Originally posted by KaylettaJade The answer to your question is yes, Archlyte, but the mats are not specific to the pvp areas. None of them are. But through the buy order system you can specify X number of Y quality material.
Nice. Thanks for answering that question, I have been wondering about that for a while.
MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
Your rundown definitely made my mind up to not play The Repopulation. I leveled my first max level WoW character on a PVP server due to friends playing on one. It's more than ego damage to be corpse camped and ganked endlessly when you are trying to quest or harvest resources. The prospect of a potential SWG type game had me excited, but it's looking to be a misleading description. You could have massive scale PVP in SWG and still enjoy the entire map without the PVP element. I'll remain hopeful that you implement a PVE friendly system at some point.
While we hate to see any player go, especially without trying the game, the truth is if you try to appeal to everyone, then you risk appealing to nobody. You have to pick your market, know what you want to achieve, and then stick with it. As I illustrated above, in order to move to a flagging system to appeal to anti-PvP players we would have to sacrifice the open world benefit which appeals to a much larger percentage of players. You have to pick your poison and these are the choices which we've made. We've made a lot of moves over the past year to try to make the game as appealing as we can to those players, with the addition of Open World PvE Housing, player vendors, etc. But there's only so much we can offer without taking away from the games unique features. There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
Dated or not, it will always be my favorite game due to the fact that you could do/be anything you wanted to. If you participated in everything the game had to offer, you didn't get bored. It had what so many mmo's of today lack....choice. You could do combat until you got bored and then you could do space. When that became boring, you could craft using the best crafting system ever. When that bored you, you could PVP. When that became boring you could decorate your many houses. When that became boring you could farm rare crafting items. I could go on and on with things to do. No other mmo has options like that.
While the game may be great ( to me it looks to be shaping up that way), I hesitate on the "like SWG" part of this, that game will be very hard to replicate.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by JC-Smith There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
are there other games? yes, sure, plenty. are they good? well, that depends on the point of view. undoubtful should be that 80% of all mmorpgs in the last decade is fast food. level up to max in under a week and then stuck with your gear grinding. no wonder that mmorpgs tend to have massive dropouts of players after the first 2-3 month after release. mmorpgs were intended to be virtual worlds with a wide range of activities, content and features a player can pick up if he logs in. nowadays its reduced to daily missions / dungeon runs and a raid twice a week. and people seams to be sick of it. any game in the last decade which tried to be more 'sandbox', offered more 'freedom' and persitence were lacking of funding (what leads to an unpolished product) or were build completly on pvp.
that - especially the swg nostalgics - are interested in 'the repopulation' shouldn't be that surprising. also the guys who are focused on building and creating something - the crafters - are highly attracted by the concept this game offers. and with a view on the future releases in the next years ... there aren't many high quality games in the pipeline for the next 2 years and those which will come don't offer the varity and freedom 'the repopulation' does. that a lot of these players are afraid of the pvp system is understandable, given the experience in other games. but, please guys, when 'the repopulation' launches it will come with a freemium payment model (a good f2p concept i might add). so it will cost you nothing to just try it out. its really worth a closer look.
and no, i'm not working for them and i'm far off to be a fanboy of any kind. i'm only one of those swg nostalgics tiered to get served fast food.
Your rundown definitely made my mind up to not play The Repopulation. I leveled my first max level WoW character on a PVP server due to friends playing on one. It's more than ego damage to be corpse camped and ganked endlessly when you are trying to quest or harvest resources. The prospect of a potential SWG type game had me excited, but it's looking to be a misleading description. You could have massive scale PVP in SWG and still enjoy the entire map without the PVP element. I'll remain hopeful that you implement a PVE friendly system at some point.
There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
That's where you are wrong.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Good luck finding the game you want, I doubt there will be many MMO where you can access every single area of the game without engaging in PvP,
imo you are cutting off your nose to spite your face here, surely what is important is if the area you get for PvE is big fun and varied enough. Just becuase the PvP is in a open setting rather than a battleground instance what does it matter if you dont go there? its 0 difference.
Cany you choose to avoid the PvP zone? - yes - so it is not forced pvp
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Your rundown definitely made my mind up to not play The Repopulation. I leveled my first max level WoW character on a PVP server due to friends playing on one. It's more than ego damage to be corpse camped and ganked endlessly when you are trying to quest or harvest resources. The prospect of a potential SWG type game had me excited, but it's looking to be a misleading description. You could have massive scale PVP in SWG and still enjoy the entire map without the PVP element. I'll remain hopeful that you implement a PVE friendly system at some point.
While we hate to see any player go, especially without trying the game, the truth is if you try to appeal to everyone, then you risk appealing to nobody. You have to pick your market, know what you want to achieve, and then stick with it. As I illustrated above, in order to move to a flagging system to appeal to anti-PvP players we would have to sacrifice the open world benefit which appeals to a much larger percentage of players. You have to pick your poison and these are the choices which we've made. We've made a lot of moves over the past year to try to make the game as appealing as we can to those players, with the addition of Open World PvE Housing, player vendors, etc. But there's only so much we can offer without taking away from the games unique features. There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
First time MMORPG poster here, though a long time MMO player, going back to Gemstone III, continuing through UO and more games than I care to mention, up through Archage most recently. I used to be an avid forum poster, but over time though the faces change, the conversations take on a "been there, chatted that" quality. Sometimes you just need a break.
But in ghosting this thread on The Repopulation, I have to say that I think JC has dealt with the most voiced resistance with regard to PvP and the AH, several times over. It seems to me that some of the posters are waiting for him to come on and announce that PvP is being completely removed from the game, and that's simply not going to happen. As he's posted above, they've picked their market, decided how they wished to cater to it, and they're sticking with it. And that's the way to proceed; anything else would call into question their stewardship of the kickstarter-financed trust many people have placed in them.
I've been on both sides of the PvP controversy, from raging on the UO forums (when they were the only forums in town) to ban them all and then sterilize them for the sake of posterity, to logging into Rift and thinking "PvE who?" My middle ground position is that currently, PvP adds a level of dynamism that is sorely lacking in today's games and is probably all we'll see for a bit given today's technology. Because gaming worlds at their core are palettes that the players react to. Once you've exhausted most of the available reactions, the game becomes predictable and tired, and its static nature starts to overcome the suspension of disbelief. PvP, introducing the dynamic of the unpredictable human element, helps to push that moment off into the future.
The full PvE crowd seems to be as myopic as the hardcore full PvP element - neither recognizing that both predictability (PvE) and unpredictability (PvP) are necessary to create a dynamic world. The Repopulation devs are walking a fine line trying to please as many people as possible, but I have hope for the game seeing that they realize that you can't please everyone, and that you just won't get every last person interested in your particular vision. Sometimes, if anything is to happen at all, you have to draw a line in the sand and say this far, and no farther. And then you let the would-be gamers decide on which side of the line they'll choose to stand.
From all that I have read (this forum thread was a marathon) and all I have seen by having decided to back the game, I feel very strongly that the game is on the correct path. As was stated earlier....if you try and please everybody you end up pleasing no one. Is this game for everyone? Nope. A lot of people want to ride the rails and that's fine. But what is bothering me is this persistent criticism by, what appears to be, people who are not in the Alpha test and are lacking first hand info. Not just in these forums but MMO-centric web sites all over the place ranting and raving...ignorant of the realities of the game. Am I being a little over protective? Sure...cannot help it. I have been a(n) MMO Gypsie since SWG and I am tired of it. Not for lack of experimentation either....I have played and subscribed to and beta tested probably 20 MMO's over the last several years.
The Repopulation seems to be the shoe that is going to fit for the long haul. It is the FIRST gaming in a long while with balls enough to demand a player actually think.
Is it an identical SWG clone, no...I wouldn't want it to be..and it sure as hell isn't another WoW clone, so that's an automatic +1.
The PvP question: If anyone ever played Shadowbane...they remember the SHEER TERROR you felt while hauling ass back to home base loaded down with ill gotten booty when you saw a red blip on the radar. I HATED PvP (because I sucked at it) but it was by far the most exciting part of that game. I still am not a major PvP guy but I will certainly dabble.... If I am understanding the mechanics of the 'active' and 'inactive' military conditions (flags) it seems to me that PvP is pretty damned avoidable if you so choose.
So...those that want to shed blood...have at it. Those that want to delve into the mind exploding deep crafting system...plenty there for you.
I am sensing a very solid balance and I think if people looked just a little deeper and asked a few more questions rather than making assumptions they would see this game for the winner that it is going to be.
Your rundown definitely made my mind up to not play The Repopulation. I leveled my first max level WoW character on a PVP server due to friends playing on one. It's more than ego damage to be corpse camped and ganked endlessly when you are trying to quest or harvest resources. The prospect of a potential SWG type game had me excited, but it's looking to be a misleading description. You could have massive scale PVP in SWG and still enjoy the entire map without the PVP element. I'll remain hopeful that you implement a PVE friendly system at some point.
There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
That's where you are wrong.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Don't rule out EVE either man. Thats where a good hard pvp ruleset has found its own success. I do enjoy my LoL to though
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Then clearly, unfortunately for you this game is not for you. Sorry. Eagerly excited about this one though myself.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Even vanilla WoW didn't have that.
Thorkune I agree with you. Sounds to me, If you want to get the best resources for crafting, You are going to be forced to go into pvp areas. Not quite fair to crafters. A PVP flagging system would have been much better, then crafters who like to gather resources would have access to the ENTIRE map. Plus with a PVP flagging system, PVP players have access to the entire map. They WANTED to make getting the best resources a PVP thing.
Played:SWG(pre NGE/CU sucked)Yep its true, anyone who quit SWG because of the NGE/CU missed out on a much better combat system. DCUO, Fallen Earth, STO, The Secret World. Battlefield series. Planetside 2. Still playing SWG.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Even vanilla WoW didn't have that.
Thorkune I agree with you. Sounds to me, If you want to get the best resources for crafting, You are going to be forced to go into pvp areas. Not quite fair to crafters. A PVP flagging system would have been much better, then crafters who like to gather resources would have access to the ENTIRE map. Plus with a PVP flagging system, PVP players have access to the entire map. They WANTED to make getting the best resources a PVP thing.
Try doing some research on the game or simpler try reading the posts in this thread posted by the developers before commenting in future. You dont have to go to the pvp areas to get the best mats all mats can be got in the pve areas as stated a 1000 times already.
What they have said is it will be more dangerous to get the mats in the pvp area which means they wont be farmed as much so will more likely be easier to find if your brave enough. You can twist that as much as you want to suit your views of the game and how it will work but its false.
I just saw this post get rezzed, I haven't looked at repo since that video (that yes I did watch before it was set to private). Is the game still moving along? Any progress to getting a launch date?
Yeah its moving along steadily new patches hit all the time, so alot of changes have happened. Private Beta is hitting soon i think. Check out the website - https://www.therepopulation.com/
Your rundown definitely made my mind up to not play The Repopulation. I leveled my first max level WoW character on a PVP server due to friends playing on one. It's more than ego damage to be corpse camped and ganked endlessly when you are trying to quest or harvest resources. The prospect of a potential SWG type game had me excited, but it's looking to be a misleading description. You could have massive scale PVP in SWG and still enjoy the entire map without the PVP element. I'll remain hopeful that you implement a PVE friendly system at some point.
While we hate to see any player go, especially without trying the game, the truth is if you try to appeal to everyone, then you risk appealing to nobody. You have to pick your market, know what you want to achieve, and then stick with it. As I illustrated above, in order to move to a flagging system to appeal to anti-PvP players we would have to sacrifice the open world benefit which appeals to a much larger percentage of players. You have to pick your poison and these are the choices which we've made. We've made a lot of moves over the past year to try to make the game as appealing as we can to those players, with the addition of Open World PvE Housing, player vendors, etc. But there's only so much we can offer without taking away from the games unique features. There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
It's refreshing to see a Development Team with such a clarity of ideas towards its product and target market, in contrast with the PR bullshit and politically correct half-lies that we've been used to for so many years. Another hint that this game is headed in the right direction.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
Originally posted by Juice2000 Yeah its moving along steadily new patches hit all the time, so alot of changes have happened. Private Beta is hitting soon i think. Check out the website - https://www.therepopulation.com/
Yes, and they move those updates very fast, in terms of how large they are for a team their size.
Amazing bunch Hope we'll see more Twitch/video features soon
Nice. Thanks for answering that question, I have been wondering about that for a while.
While we hate to see any player go, especially without trying the game, the truth is if you try to appeal to everyone, then you risk appealing to nobody. You have to pick your market, know what you want to achieve, and then stick with it. As I illustrated above, in order to move to a flagging system to appeal to anti-PvP players we would have to sacrifice the open world benefit which appeals to a much larger percentage of players. You have to pick your poison and these are the choices which we've made. We've made a lot of moves over the past year to try to make the game as appealing as we can to those players, with the addition of Open World PvE Housing, player vendors, etc. But there's only so much we can offer without taking away from the games unique features. There's plenty of other games out there that do what you want them to do, hopefully you find a home someplace.
https://www.therepopulation.com - Sci Fi Sandbox.
While the game may be great ( to me it looks to be shaping up that way), I hesitate on the "like SWG" part of this, that game will be very hard to replicate.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
are there other games? yes, sure, plenty. are they good? well, that depends on the point of view. undoubtful should be that 80% of all mmorpgs in the last decade is fast food. level up to max in under a week and then stuck with your gear grinding. no wonder that mmorpgs tend to have massive dropouts of players after the first 2-3 month after release. mmorpgs were intended to be virtual worlds with a wide range of activities, content and features a player can pick up if he logs in. nowadays its reduced to daily missions / dungeon runs and a raid twice a week. and people seams to be sick of it. any game in the last decade which tried to be more 'sandbox', offered more 'freedom' and persitence were lacking of funding (what leads to an unpolished product) or were build completly on pvp.
that - especially the swg nostalgics - are interested in 'the repopulation' shouldn't be that surprising. also the guys who are focused on building and creating something - the crafters - are highly attracted by the concept this game offers. and with a view on the future releases in the next years ... there aren't many high quality games in the pipeline for the next 2 years and those which will come don't offer the varity and freedom 'the repopulation' does. that a lot of these players are afraid of the pvp system is understandable, given the experience in other games. but, please guys, when 'the repopulation' launches it will come with a freemium payment model (a good f2p concept i might add). so it will cost you nothing to just try it out. its really worth a closer look.
and no, i'm not working for them and i'm far off to be a fanboy of any kind. i'm only one of those swg nostalgics tiered to get served fast food.
That's where you are wrong.
There are no other games with an open world with complex crafting, complex resource harvesting and a complex housing system. So, I'll just wait until you eventually create a PVE server due to a diminishing population. Look at Darkfall, and Mortal online and you will see that PVP centered games are a short term success. When people want hardcore PVP, they typically flock to games like LoL. PVE players, and most importantly crafters, don't participate in PVP and will jump ship eventually when the ganking and corpse camping gets horrible like it always does.
Your comparing very different games if your comparing our PvP with those games PvP. Your comparing team based, optional PvP with free for all, full loot PvP. Our hardcore rule set is similar to that, the standard rules are much more tame.
https://www.therepopulation.com - Sci Fi Sandbox.
I'm talking about PVP centered games in general. And, It's not optional PVP to me if I can't access the ENTIRE map without engaging in PVP combat. I really do wish you the best for this game. We need more sandbox games in the genre. I just wish it was something for me.
Good luck finding the game you want, I doubt there will be many MMO where you can access every single area of the game without engaging in PvP,
imo you are cutting off your nose to spite your face here, surely what is important is if the area you get for PvE is big fun and varied enough. Just becuase the PvP is in a open setting rather than a battleground instance what does it matter if you dont go there? its 0 difference.
Cany you choose to avoid the PvP zone? - yes - so it is not forced pvp
Even vanilla WoW didn't have that.
First time MMORPG poster here, though a long time MMO player, going back to Gemstone III, continuing through UO and more games than I care to mention, up through Archage most recently. I used to be an avid forum poster, but over time though the faces change, the conversations take on a "been there, chatted that" quality. Sometimes you just need a break.
But in ghosting this thread on The Repopulation, I have to say that I think JC has dealt with the most voiced resistance with regard to PvP and the AH, several times over. It seems to me that some of the posters are waiting for him to come on and announce that PvP is being completely removed from the game, and that's simply not going to happen. As he's posted above, they've picked their market, decided how they wished to cater to it, and they're sticking with it. And that's the way to proceed; anything else would call into question their stewardship of the kickstarter-financed trust many people have placed in them.
I've been on both sides of the PvP controversy, from raging on the UO forums (when they were the only forums in town) to ban them all and then sterilize them for the sake of posterity, to logging into Rift and thinking "PvE who?"
My middle ground position is that currently, PvP adds a level of dynamism that is sorely lacking in today's games and is probably all we'll see for a bit given today's technology. Because gaming worlds at their core are palettes that the players react to. Once you've exhausted most of the available reactions, the game becomes predictable and tired, and its static nature starts to overcome the suspension of disbelief. PvP, introducing the dynamic of the unpredictable human element, helps to push that moment off into the future.
The full PvE crowd seems to be as myopic as the hardcore full PvP element - neither recognizing that both predictability (PvE) and unpredictability (PvP) are necessary to create a dynamic world. The Repopulation devs are walking a fine line trying to please as many people as possible, but I have hope for the game seeing that they realize that you can't please everyone, and that you just won't get every last person interested in your particular vision. Sometimes, if anything is to happen at all, you have to draw a line in the sand and say this far, and no farther. And then you let the would-be gamers decide on which side of the line they'll choose to stand.
From all that I have read (this forum thread was a marathon) and all I have seen by having decided to back the game, I feel very strongly that the game is on the correct path. As was stated earlier....if you try and please everybody you end up pleasing no one. Is this game for everyone? Nope. A lot of people want to ride the rails and that's fine. But what is bothering me is this persistent criticism by, what appears to be, people who are not in the Alpha test and are lacking first hand info. Not just in these forums but MMO-centric web sites all over the place ranting and raving...ignorant of the realities of the game. Am I being a little over protective? Sure...cannot help it. I have been a(n) MMO Gypsie since SWG and I am tired of it. Not for lack of experimentation either....I have played and subscribed to and beta tested probably 20 MMO's over the last several years.
The Repopulation seems to be the shoe that is going to fit for the long haul. It is the FIRST gaming in a long while with balls enough to demand a player actually think.
Is it an identical SWG clone, no...I wouldn't want it to be..and it sure as hell isn't another WoW clone, so that's an automatic +1.
The PvP question: If anyone ever played Shadowbane...they remember the SHEER TERROR you felt while hauling ass back to home base loaded down with ill gotten booty when you saw a red blip on the radar. I HATED PvP (because I sucked at it) but it was by far the most exciting part of that game. I still am not a major PvP guy but I will certainly dabble.... If I am understanding the mechanics of the 'active' and 'inactive' military conditions (flags) it seems to me that PvP is pretty damned avoidable if you so choose.
So...those that want to shed blood...have at it. Those that want to delve into the mind exploding deep crafting system...plenty there for you.
I am sensing a very solid balance and I think if people looked just a little deeper and asked a few more questions rather than making assumptions they would see this game for the winner that it is going to be.
Of course this is just one man's opinion. *shrug*
Co-Founder of Elder Moot
SotA Founder
Don't rule out EVE either man. Thats where a good hard pvp ruleset has found its own success. I do enjoy my LoL to though
Then clearly, unfortunately for you this game is not for you. Sorry. Eagerly excited about this one though myself.
Thorkune I agree with you. Sounds to me, If you want to get the best resources for crafting, You are going to be forced to go into pvp areas. Not quite fair to crafters. A PVP flagging system would have been much better, then crafters who like to gather resources would have access to the ENTIRE map. Plus with a PVP flagging system, PVP players have access to the entire map. They WANTED to make getting the best resources a PVP thing.
Played:SWG(pre NGE/CU sucked)Yep its true, anyone who quit SWG because of the NGE/CU missed out on a much better combat system. DCUO, Fallen Earth, STO, The Secret World. Battlefield series. Planetside 2. Still playing SWG.
Try doing some research on the game or simpler try reading the posts in this thread posted by the developers before commenting in future. You dont have to go to the pvp areas to get the best mats all mats can be got in the pve areas as stated a 1000 times already.
What they have said is it will be more dangerous to get the mats in the pvp area which means they wont be farmed as much so will more likely be easier to find if your brave enough. You can twist that as much as you want to suit your views of the game and how it will work but its false.
It looks like a pretty neat game. Very SWG-esque indeed.
I do hope I will have the time to go hardcore with a game like this when / if it eventually comes out. Afraid that won't be the case though -_-
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
It's refreshing to see a Development Team with such a clarity of ideas towards its product and target market, in contrast with the PR bullshit and politically correct half-lies that we've been used to for so many years. Another hint that this game is headed in the right direction.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
Yes, and they move those updates very fast, in terms of how large they are for a team their size.
Amazing bunch
Hope we'll see more Twitch/video features soon 
Shadowbane was awsome.
I self identify as a monkey.
Never played SWG and Shadowbane, got into mmos a bit late, heard great things.