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how much can you level in 2 weeks

Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

how far could i push my 65 Shaman in 2 weeks, when i play a few hours a day?  


Whats the fastest way to level?

I guess its dungeons, as its quite easy to find groups as a healer..

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  • SoloAnythingSoloAnything Member UncommonPosts: 308
    I think buying the expac gives you a instant level 90 character.
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    with dungeon quests you can easilly do 1-2 levels per dungeon so in 2 weeks you could probably max your healer and a few alts depending on how fast the dungeons pop.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Originally posted by SoloAnything
    I think buying the expac gives you a instant level 90 character.

    I know... but i want an alternative to go to at 90...


    3 toons, Priest and Shaman at max level and a new warrior to level...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • SquishydewSquishydew Member UncommonPosts: 1,107
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
    Originally posted by SoloAnything
    I think buying the expac gives you a instant level 90 character.

    I know... but i want an alternative to go to at 90...


    3 toons, Priest and Shaman at max level and a new warrior to level...

    I don't want to ruin this for you but..

    It really doesn't sound like you "want" to level these characters, are you having fun at all?


    I'd suggest just doing something else.

  • SaluteSalute Member UncommonPosts: 795
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    how far could i push my 65 Shaman in 2 weeks, when i play a few hours a day?  


    Whats the fastest way to level?

    I guess its dungeons, as its quite easy to find groups as a healer..


    A few hours/day are more than enough to max lvl a char in less than a week. If you are 65lvl i could say you need only a couple of days.

    All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
    Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2

  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Random dungeons is the fastest way imho. It will give you great experience, you get decent gear as you progress, and they can be pretty fun a long the way. 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • AreWeLiveAreWeLive Member UncommonPosts: 202
    Originally posted by hallucigenocide
    with dungeon quests you can easilly do 1-2 levels per dungeon so in 2 weeks you could probably max your healer and a few alts depending on how fast the dungeons pop.

    with raf you can, without it lvls 15-20 you might get  2 lvls with the quests. when your in  your 40-50's expect to run the same instance 3 or more times to get a lvl.


     playing 3 hours a day for 2 weeks would get u to lvl 90 easy questing and running dungeons. 

  • jbriskeyjbriskey Member UncommonPosts: 43
    I'm in a similar boat...I just started back up and I want to push a new toon to 60 ( so I can get the professions and what not from the free boost). I'm going to be doing a tank. How long approx would it take to go 1-60 (couple of heirloom) as a tank in lfg?
  • BullCrakBullCrak Member UncommonPosts: 16
    Think they have nerfed the exp requirements between some levels quite a lot, did level way quicker through one level than on alt through the same level before pre-patch. And that was quite recent, about a week before pre-patch. Will be levelling an alt today, so I can check how quick it will be to that zones normal questing speed (Jade forest). Will reply back to this thread with answers.
  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by jbriskey
    I'm in a similar boat...I just started back up and I want to push a new toon to 60 ( so I can get the professions and what not from the free boost). I'm going to be doing a tank. How long approx would it take to go 1-60 (couple of heirloom) as a tank in lfg?

    Probably about 20 hours game time doing random dungeons. Just a rough guess.

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910

    If you played a couple hours every day you should be able to push it to level 90.  You could schedule yourself for dungeons while questing.  You'd probably have a good wait for dungeons, so the questing would fill in the time and give you XP.


    This wouldn't work for me though.  I am notoriously* slow when I level and until I get near max level I don't really push it.  I don't think I could get from 65 to 90 in two weeks.


    * Among the people who actually know me and have played WoW with me.

    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • Agnostic42Agnostic42 Member UncommonPosts: 405
    I'm doing the same thing. Already have a 90 DK, Hunter and Druid, but wanted to get a Monk and Shaman to 90 before the expansion. Been having so much fun with the Monk that I think I'll just main him or the DK in WoD. I like being able to Tank and then swap to a DPS role. Think my fastest was loading Heirloom items onto the monk when I took him to 45 in just 2 days(Sessions, not total play time). Dungeons make it go really fast.
  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910
    Originally posted by BullCrak
    Think they have nerfed the exp requirements between some levels quite a lot, did level way quicker through one level than on alt through the same level before pre-patch. And that was quite recent, about a week before pre-patch. Will be levelling an alt today, so I can check how quick it will be to that zones normal questing speed (Jade forest). Will reply back to this thread with answers.


    I played two toons to 90 recently.  One just before the patch and one just after the patch.  My last couple of levels to 90 on the latter toon did seem to go really fast.  I didn't even make it out of the second zone before I hit max.  Though, to be honest it seemed to go pretty fast on my first toon as well.  Blizzard tends to overload the content so if you have a tendency to poke around and do all the quests, even the ones you aren't lead to by other quests then you're going to hit max way early.


    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048

    Well given its 65... if your talking say 2 hours a day I'd say your going to be hard pressed to hit 90. 

    I've found it takes ~ 3 days to hit max level from level 1. This though is including some down time waiting for groups lacking side questing at some parts. Given you quest AND do dungeons, it could probably be trimmed down further. 


    The exp change does make MoP a bit quicker... though considering the state of dungeons right now (even with the ghetto changes to make it a bit better) I'd say time wise it would probably be the same if not a bit longer to hit max. 

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130

    I can actually quest faster than I can do dungeons, tbh. It's also more consistent because I don't need to worry about crap groups. I will usually do a dungeon as soon as it opens, along with the quests available within because that will give you a decent amount of xp. After that, though, it's marginal. 


    Pre-pre-patch I would expect to do a level 80-90 in 3-4 hours. In the content prior to that it was more like 1-2 hours per level. However, that's also pulling like 6-10 mobs at a time. If you can't do that with your priest, then Dungeons might be the way to go. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
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    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
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  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,418
    I have a 26 priest I just resubbed and going to gird myself for the LFD abuse .How long will it take to level up to 90  you think ? No money nothing no crafts nothing. Just skinning and mining .
    Garrus Signature
  • BullCrakBullCrak Member UncommonPosts: 16

    Ok, done 2 sessions. First with 85 DK doing Jade Forest, doing starting MoP quests up to first meeting Lorewalker Cho did net a whole level to 86. Before it would have only gone to about 1/3 (that was after the first initial nerf  to MoP levelling one and half year ago, and ofc no heirlooms, since it won't work 85 and up).

    Second session on 24 and a half druid with 2 xpbonus heirlooms, one run of Stockade got me above 25 (only 2 out of 3 bosses done). Before it would have gotten me just above 1/3-2/5 level gained with heirlooms with ALL 3 bosses done. Stockade was probably one of worst levelling dungeons earlier since no quests, and so few mobs and bosses.

    Total I would say they have reduced xp requirements by about 2/3 above level 10 (have tested that too with a fresh level 1 char, same zone progression like before)

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    I got my resto shaman from 60-85 from fri to sunday only playing 3-4 hours a day, but I had full loom. No rested exp though. Dungeons are definitely the fastest way to level up.
  • EridanixEridanix Member Posts: 426
    Quest result to develope a gooI read them and I enjoy the plot; but the better way to level up comes from raiding, as many said before, and it results in a fact; many of us find raiding more profitable in xp than questing, but questing introduces you into the forthcoming big storyline, what can be considered as a gain too, but not a numerical-levellic one.

    It is a question of fangs.

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Needless to say, my old toons date back from vanilla, and dont have any heirlooms, neither do i have access to any other fancy stuff, so i asume that makes leveling a lot slower...   

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • AZHokie54AZHokie54 Member UncommonPosts: 295
    Leveling is super fast, and then you hit the old-awful Cata and MoP zones. They are beyond boring and it makes it feel like the leveling comes to a grinding halt because I can't stand to play more than 30 minutes at a time.
  • Gregor999Gregor999 Member Posts: 86
    When it comes to WoW it's not how much can you level in 2 weeks, it's how many......
  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    you could easily get to 90 in 2 weeks.  I can get healer/tank specs to 90 in about 16-20 hours played.  The fastest way to level is to grind quests and do dungeons when it's the first time you're doing them.  The quests in dungeons give insane amounts of exp.  It'll probably take you longer because I have every heirloom, but it's still easy to do in 2 weeks.  However, if you're shaman has a craft you want to level as well, boosting is probably better.
  • DemenshaDemensha Member UncommonPosts: 76
    best ive done is a warrior from 0-90 in 4 days 16 hrs. had 2x xp at diff times. had heirlooms. played over a 2 week period.
  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218

    I am getting a toon to lvl 60 so I can make good use of the free 90 boost with WoD, taken me 13 hours to get to lvl 39 so far, just running dungeons.  Each level takes a little longer than the next but I recon it will take 20-22 hours to get to 60.

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