2.8ghz, 9 gb RAM, Nvdia 580 GTX. I am running it at all high. So far so good I have an Alienware Aurora water cooled, I paid a small fortune for it a few years ago. Not sure how much trouble I might have in multiplayer have not tried it yet.


    I have not played much and I do not play long hours I do not get such long stretches of free time so may be the fact that I shut off the game quite frequently may help it.



    Garrus Signature
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by syntax42
    Originally posted by Iselin

    And in that thread you'll find many posts like this one:


    "Finally it works! My problem was that Win7 didn't detect my new cpu as a hexa-core but triple-core because the old one was a triple core and the settings couldn't get updated. So I had to reset the number of the cores to default.


    Notice anything odd? Such as no clean install of Windows after changing CPUs? lol...


    I swear they should require licenses to operate PCs, or at least a test to demonstrate basic common sense... and if they fail, it's consoles for them.


    enough said...


    (PS. Have played over 100 hours SP with no problems (i7 4400k oc'd @ 4,2 GHz + Radeon HD 7970)... a few minor bugs here and there (can't mouse select wheel options sometimes and have to use the KB instead, disconnects in MP mode, etc.) but hardly anything worth mentioning.)

    I have never heard of needing to reinstall Windows after any hardware upgrade.  Windows 7 might need to be directed to use the right drivers, but doesn't need a full reinstall.  I had no problem going from a four-core AMD to an eight-core.  It sounds more like something strange was going on with Windows or the BIOS.

    You may be able to get away with some functionality, as the guy I quoted obviously did...for a while, but you're asking for trouble such as unexplicable crashes in some software... and THAT also obviously happened to him with DA-I.


    Whenever you change CPUs or MBs - especially those with different architecture - as in tri-core to hex-core AMDs the only way to guarantee success is a clean re-install... even a repair install doesn't do the trick most of the time.


    Video cards, ram, PSUs etc. don't require a new install but all MB changes and CPUs (other than replacements from the same architecture family) do.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • Entris38Entris38 Member UncommonPosts: 401
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by syntax42
    Originally posted by Iselin

    And in that thread you'll find many posts like this one:


    "Finally it works! My problem was that Win7 didn't detect my new cpu as a hexa-core but triple-core because the old one was a triple core and the settings couldn't get updated. So I had to reset the number of the cores to default.


    Notice anything odd? Such as no clean install of Windows after changing CPUs? lol...


    I swear they should require licenses to operate PCs, or at least a test to demonstrate basic common sense... and if they fail, it's consoles for them.


    enough said...


    (PS. Have played over 100 hours SP with no problems (i7 4400k oc'd @ 4,2 GHz + Radeon HD 7970)... a few minor bugs here and there (can't mouse select wheel options sometimes and have to use the KB instead, disconnects in MP mode, etc.) but hardly anything worth mentioning.)

    I have never heard of needing to reinstall Windows after any hardware upgrade.  Windows 7 might need to be directed to use the right drivers, but doesn't need a full reinstall.  I had no problem going from a four-core AMD to an eight-core.  It sounds more like something strange was going on with Windows or the BIOS.

    You may be able to get away with some functionality, as the guy I quoted obviously did...for a while, but you're asking for trouble such as unexplicable crashes in some software... and THAT also obviously happened to him with DA-I.


    Whenever you change CPUs or MBs - especially those with different architecture - as in tri-core to hex-core AMDs the only way to guarantee success is a clean re-install... even a repair install doesn't do the trick most of the time.


    Video cards, ram, PSUs etc. don't require a new install but all MB changes and CPUs (other than replacements from the same architecture family) do.

    100% Agree with this^^^^. It's just the way I was taught.

    I'm running i5-4670k(stock, no o/c), gtx770, 8g ram. Windows 7.

    Running some high, the rest ultra, no multi-sampling issues.

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