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Hi, since you can only reply on the official forums if your subscribed and since I'm currently not subscribed, I'm going to ask here. I'm thinking of coming back to ToR to give it another go, I had some helpful feedback in my previous thread and well I had word that my current server "Tomb of Freedom Nadd" (PvP) has a very bad rep and was told that Roleplaying servers have much more helpful people so first of all I'm thinking of moving to a different server.
Now see I'm from the UK so if I want to play on a roleplay server that's nearest to me, then that would bring me to "The Progenitor". But then I read on the official forums that PvP is non-existent there and the English EU server that does have a lot of PvP is Tomb of Freedom Nadd...
The American servers maybe a lot more healthly populated but my only gripes would be likely bad latency and different time zones.
The next question I want to ask is once I get stuck into the different server, would it be best to play a character on the faction that has the most players or the one that has the least? On almost all servers, Empire is more popular and for this reason you'll see a lot more people you could group with. But I'm not sure if me doing that would cause even more imbalance and should be helping the under pop side even though Empire have more of a PvP win rate.
Lastly, I'm unsure about the Crew Skills, I find the crafting skills take too long to make anything while still levelling early in the game so I could either only do Gathering skills only until max level or play as normal and choose either Biochem or Cybertech?
I play on Tomb of Freedom Nadd and dont find it bad at all theres alot of friendly and helpful players on both rep and empire sides. PvP there is great and every planet has over 50 players on nearly all the time so the population must be pretty good. So i recommend giving it a go and making your own judgement.
As far as crafting skills go choose what you want they can all make mods so will make you a good amount of credits regardless.
Also in the UK and i play mostly on Progenitor, its the English RP server and it does have a healthy population, however, i also play on Red Eclipse English/Normal server and while it does have a healthy population, i think Progenitor has the most players, both are probably more populated than the English PVP server, Freedon Nad.
Which server you choose really depends on what you want to do, there is PVP, but its really an end game kind of thing, and if your not subscribed you can't really join in much anyway, your limited i think to just a few battles every week, there isn't really much of any PVP outside of the 'battlegrounds' they are fun, but you really need to gear up for PVP in order to even begin to compete, the higher expertise rating the better, without that you will inevitably die a lot, this can take several days of grinding the battlegrounds even with a subscription to just get the 'basic' level of gear for PVP for a level 55 toon, for a none subscriber it could take months. On the plus side, at 55 there is a fair amount of PVP taking place, the queue times don't tend to be all that long, not sure about before level 55 though, although this is on Progenitor English/RP server, its possible it might be different on the PVP server, but i doubt it.
A few thoughts until Azaron or other most qualified TOR'ers get here
especially since I don't pvp
Server, if you're looking towards the Eu english ones (from the UK), I think both the PvE and the RP are good. TRE has maybe a bit more "off topic drama" than TP, but the folks are helpful on both. Or at least that's how I see it when occasionally going back
Faction, I'd pass, since I don't pvp and I'm an altoholic who plays TOR for the story (so for me obviously both, but that's not helping here)
Crew skills. If you're a Preferred with 2 slots, and you want to craft without any "disturbance in the Force", I'd suggest unlocking the 3rd slot, especially now, after Strongholds. Then it depends on your chosen class, which one to master. For gathering I'd say slicing or maybe scavenging is even better / easier (and it fits for Cybertech).
Those are the same servers I play on, so you're just as qualified! :P
Both TRE and TP are good choices indeed, I don't PvP much, so I can't say much about that either. Currently both factions seem pretty evenly matched IMO - and numbers don't mean much in WZ, except that you'll be fighting your own faction in a "training match" more often on the Empire side than you'd be doing as Republic.
Unlocking a 3rd slot would be a good choice, otherwise you'll have to pick up the missing skill with an alt and have that one stuff everything in your legacy storage - which is very easy to get nowadays. Once you get to level 15 you can pick up the mission on the fleet and get your Stronghold. One of the rewards will be Legacy storage.
Thanks to the Conquest system simply getting two gathering skills would be a very viable option too. Materials sell for some good money nowadays. And you could always drop one and pick up a crafting skill later once you've managed to unlock that 3rd slot.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Pretty much been said really.
As far as US servers go you will suffer from the time zone difference (not specifically a SWTOR thing).
I suggest your first step is to simply pick your UK server and see whether you want to stick around. Think about crafting etc. subsequently.
I think the only thing I would add is that GTN won't be a great deal of help on the UK PvE as far as unlocks etc. go. Strongholds is a change however as mentioned.
So ToFN is fine and I should pick any crafting skill I like instead of just between Biochem and Cybertech. But I read on the server forum that Republic is on the bad short side of things.
Sounds like a good plan if you like ToFN enough to stick around.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Depends what you're trying to achieve honestly. Cyber tech needs both underworld trading and scavenging. NEEDS. They're good, make most mods all the way up. I tend to make the mods and use my comms for the enhancements/barrels/hilts I can't make. Once you hit max level though, it loses some oomph (but saves/makes money all the way up). Grenades are the primary things I make for PvP.
biochem on the other hand needs bio analysis and... (I forget). It makes it's own stuff for GS'. The stuff they tend to make seems more needed at endgame.
If you just straight up want to make money, go slicing. If you're F2P you'll likely hit cap before escrow so you'll end up buying "dummy" purchases in the meantime. Either way.
i can't help on the choice of servers thoug. I'm not EU. Most of the American servers I've been on are firiendly and I'm currently roaming Ebon Hawk (I believe).
excuse the bad grammar/punctuation/words. I'm on an iPad with limited connectivity ATM.