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[Column] General: Be Thankful for What We Have



  • VelqorVelqor Member Posts: 33
    Originally posted by MostWise

    Has there ever been a seasonal event in a game called "Tanksgiving"? There are many ways this could be played out...


    Well.. if they could create that on US servers only, that would be fine. But I would certainly be 100% against it if they would force that on EU servers too. It seems absurd, but I would actually quit over small things like that. There's already enough pro-US related events, lore, and what not in games. Totally understandable, of course,  most likely even without realising it. But there's a limit to Americentrism.

  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Then don't play games made in America.
  • mrneurosismrneurosis Member UncommonPosts: 316
    Originally posted by Velqor
    Originally posted by MostWise

    Has there ever been a seasonal event in a game called "Tanksgiving"? There are many ways this could be played out...


    Well.. if they could create that on US servers only, that would be fine. But I would certainly be 100% against it if they would force that on EU servers too. It seems absurd, but I would actually quit over small things like that. There's already enough pro-US related events, lore, and what not in games. Totally understandable, of course,  most likely even without realising it. But there's a limit to Americentrism.

    This guy lol

    Plays American games and then complain about Americancentrism (is that even a word?)

    One has to be really miserable to dislike any kind of holiday event.

  • neosparkkneosparkk Member UncommonPosts: 59
    I'm thankful for the massive cringe this crappy article just gave me
  • MostWiseMostWise Member Posts: 10

    Has there ever been a seasonal event in a game called "Tanksgiving"? There are many ways this could be played out...

  • MostWiseMostWise Member Posts: 10
    [dupe post]
  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713
    I'm thankful for Bill, Rob, and everyone else on this site for making it a great homepage on my web browser fueling my addiction!

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964

    First of all giving thanks to this website and the friends I have made through it since 2004.

    We may not all agree on the same game, but we do have one thing in common, we are all gamer's image

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  • MadcappMadcapp Member Posts: 20

    We're definitely going to have to complain less. The companies aren't listening and the numbers just keep saying the don't have to.

    RIP MMORPGs. It was kinda fun I guess.

  • RaquisRaquis Member RarePosts: 1,029
    gaming is the slowest progressing product in the world,there are very view good games!
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    Well, us europeans add a second rule to that....


    Be thankfull for what you have, and dont envy others for what they have....   If you want a better life,  you need to invest in it and either be smarter or work harder..

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • EridanixEridanix Member Posts: 426

    I am from EU and an old visitor of this site; I hope you all in the US enjoyed a happy and familiar Thanksgiving day. 

    I can give thanks this page for their only existence. And to all the complicated life and struggle that a MMO player has to deal with to play our games, and thanks to the Gaming Industry for trying and achieving so many marks and counting and to all who love, work in  or like these games. We are a Global Community, from the whole planet Earth and we have broken a lot of barriers. 

    Thanks to you all, too, everyone here. For the good, the bad and the stubornness that is a cardinal virtue in us all. 

    It is a question of fangs.

  • AzucArSaladAzucArSalad Member UncommonPosts: 63

    So say we all ;-)

    Happy day from EU and yes, thank for the MMOs.


  • VelqorVelqor Member Posts: 33
    Originally posted by Horusra
    Then don't play games made in America.

    Why would I stop playing American games? The devs are smart enough not to add this event.

    Also, yes, Americentrism is a word. Just like Eurocentrism. The Chronicles of spellborn was, (although it failed because of mismanagement) one of those European games that also did not include too much specific things. There were a few dutch references, but other than that it did not force a certain view or culture, and that is gladly enough the same with most current MMORPG's. 

    I don't dislike ''any'' holiday event, just the specific ones, where 50% of the players would not get the point, or might get irritated by the -in their eyes- nonsense. I would imagine the same happened when they would add Sinterklaas, a dutch holliday, in the game. In fact, americans, as well as many other countries already criticize it outside of games, can you imagine how that would be when they would add in inside a game?

    My point is, I'm glad with the current  holidays in mmorpg's, most mmorpg's celebrate the global ones -or less controversial events- or in some cases handle events differently with each server type (NA/EU/others)

    Let's indeed be happy about what we have, more = better doesn't always count. Anyway, happy holidays everyone!
  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    mmo's games are only place where I celebrate Thanksgiving  , happy day everyone !
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,347
    Game-wise I don't have much to be grateful for. It was two years ago I lost my favorite MMORPG, City of Heroes and nothing has come close to replacing it. I tried WildStar to find a new community and everyone knows how that went. Instead I see more and more fantasy-based games and fewer sci-fi games. The gaming culture itself is turning more toxic as a bunch of self-centered man-children get so offended when someone different than themselves is involved in "their" culture. Now I'm not so sure I want to stick around and just hope something better comes around instead of more of the same fantasy games.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,496

    "We’re in the middle of a larger transition period for the MMORPG, as the acronym becomes lost and the online worlds shrink in favor of persistent character building experiences of any kind. Publishers shy from the term MMO, but cling to the features and connections that made these games so appealing in the first place."

    I agree this is a period of transition, but it is one that started before WoW. It is now being regarded as a 'period of transition' as commentators wise up to what many of us have been saying on here for years. The effect on MMO's of designing games for as large a playerbase as possible and the effect of cash shops on gaming ethos are now clear to see. But we did predict it would end in tears.

    Do publishers shy away from the term MMO? Bill would know better than me, but my impression was that they want to keep that term or elude to it as it gives market recognition of game concept. Also they cling to some of the gameplay that MMOs once had, but it goes through the casino design filter that all online games are now adopting. Gaming ethos is becoming unrecognisable in modern games, let alone MMOs.

    And yes be thankful for what you have for the direction travel is Las Vegas.

    Happy thanksgiving, there are many things to enjoy apart from gaming, that's something to celebrate! 


  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by Velqor
    Originally posted by Horusra
    Then don't play games made in America.

    Why would I stop playing American games? The devs are smart enough not to add this event.

    Also, yes, Americentrism is a word. Just like Eurocentrism. The Chronicles of spellborn was, (although it failed because of mismanagement) one of those European games that also did not include too much specific things. There were a few dutch references, but other than that it did not force a certain view or culture, and that is gladly enough the same with most current MMORPG's. 

    I don't dislike ''any'' holiday event, just the specific ones, where 50% of the players would not get the point, or might get irritated by the -in their eyes- nonsense. I would imagine the same happened when they would add Sinterklaas, a dutch holliday, in the game. In fact, americans, as well as many other countries already criticize it outside of games, can you imagine how that would be when they would add in inside a game?

    My point is, I'm glad with the current  holidays in mmorpg's, most mmorpg's celebrate the global ones -or less controversial events- or in some cases handle events differently with each server type (NA/EU/others)

    Let's indeed be happy about what we have, more = better doesn't always count. Anyway, happy holidays everyone!

    It is not their problem if players don't get a point for the holiday. Stop complaining about something so trivial. Makes you look real petty. And if still you have problem with it..stop playing American games because they are certainly not going to stop celebrating their holidays inside MMOS. Problem is clearly you not them.

  • Fallen5Fallen5 Member UncommonPosts: 99
    Thank you for this great read. I will soon be enjoying the worlds I choose to spend my time in and the friends I have made in there. I do love these online worlds. Thank you :)
  • VelqorVelqor Member Posts: 33
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Velqor
    Originally posted by Horusra
    Then don't play games made in America.

    Why would I stop playing American games? The devs are smart enough not to add this event.

    Also, yes, Americentrism is a word. Just like Eurocentrism. The Chronicles of spellborn was, (although it failed because of mismanagement) one of those European games that also did not include too much specific things. There were a few dutch references, but other than that it did not force a certain view or culture, and that is gladly enough the same with most current MMORPG's. 

    I don't dislike ''any'' holiday event, just the specific ones, where 50% of the players would not get the point, or might get irritated by the -in their eyes- nonsense. I would imagine the same happened when they would add Sinterklaas, a dutch holliday, in the game. In fact, americans, as well as many other countries already criticize it outside of games, can you imagine how that would be when they would add in inside a game?

    My point is, I'm glad with the current  holidays in mmorpg's, most mmorpg's celebrate the global ones -or less controversial events- or in some cases handle events differently with each server type (NA/EU/others)

    Let's indeed be happy about what we have, more = better doesn't always count. Anyway, happy holidays everyone!

    It is not their problem if players don't get a point for the holiday. Stop complaining about something so trivial. Makes you look real petty. And if still you have problem with it..stop playing American games because they are certainly not going to stop celebrating their holidays inside MMOS. Problem is clearly you not them.


    Don't act like a stereotype, you don't have to be so agressive since there is no problem. There is no way developers are going to add it, simply because one person wants it. 

    In fact, i'm not even complaining. I've only shown what the problems could be when they would add such an event. 

    Ps: freedom of speech.

  • mac6115cdmac6115cd Member UncommonPosts: 15

    It began with Asheron's Call (AC) - the good (wide open character customization, free monthly content, a great story, great community) and the bad (corpse runs, couldn't re-spec, aging game mechanics/graphics). The best part was the monthly update  - moving the overarching story forward. AC set the standard for all MMOs that followed.

    Then to DAoC. where you had to group to succeed. But time and an arrogant company (that didn't listen to subscribers) caused it's demise. It was tough leaving, but it wa worse seeing online friends move on and our guild dissolve.

    Then to WoW - an MMO with a sense of humor. WoW is more MORPG without the Multiplayer. Guilds are nice, but not necessary. WoD is a great expansion - garisons add a nice strategic aspect to the game. In the future, maybe we can PvP garrisons - we'll see.

    Then on to LoTRO, or as I like to call it, AC in Middle Earth - a very deep, wide open game. Turbine's attention to detail is impressive but I wonder, will we ever get to Mordor? And when we do, then what?

    I've tried others  (GW2, EQ, EQ2, Eve online, ESO, DDO,  SW:KotOR, etc.) but continue searching for that MMO that embraces & rewards community. Perhaps it's not the games but the players that aren't as community-minded as in the past. It seems everyone would rather solo than group. I hope that changes.

    Anyway, I have a LOT to be thankful for wrt MMOs and look forward to the future.

  • dvpldvpl Member Posts: 2
    I love this article; it touches the very soul of an MMMORPGer. I guess I should give it as a mandatory read to anyone who questions, or doesn't understand my love for MMO's.
  • VirrukVirruk Member UncommonPosts: 8
    A week late, but preach it Bill! I have commented maybe twice on, but have followed it for years. I love the content and information you bring. Keep up the good work! This made me want to tear up with all of the great memories that MMOs have given me from (most importantly) Ultima Online, to Asheron's Call 2, traversing into FPS with Planetside 1, into the amazing World of Warcraft...and many more. So thankful for the genre, and for the site. Cheers!
  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    .... If we don't complain, then the MMO creators think they're doing a great job, and the offerings will shrink even more. As we say in my business "if you don't say something, then we don't know something was wrong". 
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