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So what does ESO online have to offer?

Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

I recently returned to the game because i realized how much fun it was at release..  and the game seems to be growing to maturity quickly...  And there truely is a lot it has to offer right now..


- Class diversity trough a skilltree system, none other AAA MMO has this freedom of character building

- Great looking models and armor

- Great Questing

- Lots of reasons for exploration

- Lots of dungeons to delve into both for groups and solo

- Great PvP 

- Crafting thats actually usefull

- A beautifull diverse open world with huge zones

- Continously updated world with monthly free new huge content patches

-Subbed game, so no dreadfull ingame realmoney shops and items


Stabillity has been vastly improved since the first month and there are gameplay improvements like the justice system and the Champion system just around the corner...


With the winter upcomming this seems like a great time to return to the game...  



Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)


  • mbrodiembrodie Member RarePosts: 1,504
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    I recently returned to the game because i realized how much fun it was at release..  and the game seems to be growing to maturity quickly...  And there truely is a lot it has to offer right now..


    - Class diversity trough a skilltree system, none other AAA MMO has this freedom of character building

    - Great looking models and armor

    - Great Questing

    - Lots of reasons for exploration

    - Lots of dungeons to delve into both for groups and solo

    - Great PvP 

    - Crafting thats actually usefull

    - A beautifull diverse open world with huge zones

    - Continously updated world with monthly free new huge content patches

    -Subbed game, so no dreadfull ingame realmoney shops and items


    Stabillity has been vastly improved since the first month and there are gameplay improvements like the justice system and the Champion system just around the corner...


    With the winter upcomming this seems like a great time to return to the game...  



    been thinking of checking this out again after the next patch rolls out and they have the new systems in place... it was a decent game and sounds like it's only been getting better

  • HEKKRAHEKKRA Member UncommonPosts: 80
    elder scrolls online online
  • SiugSiug Member UncommonPosts: 1,257
    Just resumed and rolled a new toon in another faction. I like this game and it's getting better with every update.
  • paul43paul43 Member UncommonPosts: 198

    I would return if they did something serious to the crafting system. I don't understand why everyone is so against the old recipe system. I'm fine that they replace the recipe system if there's something else that works, but if all they do is what they did in TSW or ESO then the recipe system is better.

    Recipes can be sold and contributes to the economy, BOP recipes that drop in dungeons gives you reason to do a dungeon even if you have better gear, and more important gives you a reason to do a harder specific dungeon and not just the easiest with the best gear/EXP. Solo farming recipes from various mobs around the world gives you something to do outside dungeons/raids. Recipes split the crafters up since not everyone have the same recipes. 

    If whatever new system they design can't do better than the above, well.... They should not be making a new the crafting system, because that's basicly a big part of a mmorpg.

  • AsalzSyAsalzSy Member UncommonPosts: 230
    Originally posted by paul43

    I would return if they did something serious to the crafting system. I don't understand why everyone is so against the old recipe system. I'm fine that they replace the recipe system if there's something else that works, but if all they do is what they did in TSW or ESO then the recipe system is better.

    Recipes can be sold and contributes to the economy, BOP recipes that drop in dungeons gives you reason to do a dungeon even if you have better gear, and more important gives you a reason to do a harder specific dungeon and not just the easiest with the best gear/EXP. Solo farming recipes from various mobs around the world gives you something to do outside dungeons/raids. Recipes split the crafters up since not everyone have the same recipes. 

    If whatever new system they design can't do better than the above, well.... They should not be making a new the crafting system, because that's basicly a big part of a mmorpg.

    They will do something similar in update 5 with motifs..also you will have a big reason to do daily normal/veteran dungeons..

    more info here..

  • VormirVormir Member UncommonPosts: 135

    It doesn't offer an Auction House.

    Crafting is a big part of any online game that I play, unfortunately the no AH is the factor why I play other games instead.

    But it's a solid game and it seems to be better with each update.

  • paul43paul43 Member UncommonPosts: 198
    Originally posted by AsalzSy

    They will do something similar in update 5 with motifs..also you will have a big reason to do daily normal/veteran dungeons..

    more info here..

    I found a text link here:


    The new motif is basicly a motif that requires dwemer materials to construct, so you have to farm dwemer areas for them. It's not bad, but it's just one motif and everyone will be farming for it once it's live. I personaly prefer that they add recipes a bit more stealth and you should have to investigate some to figure out where it drops. 

    There's no real use for a motif, there's no dungeon that require that you wear dwemer design for example. 

    I see they add more recipes for food/potions and such. 

    It's a small bone to the active crafter still in the game, but it dosen't really change much. I guess not many will be intrested in wearing dwemer gear at the end of the day.

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by Vormir

    It doesn't offer an Auction House.

    Crafting is a big part of any online game that I play, unfortunately the no AH is the factor why I play other games instead.

    But it's a solid game and it seems to be better with each update.

    At first I was really put off by the idea of no AH.  But then I realized how easy it is to sell stuff by just doing a zone message and usually I get a reply to buy right off the bat.  If not, I just go about and try at a different time. It actually works fine without one.

  • kosackosac Member UncommonPosts: 206
    Originally posted by grimal
    Originally posted by Vormir

    It doesn't offer an Auction House.

    Crafting is a big part of any online game that I play, unfortunately the no AH is the factor why I play other games instead.

    But it's a solid game and it seems to be better with each update.

    At first I was really put off by the idea of no AH.  But then I realized how easy it is to sell stuff by just doing a zone message and usually I get a reply to buy right off the bat.  If not, I just go about and try at a different time. It actually works fine without one.

    sorry but from crafter view is system in ESO briliant.. you dont have one big AH but you have many many many guild stores so you have many local stores (AH) and this makes price diversity and diversity is way to make money.. so if you are trader or crafter you must love this system.. (there are another problems like bad searching functions but its another problem) so i dont like your arguments ;)

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by kosac
    Originally posted by grimal
    Originally posted by Vormir

    It doesn't offer an Auction House.

    Crafting is a big part of any online game that I play, unfortunately the no AH is the factor why I play other games instead.

    But it's a solid game and it seems to be better with each update.

    At first I was really put off by the idea of no AH.  But then I realized how easy it is to sell stuff by just doing a zone message and usually I get a reply to buy right off the bat.  If not, I just go about and try at a different time. It actually works fine without one.

    sorry but from crafter view is system in ESO briliant.. you dont have one big AH but you have many many many guild stores so you have many local stores (AH) and this makes price diversity and diversity is way to make money.. so if you are trader or crafter you must love this system.. (there are another problems like bad searching functions but its another problem) so i dont like your arguments ;)

    Are you replying to me or the person above?  Because I actually like the no AH aspect.

  • kosackosac Member UncommonPosts: 206
    yes.. sorry.. but there are AH.. you cannot say there is no AH ;)
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    Originally posted by paul43

    I would return if they did something serious to the crafting system. I don't understand why everyone is so against the old recipe system. I'm fine that they replace the recipe system if there's something else that works, but if all they do is what they did in TSW or ESO then the recipe system is better.

    Recipes can be sold and contributes to the economy, BOP recipes that drop in dungeons gives you reason to do a dungeon even if you have better gear, and more important gives you a reason to do a harder specific dungeon and not just the easiest with the best gear/EXP. Solo farming recipes from various mobs around the world gives you something to do outside dungeons/raids. Recipes split the crafters up since not everyone have the same recipes. 

    If whatever new system they design can't do better than the above, well.... They should not be making a new the crafting system, because that's basicly a big part of a mmorpg.

    I really like this crafting system. I dare say it's probably the only system I've ever liked.

    Though the system does have designsfor racial or specific aesthetic designs (daedric for example).


    Now I would prefer more experimentation where one can find materials and experiment with them but the current system has been enjoyable. the idea that one doesn't need tons if mats is also a boon.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • AshanorAshanor Member UncommonPosts: 109
    Is there a list of changes since release you guys could link for me?
  • zigzagsIIzigzagsII Member UncommonPosts: 11
    Originally posted by Ashanor
    Is there a list of changes since release you guys could link for me?

  • GestankfaustGestankfaust Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Originally posted by kosac
    yes.. sorry.. but there are AH.. you cannot say there is no AH ;)

    No you cant really. The whole world isn't listed in ESO. You have to seek out guild stores. Not an AH like in any other game.


    I would rather we did have on AH....or that they enhanced what they have. But it surely is NOT a global AH...which I assume you were avoiding talking about so as to make your point.

    "This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."

  • ZigZagsIIIZigZagsIII Member Posts: 18
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust
    Originally posted by kosac
    yes.. sorry.. but there are AH.. you cannot say there is no AH ;)

    No you cant really. The whole world isn't listed in ESO. You have to seek out guild stores. Not an AH like in any other game.


    I would rather we did have on AH....or that they enhanced what they have. But it surely is NOT a global AH...which I assume you were avoiding talking about so as to make your point.

    Not having a global AH was a pretty big bummer. Especially for a game with a pretty decent craft system.

  • AshanorAshanor Member UncommonPosts: 109
    Originally posted by zigzagsII
    Originally posted by Ashanor
    Is there a list of changes since release you guys could link for me?


  • superconductingsuperconducting Member UncommonPosts: 871
    Originally posted by HEKKRA
    elder scrolls online online

    lol you stole my comment about the redundancy

  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    ESOs been getting a lot of good comments from various sources.  May have to recheck this one.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • Moar61Moar61 Member UncommonPosts: 260

    Right now ESO can offer you pretty solid questing relative to what other MMOs give you. A very open class system allows you to build your character the way you want to as well, with enough skill points to allow you to master numerous things. My Templar healer is fully trained in both light and medium armour, as well as bow, restoration staff, and 2 handed weapons. Even though my serious gear is devoted to healing, I can do dps in PVP and questing. 

    Along with dungeons there are also the endgame pve activites such 12-man trials, which are probably the closest thing in the game to a raid, as well as the Dragonstar Arena. The DA offers very strategic 4-man pve battles with difficulty that ranges from hard to insanely hard (There is a hard mode along with just the regular DA). The Craglorn in and of itself is one giant group zone, where even the quests are geared towards groups of 4. 

    When the PVP is good, it's great. However at the moment it seems the pvp is in a sort of transitioning stage, that is to say that it's still not as good as it can be. The Imperial City update should add some variety.

    I think it's fair to say it is worth checking out, or coming back if you were disappointed at first. The game is much smoother and most bugs are gone. Once the Champion system comes into effect, and they tweak the classes a little bit, I'll generally have no serious complaint about the game.

    As someone who played through the bugs at the beginning my only serious complaint right now is the VR grind. I always felt VR shouldn't be a necessary thing and a continuation of the 1-50, and the Champion system is going to really lessen that feeling.


    Edit: One last thing, I should note that ZOS has been very responsive with the community in terms of feedback and have been pumping out updates and content at a pretty steady rate. Patch 1.5 contains about 36 pages of bug fixes, content, and class balancing. 

  • SuperNickSuperNick Member UncommonPosts: 460
    It's a game I'll probably return to in the near future if they keep up with the good patching.
  • NagilumSadowNagilumSadow Member UncommonPosts: 318
    What does ESO offer? Mostly a grindy themepark mmo that magnifies the desire to play  'Elder Scrolls 6: Argonia'; meanwhile, there is the Skyrim nexus.
  • MoLoK_MoLoK_ Member UncommonPosts: 307
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust
    Originally posted by kosac
    yes.. sorry.. but there are AH.. you cannot say there is no AH ;)

    No you cant really. The whole world isn't listed in ESO. You have to seek out guild stores. Not an AH like in any other game.


    I would rather we did have on AH....or that they enhanced what they have. But it surely is NOT a global AH...which I assume you were avoiding talking about so as to make your point.


    The whole world isnt listed in WoW either... so according to you WoW doesnt have an AH? :O

  • causscauss Member UncommonPosts: 666
    Could an active player maybe comment on how the game rund on a low(er) end system? 
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