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I have been playing since 2004

RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

and its still awesome.


EvE is an evolving metastructure that allows for a universe of nerds to fly spaceships with other people.  Its less a game than a hobby.


All that talk about spreadsheets is just a reflection of the complexity of Eve.  You can make it simple like you are going to run a couple missions or complicated like a multi week long plan to build a big ship.


Eve is awesome because it really is sandbox and i'v been on the bitching about eve wagon before but ultimately its an amazing experience.


The changes over the years do speak to a level of professionalism. 



  • hfztthfztt Member RarePosts: 1,401

    I hear you!

    Addicted since 2003.

  • EridanixEridanix Member Posts: 426

    Here from 2006. 

    You are absolutely right. For some reason every time I read the word Spreadsheet  in the forums I think they are saying methaphorically  'dull',  'no impressive graphics, it's a lot of space',  'you have a ship' and moreover 'it's a question of Calculus...';

    Well, that's right, maybe, but for me it has impressive graphics, it's the funnier and more interesting, engagins MMORPG I have never played and above all it requires a lot of preparation and dedication. Maybe We should call it a little bit of passion. 

    Is it a nerd game? Yes, it is.

    Is it a game only for nerds? No, it is not. If you can't calculate the square root of 42 in a second(6,4807)it doesn't mean that you are not totally prepared and fully and mentally capacitated to go in EVE, start or follow a career and be one of the best, or maybe the best one at what you do, because you really can be it, by your own merits !. This 'You' is directed to the people that whine about EVE or simply think is not worth it; believe me, is worh it, and the overall quality of the game is even more worthy. 

    Of couse, in EVE you can have big looses. So, be patient, study, make things and Flying in space is pure adventure! That's the main point! Is freedom, not one kind of freedom but really in EVE you can be whatever you want... and follow your path, be a solitaire of a corp member, a market warrior billionaire or a pirate, a vagabond, a tradesman, a men of industry, a corporate General, or an Assault Soldiet... And I even not beginning to say all the things you can do and live in EVE...

    So that, be yourself. And try EVE online. If you wish, of course. For me, it's awesome.

    Fly Safe & Thanks For All The Fish!


    It is a question of fangs.

  • TaneonTaneon Member UncommonPosts: 53

    To be honest I havent touched EVE in years because of the many "horror" stories i hear about its community. Finally decided to give it a try half a year ago and i love it. Its huge, its complex, its fun and its not all that hard to avoid griefers, you just need to get rid of carebare attitude. All in all im seriously impressed with the game, especially with its true sandbox world.

    My only problem is that if you realy want to do anything ingame you need to have a few hours for a play session and between my college and job im kinda limited on that area. Still fun when i take some time for it :D

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Been playing since feb 2004 and while i don't play as often as i used to, less free time these days, its probably the most challenging, and rewarding of those games i do manage to play image
  • KazuhiroKazuhiro Member UncommonPosts: 608
    2006 player myself, and I finally managed to "I suspect" permanently quit eve finally. (Or have for a solid year+ now.) It was a fantastic game despite it's many issues over the years, and definitely my type of sandbox game. I hope I can find another EVE eventually to replace it, as it's one of only two mmos I've ever enjoyed enough to play for more than 6 months in a row. But as with all games, you eventually do everything there is to do, and get tired to the repetition. Still, for that to take 7 years in a single game is amazing.

    To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    I only wish we could find a medieval fantasy game like this.  EvE is not my type of game.  I need to see trees, mountains and blue sky.  I also dont find it exciting to be in a ship all the time. Now if some developer could figure out how to translate this complexity and excitement to a medieval fantasy setting.
  • EridanixEridanix Member Posts: 426


    I think Life Is Feudal team is working in that direction. That game is in a pre-Alpha state so far, but the statements and the process involved tends to show that LiF is going that way. You don't have to buy things from the game, everything is done by players, like in EVE. Is Open world PVP,  so as in EVE, You must do a lot of things to progress, so as in EVE, and what you become is YOUR choice and your responsability, as in EVE. 

    And yes, you will see trees, and Horses, and what I think is a pretty full realistic Graphic Design. Of course people will whine about LiF but that is the EVE with no ships and no Spreadsheet. It's a total Sandbox with all the traditional MMORPG's elements on it. 

    Another option is Mortal Online. They are doing better, little by little the game is becoming more a game than a chore and is totally payable and enjoyable now. 

    Archeage is not an alternative. It's pure BS for me. I prefer Lineage II to Archeage, there is more energy and originality in Lineage II  that in AA.

    EQNext will be a kind of SWG-Sandbox with a lot of original features that will be pretty rich and when implemented will have an impact in the MMO community, as it follows the SWG philosophy of the Sandbox with the right Themepark Features to make it playable, rich in all aspects and a game of an overall quality. 

    My two cents.

    It is a question of fangs.

  • LorgarnLorgarn Member UncommonPosts: 417

    I've been playing on and off since 2006, its an amazing game that is in my opinion wildly underrated. Its a game that from the outside perspective is hard to understand and wrap your head around. And yes, when I hear the term "Spreadsheet online" I smile because I know it refers, as OP said, to the complexity and depth of EVE.


    To people saying that the community is toxic; I say this, the community of EVE is so passioned about their game and their universe, I have literally never seen anything like it before. The level of politics, the level of depth & complexity, personal responsibilities, the level of impact a single player can have on the game... its impalpable.


    As soon as you realize this as a player....

  • SoaringBarnacleSoaringBarnacle Member UncommonPosts: 34

    I began playing on the day of release and dropped it permanently after the Erotica1 scandal, seeing how most players were defending this piece of trash.

    To cut to the chase, EvE's playerbase has turned from general MMO players to online sociopaths using the game as a platform to get cheap kicks from others. There's also huge RMTs, and people in null who respond to CTAs are basically working for free and providing their alliance leaders with some nice monthly income, the politics of EvE being that on a single shard server, it's great for your e-peen to hold space, and people will pay real money for it.

    It's no more an online game, it's pure metagaming, RL lies and mindgames. If you enjoy that, you've got issues. Games are made to have collective fun.

  • wyldmagikwyldmagik Member UncommonPosts: 516
    Someone is Boliguza
  • SoaringBarnacleSoaringBarnacle Member UncommonPosts: 34

    And before someone says RMT is conspiracy theory check this out


    Dinsdale was right all along

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,103

    I've been playing on and off since 2007 with almost 5 years of paid subscription fees on up to 4 accounts at a time.

    Yeah, I like the game.

    In fact, I think going forward I'm just going to keep my subs running year round, even if I do step out from time to time to try something new, because eventually I always come back so might as well keep the training rolling.

    And who knows, eventually I might actually find the time to play enough to earn the ISK to pay for my accounts.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    Have played extensively from 2004 to 2011, but then decided to let go of it, as I didn't like the 0.0-battles anymore, or better said in what they've turned into.

    Having received the ten days free for all my characters I've now logged in the first time for three years and so much of the interface has changed and I need to setup all the overview-stuff etc...

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Ian Novarider ... 2004 ...

    EVE Online ... an old love with varying intensity over the years



    Have fun

  • killkoolkillkool Member UncommonPosts: 83

    I had 3 accounts my last account stop at 1-12-14. This game becomes more and pvp game. For the miner is no room any more.

    All the ice belts are nerved, mining and you get jumped. and your hulk is dead. besides the cargo transporter are nerved once you transport 36k now only 24k the orca has now several storingswholes, 

    Also the hulk has same storage as the receiver. 

    played since may 2003. The game does not give my satisfactions as it use to be.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,103
    Originally posted by killkool

    I had 3 accounts my last account stop at 1-12-14. This game becomes more and pvp game. For the miner is no room any more.  Sure there is, I just started  mining a few months ago, training up 4 pilots on it now and have made almost 4B ISK from the very casual efforts.

    All the ice belts are nerved, mining and you get jumped. and your hulk is dead. besides the cargo transporter are nerved once you transport 36k now only 24k the orca has now several storingswholes, 

    First, don't mine ice in high sec, yes you will get jumped, EVE has always been a game of adapting your play style to the conditions the environment presents.  Not sure what you are using to transport Ore, the Miasmo holds about 58K in ore with decent (l4) skills, and for serious ore hauling, you compress the ore and take it to market in a freighter.  The Orca is not a hauling ship, it's used for boosts and other purposes, it does have a fleet storage hold which everyone can share.  Our fleet leader moves the ore that we deposit in that hold over to the freighter we have right next to us.

    Also the hulk has same storage as the Coveter(?). Yes, this was part of an intentional balance, they wanted to differentiate between the 3 Tiers of mining ships, making Skiffs/Procurers not only defensive, but have some offensive capabilities with the drone boosts and extra drone capacity.  Mackinaws and Retreivers hold the most ore, and have some decent defense fits, or can be fit for reasonable yields. (probably the best compromise ship in high sec space if flying solo)  Orca's and Covs (?) are all low defense, low storage in light of maximum yields and laser range (almost 6KM more in a boosted fleet)   Hulks are best used in a fleet configuration when there's an Orca/Freighter flying with you, and little chance of attack.

    played since may 2003. The game does not give my satisfactions as it use to be. - Well change is like that, but if you think back to how mining used to be before the addition of the ORE ships and some other changes long time miners in my corp say they enjoy it much more than the early days.  I wouldn't really know since I've only been mining under the present era.


    So far I'm still enjoying my return to EVE, and while I am mining some, it's just another tool added to my kit, and not something I do relentlessly.

    In fact, I'm just figuring out how escalations and dead space complexes work in my local mining space, and will be exploring opportunities with them a bit more in the future. 

    Already I had one take me in to Low sec and I managed to defeat the room before the "bad guys" managed to scan me down. (yes, I watched dscan relentlessly (my previous wormhole experience served me well)  and saw the Sisters Combat Probes deployed just as i was finishing up my looting so I got the heck out of there quickly)

    That's what I like about EVE right now, with 4 pilots, some around 90M SP in many different areas, I have a wide variety of activities to pursue.  Still need to work on planetary exploration and industry, sometime in 2015 for sure.




    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • LaterisLateris Member UncommonPosts: 1,849

    2005-- I love Eve.  




  • Zarf42Zarf42 Member Posts: 250
    I always wanted to try this game, but from everything I have read about it, it doesn't seem to be game for new players. Unless you have been playing for 10 years or know people that have, there is no chance you will get anywhere. I like the idea of the game, I'm just not into spending hours of my life trying to get into a game, just to be ganked or treated like garbage by veterans.
  • LaterisLateris Member UncommonPosts: 1,849

    ^ that is a common misconception.  If you do read my link and try the game please join Eve University. 


    Here are some guides 

  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Originally posted by Zarf42
    I always wanted to try this game, but from everything I have read about it, it doesn't seem to be game for new players. Unless you have been playing for 10 years or know people that have, there is no chance you will get anywhere. I like the idea of the game, I'm just not into spending hours of my life trying to get into a game, just to be ganked or treated like garbage by veterans.

    In every mmo you start you have that "noob" feeling, no diffrence in Eve Online.

    After 7 to 14 days when all the basics are mastered you evolve...

    Join a corp that suits your playstyle and ask those gazilion question that are stuck in your head.
    While most say the Eve community is the worste ever, i can say its the best you will ever see.
    So many people willing to explain and assist you on your journey.

    I have yet to play an mmo that gets to a level of Eve Online, or one that comes even close to it.

    To all people holding themselves back affraid to make the will not regret it even if you lose everything you have o7

  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592
    Eve is a game I really, really wish I could get into. It's everything I want in an MMORPG...except for the setting. I need my pretty elves, swords, and magic. The sci-fi/space setting just doesn't do it for me. I consider it the only MMORPG in existence that is actually an MMORPG (it does the massively part in ways that no other game does).


  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258
    Originally posted by dreamscaper
    Eve is a game I really, really wish I could get into. It's everything I want in an MMORPG...except for the setting. I need my pretty elves, swords, and magic. The sci-fi/space setting just doesn't do it for me. I consider it the only MMORPG in existence that is actually an MMORPG (it does the massively part in ways that no other game does).

    I used to be the same as you. I was never a fan of sci-fi, but after a while it sort of grew on me. 

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by Zarf42
    I always wanted to try this game, but from everything I have read about it, it doesn't seem to be game for new players. Unless you have been playing for 10 years or know people that have, there is no chance you will get anywhere. I like the idea of the game, I'm just not into spending hours of my life trying to get into a game, just to be ganked or treated like garbage by veterans.

    You're just looking for excuses not play, aren't you ?


    Because if you theory is correct, no new players have survived in EVE since about 2005 ? 


    It doesn't work that way. Just because you've been playing for 10 years doesn't mean you have skill level 10,000 in battlecruisers. It only takes a few months to become 100% competitive in the low/medium ship classes. Specially if you use the help and advice freely dished-out by corps like EVE University.


    The doors to EVE are not sealed shut, they do require some effort to open though.

  • shaykalshaykal Member UncommonPosts: 16

    I must say I have heard wonderful things about this game and I have tried to play it, but something in it didn't attract me so much.

    I did the 2 weeks trial several times, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to play it for longer period of time.

    Can't really point out the exact reason, I guess it's just not for me...

  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Anyone can start this game. The basics are easy. Run missions and mine. Train up some skills and go. The problem is mining and missions are not that fun to everyone so people do not want to do it. But to say you cannot get anywhere starting is a choose not to do the things that are there.

    That being said I am not a fan of the game due to its pve, but I started from nothing and worked up myself to flying carriers and the best mining stuff with no ones help but mining and salvaging missions. If I could do it others could too.
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