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[Preview] Dragon Age: Inquisition: An Action RPG for a New Generation

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a beast of a game.  When we first took an extended hands-off look at Bioware’s upcoming action RPG at E3 this year, I was given the impression that its scope could far surpass the previous titles in the series, and that it could provide for a single-player experience heretofore unavailable on previous-gen systems.  Having now played several hours of the game, I can say that it does a little bit of both.

Read more of Som Pourfarzaneh's Dragon Age: Inquisition - An Action-RPG for a New Generation.





  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    everything looks solid...the only things im worried about - is it a living and breathing world ala skyrim? is the combat really challenging and both modes "action vs tactical" enganging to the individual fans?
    besides, if you write the game run smoothly on ultra it would be nice to know your specs (at least the gpu)...
    ps: it releases in Europe on the 21st for a higher price than in the us cause US developpers hate us Europeans because we get all the boobs on the beach and they dont...
  • BattlerockBattlerock Member CommonPosts: 1,393
    I'll second that Nemesis.
  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642
    Got my pre-order in Greenman has anywhere from 20 -25 % off atm. I got it for 25% off with an email voucher.
  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301

    i want to buy it but i cannot from GMG.. guess i will not get this game.. weird

    and for anyone asking - i live in Israel and bought many games from them...

    Just my 2 cents...


  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979
    Can't wait! Really hoping to lose myself in this game for a good long while.
    Oh, and multiplayer! 
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    i cant find it on gmg neither but got it on g2a for 45 bucks
    i live in Europe
  • derek39derek39 Member UncommonPosts: 265
    Can't wait for it! AC and Dragon Age are going to be a lot of fun this month.

    On top of that I have to buy Super smash on my Wii U. This month is expensive....

    Monster Hunter since '04!
    Currently playing: MHW & MHGU

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Originally posted by derek39
    Can't wait for it! AC and Dragon Age are going to be a lot of fun this month.

    On top of that I have to buy Super smash on my Wii U. This month is expensive....

    I had to build an entirely new machine to be able to play it. An expensive month indeed.

    Now I can continue the final countdown. Just a little over two weeks to go!

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    Originally posted by Azaron_Nightblade
    Originally posted by derek39
    Can't wait for it! AC and Dragon Age are going to be a lot of fun this month.

    On top of that I have to buy Super smash on my Wii U. This month is expensive....

    I had to build an entirely new machine to be able to play it. An expensive month indeed.

    Now I can continue the final countdown. Just a little over two weeks to go!

    what kidn of gpu do you need for ultra?

  • sumdumguy1sumdumguy1 Member RarePosts: 1,373
    I am really looking forward to this game.  While I am trying to be cautiously optimistic, I find myself getting more and more excited.   
  • parpinparpin Member UncommonPosts: 220
    i hope this game sells a lot like gta v did, because when developers working hard on the game and deliver true AAA game,they must be rewarded and players should buy it, this will improve game industry and motivate other developers to work hard on their game as well.
  • darkhalf357xdarkhalf357x Member UncommonPosts: 1,237

    This looks interesting and will buy a digital copy from EA origins (yeah I know but its not on steam).

    It is coming across as a hybrid between single player RPG and some MMO concepts (crafting, research, etc) which I think would be nice.

    All the independent systems sound great, but the devil is in how well they execute together to deliver the complete package. Concerned about challenge thinking it will be too easy. I like traditional progression of being punished until I learn how to become stronger to overcome.

    I'll see if this can take me away from EQ1 at the moment.

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023

    buy it on g2a and save at least 20-30 bucks

    i support bioware, but ea - NEVER

  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444
    So we can stop pretending now? Pretty obvious from DA2 they were trying to make the series more action-y (aka Witcherfy it). Wouldn't be surprised to see them announcing a spin off next year that is an abomination of DA meets Diablo. Hell they may even go the MOBA route because you know who is also doing it.

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    It looks pretty dang good so far.

    Combat is looking pretty challenging from the amount of times the devs got their asses handed to them on their own twitch streams (usually they were playing on normal / hard), although they didn't make uber smart decisions.

    I like the reduced focus on potions and healing and actually like the idea of temporary boosts through barriers and guard for warriors.

    Boss fights seem to be complex as well, which is sorely lacking in many recent RPG's.

    Can't wait to play on Nightmare + Friendly fire and get my ass handed to me while working out some nifty strategies.

    Originally posted by Roin
    So we can stop pretending now? Pretty obvious from DA2 they were trying to make the series more action-y (aka Witcherfy it). Wouldn't be surprised to see them announcing a spin off next year that is an abomination of DA meets Diablo. Hell they may even go the MOBA route because you know who is also doing it.

    It's nothing like the Witcher combat, can we please stop that argument now?

    I played both DA2 and TW2 FYI.

    DA:I is also meant to strike a balance between DA2 and DA:O.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    da:i looks like you can either choose diablo style combat or dnd style combat...
  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    Originally posted by Roin
    So we can stop pretending now? Pretty obvious from DA2 they were trying to make the series more action-y (aka Witcherfy it). Wouldn't be surprised to see them announcing a spin off next year that is an abomination of DA meets Diablo. Hell they may even go the MOBA route because you know who is also doing it.

    DA:2 was out before Witcher 2... While the first Witcher game's combat  was "okay" it wasn't that great and there is no way DA:2 was based on it lol



  • angerbeaverangerbeaver Member UncommonPosts: 1,276
    They really need to invent new skills. Aren't those the exact same rogue skills in the first two games? This is the series that brought me back to single player games but is it normal that the same skills are used throughout the whole series?
  • BelgaraathBelgaraath Member UncommonPosts: 3,206
    I only played a little of the first one and skipped the 2nd. I found the first too linear. Now that it is more open, I'm excited. I wonder if I should try playing both before this game or just start fresh. I realize it isn't a requirement, but I'm debating which path to take :-). There is no other game that I am more excited about than this one, but I'm not going to preorder. I still want to see the reviews. Even then, I need  to decide between the PS4 version which will allow me to play by laying on my couch on a 70" screen with surround sound, or my Office Gaming PC which has an Alienware 23" monitor with two 580Ms. Eventually I'll upgrade to a new PC with a larger more modern Gsync monitor, but I just want Nvidia to release the next card be it the 980TI or the next Titan. Decisions decisions. For the PS4, for me it all comes down to the draw distance. If it is compromised so Pop-Ups become annoying, then I will go with the PC version. Any advice out there? lol.

    There Is Always Hope!

  • BelgaraathBelgaraath Member UncommonPosts: 3,206
    whoops duplicate

    There Is Always Hope!

  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933

    If i grasped this correct, the author played the game on a PC with an Xbox controller.. 




    What the hell is wrong with the mouse / keyboard combo ? 

  • SunwolfNCSunwolfNC Member UncommonPosts: 188
    Originally posted by Shodanas

    If i grasped this correct, the author played the game on a PC with an Xbox controller.. 




    What the hell is wrong with the mouse / keyboard combo ? 

    Probably nothing? Maybe he didn't have an Xbone to test with but wanted the Xbone experience for controlling things? Maybe he just like the controller?

  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,152

    I find myself confused when dragon age inquisition is described as an action RPG, either they changed the game completely or its another case of marketing redefining genres.


    I really hope its marketing because I want DA:I to be more like the tactical DA:O and not more of the pseudo-actiony crap that was DA2.

    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • BelgaraathBelgaraath Member UncommonPosts: 3,206
    Originally posted by Shaigh

    I find myself confused when dragon age inquisition is described as an action RPG, either they changed the game completely or its another case of marketing redefining genres.


    I really hope its marketing because I want DA:I to be more like the tactical DA:O and not more of the pseudo-actiony crap that was DA2.

    It appears it gives you both options. You can be tactical by pausing the battles, or you can be less tactical without planning so much. I think thats a good thing :-).

    There Is Always Hope!

  • CommoXCommoX Member UncommonPosts: 85

    Just wish I had enough companion options to put together a full Dwarf party...

    Otherwise I'm anticipating this game highly... I'm only concerned with the high probability of DLC.

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