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[Column] General: 5 Reasons Why Dragon Age Would Make a Great MMO

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

My PlayStation 4 has been dominated by Dragon Age: Inquisition over the past week. In about 7 days, between working full-time, writing as a freelancer, balancing relationships, and several other things, I have somehow found nearly 20 hours of spare time to invest in Bioware’s latest epic – and I can tell I’m just now scratching the surface.

Read more of David Jagneaux's The List: 5 Reasons Why Dragon Age Would Make a Great MMO.





  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301

    how come no one is talking about all the errors people are getting????



    as you can see it reached 79 pages of complaints already in this thread alone - and all are people who cannot play the game at all (like me..)

    Just my 2 cents...


  • sketocafesketocafe Member UncommonPosts: 950
    Hotbar combat isn't a plus for me.
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Just like swtor and eso?!

  • BattlerockBattlerock Member CommonPosts: 1,393
    #1 for me - because I have never played DA and have no expectations other than fantasy and dragons.
  • GreteldaGretelda Member UncommonPosts: 359
    best and worst idea at the same time. if they release an MMO for Dragon Age they will probably stop making sequels for it for a long time. DAI ended with a cliffhanger so...NO. plus they will probably butcher the story and the lore if they make an MMO in the long run.

    my top MMOs: UO,DAOC,WoW,GW2

    most of my posts are just my opinions they are not facts,it is the same for you too.

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916

    How is the multiplayer not considered a MMO? I mean if superdata lists Hearthstone a 1v1 game as a MMO and Diablo3 gets called a MMO with 4 players Dragon Age multiplayer might as well be a MMO. That or some people in the industry have no clue wtf a MMO is.

    You know what they could have done? Made it like Neverwinter Nights 2 and had a toolkit with player built and run persistent world servers, drop in multiplayer in the campaign and mod support.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

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  • JalitanJalitan Member UncommonPosts: 104

    One of the reasons people like the DA series is for romance. How would they do the romancing with an MMO? 

    People also like deciding which NPC is in their party because of the banter and dynamics it adds to the whole experience. How would they do that with an MMO?


    There are too many things that would have to be dropped to make DA into an MMO that would ruin it for fans.


  • ProblemProblem Member UncommonPosts: 77
    Originally posted by Dragnelus
    Just like swtor and eso?!

     They're both fine.

    Citizen: Preach your filth elsewhere!

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143
    Originally posted by Jalitan

    One of the reasons people like the DA series is for romance. How would they do the romancing with an MMO? 

    People also like deciding which NPC is in their party because of the banter and dynamics it adds to the whole experience. How would they do that with an MMO?


    There are too many things that would have to be dropped to make DA into an MMO that would ruin it for fans.



    My guess is that it would be more like Star Wars the Old Republic where you pick one of your companions to follow you.

    For people who like SWToR or at least can accept how it does "companions" it would work.

    I would personally love to see a Dragon Age mmo like SWToR. Obviously it wouldn't have some of the other aspects that I would love in an mmo but I tend to be more interested in fantasy over "future" (not going to use sci fi as Star Wars really isn't sci fi) settings.

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  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    some things cant go with MMO's ; story driven,cutt scenes,companions  .Lets leave that for SP games ,mmo's are about players interactions and cooperate.
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Perfect environment, perfect lore, same sort of conversion issues as ESO. Enthusiasts would simply not know what to expect, so you're, really, targeting a market that is a bit of a deviation from your core game. People get excited about it and then they're let down, lol. Although! A story-driven game in the same vein as SWTOR, done by Bioware, might be interesting. 


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  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    some things cant go with MMO's ; story driven,cutt scenes,companions  .Lets leave that for SP games ,mmo's are about players interactions and cooperate.

    Except there is already a bioware mmo, people seem to like it and it is reasonably successful at this point in time in its development.

    I imagine SWToR fans would have no problem with this setup in "this type of mmo".

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  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Originally posted by Dragnelus
    Just like swtor and eso?!

    Yeh I know, right?  Some things just need to be left alone, or in this case, singleplayer (mostly) games need to stay singleplayer games and not shoe horned into an MMO just for the sake of making a quick buck.  That's how you lose fans of an IP.  Just because it's an RPG and fantasy doesn't mean it needs to be an MMO.  Of course if devs see dollar signs they are going to make it anyways in spite of it being a bad idea long term .  It's all about the quick return.  I'm sure this same type of article was written about Elder Scrolls several years ago and look at what we got.  SWTOR was almost a fiasco but they managed to pull it out of the fire some how.  So not saying it's impossible, but rather a bad idea that could end up losing a more loyal fan base than gaining a new one.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • KhebelnKhebeln Member UncommonPosts: 794
    Originally posted by Shaike

    how come no one is talking about all the errors people are getting????



    as you can see it reached 79 pages of complaints already in this thread alone - and all are people who cannot play the game at all (like me..)

    Yhh... maybe because majority of people dont experience that ? They already made official statement about PC issues and complains and said they are working on patch to fix / adjust things for PC players. What more do you want ?

    98% of the people on PC are playing the game just fine. No one in our community have issue with the game, and if they had we found quick fixes for them. Most of the time problem was with Old drivers or Ati cards :P

    (Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2

  • eddieg50eddieg50 Member UncommonPosts: 1,809
    well if freezing and crashing are what makes a good mmo than yes DAI fits the bill nicely
  • KhebelnKhebeln Member UncommonPosts: 794

    And more on the topic, yeah first thing i noticed that the game plays like an mmo now and it almost begs for mmo version :D

    But for a mmo game the combat system would have to be greatly expanded. For a single player game its fine, but for mmo game it would be lacking, as it would need more depth and customization.

    In mmo version you would play 1 character so the simplified system would be just to boring with 1 character :)

    For single player game on Nightmare with 4 character is great, but mmo need depth, single player games can skim through that a bit this days :P

    (Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143
    Originally posted by Khebeln
    Originally posted by Shaike

    how come no one is talking about all the errors people are getting????



    as you can see it reached 79 pages of complaints already in this thread alone - and all are people who cannot play the game at all (like me..)

    Yhh... maybe because majority of people dont experience that ? They already made official statement about PC issues and complains and said they are working on patch to fix / adjust things for PC players. What more do you want ?

    98% of the people on PC are playing the game just fine. No one in our community have issue with the game, and if they had we found quick fixes for them. Most of the time problem was with Old drivers or Ati cards :P

    I'm in your camp. After adjusting the visual settings my game runs very well. some hitching here and there and I suspect the memory leak is a true thing causing me to restart after long bouts of playing, but for me the game is a success.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798
    Originally posted by nilden

    How is the multiplayer not considered a MMO?

    I mean if superdata lists Hearthstone a 1v1 game as a MMO and Diablo3 gets called a MMO with 4 players

    Dragon Age multiplayer might as well be a MMO.

    i agree - mmo terminology is loose

  • BTrayaLBTrayaL Member UncommonPosts: 624
    They said the same about Skyrim :)

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    Originally posted by Nadia
    Originally posted by nilden

    How is the multiplayer not considered a MMO?

    I mean if superdata lists Hearthstone a 1v1 game as a MMO and Diablo3 gets called a MMO with 4 players

    Dragon Age multiplayer might as well be a MMO.

    i agree - mmo terminology is loose

    Hotdog down a hallway...

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

    Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer

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  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281
    Humm correct me if I'm wrong but didn't alot of people say the same thing about Skyrim and KOTOR? Now we have SW:Tor and TESO. to show for it. Not exactly bad MMO's but far from the perfection you speak of. DA:I (yet another EAoware title) would likely be just SW:tor all over again. YMMV on weither thats a good or a bad thing
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143
    Originally posted by BTrayaL
    They said the same about Skyrim :)

    Yeah, but they didn't really make a "skyrim" mmo.

    There is already an mmo that plays like a bioware game and it's another bioware game.

    Whereas, ESO doesn't play like skyrim at all.

    Shame that.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Sevenstar61Sevenstar61 Member UncommonPosts: 1,686

    Considering how addicted I am to playing DAI and that I don't want it to ever come to the end - MMO would be a great thing thing.


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  • Sevenstar61Sevenstar61 Member UncommonPosts: 1,686
    Originally posted by Khebeln

    And more on the topic, yeah first thing i noticed that the game plays like an mmo now and it almost begs for mmo version :D

    But for a mmo game the combat system would have to be greatly expanded. For a single player game its fine, but for mmo game it would be lacking, as it would need more depth and customization.

    In mmo version you would play 1 character so the simplified system would be just to boring with 1 character :)

    For single player game on Nightmare with 4 character is great, but mmo need depth, single player games can skim through that a bit this days :P

    DAI MMO would have you play with at least one companion, just like SWTOR - that's for sure /grin



    There was a rumor that BioWare is working on new SWTOR 2.0 on Frostbite 3 engine. Maybe DAI is to show that it can be done. Considering that post is 5 months old and some things about new expac ring true, I wonder what else is true in this post.

    Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love
    Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine
    Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1

  • VonatarVonatar Member UncommonPosts: 723
    As if we need yet another standard fantasy MMO, just this time with a Dragon Age skin. Makers of MMOs need to stop relying on an established IP and focus instead on making a great, deep and interesting game. I would go so far as to say WoW's huge popularity has little to do with Warcraft fans and a lot to do with presenting a game people enjoy playing, in many cases for years and years.
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