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what AAA MMORPG within the last 10 years has the worst animations?



  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376

    1- Rift , soo many cool souls but in the end all "feel" and "look" the same thanks to boring/crappy animations/spells

    2- Tsw , ugh lol

    3- TESO

  • Originally posted by richarddoyle

    Originally posted by Crazyhorsek Lotro and Warhammer Online Rift is crap also... but not as bad as the 2 mentioned above.
    WAR worse than Rift? Pshhh

    Personally I loved everything about WAR's aesthetics, they were one of the main reasons I played

    Agreed... Warhammer's animations was pretty decent actually. Ahh I miss it soo much. >.<
  • PioneerStewPioneerStew Member Posts: 874
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard
    A tie between LOTRO for older games and Rift and TSW for newer ones.

    I'd agree wit this, they were all pretty bad.  

  • BigdavoBigdavo Member UncommonPosts: 1,863
    TESO stands out for me, just going off my brief open beta experience. It was the main thing that drove me away.

    O_o o_O

  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381
    Originally posted by MMOExposed
    what AAA MMORPG within the last 10 years has the worst animations?

    LOTRO. But there are more.

  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Originally posted by MMOExposed
    what AAA MMORPG within the last 10 years has the worst animations?

    Thats trivial. Whichever you hate most.

    Whenever someone uttered the sentence "game X has bad animations", it simply means they didnt liked that game.

    Vanguard for example had really good animations at release (ironically they got worse later, though, in one of their attempts to improve graphics), and yet everybody wrote the opposite.

    If you really like a game, graphics dont matter much. Games that only offer great graphics, but nothing else, get boring amazingly quick.



    P.s.: Hmm reading through this thread, I take it back. Apparently there are indeed people who actually look at the actual quality of animations when they state "animations are bad". To be honest, I never encountered that before.


  • KrematoryKrematory Member UncommonPosts: 608
    The Secret World, hands down.

    "EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran

  • JabasJabas Member UncommonPosts: 1,249
    Lotro was the only AAA title where animations really bother me.
  • DrealgrinDrealgrin Member UncommonPosts: 156

    lol, these kids calling out rift.


    rift is still the best looking mmo out there.


    None of you have even played it it seems like XD


    Sure, the game's company sucks in general (trion will ban you for less than nothing)


    but the game is beautiful in every way. 

  • JohnxboyJohnxboy Member UncommonPosts: 104
    If I every feel like I can't sleep I play 5 minutes of rift and then I'm sleeping like a baby in a coma.
  • VonatarVonatar Member UncommonPosts: 723

    For me TSW.

    I can tolerate most things in games, if the game is good. And TSW was pretty good - but the animations, the characters and the combat were so truly awful that I didn't last more than a few days. I just could not connect with what my character was doing and look beyond the actions on screen to the interesting stories.

    Sad but true - animation makes a huge difference to immersion.

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    TSW for sure and a close second is LotRO. The wierd thing is they gave us Age of Conan and that game has very good animations ,I just do not get that they did TSW and Age of Conan. 

  • JabasJabas Member UncommonPosts: 1,249
    Originally posted by Vonatar


    Sad but true - animation makes a huge difference to immersion.

    I agree, i can take low quality graphics but cant take bad animations.

    But then comes our personal perception, for me Lotro had bad animations, TSW only "ok" animatons, and im ok with "ok" things.

    For more great features a game might have, bad animations to my eyes just ruin my game experience, maybe its sad but cant do nothing about it image

  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592
    Originally posted by moshra
    Every game  has bad animations according to this forum.  Find one game that hasn't had "bad animations" as one of the complaints on a "I quit and so should you" thread.

    Guild Wars 2

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Eve Online

    World of Warcraft

    Age of Conan



  • jdizzle2k13jdizzle2k13 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Probably Scarlet Blade.


  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    EQ2 and LoTR
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    LOTRO gets my vote.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • -aLpHa--aLpHa- Member UncommonPosts: 852

    The Secret World by a fair margin for me.

  • MitaraMitara Member UncommonPosts: 755

    Im starting to realize that people are blind to animations. 

    Animations in games like TSW and Rift are not bad at all when comparing them to TESO, looking at them from a realistic view. But animations can be about flashing lights and martial arts movements I guess, and they cant deliver that.

    AoC was a very stiff animation and not the best Funcom has done.

  • tyfontyfon Member UncommonPosts: 240

    I have to say ESO, the animations is one of the main reasons I didn't even touch the title.

    It just looked so year 1999, even worse probably in regards to the animations.

  • fascismfascism Member UncommonPosts: 428
    The answer is Rift.
  • MoodsorMoodsor Member UncommonPosts: 712
    Haha thanks for providing my morning laugh, clueless and pointless thread.

  • jbriskeyjbriskey Member UncommonPosts: 43
    A lot of people voting rift. I think that's unfair. Rifts animations weren't bad...they were just boring. Youwant bad? Lotro, tsw, apb, eso....and gw2 dw animation always bugged me...dw "auto attack" only uses one of the weapons! The oother arm just hangs there limp!
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by jmcdermottuk
    Originally posted by Ridelynn

    From the gameplay preview I just saw of Star Citizen, it was pretty bad.

    That's a pre-alpha demo, so maybe it's not fair. But they are accepting money and selling "stuff", so maybe it is.

    I don't think you can count SC. It's still in development for one thing, and secondly it's not a AAA. It's a Kickstarter Indie project.

    It is run by a guy who has been in the game development industry for a VERY long time,so it is not an Indie project.

    We never judged Indie by crowd funding in the past because it never existed so we won't start now,it is giving them an excuse and i don't buy into excuses.Actually it is not an excuse for anyone,you have modelers and those same that can animate those models,it is a skill weather you are an Indie or not has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Even a non professional knows how to model and how to animate and also knows it takes more vertices moving points to make better animations,it also takes more frames to make a better animation.Anyone making a game hires these type of skilled people to work on their games,so there is no excuse at all that can make up for bad animations ,aside of course you were a couple guys making a game and neither had much skill at all but then why would you support such a game?

    What would be acceptable for an Indie project "a game with little to no funding" would be less  content that requires a lot of bandwidth to support ,less assets and less maps because they don't have enough money to hire enough people to make all the models and textures to go on them.You would also accept that an Indie could not afford a big production team or the ability to spend many hours and man labor to make high quality videos.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798

    Dungeons and Dragons Online

    i like the game but never cared for the animations

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